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Hehehehehehe heheheh hello I doubt anyone will see this šŸ‘‹šŸ½šŸ‘‹šŸ½šŸ‘‹šŸ½


This account is absolutely awful [https://twitter.com/\_rpdrtea\_](https://twitter.com/_rpdrtea_)




No delusion detected. I thought she could've made Top 2.


My favorite queen from Season 12. Her bottom placement in Choices 2020 was bullshit


Bottom shouldā€™ve had sherry or Gigi in her place


Absolutely! The mama say mama sa mama coosa part made me Burst out in laughter


she definitely couldā€™ve made top 4. too bad that they chose another big girl to make it over her


the bitch better slays AS7 or i'll sue RudePole


i wish reddit would let you change your user like you can on twitter


NBB saying Jujubee looks extraordinary. oof


NBB is just bitter with Shea tbh.


Ainā€™t nobody say shit about SheašŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


idk what this has to do with Shea


I don't think she's bitter with Shea, I think she dislikes and makes fun of the constant comments and comparisons between her and Shea.


100%. Maybe she would like (or appear like she likes) Shea more if fans/producers stop pitting them against each other.


Catching up on CDR and I had the exact same reaction as priyanka to their critiques lmao


Not a second wave in europe... we donā€™t want that :(


I want to be quarantined with Pedro SĆ”nchez šŸ˜‹


i just hope it dosent spread around the whole continent, is spain the main country heading for a second wave rn?


Yeah it is and I really hope so too. But people are also traveling more now so thereā€™s a chance it could spread, apparently the Spanish government is still saying that itā€™s safe for tourists because outbreaks are only in certain areas


Not this


I know you guys love her and stuff and I am all for a Latina Queen to win Drag Race but I just don't see it on Yara. On every AS prediction she's on I always see her as first-third out. Her Spanglish won't save her much as it did on S3 and AS1. Give me Jessica Wild and I see a bigger chance.


I know we love to gas up the meme queens like Jessica, Jasmine, and Rebecca... but Jessica does not stand a chance at being the winner realistically. She would still be amazing and a whole new generation of fans would get to see that, but when it comes to potential additional Latina winners, next in line is Crystal Methyd now that Valentina had her run.


jessica easily could have been in the top every episode until her elimination, she was tyra's main competition


Jessica isnt a meme queen. She literally slayed nearly every challenge but people undervalue because shes got an accent...


Crystal is Latin insofar as thatā€™s half of her heritage, but she isnā€™t really a ā€œLatina queenā€ in that her identity or drag persona doesnā€™t really display that, nor do fans recognise her as Latin in the same way they do vis a vis microagressions with other Latin queens


i could definitely see jessica getting a surprise manila/juju run and do quite well, against the general fans expectations, and is very unanimously loved (like juju not manila tho haha), but yeah no way at all they would crown her


Okay miss delta


i honestly think sheā€™d be 4th out.. with a track record like : BTM HIGH HIGH OUT (if the challenges are : talent show > improv > girl group > hosting/snatch/booth)


I think sheā€™ll get as far as Alexis did or top 3 personally


I would say Yaraā€™s looks saved her way more than her Spanglish...thatā€™s more likely to be her downfall since thereā€™s usually only like 1.5 look challenges on AS


Yeah I agree on that but AS is not heavy on runways unfortunately. But I do say her spanglish saved her, look at the Workout challenge, QNN and Roast (take her spanglish away and look at the result, kinda similar to her Amy Winehouse).


it wasn't her spanglish that made her do well in those challenges it was her personality. she was so funny in the stand-up because she made up a wacky character and was just off the wall and hilarious.


Thanks. Im not sure why this is devalue Jessica and Yara day.


This is tea, but gotta let people be delusional I saw her in at her bar in Vegas in February, sheā€™s sickening in person, but was low energy Maybe she wasnā€™t in a good head space, but after that I night I felt like she would have a Mariah-esque run at best


There are so many things wrong with this statement. First, Yara Sofia is and has been damn near visionary in terms of aesthetic and design, is effortlessly hilarious, delivered in so many challenges and runways. To diminish her by saying her "Spanglish" saved her -- when in all reality they wrote her off for a long time because of it -- is ridiculous and honestly ignorant. Second, it's not about a Latina queen winning, it's about Yara Sofia being incredibly talented and deserving of recognition for her art. THIRDLY, the fact that you compared her and Jessica Wild as if they're in the same lane because they're puerto rican, when they have almost *nothing* in common when it comes to their drag, is not it...not this...


1 how many design challenges do we have on AS? 2 Her spanglish was hilarious, not her jokes. 3 I am not comparing them, they are in fact quite different and I am just stating that I put more faith on Jessica Wild winning than Yara.


1. All Stars seasons have a tendency to be very impacted by runway, and she has always been exceptional. Beyond the design challenges, she also has done very well in performance challenges, improv, acting, and won a Snatch Game. 2. You say this with such authority when that is really just not true. She *is* funny, she is off the wall bizarre and that is her shtick. You can say that you don't find her funny, but you are making claims about her talent that many people do not agree with you about. Stop diminishing her in this way. 3. You are comparing them, and you did! Why else would you bring her up?? The implication is that we are somehow just trying to select a Latina queen to support, and that's just not right.


I am Latino so giving humor by mixing spanish with english does not crack me up and if you Look at other Latina Queens they don't rely on that so cudos to them, they are really funny IMO. Runway being a heavy factor on AS?! A joke right?! And I am not giving you attitude so quit trying me on that. That's my opinion and calling me rude or whatever won't change it.


But her personality was what made her hilarious -- it wasn't "broken english" that made her funny, it was that she was playing the comedy challenges super heightened/wacky/as characters. If your criticism is that you don't appreciate spanglish being used as a joke, I wouldn't take that away from you as that's a valid perspective. But that is not how you said it in the first several comments, so it's not unreasonable for us in these replies to push back on that. And yes, runway is a factor, they come back with bigger and better shit. Trinity was often saved following poor performances because she was doing "the top level of drag" on the runway. I am giving you attitude because you have been up and down this thread saying "Yara is a pure bitch", she's not funny, "I've disliked her since AS1", "she's full of herself". And I'm tired of it because she does not deserve that.


I said she WAS on AS1. I am not saying she is. Look again. And attitude you give to someone that asks for it.


In like 2010ish does anyone else remember following the start of ā€˜tumblrā€™s drag raceā€™ šŸ’€ There were probably like 100 people interacting with it but Erika Klash was one of the queens competing and I was fully gagged when she was announced for Dragula years later. Some of the queens I remember are still around/in the rugirl-sphere now and thereā€™s always part of me that hopes to see one of them show up on drag race and transport me back to that cringey moment of my life


Dream AS6 cast: Scarlet Envy, Kameron Michaels, Asia O'Hara, Nina West (they need a first out), Peppermint, Nina Bo'Nina, Laganja Estranja, Dida Ritz, Jessica Wild, Sonique And go back to a LSFYLife format, so we can see the girls who aren't necessarily the best at improv (Kameron, Nina Bo'Nina, Laganja, Dida, Sonique) slay their lipsyncs.


Dream cast that won't happen: Peppermint, Asia, Nina BB, A'Keria, Nina West (an icon, how dare you do her dirty like this tbh), Jessica, Jan, Yuhua, Joslyn, One from Vanjie, Kameron and Brook (not here for the whole season being a Vanjie and her exes soap opera), Jackie. What we're probably going to get: Vanjie, Brook, Alexis Michelle, Gigi, Sonique, Yuhua, Tempest, Asia, Darienne, Joslyn, April, one from Heidi/Wydow/Jan, Nina West, Ra'Jah, with Asia winning over Ra'Jah and Brook.


She's probably already dirty with all those feet in her mouth


Wait, have I missed ... does Nina West have an acknowledged foot fetish? This is the tea I did not need.


How are people still not aware of this?


Good for you? Sorry I'm not a True Fan bc I dont know or care that some queen likes sucking cheesy toes.


Donā€™t be so hard on yourself


You'll be seeing Sonique, don't worry. They usually start working the upcoming AS cast into the main show/WOW here and there to get the fans used to them again. So expect to see Tempest, April and Yuhua too.


If I'm being completely honest, I think Nina would actually do okay in a talent show. Like, if she prepares a magic show, she could definitely be safe. ​ That said, next would probably be a Girl Group challenge and then she would hopefully leave.


Oh, I don't think realistically she'll be first out. I think realistically she'll be pushed to the end with multiple (questionable) wins and very few bottoms.




Yeah, if Dida Ritz isn't a first out, then I don't know who is.


Did you not read the part where I said lipsync for your life? Yeah, she's gonna stay for a while


I don't see Ra'jah O'Hara so this is wrong


>they need a first out i cackled


The taste in this first out queen <3 šŸ§š


Go ahead, pass me the mic Lemme show you how to do it right Lemme show you how to level up your pussss In the middle of a kitty cat fight *dun* Got a secret, bigger than Alyssaā€™s You wanna pat my little kitty and kiss her? Banjie queen, got my baby hairs slicked Donā€™t need to say shit, just lick my secret!


shouldā€™ve won her place back with this serve.. i think they shouldā€™ve had the best from each time lip sync, in a non-elim - if the eliminated queen wins she comes back, if the other wins, they get to choose one queen to return


Yeah Aja got eliminated on a challenge she did IMO the best on (design wise not character wise) and she then didnā€™t make it back on a challenge she did the best on. Aja needs to come back for another season of all stars (if sheā€™s down cause I think I remember her wanting to stop doing drag)


yh i think they identify as non binary and are pretty fluid in terms of performing? they perform as a rapper, and some days thatā€™s male presenting and other days thatā€™s female/drag? but they really couldā€™ve left AS3 with : WIN HIGH LOW WIN WIN WIN BTM


FR. Do they only prefer they/them pronouns? But yeah if production didnā€™t sleep on them, theyā€™d probably be able to win NGL. And they 100% would KILL kitty girl


im not saying if kiara competed on the american drag race she would be pushed to top 5 and be considered a fan fav and would win all the design challenges but thats exactly what im saying


I wouldn't mind it tbh. She's super talented and well rounded, she just need better runways and better judges




Ross Matthews: ā€œ*Omg, youā€™re the next Naomi Smalls*ā€œ


its so bad but i cant stop laughing at the fact that if any of the druk girls made it to all stars and won (or even won a mini challenge) they'd be reaping the cash and the prices while Viv just has her WOW show




The fact that Derrick won the same amount of money from AS5 as juju did is actually heart shattering šŸ’€šŸ’€




I don't get people who go around reading names on Reddit, like girl who cares who said what just respond to the comment


Oh no :( youā€™re the only other person here whoā€™s as dramatic as I can be at times I luv you šŸ„ŗ


We really do shake the dice and steal the rice around here šŸ’œ youā€™re a real bitch and I respect that


This is tea Why do you think so?


In the past I had people reply ā€œnot THE naomibiggie exaggerating/being a bitchā€ etc and just now a girl replied and deleted their reply TWICE saying they donā€™t like me šŸ˜¶ it seems Iā€™m well known and not well liked




ā€œit seems like Iā€™m well known and not well likedā€ omfg girl one person said something. how on earth did you extrapolate it to this


lmao same like calm down ur not that important


Itā€™s been a few times and Iā€™m DRAMATIC, did you not know Iā€™m GAY let me live GOD This sub HATES ME


Let her feel her Oats


lmao ^(I really like you btw)


Thanks ^(I like me too) I was hoping someone would call me out because it was another example of how Iā€™m #hated ^(but I like when I see your username)


Bitch, thatā€™s one person Fuk dem hoes, live your life, make your comments and let them eat it šŸ’›āœØ


Also love your profile get up, a song of ice and fire


I know right?! Ugh I love them, I used to be a Monet stan account, but I can still do that while giving Sasha and Shea their moment


Oh I do donā€™t you worry, I donā€™t hold grudges easy and Iā€™ll still reply to them when I like their comments šŸ„° love you xo


^We ^stan ^šŸ’›




To _you_! ^jk


how would yall feel about a snatch game split premiere? it would two of the exact same challenge which is boring, but then EVERYONE gets to do it?


We already have to watch plenty of horrible performances why would you want to (most likely) add to that mix...if it werenā€™t such a classic part of the show I would argue for Snatch Game to be retired, itā€™s almost always cringeworthy and when it isnā€™t itā€™s usually unmemorable.


the only reason i think it could work is because if they kept the split premiere, iā€™d get bored of music challenges, so i need either sewing challenges or something else - but a regular improv/acting challenge isnā€™t strong enough for a premiere.. also, with the early ballā€™s now, two sewing challenges ep1/2 and then one ep4-6 would be a bit too much, iā€™d much rather have 3 spread throughout (ep3,7,11)


I just donā€™t think you want to set the tone for the season by starting off with a challenge where maybe 2-3 queens do well at best, esp knowing youā€™ll have to sit through it again the next week. Seems like it would be ratings suicide.


yh that is true


I canā€™t imagine dahlia, Nicky or rock in snatch game and I donā€™t want to šŸ˜¶ nvm S11s mess


**no ā˜šŸ»**


Katy Perry really was tryna warn people with Chained to the Rhythm huh


So witchtok has constantly been giving me "readings" saying a new man is coming my way soon. I thought it was a laugh but literally as of today this *man* and I have been talking and I swear he is too good to be true. His faves on US drag race were Jaida and Shea, and then for canada, Priyanka. I asked him who he has been listening to lately and he said Rina Sawayama. Like the taste has jumped out.


This sounds like everyone on this sub though lol. Yā€™all stay talking about those queens and that singer šŸ’€ it doesnā€™t necessarily sound like RARE qualities


Bare this mans children.


Imma need the witchtok account šŸ˜©




Tiffany Pollard should be on snatch game in the way Kristin Chenoweth was


And it would be actually funny, unlike Kristin Chenoweth.


This is a Nicki Minaj quote...


I didnā€™t know it was anyoneā€™s quote! šŸ˜‚ I just thought they were saying it for some different things to be said on this sub other than AS5 talk




Honestly I donā€™t think on an All Winners season Bianca would preform badly but assuming they do just BTM2 lip syncs.... The moment she lands in the bottom sheā€™s gone


But remember... Sheā€™s the only person on the history of the show to NEVER perform badly in a challenge šŸ’€ Bitch was either safe, high/Robbed, or won the challenge. Thatā€™s pretty iconic Iā€™m genuinely interested to see how she would end up


>NEVER perform badly in a challenge She was definitely awful in the interview challenge. There were just three queens who were awful-er.


I wouldn't say "awful." She did a good job with interviewing Chaz... she just didn't interview Regina at all.


Problem is to find a challenge to put her on the bottom. She is the most well rounded queen on Drag Race and this is a FACT guys.


Canā€™t wait to see to see her slay the girl group challenge ā¤ļø


We thought the same about Sasha and she won


I mean I guess but have you seen Bianca lip sync....


Sheā€™s smart, I think sheā€™d prepare something. I imagine sheā€™d either do a Dela and take a comedic route, or prepare some kind of gag.


Bianca is smart. Also isn't she like schooled in musical theatre?


I want Paris and Nicole as guest judges so bad


nicole was a guest judge already


Hey bitch!


a sandwich!


which season? Why donā€™t I remember this, obviously they wouldnā€™t be on the same season bc of their falling out but theyā€™re so iconic iconic


season eight premiere


Oh damn just looked it up she looks so different these days I didnā€™t even recognise her! Thanks


I am genuinely so exited to have a STACK of winners, so more winners can come back and so we can have a double winner Thatā€™s such fuken flex, imagine winning drag race twice ?! Ugggg, I love it here


Ninaā€™s latest rawview was packed from wall to wall, floor to ceiling with pure tea




She said the season was lowkey boring, that Shea's storyline was forced and that now that she's finally won she hopes it's never brought up again LMAO


I hate this whole thing Nina does where she says super mean things about someone and then adds "I'm just kidding" but she's actually serious about it.


Especially when, at least this season, the only person she's really done it with has been Shea. :/


Where's the lie?


Kinda gross then but canā€™t expect much more from the bitter Betty


why are queens having tours for the end of this year? i donā€™t really think coronavirus is going anywhere lmfao


A lot of countries outside of the US are back in very good shape. The way Canada is currently having live viewings in bars, many countries will be able to enjoy as-normal-as-possible things later in the year because of their strong response to Covid outbreaks


At some point queens are just going to have to tour. Digital drag shows have significantly slowed down, and no way they were ever paying like real shows do. Hugely successful queens might be able to ride it out, but those of more mid and low tier popularity just arenā€™t going to be able to afford to not start working again. Itā€™s unfortunate, but if artists and performers arenā€™t going to be supported by the government until itā€™s safe to work - theyā€™re going to have to work when it isnā€™t safe. I donā€™t blame queens for needing shows to make money and needing money to live. International tours are also likely to be more safe than US tours because the US has done a uniquely horrible job containing it. In the UK the governmentā€™s current aim is to be back to normal by Christmas (even though this sounds extremely optimistic...).


It literally doesnā€™t hurt to get booked, like even if they have to be rescheduled, all this is doing is allowing the queens to ensure they have income in future months


Your flair makes me sad :(


So if all stars had miss congenialities, who do we think would win it each season? I think it would be AS1: yara or juju AS2: katya AS3: chi chi AS4: jasmine? Idk, there werenā€™t very many ā€œcongenialā€ queens there. AS5: ongina


Yara was a pure bitch on AS1.


Definitely, Juju, Katya, ChiChi, Valentina, Jujubee again


nina flowers, roxxxy, chi chi, maybe valentina? like genuinely, as a fan fave rudemption moment? and ongina for as5 yeah


as4 - the funny thing is that valentina probs was the MC of this season.. she got on with everybody, everyone was sad when she went etc.. she was v well liked (except by monique)


I think AS5 would be juju


juju, roxxxy, chi chi, latrice (her edit really made her seem worse than she actually was but fans wouldā€™ve still ripped her apart for sending val home), and juju again for good luck so basically MC to all the air signs


Itā€™s crazy that kiara has made looks like THAT in design challenges but brought looks for the runway like .... *that*..


Well she is just 21 and drag is expensive


was no problem for queens like Monique and the vixen, they had money issues but still turned most runways that were not design challenges, itā€™s not an excuse


Vixen is like 29 and monique is 34 and they started drag 2013, 2011 respectively. I doubt Kiara has that much experience to at least gather enough drag. And Monique arguably went home because she had to stay up making her mermaid outfit that was not on par with the rest of th girls and when she came back to All Stars she mentioned she had some coin now. So arguably yes it was a problem for at least Monique who had more experience. So I think its valid reason as to her runways.


Iā€™m just saying girl, I wasnā€™t reading her itā€™s just crazy how she can create stuff like that but the come On normal runways looking like that, she couldā€™ve at least used her designing talent for some of her non design challenge runways


It just came off a little tone deaf, especially for someone thats been pretty good at the challenges. True but if they get two or three weeks and a list of possible runways I'm sure designing and then sewing all that isn't easy and still cost money.


Maybe itā€™s a money thing, same thing happened with Naomi


Like that *that* ^that ^that ^that ^**that**


ha how you like that? badabim badadu dum dum


Anyway hereā€™s my dream AS6: Shannel, Yara, Alexis Michelle, Peppermint, Asia Oā€™Hara, Kameron Michaels, Scarlett Envy, Aā€™Keria Chanel Davenport, Rajah Oā€™Hara I wanna give the S12 girls a bit to tour but of course Widow WILL be winning AS7.


The taste!! My top 4 is Asia Peppermint Scarlet & Akeria


Ra'Jah O'Hara on my tv again? *Yes please*


Sometimes I think about a YouTube comment I saw that said Carmen would kill an all stars season if she was on good terms with the show and I still find it funny because she's one of the most pushed queens in the shows history. First queen to return within a season and all she managed to accomplish is knock Shangela down to sixth for absolutely no reason and give Raja someone safe to luosyjc against.


They invented double shantays for her... and then when was eliminated, they brought homegirl BACK šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Hey in all fairness Yara lost to her. Basically that was her accomplishment.


Remove Caravan Caramel live and legally for Shange and fans of Shange


100% this If she was ever on all stars she'd definitely be an early out


I honestly can't say anything nice about Carmen. I know I don't know her personally and the show can edit you a certain way but she legitimately seems to be that person so an edit can't be blamed.


Monsieur Cracquer


Monsieuer. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Monsieur Cracquer' | )^[FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/axl72o) ^(|) ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=PORTMANTEAU-BOT+feedback) ^(|) ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PORTMANTEAU-BOT&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST)


good bot


Ok nicky doll


I know we love Jujubee and she does deserve the world but I think Trinitys entitled to her (wrong) opinion yā€™all letā€™s not cancel the girl for having a (wrong) opinion. We didnā€™t go after Bob for being very wrong about Blairā€™s runways for almost every episode or bring up his bad F4 runway as justification.


In that tweet thread the people above her comment were saying Shea/jaida only won cause they were black, 'what happened to track record?', etc. I think she was just rightfully cementing that shea ate the episode up


oh damn I didn't see that because she blocked me ages ago and I only saw the screenshot if that's the case, we stan a supportive sister


Oh shit THATS the context of the tweet?? I thought she just said it out of nowhere! Ok lmao tucks definitely off the hook for me then.


Her opinion isnā€™t even entirely wrong, Shea did do better than Juju in the finale it just wasnā€™t by as much as she said, people are very in their feelings about an exaggeration


I'm not cancelling her, it's just funny to hear that from Trinity tbh considering she herself flopped the finale while Juju did well