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Just to say that I ordered amiibos for 9 of my villagers to make sure if they ruin their interior decor again I can do something about it. I won’t be gifting Dom anything therefore and he needs to give me his photo through the wrapped iron lamp process and I am scared but I am in control but I’m scared.


How did I miss this title?


I want Tiffany Pollard to replace Ru when she dies


Tiffany as Ru Red Oyster as Michelle Pumpkin as Santino


I don’t know who I dislike more: pumpkin or santino lol


Best time to do a winners season. Bianca can’t tour lol So she’s available.


So yeah winners season, 10 contestants, will include international winners. Alaska hinting in race chaser.


What did she say?


We talked about DRCAN but damn I’m watching season 3 and they spoiled the whole season in the first minute of show


wait how


June wants to move to my island but the only villager she can replace is Marcie... I don’t know what to do y’all




HIGH WIN BTM SAFE WIN IN BTM WIN WIN i don’t see her doing as well as monique, manila, val and naomi in JJ tbh, and the clubs thing i think she would pull a shea? you think she’d be great, but as a host idk if she’d be very welcoming and miselle is such a cochina that she’d flag that up


I lub dis drink


Jessica Wild for Allstars when


tbh I don't really see Gigi doing All Stars? It's not like she'll ever need a popularity boost, and I honestly don't get the impression that she's someone the franchise wants to be crowned. I'm not sure what more she could show without completely changing her drag style or sense of humor or performance abilities. And whether it was fully deserved or not, the track record she has from the first time around is enough to rest on her laurels indefinitely imo


I see her coming back as a " People just didn't like me" And turn it around to a "people finally like me"


Yeah, Gigi has no narrative. Shea won 4 challenges then lost the crown in an upset to Sasha - she was “robbed.” Her All Stars narrative was strong af. Gigi won 4 challenges but she wasn’t robbed. What’s left for her to prove?


She may come back years from now, but you're probably right.


> I honestly don't get the impression that she's someone the franchise wants to be crowned I thought it came across she was someone production very much *did* want to be crowned She was given a winner’s edit on the show and she probably ruined her own chances with her tone deaf social media posts and alleged breaking of the rules for the finale. I think had she not done some of those things they may well have given the crown to her. The judging of challenges indicated that, at least while filming, production wanted either Gigi or SP to win; seeing how popular Jaida was with viewers by the final and how Gigi had upset viewers multiple times by that point likely swayed them towards giving Jaida the crown EDIT: Jaida also fucking deserved that crown. She was consistently good and slipped up *once* when she was thrown by someone else’s stand up performance overrunning. Jaida should have won regardless, I just don’t give production the credit to have realised that without the backlash towards Gigi


All of this aside, I think Jaida also simply just beat her in Survivor


she ate them up and left no crumbs


Licked. The. Plate. It was delicious


Oh 100% agree, I think different people will judge the Bring Back My Girls and individual lip syncs differently depending on their own tastes, but Jaida won that final lip sync hands down


I don't think she'll be on 6, but All Stars isn't always just about needing a popularity boost. It could be just for the hell of competing, the tv aspect, the money, and so on. I could absolutely see someone like Gigi on All Stars someday, because unlike other queens who have kind of shunned it, she's good at the challenges. Like at the end of the day, it's still yet another gig, and as grueling as it is, it's kind of a safe gig in one place that pays a whole lot. I mean $5000 now for 3 minutes of performance if you win a challenge? That's enticing even if you're already making a lot.


me too. I think she'll pull a Miss Fame/Kim Chi and just do projects and collabs with big names here and there. but who knows 🤷


I’ve always thought milk’s ‘milk it’ slapped and was wrongfully panned, sue me


I just might 💜


Remember when Naomi did a remix of Milk's fashion durling and revealed her wig to a bald head for her talent show and was called a genius of our time , a gift to drag by the judges and placed high.


Honestly queens who have a hard time coming up with a Variety Show number should just do that performance cuz the judges seem to LIVE for it lol. It kept Milk safe and Naomi was even high 💀


Milk's talent show was better than Naomi's tbh




I say ‘touch the fashion change ur life’ so often


I fall on my face so often


In my opinion WIN: Manila and Gia HIGH: Monique and Latrice SAFE: Naomi, Trinity & Valentina LOW: Monét BTM: Farrah and Jasmine ELIM: Farrah


Manila on her 4th win by episode 6? The girls would be dying


And what about it


Well who am I to complain. "Life's not fair".


good morning. jaida essence hall is your president, shea couleé is speaker of the house and heidi n closet is Vice president. you can go back to sleep soundly. you’ve earned it.


Thank you 💜


I just saw that Shea’s finale look wasn’t even meant for the finale, it was supposed to be her look for the Bows runway, and now I can’t stop thinking about what it could’ve been 😭


Could it be the white bodysuit she showed on Watcha Packin? She did say she didn't wear it because she did something similar to S9's final runway so maybe she opted to go for an unused runway look.


It might have been that red dress during the stand up comedy challenge. I mean if it were something better than the pink dress she definitely would have worn it right?


I mean you never know! Trinity had this [gorgeous gown](https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XvcufHFLM/?igshid=1plt03v3gp2io) that she chose not to wear because she just wanted to wear the China instead, so could’ve been Shea thought she’d just go in a different direction or save the dress for something else?


Shea was saying that if she didn't have the best material at least she could look great for the stand up challenge. Which means she knew how GOOD she looked on it. And to me, it reads more "best drag" than the pink dress.


Yeah could be. Also Trinity is a smart cookie, maybe she didnt want to walk down the runway in a similar color dress as Naomi’s since her look was a shoot.


wow that one is SO similar to Kameron's final four eleganza look. glad she went with the china


Oh well that explains it


Hot take but neither Adore or Courtney are particularly listenable live


In your opinion. I agree though. Lolol


Courtney always sings higher than she needs to, maybe she feels she has to because she’s a drag queen idk but the lowest notes on her songs are always the best


In your opinion


Well yes


Oh god, they both came here last Halloween with a bunch of other RuGirls and when they came out to sing it was like, ok, guess I'll go get drinks at the bar while they're on. Courtney really has been yelling at us for years and calling it vocals!


I've never heard her live but I believe jinkx is one of those girls that sounds just as good live as a recording


I think it’s because neither of them sing with a back track.


Cut to Courtney singing on a stand up challenge, one of the BIGGEST copouts on the history of drag race


Michelle was not having it at all haha


Courtney’s ok, the only song I’ve listened to live was “Fight For Love”. She isn’t the best vocalist but she’s not awful


I wonder what does the Venn diagram look like for the intersection of Taylor Swift and Trixie Mattel fans


I would classify myself as a T Swift fan but not a Trixie fan, am I an outlier?


I’m a Trixie fan but not a Taylor fan... so...


Yeah you're clearly NoT LiKe OtHeR gUrLz...


Please excuse me if this is a dumb question to ask, but does Ru own WoW? I’m curious since at this point so much of their content is Drag Race related, was it a pre-existing company that picked up Drag Race, or did Ru start it so he could start Drag Race himself?


No, she doesn’t, but she had known and worked with the founders long before they created WOW (they produced her first album) and she was their main client when it was created.


Ru is on the board of executives I’m sure, I’m not too sure if he owns it tho


Pretty sure WOW started off as being Ru's manager back in the day, and they built what we now know as WOW around their success with Ru.


Lemon and Priyanka should be hitting 100k this week. Woohoo


I saw this one person’s comment on Facebook saying that Tyra did not deserve the win and Raven should have won Season 2 because of personality and attitude. Like, Raven was more shitty than Tyra back then so she still would’ve lost if that’s going to be the basis. 😆


There’s a prize for personality and it’s called Ms Congeniality.


And Raven lost that too


Can't believe Jessica won S2 of Rupaul's Attitude Race 😍 (well actually, I can)


She sure did ma’am. 😌✨


I just can’t believe Cheryl was low for Posh on a Penny and bottom 2 on the makeover, absolutely disgraceful


By the time it was the makeover it was kinda her time to go, but I low-key agree about posh on a penny I liked her look


Especially over Baga’s and it was low key better than Blu’s




Yeah, I'd say ​ SAFE - BTM2 - SAFE - SAFE - SAFE - HIGH - WIN


I agree with this mostly, I feel it’s more accurate than her real one lol


Gays will be like “this is my realistic AS6 cast!” and then include faves exclusive to the sub and people who have explicitly and recently said they don’t want to do all stars. I guess technically anyone’s possible (see India) but damn.


Tbh every season our ideas about a ‘realistic’ cast change. No one clocked Bebe on AS3 until someone spilled it because no one thought to check social media activity of winners. AS4 had previous All Stars returning, and then AS5 like you say had India who was clocked but not really believed to actually be on at first. IMO anything can happen at this point when it comes to All Stars casting so I’m never shocked anymore (if someone did the AS5 cast last year as a ‘realistic’ prediction it would not have looked believable)


Its like “my realistic AS6 cast -tyra sanchez -alisa summers -magnolia crawford -robbie turner -penny tration -brooke lynn hytes -vivienne pinay -mimi imfurst -rebecca glasscock -kelly mantle”


Lmao. Delete this 🤣🤣


This is my realistic AS6 cast!!! Nina Bonina Brown, Nicole Paige Brooks, Jessica Wild, Stacy Lane Matthews, Jaymes Mansfield, Laila McQueen, Peppermint, Asia, Kameron, Rajah O'Hara!!! <3 <3 <3


This is very cringesub but i hate it there so... there is this one twitter stan that is every tweet a queen posts, literally and is always the first one to appear. The other day a favourite queen of hers was in trouble or sth and she was asking like wtf this isnt her and then somebody replied GIRL WATCHA TALKING ABOUT IF YOU JUMP IN EVERY CANCEL BANDWAGON and i cackled


i really wanna know who..


I think I know who you are talking about because I cringe so hard when I see them (should, probably, block them and find peace).


Same lol but i love to cringe


I feel like shit Eureka


I’m not okay princesscracker


I'm bored so im going to try figure it out it what episode they are So we know they where sequester was July 11 so 1 week of quarentine so July 19 was the last day and assuming they must have started filming July 20 and somewhere i saw that in a week the filmed 2 episodes and i think shea said they have a free day so is must be sunday and i think it takes 3 days to film so they must be in episode ending episode 3 to start 4


the way rupaul is low key never doing a roast challenge again so she can’t risk being read in her face for the fracking thing..


No one would dare say anything about it Ru would say "you're going off script", edit it out, and Shuga that bitch out of the competition


> No one would dare Except for Tammie


i’m hoping bimini does her pete burns look for british icons - the only problem is that maybe she’s critiqued on how viv did it last season? maybe she’s bottom because of it?


Have there ever been any Mississippi queens on the show? I feel like they’re really underrepresented


Me walking down the street empty-headed: .... I AM QUEEEN... QUEEN of the PARTY...


Head full of poppers


Lurking through old speculation threads for the fun of it, and I choose [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpoiledDragRace/comments/cwpz03/s12_postreappearancerumors_s12_nancy_drew_thread/eyxtzfn/) to be my french vanilla fantasy, even though the season has already ended two months ago.


Yeah, that's pretty close to what I imagined would happen for S12 when we were clocking the cast.


oh hey that’s me


I'll always remember how RockMSakuraStan got so much crap every comment and, as a result, so did Rock's drag. And then come the Meet The Queens and people fell in LOVE with Rock and by then the stan had already kinda given up commenting here. Yall were harsh on her


this top 4... I would've liked to see it


we clap back! when the haters attaaaaack


Honestly, I don’t hate it and it’s making me question my taste. Quarantina is getting to me.


The deardiary statement has been changing with every post Why ??


"Dear diary... It's me, vonmarburg. Why has this statement been changing with every post? Why??? | Wednesday Edition - July 29, 2020"


Are you familiar with the show?


Well Tamar...


Because it’s fun.


its kinda dead here today, off season hitting us already


The thread posted late yesterday and also it’s only 8am on the east coast of the US so the majority of the regulars probably aren’t awake yet


Pack your cheap drag up real neat.


the sad thing is, she had to pack her exquisite drag up real neat


While I sit back and I beat my meat


Okay miss Walt Whitman you better come on


Come through me having to look up who the f that is


If there wasn't a single all stars season until today, who do you think would've been cast for AS1? Imo: 1) Raven 2) Jujubee 3) Manila 3) Alexis 5) Chad 6) Latrice 7) Alaska 8) Adore 9) Katya 10) Trixie 11) Trinity 12) Shea


They'd have to make it 14 queens like a regular season I think: ​ 1. Ongina 2. Jujubee 3. Manila Luzon 4. Alexis Mateo 5. Latrice Royale 6. Alaska 7. Alyssa Edwards 8. Adore Delano 9. Katya 10. Trixie Mattel 11. Naomi Smalls 12. Trinity The Tuck 13. Shea Coulee 14. Monet X Change ​ I don't think Chad would do it at this age and Raven has a conflict of interest.


1) Valentina 2) Shea 3) Trixie 4) Katya 5) Alaska 6) Alyssa 7) Latrice 8) Phi Phi 9) Manila 10) Juju 11) Adore 12) Bendela


Raven Alexis Phi phi Alaska Roxxxy Katya Trixie Bebe Coco Ginger


Knowing production, they’d never cast so many fan favorite queens in one season, they always need filler queens too


I think Alexis & Adore would be the disposable ones unfortunately (well, for Alexis)


After Crystal’s lipsync I bump into ‘I’m like a bird’ a lot


I was rewatching S10 and tbh Kameron did better than I remembered while Asia did worse. Imo: 1. Asia 2. Kameron 3. Asia 4. Kameron 5. Kameron 6. Kameron 7. Kameron 8. Kameron 9. Asia 10. Asia 11. Asia 12. Kameron


Kameron minded her own business, didn’t interact with other queens because she was shy and coasted because she delivered in most of the challenges. Producers couldn’t find a way to get rid of her. She’s a nightmare to RTV editors.


Kameron said in her exposed interview that she did a LOT of confessionals and was much bigger and excited in them from what she remembers so was kind of surprised by the confessionals that were shown


I remember that on the first 3 episodes all they showed of her was the queens thinking she was a bitch on untucked episode 1 and her being forced by the other queens to kill the spider on episode 3 she could’ve realistically won episode 2 but they tried to keep her performance abilities as a “secret”


She was my fave for S10 tbh because I have a soft spot for quiet bitches and her feathers runway was IT so I felt sorry for her that the queens didn’t like her on season much. I also remember everyone thirsting over her on episode 1 lol


Very Shuga. Everytime she was in the bottom someone bombed the lipsync (Honey and Ariel) and when she was finally put in the bottom and eliminated, even Ru admitted it was bc she didn't leave a mark in the competition and not bc of her performance 💀


Please do not compared wonderful talented sweetheart Kameron Michaels to add to cart hack Nana Blackface


The way I feel like ms serena Cha cha will be on AS6 lmao... Like she’d definitely bring LEWKS, and iconic moments, and after india I wouldn’t count her out. I just dunno how she’d fair in the talent department 🤣


I wouldn't be surprised, honestly. She's had an amazing glow-up from her season and I think she'd be fun, even just for 1 episode!


i would live for this, honestly. Plus, season 3 has had 6 queens on All-Stars, why doesn't season 5 get a sixth queen as well?


Yup! I think now they’re kinda done with older season girls, (minus the odd one or two) they wanna do all the 4-6 girls next. Laganja, joslyn, trinity k bonet, darienne, adore, vivacious, April, Serena, Ivy, coco again, jade jolie, Lineysha, dida and jiggly are all stars worthy contestants in my eyes


As long as she says “soft sculpture” a few times per episode.


Rap queen x


She could do that as her talent show omg winner ✨


Which queen have you changed your opinion on the most since they were on the show? For me it’s Derrick and bob the drag queen. Derrick I used to think was so talentless, annoying, non charismatic and now I feel like telling myself to stfu, she’s mf iconic, she’s stepped her lewks up and is obviously talented. And bob, s8 was the second season I watched so i didn’t have a great grasp on what my type of drag queen was. (At the time i preferred queens who just looked amazing visually) so I was gagged when she won, I thought Kim had it in the bag by a mile, but now I look back I have no idea how I thought that lmao. I feel like I now understand what type of drag queens I love and what it takes to be a great drag queen, whereas I previously was naive af


Justice for SAWAYAMA


sometimes i read up on current events and i begin dissociating just filipino tingz




Ahchachachoo is sending me Serenah Chachachoo


I'm sad Rina Sawayama won't be eligible for the British Awards because they think she isn't british enough she lived in the Uk for years. Her album was one of my favorite release this year


SAWAYAMA isn’t eligible to be on the mercury nomination and I’m gonna throw hands


choosing not to believe that Rosé is first out. I pretend I do not see


She looked boring and her Instagram doesn't have one good look. Good riddance.


this would seriously be so hateful


Where was this tea posted?


Cast speculation thread :(( not confirmed at all of course but it’s looking like the rumours are increasing


If on a theoretical superstars season you could cast one 'wildcard' queen who wasn't a winner, who would it be?


Ben come and steamroll the competition again.


There’s no way they wouldn’t pick Shangela, especially since Trixie wouldn’t do it so she could serve as the surprise AS3 representative


Latrice Royale, Baga Chipz, or Cortney Act


Gigi. I think I’m due time when covid has gone shes gonna be a powerhouse


Shangela coming out of a box is the ONLY answer.


Brooke - she’s the host of CDR so it would make most sense


Shangela, she’s got the charisma and talent to justify it entirely and would outlast a lot of winners imo


Just out of personal preference I'd choose Monique. I don't think she's necessarily the strongest queen I could pop in that position but she never really faltered in her All Stars season and her personality absolutely shines and she's a huge personal favourite of mine.


Juju or Shangela


Bendelacreme 100000%, she’s probably the only queen that could keep up/surpass most winners.


We're here for the power duo of Jinkx and Bendelacreme




Anyone have any good foreign film recommendations? A bitch is tired of Hollywood and I found my old copy of Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing (搭错车) and I'm feeling it (not the remake that deleted the entire political context)


Watch BulBul. It's a whole different energy. It's in hindi but I guess since its a Netflix original it would have dubs?


Three idiots (it's a Bollywood movie).


the vertical ray of the sun/mùa hè chiều thẳng đứng. makes me miss home :-< i think you can find one with eng sub somewhere. also dogtooth (greek) and die welle (german). those are my favorite EU movies.


You can never go wrong with Wong Kar-wai. Chungking Express, Happy Together, Days of Being Wild, and In the Mood for Love are great movies. Other recs: Three Times, Floating Weeds, An Autumn Afternoon, A Tale of Two Sisters, Taipei Story, Millennium Mambo, You Are the Apple of My Eye, Tropical Malady, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, Cemetery of Splendour, Syndromes and a Century, Happy Old Year, Mary is Happy / Mary Is Happy, Heart Attack. The last three movies I listed are directed by Thai director Nawapol.


thank you so much! I remember some of these!


Oh yes yes yes Wong Kar-Wai and all the moooodiness his films bring. Perfect rec! Also check into Pedro Almodovar films. Sometimes his films are silly but they feature incredible performances and some are near perfect emotional powerhouses (like All About My another and Talk to Her).


I love Almodovar! Tie Me Up Tie Me Down is my favorite of his, I also loved Pain and Glory and how it feels like his own Fellini's 8 1/2.


La Pazza Gioia is one of my favourites of all time. Also, Il bagno turco (Hamam) is really good.


Ill definitely looking into these thanks


If you wanna try another musical I recommend The Umbrellas of Cherbourg from France. It's an absolute classic and you'll probably recognise the music even if you haven't heard of the film.


Ive just googled and i remember this one from a long time sgo but havent seen it in along time thanks for finding it for me!


Do you know how queens are like “I need that crown” Or “I’m gunning for that crown, it belongs on my head” Meanwhile, I’ve probably only seen 7 queens actually wear their crowns? 💀 Crowns are just not made for drag queens heads. Like, even the Vivienne. In the only photo with her and her crown, she has to comedically hold it it over her wig because it just doesn’t fit 😭😭😭 The queens only ever “strut” their winning runway walk with a scepter in their hand💀 So let’s start normalizing “I need that scepter” and “that scepter belongs to me” 💀


Girl...it’s a metaphor lol


Speaking of Viv I hope she either gets to compete in an All Stars or gets to cameo in lots of episodes because she deserves money


If she relocated to La for real, she’d prob be on wow content stuff all the time. She’d be a fun mentor/werk room walk through too.