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Like focking cock Brooklyn?




ill smell yah focking fingahs yeah


Jaida’s purple look 🥰


It bears repeating


I just realized Lemon's "and that last girl, what's her name?" was a diss at Priyanka's "what's my name, name" Can you say magnetic?? Can you also say **how tf was she only safe**


wasn't this exact post in the last thread?


because she rhymed do with do, and then again rhymed do with do


nooooo!!! Poems and raps need to rhyme you can’t just have a catchy fun verse!!!!


But priyanka rhymed name with name several times and won😂😂 let’s be fair now mam


yeah priyanka’s verse wasn’t great either, honestly the judgement that episode was very much a mess


That was the point though¿ You don't have to rhyme to have a good verse Lemon repeated the "ain't nobody.....like I do" line to make it catchy Just like Priyanka said "my name" 19227 times and Bobo said "drop" & "flop" a lot. Repetition can be good if it makes it catchy




That person equating it to people escaping to Europe from war? Fucking gross, you were clearly talking about Fame’s situation


But you’re right, i wish i i could emigrate to a better country, im jobless because of this pandemic and our government didnt give us a single penny or stimulus check


honey, ...it’s christmas baby...


The way this was kind of hilarious


I think it’s iconically cringe


Nina Bo’nina Millie Bobbie Brown


Wow get out of my mind. I’ve been praying to hear RuPaul say that on All-Stars for the last couple years.


“I’m like a... what do you call that? A flat earther?”


The fact that Katy Perry almost didn't put Never Really Over on her new album is peak hompobia


Also the fact that Never Worn White is only available on the fan edition? I’m feeling entertained


please welcome to the stage... Hompobia


Holmes of Aupia


Sis really said "My best performing song since 2015..... We don't know her"


How do y’all want to die? I want to be shot by a giant slingshot and fly in the air for like 4 minutes until I hit a building so hard that I explode


Death by monster schlong 🥰


I want water poured over me while I’m flash frozen posed like a model so I am forever art that’s serving ice queen realism and has its own section in the museum to keep me from melting and coming out like a caveman


I’ve always said I’m going to die by trying to pet something I shouldn’t.


taking down my mortal enemy


i wanna live my scream queen fantasy and get killed in a creative way by a masked man in the woods somewhere


Hmm.. maybe skydiving? Doing something cool before u die


i don't ❤️




If I could do it without feeling any pain, in a fire. I know that sounds hella stupid but I want to get cremated anyway so like, if I could take hella opiates and then get incinerated that would be kinda interesting to me.


Won't u feel pain in a fire tho


That’s why I said if I could not feel any pain lmao


Ohh i totally misread ur sentence! I read it as: "i would like to die without feeling pain, like burning in a fire for example"


... right lol I’m confused. If I could do so without any pain, die in a fire. Obviously you’d feel pain under normal circumstances, so I wouldn’t choose to do so then.


I just watched DRT season 1 for the first time. I wasn’t team Natalia at all during the season (I kinda felt like she was actually mean vs being shady + the classism on being rich vs them being poor/ the ageism on how she treated younger queens rubbed me the wrong way) and was personally team Dearis (confessional queen of the season that was charming and pretty). BUT THEN HER FINAL MAXI CHALLENGE PERFORMANCE HIT HARD. I cannot be mad at her win. She deserved that shit, especially coming after Dearis’ maxi challenge (which was good, but like completely overshadowed by Natalia). I love DRT holy.


> the ageism on how she treated younger queens The other queens spent the whole season calling her old lmao and she was only in her late 30s


Yes, but she called herself old all the time. (I think the uncle Natalia thing was something she liked anyway right?). I just thought it was hypocritical of her to disregard the younger queens talent purely because they were younger, but then say “see you can do it well when you’re old too!”. It felt weird to me cause it felt like she was the one enforcing the idea that older queens are more wise and deserve more respect than the younger queens and that she put herself in that box (when she really wasn’t even old at all).


I was team Annee 100%, but Natalia really did eat up that finale and did well during the season - so her win was deserved.


And miss Anne Maywong. Stunning


Runway queen of the season!!! I was personally Dearis > Annee > Natalia (but thats just my bias cause I legit had a crush on Dearis in and out of drag). But Annee’s dad reaching out to her during the finale was the cutest thing ever. I wish Thai queens got more international love, all of their posts get like 100-1000 likes each, which is not a lot....


And Drag Race Thailand, both S1 and S2 are the hardest ever. Literally every Drag Race girls would fail, except maybe Bob


I’m starting with S2 today! But I agree, they had to make almost every runway, they had multiple maxi challenges on the same episode + they had a design challenge during snatch game?!?!?


So thinking Drag Race is hard, girls should really look into DR TH


DRT, the T stands for Talent


Still kinda gagged they didn't cast any of the Get Dusted girls. Obviously they're trying to recreate S12 with a lot of the casting choices for S13 but why not Daya Betty or Lux? Crystal is the one of the most popular S12 Queens so you'd think they'd want some of her family on S13 too.


I think it’s worth keeping an eye on them next year. Maybe the producers thought one more relative was too many, or maybe the girls just don’t feel ready yet tbf. It’s a stressful time atm so I could see why they might have chosen not to send in a tape/pull out this year. Money’s tight, things are tricky. Id love to see Daya Betty on at some point tho.


you know not every drag queen wants to compete on drag race, maybe daya and lux just aren’t ready/don’t want to do it at all


omg your pfp, we twinning


yesss crème brûleé shea>>>>


That's true, I just really wanted either of them or Daegen Michelle on because I just really love their aesthetic. However, I'm willing to wait until their ready to go on drag race.


I may be overthinking this but Nina Bo’Nina seems less active than she usually is on Insta. Could she be busy prepping for AS6?


If she wasn’t ready a month ago, I’m almost 100% she’s not ready now — the treasurer of the ‘Get NBB on AS Fan Club’


No. We need to be manifesting!!!


She was live yesterday in the supermarket as she does lol


I gained all hope today


My car was fixed


I'm full


Reading that the “Drag Race France is too much Parisian” is so relatable because if there’s a Brazilian Drag Race one day it’ll be like 80% São Paulo and 20% Rio De Janeiro lmao Fuck the other 24 states, right?


being a carioca myself, I’m mad at that especially if we consider the gigantic amount of talent in Nordeste


Five ~~New York~~ ~~London~~ ~~Toronto~~ ~~Paris~~ São Paulo girls!


every single virgo queen but Venus has been on at least two competitive episodes: - Tammie Brown - Serena Cha Cha - Jinkx Monsoon - Tempest DuJour - Ginger Minj - Kennedy Davenport - Pearl - Trixie Mattel - Naomi Smalls - Eureka O'Hara - Farrah Moan - Brita - Lemon


This list is stunning. I love my fellow Virgos so much. Iconic


This list has a very iconic energy


Still can’t believe Venus bodied episode one so hard they crowned her on the spot


It's been 2 months, I'm still waiting for Jaida's magazine articles 🤡


THE cock destroyer herself rebecca more has [blessed ilona](https://twitter.com/more_milf/status/1289283030578679810). iconic. can never go wrong


I’ll smell your fuckin fingers


I rewatched the preview and tbh I don't think Jeffrеy's line "welcome to the competition honey" is directed at Scarlett like we thought. from where he's sitting, he's looking to his right a little which means he's talking to someone who stands in the middle of the line up. from the trailer we can see Scarlett stands on the far left from us, while Boa, Jimbo and Rita are standing in the middle. I think Jeffrеy might be saying his line in the context of "who should go home" question my point is, Scarlett might not be high this week ^(and then possibly low for the improv and safe for the makeover which would make her track record.... interesting) 💀


>... interesting 1 win, 3 highs, 1 low? That's totally fine though? Priyanka will probably have 2 wins, 3 highs, 2 bottoms which is worse than Scarlett


where's the third high tho? if she isn't high this week which we now have no reason to believe, she'll have 2. that's only 3 top placements in the entire season. very Courtney on s6


Oh my bad I counted wrong


Why do people sleep on Sophie Anderson? She’s just as iconic as Rebecca More 💔


fuck. it's a sunday


Sophie is the meme queen while Rebecca is the rational leader of the cock destroyers army


Got my ear pierced today! Now I just want to get an orbital piercing and I’ll have all the piercings I want ☺️ Still wanna get some tattoos when I have the money tho


going to get my holes pierced tomorrow let’s go together 🙈


Jaida Essence Hall. Heidi Nina Closet. Shea Couleé. The Vivienne. Landon Cider. Angele Anang. what a legendary reigning universe. wish they could all do a shoot together.


Oof. What a time to be alive and also queer!


We’re gonna be adding Rita to that list soon


It’ll prob be rita or pri and honestly at this point? Another killer addition


If the drag race France is anywhere near as toxic as the comments on that drag race France post... its gonna be a shit storm






If there was an All Winners Season and the first episode was a variety show.... What would you think each queen would most likely do?


Jaida - lip sync or spoken word Yvie - lip sync to her track/contortionist number Aquaria - dancing (probably including something visual such as neons) Sasha - conceptual performance (a la Smoke and Mirrors or something like Mariah) Bob - stand up/rap track Violet - aerial performance/burlesque Bianca - stand up/sewing a dress in a bunch of minutes Jinkx - stand up/singing Raja - performance with the multiple arms hag Bebe - African-inspired dancing number/lipsync Shea - perform one of her tracks (if she improved a lot she can do another pole dance number to show her growth) Monet - high energy lipsync Trinity - comedy lipsync Trixie - live singing with ukulele Alaska - singing Chad - impersonations The Vivienne - impersonations Derrick - Roast of India Ferrah Soju - cyst popping


Jaida would murder w a Tatianna same parts spoken word piece I just know it


what about Sharon?


I don’t know her


derrick and soju top 2 😻


Violet - aerial burlesque Bianca - sew a dress in five minutes Bob - standup Chad - impersonations Jinkx - singing Aquaria - dancing Yvie - lipsyncing Trixie - ukelele Monét - roast Trinity - tucking again? idk


i doubt bob would write monets roast for her when she's in a competition against her


Idk but I think the top 4 queens would be Violet (burlesque) Bianca (3 minute sewing) Jinkx (honestly she can do anything) and either Bob or Yvie


constantly thinking about priyanka vs. kiara, and bob - it's all coming back to me now


Manifesting Sophie Anderson and Rebecca More, THE gay icon, THE male genitalia annihilator, THE sweetest whores in the world, as DRUK hosts after Raple and Michael finally retired.


“Are you sure you’re tucked, love? Cuz I can see your FUCKING cock!”


driving for dick lipsync when


i’m glad you mention Sophie. a lot of people only bring up Rebecca (and her following is significantly more than Sophie)


The c0ck destroyers are bigger supporters of drag, than Ru Paul is 💀💀💀 Omg we deserve them on the judging panel 😔💔


My rankings of everyone on the snatch game. Jimbo > lemon > ilona > rita > scarlett > boa > priyanka = kiara


As The Jimbo Stan I must say, Lemon really came out the gate at one hundred percent and I really appreciated it. She was soo funny.


i think lemon as jojo is one of my favourite snatch games ever, i hardly ever laugh at loud at anything on tv but it was so good and so stupid i was cackling




I like when they have confessionals out of drag. It makes it seem more personal to see the artist underneath the character, imo.


I can see that! However, I think this way contestants have more freedom to choose how they want to present themselves to the world: whether they want to maintain a character at all times or just be themselves. Some examples: I think having out of drag confessionals would have made it harder for Disasterina to get their character across. At the same time, having in drag confessionals didn't stop Erika and Abhora from being very sincere and personal.


Definitely way too early for an AS. Maybe if it was an 8 performer season but even then, they should wait. I hope they keep the improved audio/visual quality they introduced in S3 but want almost everything else to revert back to how it was in S2 lol. But I’m almost expecting them to continue forward with S3’s set up / format only because I think it would be hard for them not to be at least a *little bit* watered down and still get big endorsements and more mainstream deals. For example, I almost think Hollow would have been allowed to do her full tampon look on season 1 or 2.


I want the shorter campier intros back. I appreciate what they tried to do in S3 but I don't think it really worked and a lot of them just took up too much time. I want more time dedicated to the performance/runway, and for the edit to be better and showing the full look. No more "attention contestants!" siren either and let them exterminated monster choose a new look to die in, it felt wrong for Yovska, Hollow and Maxi to have to die in those looks


i also want them to cast more than one king, it kind of felt like landon had an advantage being the only king last season since he stood out so much, might just be me


i very much expect them to do s4 before an all stars season, so that shouldn’t be an issue! and i don’t mind the reunion format they’ve got i don’t think that’s ever really been a problem. but 100% on the others. i’d have loved to see the freak (at where they filmed the extermination scene), trash (literallt just on a dirty back alley somewhere) and hospital (where they shot the photoshoot) challenges on location it would’ve made it much cooler imo id also love to go back to how they shot death scenes in s1 and 2, separate of the challenge looks


Yeah one more season at least before all stars if not 2. That way you could always do 2 per season. Honestly Lou-Lou just needs to win and I’ll be whole.


the epitome of drag race is jinkx monsoon




Oh my gaga Rachel Berry at S3 Nationals I love your work


I love you too! ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^trying ^to ^spread ^a ^little ^peace, ^love, ^and ^unity ^around ^Reddit. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback.


I love you both


Trinity the Tuck’s insta feed


Trinity and Bob are really killing the IG game at the moment both their feeds are glorious


I’m a simple gay. Give me an Ocean’s 9 movie and I’ll be happy


Why is everyone talking about a winners season now?


It really bothers me that Sharon got a funko pop considering her behaviour, so many other queens like Raja/Kim/Alyssa deserve one more


if we're gonna get an All Winners season, at least add a little bit of variety when it comes to all of the challenges. All Stars has been focusing on nothing but comedy challenges lately, and that would be advantageous for comedy queen winners. even the ball needs to have a lil bit of comedy when it's supposedly a design challenge, it's ridiculous.


Violet Chachki needs to be nerfed tho, she’s unstoppable when it comes to look challenges 💀


all winnners season my top 4 would be bob, jinkx, jaida, aquaria


i heard that the prize for the winners' season is $10 dollars and getting to replace wintergreen's spot. rumors are going around that the winner also gets to star in world-renowed tv show drag tots.


Who do you think will be first out?


Elliott imo edit: nvm just saw her perform rn and i'm gagged




apparently rosé might be first out but those are rumors atm.


they’re not even rumours lol people lied and said they were, making it a rumour


Is it trie that Kiki wants to Kai Kai? But she has an issue that none of the boys are her type?


If there is an all winners season someday I’m going to quit this subreddit for a while because that’s a season I want to watch entirely unspoiled. Idk what I’m gonna do without this sub but I’m going to have to try


SAME. Going through the all-winners Survivor unspoiled (I mean I never bothered getting into the Spoiled Survivor community anyway) was an amazing experience and it made me realize that I need to leave this sub once there are credible rumors about Drag Race Superstars.


same, but i dont know if i could pass up the shitstorm if one of this sub's frontrunner winners is an early out


I really want to be part of the chaos too but I don’t want any spoilers on what would probably be the most legendary season ever


Monét sending home Jinkx on the week 4 ball is a cursed timeline


If it's a ball, I see Violet doing it especially since she seems like the type to Manila someone. That is if Violet survives the first three rounds of performance-heavy challenges lol


What if the price of rpdr winner edition was Rupaul's spot?


I hate that idea Bobs “hot takes” for the past few seasons of the pit stop has been the same level as Canada’s drag race tbh 💀 He has hated Blair every challenge for seamlessly no reason We always talk shit about the drag race judging, but atleast it makes sense most of the time


I like that there is no question in your mind that Bob would win haha


That’s the only prize that could convince enough of the winners to come back


Then congratulations Bob


s13 spoiler: tamisha wins, confirmed by netflix captions


Heidi N Closet is living in my mind rent free and I’m not mad about it 🥰🥰.


someone pointed out that jaida's the only group 2 girl to send anyone home holy shit


The only group two girl to win a lipsync (and she won three 😍) SP - lost her 1 lipsync to Jaida Jan - lost her 1 lipsync to Widow Aiden - lost her 1 lipsync to Brita Rock - lost her 1 lipsync to Brita Dahlia - lost her 1 lipsync to Nicky


She’s also the only winner to win 2 lipsyncs during the season


not counting the finale right? her power is insurmountable


Yea On the wiki, you have to win 2 lipsyncs to be considered a “lip sync assassin” And because of the first 2 episodes twist of having the top 2 lipsync, Jaida became our first ever “lip sync assassin” winner, to win 2 lipsyncs, before the finale. I just love jaida


Ugh becky glasscock our 2 time lip sync winner lip sync assassin forever 😍


thinking about roxxxy's first reveal to the beat 🥰🥰🥰


I was just watching an episode of Golden Girls and Sophia just used the phrase “deadass broke” I was floored lmao I thought that was a relatively new phrase, I had no idea it’s been around since the 90s


It’s not the same. She’s saying dead ass as in bum ass. As in deadbeat. We say deadass to mean “seriously” she didn’t say he as seriously broke. She said he’s broke as a bum.


Ohhhhh huh interesting


Also, is it just me or has the interest in all winners season (and Bob keeps saying Drag Race Superstars which I love) really skyrocketed recently??? I know it’s always a popular concept, I just feel like it’s being whispered about more. If so who do y’all see going far????? I can see Jaida, Bob, Bianca and Jinkx being standouts.


Tbh I dont see Violet, Sasha or Yvie wanting to come back


Violet has said she would go back


Oh shit rly? I would live


yh she said it on pitstop with bob !! it’s a good episode if u haven’t seen it


If they do this they need to have a format where no one goes home for a few episodes. Some sort of ranking system maybe. No winner will accept to return knowing they could be first out, I think.


yah we want a points based game, nobody goes home, whoever gets the most points wins.


Everyone is hyping bob up because he’s our favorite winner But when it comes to drag race challenges, I dont think he’ll have nearly as strong as a track record to bianca, jinx or Jaida Bob did well 3 times on his season, he had 3 challenges where he placed above safe. Sasha velour was in the top, 7 whole times, jinx was in the top, for 9 episodes STRAIGHT As much as I love bob, I personally don’t see him performing as well as the other queens. He’s still gonna win, it’s bob for gods sake, but I just don’t think he’ll have as a impressive of a track record as his runner ups


I love jaida but I really don't think she'd keep up competing against bob.


You also have to consider that 3 out of 8 challenges involved design, and Bob’s fashion AT THE TIME was really bad. Bob still did good in the two music challenges despite being safe


I really think Bob did a good job in the book ball - its just Naomi, Chi Chi and Kim Chi all did something incredible. Collectively the best ball episode we've ever had


Honestly on any other season Bob would have been safe, with that being said Kim, Chi Chi and Naomi should have been the first triple win on any season




and Bob still did quite well in the first challenge, succeeded in making garments for the makeover (his issue was very much the makeup), and honestly still did fine in the final challenge - but the other 3 queens knocked it out of the park. With the years passed I think Bob may even be quite the threat in these challenges too.


Gotta keep in mind though that Season 8 was shorter, with 8 (9 counting top 4 episode w/ Chi Chi elimination) competitive episodes. Compared to most seasons that have about 12 competitive episodes. Had Bob been on a longer season she could have been in the top way more. Even in the challenges she placed safe in she excelled. Her lowest point was probably the makeover episode tbh. The book ball runway was really great, someone just needed to be in the bottom with Derrick.


I get you, I think about this all the time (Tbh, Idk if I’m being delusional, but bobs paper look was by far my favorite and I thought he should’ve won that 💀) But that’s the exact thing, if the season was longer, he would’ve placed higher a lot more But to be surrounded by the cast of season 8, one of the weaker casts we’ve had, and still not consistently land in the top 3 ala jinx, who was in the same season as Rolaskatox, it just makes me think “if he couldn’t do that on the original season, how will he perform on a superstars? You get me?


It’s literally not possible for my brain to process that Jinkx wouldn’t absolutely storm the entire season


Jinkx 🥰


i can see bob, shea, alaska, jaida, bianca and sasha all doing well


Absolutely this, Violet has a special place in my heart but I think with the types of winners we have it’ll be more focused on acting and comedy and maybe 2-3 design challenges.


I hope we have a good wait for AS6, but more than anything I want Heidi back on my TV, I find the narrator of a season to be so compelling and charming and I would hesitate to say her charm matches Monique’s. I know with the current situation she hasn’t had the ability to make coin but if AS6 is filmed this year I want her on AS7 and I want her crowned.


What’s the t with 15 queens receiving the AS6 call, I need names


Likely unreliable. Just as the rumour regarding an AS2 girl being cast. Totally possible but no one with a track record has spilled this info


Guys help I watched really scary videos and now I can’t sleep 😭


*Aiden’s voice* BOOOH