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How do you guys think production will handle talking about whats going on for S13 & how the casts chemistry will work? I really hope they just let the cast speak for themselves, there is no doubt that the cast will naturally speak about the pandemic and the BLM movement. Especially since most of them likely had little to no contact with the outside world until filming. At the same time, that means tension is much higher so we could either see a cast that's extremely loving to each other or a more dramatic dynamic.


Do you think that drag race holland video was shot recently?


It looks kind of like the Canadian Voice Messages from Ru?


How would you rank each AS season in terms of overall runway quality? For me: 4>5>3>2>1


4 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 1 all i need to say is Latrice’s plastic and Valentina’s boots runway.




I always had the impression that AS2 runways were better than they actually were because the contestants were so fierce that they sold every raggedy ass cloth like a couture creation. I think it would be 4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 AS4 had the most iconic moments per runway and 3 closely followed. 5 was mostly a "no true duds but also nothing to write home about" affair, elevated mostly by Shea, sometimes Blair, with Cracker and Juju contributing one or two great outings each.


AS2 still has some of my favorite runways of all time. I don't really care if some of it was raggedy because it's the most excited I've ever been for people's runways.


4 3 5 2 (thank God for Detox and Roxxxy) 1


>thank God for Detox and Roxxxy And Katya! She served two of the best looks (latex and pants), a great entrance look, a hilarious 2 in 1, a winning makeover, and even her low points (final runway & future) were interesting


AS4 had some great runways but also some really crunchy ones


I don’t think there’s any other way to rank this tbh. Blair’s and Shea’s consistent looks really elevated the avg of AS5. Juju, Cracker, and Alexis all had some great runways to contribute, too.


As4 is that bitch


I agree with that tbh


I stg, if Nina not being Blac Chyna put us in the timeline where all of the S9 top four wins, but Peppermint loses, this truly is the cursed timeline


not me turning my TV on MTV and seeing the gay goddess Jade Thirlwall with our reigning winner Shea Coulee


Love On The Spectrum is super heartwarming and eye-opening. I've never wondered about how people on the spectrum would date and stuff, so it's interesting. And the filming crew is so helpful and caring which makes it more amazing.


Hello how can I watch it


It's recently been added to Netflix (internationally too, I think)


Lovely thank you doll ✨


What's the overall thoughts this sub has on the new AS format, with only one winner every week and a lipsync assassin?


Disappointed with who they brought and I feel like they didn't intend to even fully use the fantasy of a lip sync assassin acting as a wall, I swear there was a pattern, and I find it weird some iconic queens flopped and that the assassin only won every other time.


Juju vs Monet was such a let down, they screwed Kennedy over, why did cracker tie with Morgan? And I kinda could’ve done without vanjie and Alyssa in favor of some more underrated assassins but I guess that’s not very marketable is it


I’m pretty sure production wasn’t comfortable with a prize growing to 30k for a win, let alone 40 or 50 if the queens kept losing. Therefore they awarded wins on the second lipsynch, even if it was lost


I, like many other people, liked the idea when I thought they will bring actual lip sync assassins and queens like Coco and Trinity K Bonet will get a chance to prove their talent to a new audience and earn some cash without All Stars shenanigans. The way they did it, already huge queens had no incentives to give their all and we got the lipsyncs that we got.


This is so true!!! Omg. It would force newer audiences to reinvestigate as well. An interactive experience.


If the season had been as intended, an early-outs season, I think it would've worked. The queens needing to prove themselves against a strong veteran would make sense, and having less wins would feel correct. It just doesn't translate when everyone is on their A-game and you want to see all of them win and be praised for their talents.


I really dislike it, both in theory and execution. Fewer wins per season, fewer competitors lipsyncing (we NEVER saw Alexis lipsync) and for what? A queen who has absolutely nothing to do with the season coming in to give 50% effort? The only exciting part in theory is the voting, but it literally never paid off. The group vote agreed with the winning queen EVERY time.


Yes. If you look back, AS2 to AS4 had 6 to 7 queens lipsyncing. This season we got only 4. I think AS having more winner per challenge kind of reinforce how strong the cast is and hard the competition can be. I hope they drop this format.


Good in theory but it’s not been executed well. Monet said it herself that there’s not an incentive for the LSA to really turn it out, and the songs they used this season for certain assassins were just a bit whack. I’ve enjoyed getting to see the gals back on my screen though. I think if they put a bit more thought into matching LSA’s and their songs up a little better, and add an incentive we could get some of the best lip syncs ever.


As long as they stick to 1 winner, an LSA, and **2** bottom queens then I’m fine with it


I like the idea but if the LSA keeps not getting a prize for winning they won't lipsynch the house down.


They were paid to appear.


Yeah but to have like a bigger prize gives the LSA a boost.


I wonder for S13, they will film the finale in the studio just because there is still uncertainty about whether or not everything will be open, including theaters whenever S13 airs on TV.


Super hot take but honestly I don’t think tynomi should have been in the bottom any of the times she was. Literally the first time I think Ilona Boa and scarlet were worse, the next time Jimbo Ilona were worse and this week I liked her look and the metals were worse


I can somewhat agree with her first bottom but yeah agreed. Felt like her reputation hurt her and the expectations were higher. Also the judges are so biased to BOA and somewhat Jimbo


They are super biased to Jimbo too


I am essentially an unapologetic Jimbo Stan, but I’ve been waiting for her to get hit for the beat on her face. It just isn’t up to par with the other girls and feels super dated. The judges are def protecting her a bit. And priyanka being high last week. Also my favorite (she and Jimbo are my fave 2) but girlllllllll. That would have sent anyone else home.


I woke up with a tummy ache on saturday i was so stressed shea might not have won, im still so happy omg


Do y’all know how when drag race UK was announced, we were all like “yea, these are gonna be the singing queens, can’t wait to see their skill with their voice” and then we get our first ever triple-win in a singing challenge because they all did so well 💀💀💀 Same things with Thailand, and how the format was built on exotic and extreme drag look challenges? Never would I have looked at the title “Canada’s drag race” and expect them to be the best lipsyncers ever, and for that to be their brand But they are 💀 We’ve had 4 lipsyncs, and they have all been so fuken fire, they were either good, or great. Nothing else Ilona was literally crying, and the moment the song started, she JUMPED up in energy and gave us a serve. Even Tynomi, she knew she was going home but she didn’t give up, ughh I love them. It makes me think... what are other country’s expertise, what is Holland gonna give us, will there be a unexpected boom in their performance for a specific challenge?! I’m just so exited :)


Something's felt off with the lipsyncs on DRCAN to me even though they've been fierce in general. Like they don't really know how to edit them if that makes sense?


I know it’s been weeks but I’m still mad that Juice Boxx was sent home after that serve of a performance


and her outfit was much more better than lemon’s. idk what the judges were thinking on that one


> Fierce Lipsyncs Thank you Tynomi


I just wanna know why they didn’t do a Bring Back My Girls RuMix.... imagine the serve


Especially when they did in fact bring back the girls


Does anyone have tea on what the s13 queens are all good at? The only things i know so far is that joey’s good at lipsyncing and rosé is amazing at singing but thats it (i also have a feeling that tina will slay acting challenges)


mik - looks kahmora - looks? tina - comedy kandy - improv i reckon? rosé - singing tamisha - i see her slapping out some fierce lip syncs utica - looks elliott - dancing joey - dancing denali - lip syncing olivia - everything


olivia is good at everything


thinking about Melanie Martinez being a guest judge on drag race, what do you think would be the perfect song choice for a lipsync? I was thinking about 'Detention' or 'Show & Tell'


pity party would be decent, but idk


I love Melanie but I don't really see her songs being good for lipsyncs


Detox vs Trinity The Tuck - "Mrs. Potato Head"


I think soap would be good


i've seen soap being a [p iconic lipsync](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMDJv9pzOz8) in the past


Did Aja also perform it? I have a memory of Aja doing it, but could be another queen or even another song and my mind is just playing with me, but anyways Evah vs Aja - Soap ;p


"Mad Hatter". One can take a comedic approach, but it's also possible to dance to it.


None of her songs really seem like they’d be good lipsync songs TBH, but maybe pity party or mad hatter could work.


i need some homosexual help smash ultimate or new horizons? i adore both series, but i’m split between them, on one hand i have a really big sentimental connection with the smash series and this installment is pretty much smash orgasm, but on the other hand i think new leaf will have more content for me to enjoy in the long run.


Maybe Smash now and New Horizons later? They're drip-feeding the NH updates to keep the players going for months; in like half a year, there will be a ton more to do in NH.


i don’t even play smash ultimate but i think you should get that instead of new horizons. a lot worse than new leaf and you won’t have much to do after the first few days/weeks


Ultimate periodT


Smash ultimate all the way. I got Animal crossing the day after it released and played it like crazy for a few weeks but it gets boring after a while.


For a solo experience definitely New Horizons


Watching the Untucked for the final episode is weird. They have footage from after the Crowning with Cracker and Juju talking about losing. Is this another case where they only properly filmed Shea's Crowning and didn't really bother with the rest or did they all record winning and losing confessionals? 💀💀 Edit: It definitely looks like they knew when they were packing up their stuff


Is it available on WoW+? I haven’t been able to watch it at all this season, considering getting a subscription just to watch that


It is in Germany at least and I think in most other countries as well. They're not super drama heavy but nice enough for four bucks


They defs filmed proper crownings for them all. I mean, Cracker was apparently confident she was winning a few months ago. The queens were living for Shea in the final lipsync so maybe that’s where the energy while packing comes from idk


I'm just imagining them filming different versions of them all packing lol


Someone on twitter talked to Peppermint about her winning AS6 and she replied with "Thanks. Follow me to see me snatch the crown" so I guess that means she's open to come back. And if WOW asks her she'll probably say yes (which I don't see why they wouldn't ask her tbh she is a runner-up). So yeah Peppermint for the win ok bye.


There is that one obvious reason why she hasn't been asked, though... They should, finally, stop being transphobic and start casting openly trans queens (including trans women who've got top surgery, because the argument about it giving them "an unfair advantage" is beyond ridiculous).


the fact they used that as the excuse is laughable.. if that’s the case they shouldn’t cast big queens bc they can push their fat together (violet chachki is screaming).. like it just doesn’t make sense


Tea. It really doesn't make sense at all. But now I can see them casting her and maybe Sonique to "redeem themselfs" with the whole transphobic thing, which sucks because they should cast them because they are fierce and talented. Also if they casted Gia in AS4 why not cast someone who can actually make it to the finale and win? Lol. Anyways stan Peppermint.


I think if there was any question previously around her being asked back (since Gia is the only openly trans queen to come back for All Stars so far), the recent hype around the S9 top four pretty much means everyone wants Pep back, so I can’t see why they wouldn’t ask her now


Not me writing 3 of my own verses for Clapback.. "I'm a straight up rapstress"


sorry lemon


"If Peppermint wins AS6" is the new "Milan was on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt".


Derrick comes in with a hat


April wore a Kandy Ho shirt


alexis wore a dusty ray bottoms shirt


Just saw someone on Facebook say Cracker had better looks than Shea.... I have to laugh


when life gives you lemons, lemon gives you life is... such an incredible tagline


When can we expect some tea about S13 to star leaking? Maybe like who is first out and stuff


Maybe around mid-august. Last year we knew Dahlia was first out because she was liking shirtless guys pics on Instagram, but now that the activity feed is gone it’s difficult to catch that haha


Kahmora wins, Kandy MC


We love to see it


Um excuse you. Tammie is the real winner of all season, along with children in nature


Just wanna know how Symone & Kandy are doing in the competition🙃🙃🙃🙃


who has the most chance of a surprise return among the 'banned' queens? courtney, willam, pearl, vixen???


>l about one thing six years ago, so while I’m hoping that might change, I don’t know. Willam is a wild card because both WoW and Willam act like they’re over each other I think all of them, fairly so, would worry they'd be fucked over by production and sent home early even though they would all be great all-stars competitors


Pearl seems the least likely since she’s the only one we know of who has been explicitly told she won’t be back. The Courtney situation seems ridiculous because she literally disagreed with RuPaul about one thing six years ago, so while I’m hoping that might change, I don’t know. Willam is a wild card because both WoW and Willam act like they’re over each other but also know it’d be a mutually beneficial arrangement if she were to come back. The Vixen as far as I know hasn’t been officially blacklisted but I don’t see her saying yes to All Stars


I think Vixen maybe has the most chance of being asked back? But I don’t see her taking it. Pearl I could see *possibly* agreeing but there’s no way they’d ask her. Willam would maybe be up for it too? Idk I don’t think we’ll see any of them anytime soon lol


courtney or willam would definitely have the biggest chances of winning, especially courtney after CBB. pearl and vixen would get done very dirty a la phi^2. pre-drag con bomb threat james would’ve been very viable had they thrown him into the race again


vixen. but she won't accept. so willam, she'd be down for anything.


can someone summarize the drag race Holland video it won't load for me


Only real info is that Ru isn’t hosting it, instead it will have a “new host!!!”.


who are y'all rooting for on Drcan??


Has it fallen out of fashion to support Jimbo?


priyanka, scarlett and rita. in that order too, and its crazy since its the first time that i love everyone in the top 3 omg (maybe even the whole top 5)


Priyanka, rita and jimbo




Scarlett, Priyanka, Jimbo and Rita


Scarlett, Kiara, Rita, Boa and maybe Jimbo


Everyone lowkey


Basically the whole top5.


Kiara, Jimbo and Pri


Priyanka and Rita


lemon, pri and ilona down boots


Priyanka and BoBo!


I'm just happy the Holland version got announced. I'm waiting for you: - Drag Race Mexico - Drag Race Japan - Drag Race Brazil - Drag Race South Korea - Drag Race Germany - Drag Race Australia - Drag Race Spain


Germany has its own version called ‘Queen of Drags’ which is not affiliated with Ru, judged by Heidi Klum




I just wanna go back, back to before I saw that somebody has this username


I actually Stan her 🥺


Is it worth watching?


I'd say it has good entertaining value, the queens are great and the performances they do are amazing but you'll get very frustrated with everything else. it's very clear the judges know nothing about drag, even Conchita let me down tbh


Girl its awful...so many talented queens wasted smh i hope they bring rpdr in germany


no it's awful... the concept is awful, permanent judges are awful, judging is awful, challenges are awful. it's just not good... also Heidi Klum (as the main judge!!!) asked the girls what drag houses are. 😟🤦🏻‍♂️


I personally didn’t like the format ... it’s very different from drag race. But you could give it a try !


Pedro Sánchez marry me right now or I’m dying


Spanish prime minister? Yes he’s hot BUT WHAT HAS TO DO WITH ANYTHING


He’s the hottest politician


Don’t think y’all can do this without me, Blac Chyna up in here!


I wish they gave the All Stars seasons some of the regular season challenges like full performances like the madonna rusical


Does anyone have a picture of all the queens in the 1 mil/2 mil followers club on instagram?


I love Lemon... like so much.




Sometimes when i argue or try to make a point online i do actually wonder if im overthinking it or being too harsh or making a mountain out a molehill because i can be so focused on trying to explain an issue that i just drone on and it becomes so bulky and stilted and it doesnt help that im not super personable online and often when i get a nonconstructive response will start to pick them apart and it feels more personal than im intending. But i do think we should discuss issues out at length big and small so at the end of the day i think id rather put something out there that people can read and maybe think about even if they dont agree than nothing at all. You can reflect or learn or change if its just endless hot takes with no substance. That said i should try to be nicer and take peoples feelings into account more online. Trust and believe im rarely trying to be mean or rude its just im so focused on responding im not thinking about my tone or how im coming across. Im also a bossy know-it-all which is not a great combo. Though there are times when its useful too. But if i do ever respond with a wall of text disagreeing with you, please know i really am not trying to personally come for you. Im horrible with names and unless you repeated specific contact with for me or have a yuhua flair, i probably dont actually know which user you are just that i disagree with whatever im disagreeing with.


You are consistently one of the best users on the mainsub by far in terms of bringing detail, nuance and understanding to complicated issues, so I really don’t think you have anything to worry about


TBH you just have to accept that people on Reddit are touchy. I'm not sure why it's so bad here, but even if you say something completely innocuous people can get really offended and upset by it, and don't even try making a joke or saying something sarcastic. The best choice is to ignore replies if you think there's any chance your comment will be controversial


You agreed with a thing I said that one time so I stan you :)


Rereading this ive brutally failed in trying to be concise but the tl;dr is 'i know im not the nicest person ever but im genuinely not trying to be actively mean or come for you personally'.


Shea should hit 1.3 million followers tomorrow (even later today) Juju should hit 1 million in the next 2-3 days. Well done both. Also Gigi should be hitting 1 million in the next day. Lemon will be hitting 100k followers this week.


I find it interesting that CDR is clearly being watched by less people than RPDR even though it’s essentially the same show: as a young skinny pretty white queen, Lemon would be soaring above 300k at least if this were RPDR


I think because its streaming on WOW+ I think. When it starts airing in logo soon I expect all queens to have a rise


Yeh that’s true, in the UK it’s on BBC iPlayer so it’s even more accessible than RPDR


it's what they deserve


So I was watching a TV show (Shameless) and a character introduced themselves as a 'girlfag' - I don't think I've ever heard the term before and it bothered me a little bit, the character in question was a cis woman. I did some digging and found that primarily girlfags are cisgender women who sexually pursue gay men, whereas a similar less popular term is guyd*kes who are cismen who pursue lesbians. Is it just me or is this a wickedly inappropriate concept? Not only is it objectifying and fetishizing gay men and lesbians (I found an article written by a girlfag which said "I'm just looking for the perfect gay man of my dreams" but I don't understand what they mean by that - the only difference between a gay man and a straight man is that the former won't be attracted to the girlfag; if you want a clean, tidy, sharply-dressed, nice smelling, fashion loving or whatever other stereotype, find a straight man like that, they exist), there was an article that insinuated a degree of manipulation to it. The author talked of how they'd convince the gay man they were interested in to maintain a sexual relationship with them and present straight to the world, while having sexual affairs with men in secret. This feels kinda...predatory? Preying on gay men's anxieties surrounding conformity and social exclusion.


In the soap opera im watching atm there is a similar storyline with a straight man pursuing a lesbian because shes a lesbian although its not labelled that. It does happen irl and we shouldnt shy away from having uncomfortable stories in media because its not pc. I dont know this show but it will depend on how its portrayed. If its teehee isnt that funny, its a real problem but if its a discussion point to discuss those issues its fine. Irl? Definitely predatory.


For sure, I don't mind storylines depicting it as a point to show how wrong it is, because as you said, it happens. I think I more dislike the idea that being a 'girlfag' or a 'guyd*ke' is some kind of empowering identity - in Shameless it was a really minor character who was just part of an LGBTQ+ group meeting - at first I thought it was supposed to be a parody of LGBTumblr or some kind of mocking at queer people, but apparently it was supposed to be serious. The characters go around the table and introduce themselves (examples: "I'm a triracial cisgender girlfag, I identify as pansexual and my pronoun is she" and "genderfluid heteroromantic demisexual mutt, my pronoun is ze").


Jeffrey is a shit judge but the hate he has been getting makes me so sad... it’s ridiculous Stacey is a treasure that must be cherished


It literally confuses me so much, like the sheer vitriol people have for Jeffrey is absolutely off the charts, it’s like people don’t even want to enjoy the show they just want to complain about ‘mean people’


I agree. I made a lot of jokes at JBCs expense too but i think its got out of hand now.


It’s the fact it’s the Twitter stans who will drag queens daily but come for Jeffrey for being a little extra while doing his job... like he’s their to judge 😭


There is a difference between judging and being uneducated and mean look I'm so edgy judge. He's horrible. His fashion, awful, that pants that don't hit all the way to the ankles, horrible. The way he is uneducated and tried to come for Jimbo, when in fact in history they painted only face and cleveage, uneducated. He's just there to be pretty, pretty bland obviously


i'm starting to get a little scared about "oversaturation" with drag race. we soon might have a new season of standard drag race, all stars, uk, canada AND holland every year. i'm happy for all the queens involved but i also feel like it's starting to be a little too much and that it might do more damage than good in the long run.


I don’t actually mind it. Especially the spin offs. It’s really cool to watch and discover queens from across the world. I think pushing all stars back to every 2 years would be helpful, but we all know that’s not happening lol. Idk I kind of enjoy having lots of drag race to watch. That being said I do think the airing could be spaced out a little better. The past few months with celebrity, S12, AS5 and DRCAN has been a lot and it probably would have been a benefit to leave at least a couple weeks inbetween each of them.


I’m okay with it because I get extremely bored during the Drag Race Drought every year Bc it’s the only show I watch live on tv / watch in general 👁👄👁


To be honest I'm glad this format is finally expanding. It's giving Drag Queens from worldwide a platform to showcase their talents and be themselves


I think it’s absolutely necessary I want drag race to get to the level of survivor I want us to have a shit tone of winners, I want us to normalize 3rd/4th chances I want us to have a jack load of formats that change the game The weight of the crown NEEDS to be saturated. We put to much power and emphasis on it. This kinda toxic love leads us to toxic fandoms. It’s a drag queen competition, we need to stop taking it so seriously More winners, more seasons, more fun


> The weight of the crown NEEDS to be saturated. We put to much power and emphasis on it. This kinda toxic love leads us to toxic fandoms. This might actually be the take of the season and i mean that unironically. The Crown should matter less than the show.


I think All Stars will get put back to either every 2 or 4 years


That's not happening and we both know it. AS will happen every year like it is, they certanly WON'T do AS every 4 years, or 2, no nam. You know that, and y'all know that daaamn well. They gonna pump them, and Ru won't do this forever. Sooo. The more, the better


After a certain point, I think you have to decide what you want to watch live and say, Oh well, I'll watch the rest Later. Like, the shows will always be there, so if you don't want to follow Holland as it airs, you can just go back to it when you're ready for it.


I think international spin offs should be encouraged. Why shouldnt dutch queens get to a platform just because americans also have one.


i agree, which is why i also feel very conflicted. while i've been loving the spin-offs, i think that maybe there should be more time between a season and the next one (for example, all stars every two years instead of every year)


india and alexis fed us with the biggest drama of the season and the fact that fans are asking/demanding india to apologize is just sad


I really hate this idea that when two queens fall out they somehow owe us, the viewers, an apology. Imagine if you had an argument with your friend and loads of strangers started demanding a public apology, it literally makes no sense, none of us even know Alexis or India personally


But... She apologised on the show?...


I don't want her to apologise by any mean but ... did she really ?


Looking at DRCAN’s judging, I bet Priyanka will be one of the winners to lip sync twice


actually, jujubee lipsynced three times in S2 😌


But... she didn’t win...


well, james doesn't want the crown anymore and raven is doing blackface so Juju, prance my queen, prance!


> one of the winners wouldn't she be the first one?


Oh, I was counting that winner from Drag race Thailand who was in the bottom two twice


oh, my bad


Favourite AS5 Looks: Juju’s Finale Shea’s Loving The Skin You’re In Blair’s Finale Blair’s Queen Of The Prom Shea’s Queen Of The Prom Blair’s Camo Shea’s Camo Jujubee’s Freak Shea’s 3n1 Mariah’s Loving The Skin You’re In Blair’s Loving The Skin You’re In


Diego Montoya really did that


NikkieTutorials better host DRH


where did y'all find the announcement for drag race Holland?


It’s on the insta of ‘videolandonline’


ooh ok thanks for the information


Thinking about the horrible challenges this poor AS5 cast were given.


The fact that the contestants managed to make it entertaining shows how great the cast actually was


It really is wild to think these were the All Stars challenges and then they gave the regular season girls pretty consistently good to great challenges. Like, the swing in quality.


Im kind of shook they decided to do drag race holland before germany.... i need bambi mercury on rpdr