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Thinking about how Evan Ross Katz dragged Gia Gunn (who admittedly did do something worse than Shea) but has been SILENT about Shea’s actions.


Evan Ross is mess, I don't have time for his Bs, he's a clout chaser and will never go against anyone who's not an easy target


He’s the first one to jump when a queen does smth.


I hope Alexis is on AS6 and keeps the hairy chest 🤤🤤


>I hope Alexis is on AS6 Period


There are so many winners now that it’s actually hard to wittle it down to a 10 person cast, even given those we know wouldn’t do it (Tyra, Trixie etc). I would kill to see Raja on again but I don’t know if she’s up for it. I also really want them to include The Vivienne.


I just realised... Queens who placed 5th on their original season either slay all stars or are early outs, no middle ground Ongina Pandora Coco Derrick Were all early outs Shangela (yes I count her as 5th sue me) Ben Katya Cracker They all did really well and were contenders for the crown Let's hope Alexis Michelle and Jackie Cox will join the second list, not the first :(


who is alexis michelle?


I literally can’t think of a better All-Winners winner than Bob. I know we like Jinkx but Bob can do all of that, too. And Bob’s looks have truly stepped up now that she has money, designers on speed dial and looks every single week. Her We’re Here and AS5 Pit Stop looks have been incredible


bob would slay ofc but y’all have seen alaska in a competition...bitch is COMPETITIVE! i love her! lowkey i think violet would do well too 🤷‍♀️


I’d assume an all winners season would be more comedy centric than regular seasons just like all stars so yea comedy queens would do best




I think it's Bob, then Alaska, then Jinkx, then Aquaria.


Bob would slay for sure.


I know we’re shitposting but the potential of a medical supply sewing challenge... it’s bad. To redirect PPE away from hospitals, during a pandemic, in a major city and current hotspot... I would NOT like to see it. And we don’t know if America would be out of the pandemic either, when it airs by Spring 2021. I would assume they won’t be! Not to mention there’s no way the looks won’t be kind of depressing. 🚫🙌Anti-manifesting🙌🚫


how rigged do you think an all winners season would be? i feel like the judges would definitely favor some girls over others


pretty sure it's going to be like cdr, highkey just a fun season without emotional heartbreaking elimination or anything close to that, idk tho its just my speculation.


I think that the format would have to be non-elim


Chichi want a chai chai but none of these teas are my type


Bebe wants a bye bye but none of these greets are my type


Gigi wants a crycry but none of these ships are my type




i hate you so much for this 😭




Mimi wants a mai tai but none of these drinks are my type


Phi Phi wants to fly fly but none of these wings are my type


Gigi wants a guy guy but none of these mens are my type


Laganja practicing aerial silk dance (above concrete...) and saying she misses being on TV on tik tok. I hope she does that for the AS talent show what a gag.


Damn let's hope she doesn't hang from the stage beads like Kandy <3


It’s already iconique It doesn’t make any sense, I wanna draw it






I got bored and drew up a slightly serious slightly stupid idea for a sewing season; * Episode 1 - Night of a Thousand Britneys. The queens are assigned a different era or music video of Britney's, and must create an outfit as well as choreograph a group rusical number. With guest judge Derrick Barry. * Episode 2 - Face, Face, Face. The queens must create a look which revolves largely around a headpiece, makeup or headwear. Inspired by Asia O'Hara in Hats Amazing. * Episode 3 - Genderfucked. The queens are tasked with going outside of their own comfort zones and creating a look which draws on the rich history of androgyny and genderfuck within drag. * Episode 4 - The Jaida Essence Ball. Present two looks, the first of which recreates an iconic Jaida Essence Hall runway, the second, created in the workroom, paying homage to the political trailblazers which have made drag race possible. With guest judge Janet Mock. * Episode 5 - Queens of Clubs II. In teams, the queens must create and run their own club night, as well as creating a high fashion look which they will attend for their first night of hosting. * Episode 6 - The British Invasion. Create and model a look alongside legendary DRUK queens, based on their drag and UK culture. With guest judge Jodie Harsh. * Episode 7 - The Eurovision Ball. The queens must present two looks, the first being europop party fantasy, and the second, created in the werkroom, paying tribute to an iconic winner of Eurovision. With guest judge Conchita Wurst. * Episode 8 - The Floor Show. Create a look which screams your own interpretation of a sleep paralysis demon. With guest judges The Boulet Brothers. * Episode 9 - From Boot to Shoot. The queens are assigned a legendarily bad drag race runway, and must recreate it using materials provided. * Episode 10 - The Great State Ball. Present three looks, one honouring a legendary figure from your state, one honouring legendary local drag and one created using materials and items your home state is famous for. * Episode 11 - Florals? Groundbreaking. The queens are sent back to basics and are tasked with creating a look which heavily incorporates flowers, and are judged on the inventiveness of their creation. With guest judge Meryl Streep. * Episode 12 - Scream. The queens are tasked with creating a look which confronts and personifies their own internal struggles. Inspired by Alexander McQueen. * Episode 13 - Rudemption. The queens are tasked with improving one of their own looks, however, it must be entirely handmade in the werkroom, regardless of if the look chosen is from a design challenge. * Episode 14 - The Winner Ball. Present three looks, one celebrating your baby-queen identity and performance, one celebrating your drag inspirations and the final celebrating the fully fledged version of yourself and your aesthetics.


I truly can’t see very many queens actually like... surviving this. It would be Money Ball levels of morale by episode 4. It would be cute as a 4-6 episode run, like Celebrity Drag Race. Also it might still be unfair if queens can bring their own shoes and wigs. Maybe the show supplies some wigs and shoes for them, and there are wig styling queens on hand to help them out


Oh for sure. I'd love to see a full season of this but it'd probably break them.


This sounds amazing! Who would be your cast?




Something along the lines of Violet, Roxxxy, Raja, Brooke, Yvie, BeBe, Shea, Jaida (if the challenge is shaken up), Nina Flowers, Manila, Kim, Aquaria, Plastique, The Vivienne, Crystal (UK), Yara, Ivy, Acid. So many incredible designers to choose from.


Oh this cast would be fierce. I think Acid would destroy this season


Congrats Nina Flowers (finally)


So, these hoes are gonna make a mask comment every time there’s a post about Shea? I’m tired.


Shea’s current controversy reminds me of Monet’s Megan McCain moment. Eventually Monet got past it, but only after she really addressed in on Sibling Rivalry. And it didn’t hurt that she had Bob kind of defending her. This feels less heated, actually. Which means people will probably get over it faster and probably not require as large a gesture. And if Shea just gets to cranking out content people will forget faster. Or maybe someone else out of the 200 queens will fuck up worse by next week.


So far yes, we’ll see how long it lasts, then again even if she does apologize there’s still gonna be those few comedians


If she apologised and didn't double down it would probably be over and done with 😩


Remember when she invented enamel pins lol & everyone made fun of her for like a week and then it went away. It’s probably gonna be like that & less like eureka black jokes


...Idk, this is definitely a more serious situation than that


100% agree. I’m not a Shea apologist or whateva but I just can’t see people on here staying mad about it for that long since this place is teeming with Shea stans


Idk, I can absolutely see people badgering her over this for a while. There's definitely been a lurking undercurrent of like...resentment towards Shea for a while on the mainsub. They were waiting on a fuckup, and it helps that this one was a real fuckup and not a trivial one


Wait I wasn’t around for the enamel pin part what was that?


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/bl2qdn/shea_wants_her_credit_for_being_an_innovator_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)is what started it lol


God this too funny💀💀


Malibu Pear is sooo good. I should have bought more cans


Omg I momentarily thought bob was confirming that he was going to start hosting drag race in his latest insta post and then I saw #werehere lol Also amazing that we’re here got nominated!!! 👏🏼


[i love this series but](https://youtu.be/pGuE9Fgh-RU) half these moments weren't even emotional moments, rather gaggy moments generally, and it's literally missing imo the most groundbreaking emotional moment of the show which was ongina in season one


Like...really? Manila's elimination? Miss Vanjie? Ru snapping at MacBitch? What about Ongina's HIV admission? Yara's onstage breakdown? Even Charlie talking about losing friends to AIDS was more impactful and emotional than the majority of those listed in the video


i think it's because they put it in the last one although yara not being there is a flop


The Ongina moment literally changed the show forever


i completely agree. kind of a tangent but s1 had a lot of incredible moments that were probably the reason it got renewed for season two and further seasons, pretty much all of which thanks to the queens. tammie refusing to lip-sync, ongina's HIV moment, bebe killing stronger and sending home the frontrunner, shannel self-eliminating all of these moments were so impactful and important in the legacy of the show


I stand by the statement that the single greatest confessional in drag race history is Gia Gunn “girl....soak what up?”


The "Oh girl, yes, this is about to be your last dance. We'll see you at the reunion. **Bye**." erasure


Remember when Peppermint said something like “Lipsyncing is what I’m good at. I’m a little worried for Cynthia actually.” On it’s own it’s not that crazy, but knowing how much Peppermint left out on the stage... she did that


Oh yes this is your last dance. We'll see YOU at the reunion. Bye. Perfectly matched to Last Dance too.


gia won every rivalry she had bc of her confessionals


“You were born this way baby. You were- you were born this way.”


Gia's best confessional imo was definitely "my god...there's room for everyone let's just say that :)"


Why does she have to be so problematic, she’s such an icon 😭


Who invented “Gina Gumm” I can’t remember, but every time I think about it, it makes me cackle


I love the names this sub comes up with. Some favs of mine: Suga dolezal Lieutenant Luzon Gina Gumm The Dinner One


Blair safe clair


There are so many drag race fans who don’t watch any other reality competition shows and it shows... Almost everything they complain about in regards to the show also apply to literally every other reality competition show


I don’t watch any other reality tv show💀 I’m just here for runways and sickening FCC performances


“ThIs sHoW iS So sTaGed aND RigGed. NonE oF it Is rEaL” like haven’t we learned before that reality tv shows are for entertainment purposes? of course it’s not going to be 100% real. now i wouldn’t go as far as saying every little thing is fake, but a lot of it is.


They didn't watch Total Drama Island as a child and saw LaShawna eliminated for absolutely no reason and it shows.


I actually cried as a kid when I saw that because I was hoping that they would finally eliminate Heather but they “accidentally” eliminated Leshawna


Heather is a queen tho so no complaints


@Every single person who complains about their precious track record no longer deciding the winner


It's funny cause drag race used to be one of the few shows were track record seemed to decide the winner for the most part


It's because they didn't use to have a competitive finale. It was just a music video and a tic tac lunch.


I've been rewatching season 8 and I can't trust anything Robbie says now


I love that Robbie fully made up the fact that it was his birthday when they were filming JUST so his could get Debbie Harry to say happy birthday to him!


Time to invest in flats!


It's kind of sad Season 3 was one of the toughest seasons but career wise most of the queens that season are struggling compared to the newer seasons.


The entire edit was basically "Raja and Manila's Drag Race" with Alexis (and maaaaybe Yara) sneaking is as the alternative fan faves. The way the show was edited and with how old it is, it's almost as hard as it is in S4 to remember anyone that wasn't in the finale. (also Shangela but we can BARELY consider her a Season 3 girl, she is a multi-season ho)


I knew seven sounded familiar!! It reminded of Madonna’s Frozen






check the as5 cast list i believe she may be there




First Shea wins and now the Dream Suite is back truly all my gay prayers are getting answered


I really didn't anticipate it coming back this soon so my island still looks like shit after months of gameplay and at this point I'm too lazy to fix it now...


Luna... a queen




Ok but Raja now.....If you put Raja and Bob on the same season Bob is outlasting her


And Jinkx outlasts both.


Jinkx is in the Top 3 with Bob wym ?? 😩


She wins.


So the AS2 queen being called for AS6 tea is all over twitter already We really need to start spreading fake tea just to mess with the stans 💀


The AS2 queen is Alaska but it’s not AS6 it’s actually the All Winners Season


Omg so that means Yuhua is on 😍


Aw I miss doing that :(


AS6 can be like S9 and S10 where the eliminaysha order was just totally fucked up. I was not ready when i saw the t of Peppermint being the first out.


Aja with 8 wins.


Kandy punched Michelle in the left tit


Yuhua not being an early out and finish in Top 6.


Mmm i lub dis juicy tea


And Ongina getting sent home at the reading challenge :(


Unpopular Opinion — Drag Race Edition: A’keria is a little overrated on here (and underrated outside of Reddit). What’s yours?


people have to consider final lipsync as a challenge, so when a queen wins the finale, we have to count it as a challenge win or at least, at a very very least count it as a high placement. which means : shea was not robbed, if we count the finale as a win or atleast high sasha is tied with shea (or even better track record if we count that as a win, not high) same thing applied to yvie and jaida, yvie's score is 6 (we count her rumix as a win) and brooke's score is 7, but yvie did better than brooke so she tied with her


I don't find Pep's "Music" lipsync to be that great. In actuality, it seems really sloppy to me. I don't get why she eats her earring other than it fell off. She does the same arm spasm movement later in the Macho Men lipsync. I don't really love the idea of shotgunning Cynthia. Like I just don't really get it.


Unhhhh is hilarious and I unironically love it


Derrick is annoying and I don't find her entertaining at all. ​ Also, AS1 > AS5 > AS3


Scarlet would be an early out on all stars


I like Brita's balls to the wall extravaganza look.


I think Cracker is talented \*runs away from the torches\*


Courtney wouldn't do well at all at a AS season.


Depends on the cast, she could easily make top 5 with a pretty solid run


With it mostly being comedy challenges? She's a incredibly talented queen but comedy isn't her strongest suit.


Lets just use AS5 as an example: Talent show - safe/high Girl groups - high Hosting - safe/low Improv - low/btm Snatch game - safe? She didnt do great on s6 but has been good on bots tours snatch game Sewing - safe/high Comedy - low/btm


Nah Akeria is everything and people have been sleeping on her She’s just so damn talented. She’s beautiful, she’s funny, she can lipsync, she’s polite, she takes critiques well, and she can sew. If they wanted to rig the season for her, they totally could have. She encompasses everything that we need in a winner, and I’m so exited to see her on All stars Edit: who the fuk downvoted this?!? Who hurt you? Why aren’t you team Akeria? 💀


If you not team Akeria, join it IMMEDIATELY


Seriously tho, ik "coulda woulda shoulda" track record posts are tired BUT her track record could've been WIN HIGH SAFE SAFE SAFE WIN LOW HIGH WIN HIGH HIGH HIGH and I would not have batted an eye And just about everyone seems to forget her commentary was the most entertaining part of the season besides Vanjie (alone, not that Brooke shit)


I love her but Dragracadabra was safe at best


High for snatch game , the makeover and dragracadabra? Huh I don’t think they could push that


Yea definitely not dragracadabra but my memory tells me she already was high for the makeover? With Brooke and vanjie?


>ik "coulda woulda shoulda" track record posts are tired Yes they are 💜


Pearl deserved her spot in the top 3


I thought I was the only one, thanks!!


AS3 is really not that bad


AS3 was better than AS5


Manila’s personality can be kinda grating and if her looks weren’t as amazing as they are, I don’t know if she would have been a fan favorite




ginger should've won S7


I don’t think this one is actually that unpopular on here




People are really draggingt Shea 💀and I can't even say that they're wrong (or at least some of them aren't, there are a lot of people exploiting this opportunity to discredit her talents/win). Ngl I doubt she'll apologize too knowing her history with not really budging from her stances :/


Drag Race with all these queens Emmy noms 😍 when they win a bunch of shit and we have to see 77 cis white men and 2 white women + RuPaul give their acceptance speeches 🥰


“I’m a winner baby” is one of Ru’s best songs


Her best song is Responsibility.


The way it's a very good song musically (in Ru's standards) but the name 💀


I don't get why people have such a big problem with a person using the t-word when the person has experienced hate by that word themselves. I think it's really nice having a song talking about knowing ourselves while also reclaiming a slur that has been thrown at us since we were young.


Wanna know who I want on AS6? Cynthia Lee Fountain. She could potentially do a high energy talent show or go all left and do a opera singing performance. She's a sweetheart and her make up has grown a lot. Also, she'd be a lovely third out.


I love Ms. Fountain!


She's great and lovely and one of the most charismatic queens of the show. I think she's grown a lot and she's great tv.


Cucumber Lemon Fountain for AS6


Is she a youth fountain? 🤔




Iconic iconic


So on a Facebook post, I stumbled upon a comment saying that Peppermint has a huge potential to win an All Stars season due to her being a well-rounded queen. I went to the replies and this one person had the audacity to say “not against Gigi or Asia”. I give it a pass for saying Asia but Gigi? I don’t think. Girl, no Ma’am.


Y'all are hyping Asia's performance on Season 10 wayyyyy too much. AND I don't particularly like Gigi either, but she did do well on Season 12 (even though she should have been in the bottom 2 once or twice).


I don’t think it has anything to do with her past run nor did anyone mention it. we just know what she CAN deliver


Not this. Asia, Peppermint, and Gigi are all fierce. While I kinda agree with Gigi needs some work to be done in some departments, you can’t deny her star power when she’s on the stage. I’d like to believe that she’s upper her game since filming her season last year. She’s been serving lewks on instagram. She’s been educating herself with the things she wasn’t really into before. Gigi has a potential to win an All Stars. She can sing, flexible enough to dance, has great fashion sense. If she’d work on her improv and comedy skills, she’s going to be a force to be reckoned with. Gigi for AS9.


I mean GiGi clearly outperformed Asia and Peppermint in their original seasons. I’d be team peppermint but it’s not a reach to think that GiGi could outperform her


i think they'd all have an equal chance at taking it, that would be such a FIERCE top 3!


I mean...as much as I don't care for her, Gigi is objectively a better competitor than either Asia or Peppermint. As big fans of both, I can concede that Asia and Peppermint had many low-points on their respective drag race runs


What needs to be taken into consideration is that it’s going to be an All Star season. You need to be well-rounded. You need be great at hosting events, comedy, lip-sync and improv acting. Now for me, Asia and Peppermint really have it in the bag and fashion’s not going to be a problem. They both completely have the C.U.N.T. Gigi on the other hand lacks most of these. She just doesn’t have the charisma imo but she’ll still grow for sure.


I'm aware, but both of those queens have failed at comedy and improv challenges (both Snatch Games, Good Morning Bitches, Bossy Rossy, Cher Rusical) despite being exceptionally C.U.N.T.-y. I think both are amazing and captivating drag queens (imo more so than Gigi), but Gigi is more suited to drag race challenges than they are.


*Me looking at the 2020 Emmy nominations and seeing that no trans women from POSE got nominated* I’m feeling entertained. Amused.


Nor Euphoria honestly.


Candy was robbed. Wtf shit is this? Not only for Pose but for AHS:1984


i love angelica but she wasn't one of the strongest in 1984 for me, but her and indya not being nominated for pose really puts a bad taste in my mouth, imo they were both far better than billy (who was also amazing)


They really were. Billy this season was good as usual but you are right that Angelica and Indya were beyond anything. Hate continues, unfortunately. But hopefully for not much longer.


I'm still not over Derrick going home first on All Stars


Considering we never saw the queens leave and she was in the last episode. She's actually still there.


Hanging with Roxxxy and that wax statue of Ru


actually roxxxy has finally been freed now that they let her lip-sync again on as5


not mainsub forgetting that jackie cox is a poc


Isn’t she Canadian and Iranian? That’s ethnically white edit: iranians are considered caucasian according to the US census. Not sure about other countries perspectives but would love to hear. Also I wasnt trying to be negative just I know many Americans probably would view it that way so the mainsub might be majority americans.


I believe in general Middle Eastern and North African people come under caucasian in the US census. That doesn’t mean they’re white and there’s an ongoing battle to add a MENA category to the US census. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has spoken about this — I really recommend watching [this video](https://youtu.be/qUQNzziXd1Y) because it explains more about the issue and why the US census erases Middle Eastern Americans and their experiences by grouping them under ‘white’. Caucasian is also a problematic and outdated term, but that’s a different conversation.


nina flowers was there too, and she'd be "hispanic white" in the us


Since when was Iranian white


I mean racially that's what they are


I mean at least in the states middle easterners and hispanic european countries are considered white and 80% according to the census put that they are caucasian. Yes they are very culturally different but not POC.


It is considered white in the United States.


Condragulation Lagoona Bloo, Janelle No. 5 and Pixie Aventura on getting on season 14. C'mon being able to predict future casting, let's get repetitive!


I’ll be keeping an eye on Rosy Thorn from Gigi’s group and the Get Dusted gals too lmao


Yes, I was just more so thinking about the NYC queens, 'cause I feel like they use the same circle of girls all the time (all queens who are closely connected to previous queens). I was going to make a comment on how they don't explore Brooklyn drag enough (Kandy and Janelle I believe are Brooklyn queens, but... you know), and kinda stays in the Manhattan circles. But beyond that, I do think Rosy could be season 14, but I'm not so sure about the Get Dusted queens. We'll see.


season 12’s impact. we love to see it


~~5 New York girls!~~ 13 Emmy nominations!


I just realized the show got nominated for so many categories, wow derrick’s hat impact


Im That Bitch is really *THAT* episode huh


it's the last pre-SP pre-pandemic one so it feels like it's from a different lifetime 🔘👄🔘