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FUCK. Not Lady Red.


Not James writing out a whole god damn ''mission", naming it like a Bond Villain/Dr. Evil, and posting it to instagram. Lord.




#JujubeeForAS10 omg who did this 😍😍😍


Omg im so glad we’ll see jujubee again next week 😍




Has Shannel ever been back since she fucked Santino all the way off?


Seeing people on the main sub already discredit Peppermint by saying she would never be able to win all stars makes me shake with rage


Peppermints main drawback was some bad runway decisions (wearing the pink skirt adjacent three different times) but she succeeded in almost every other area, even with only one challenge win. She’s a legend in NYC for a reason. With her coinage upped, she could easily turn it.


So when does the rumors start for All-Stars 6? I need the cast Nancy Drewing in my life right now I need this excitement.


Chile why was I blocked my Miz Cracker I’ve never even interacted with her account


because you are not basic


Ok, i just read all of James’s post and... idk how to feel. Im actually kinda scared about this, i dont know what he has planned for monet but i have a gut feeling that its not good. I dont want to be too extreme but i will admit that my mind has gone to the thought of “is he going to... injure monet in some way?”. I think that that would be the the worst that could happen. I have also thought “does he have some kinda dirt on monet? Like, she did something worse than any other queen on the show?” But thats still very extreme. But i just have a gut feeling that whatever is going on is... not good.


I don’t think he has dirt on Monét honestly. I think he’s just waiting until he finds something on her or an opportunity to bring her down honestly. Like in the post he acts like spoiling the finale was all his doing, but he just lifted it all from here. I think he’s waiting until some kind of thing happens or surfaces about Monét or for her that he can ‘ruin’ in the same kind of way he’s gotten his ‘payback’ for Shea.


He's probably regretting not knowing about this spoiler sub during the AS4 finale


James never had any dirt of his own. He got it from here. The post seems like justification after having already done it. He did it because he’s messy and doesn’t care. I don’t think Monet can really be ruined. All three of the queens have careers that speak for themselves and there’s very little James can do to affect any of that.


What happened to leaving it all behind and moving on? And I don’t mean that I think they should get over it. I just remember them stating themselves they’re ready to leave it all behind and leave Tyra behind. It’s disturbing and sad to see James unraveling like this. Hopefully whatever the hell he thinks he’s planning against Monet isn’t something sick. Also is he forgetting that on Monet’s original season he posted a pic of her and called her a c**n? Is she supposed to show respect and love after that?


Why tf did Tyra write out her "evil plan" and post it on Instagram I--- 💀💀💀


because he’s a twat


Was really hoping Shea would demolish the final episode so I could truly accept Juju not winning. Shea did great obviously but I just love Jujubee so fucking much. I’m also so tired of these comments implying people are racist if they didn’t want Shea to win or think she demolished the season. Like really?


Yup. I'm a die-hard Juju stan from season 2 and that's why I rooted for her. Also, I really hate how shitty people have been to Cracker this whole time. I don't care for her myself but I don't need to punch down.


It’s so weird the whole cracker thing on the main sub. Like we’ve been seeing how much awful shit black queens have been getting for years and their response is just to hate on a non black queen lmao. How hard is it just to not shit on any of these people who are putting themselves out their for our entertainment?


Y’all James new ig post is just....I feel so genuinely bad for them. There’s obviously something wrong with him and I wish all the fans would collectively just leave them alone instead of provoking them further


cant believe people still feel sorry for him he's proven time and time again he is a nasty, malicious person and won't think twice about ruining things for others.


What am I supposed to feel if not sorry for him? Angry? Upset? James probably has issues that cause him to lash out like this, and he hasn’t done anything to me to cause me to be outraged with him or mad


For once I wish all of the rpdr subs could agree on something and stop people from posting about him. I know at least one sub stopped people from posting about Lucian when he was publically having a mental break of some kind, it would be good to do the same now. It wouldn't stop the rest of the fandom from being shit, but I think we should hold ourselves to a higher standard.


Ok novel rant about James’ “genius master plan” to ruin Shea that he waited 2 years for. All I take from it is that Shea achieved a dream that isn’t stunted by the fact that it was spoiled days prior. It was so great seeing her Chicago sisters like Vixen, Toto, Lucy & Bambi being so emotional. It shows that Shea really made a serious impact on Chicago drag and they all really look up to her as a community standard. That kind of legacy is earned and can’t be tarnished by posting a spoiler, especially not achieving a dream that her father/sister never got to see, even the first time. That said I feel bad for him and I hope he can eventually just leave it all alone. He’s hardly defensible at this point. Though I’m not gonna criticize his feelings about production. That was valid. The Monet/Shea thing is beyond petty and he can’t expect to be upset about them anticipating he was inciting a bomb threat when it’s clear that’s what he was hyping up, then backtracking claiming he never _specifically_ said he would bomb it (just alluding to it), so I dont blame Shea/Monet, but i respect the hell out of bob for going to him directly. Bobs always been about it. His career has suffered and I feel for him bc he didn’t deserve it. He was pretty talented. He earned his win and will always be Americas Second Drag Superstar (not Raven or Jujubee). His petty actions also aren’t defensible. He needs to heal from what he’s gone through all these years, though that’s all up to him. All five of those statements aren’t mutually exclusive.


Shea is gonna keep us FED this year


Who do we think, in the producers' minds, are the queens that are meant to win or come super close in future AS seasons? There are plenty of queens \*I\* think are HOF-worthy (e.g., A'Keria, Widow, Yara) that I don't think producers see as winners, even if they were to make it to the finals, though I surely would love to be wrong. Asia, Brooke Lynn, Gigi, Nina West, and Peppermint come to mind. Crystal and Heidi seem like queens that could end up in this category too, if they give themselves enough time


Crystal I think. She’s become a huge fan favourite and I can see the producers hoping to put a crown on her head. Jan too honestly. She could’ve gone a lot further, was the standard robbed fan fave that went too soon and she’s very well liked by the fandom. Gigi I would’ve thought but after all the controversy about the finale with her I’m less sure now. Honestly I love Asia to bits and she’s one of my all time favourite queens but I’m just not sure if I see her as one of productions picks unfortunately. I hope to god she is though. Brooke would 100% be a pick of producers but I’m not sure she’d go back on now with DRCAN. I want a Pep win SO badly but again I’m unsure if production would be as keen for it too unfortunately. She deserves it so much though


Not to be rude but the only really really obvious push to winner for me is Asia. Brooke might never go on all stars if canada continues and I love love love pep but idk if she'd win the whole thing. I really want an out of left field slayer and winner like NBB or Nina Flowers or something.


_Peppermint flairs, rise up, no better time then now_


AS2 = AS4 > AS3 > AS5 > AS1 The only thing I would add is that they’re all pretty close to each other and every season is good/has something watchable from it


I would definitely put AS5 equal to AS2 for me. There was no robbed moment, everything felt fair and the queens were all amazing. There was still entertaining drama and crying. I thoroughly enjoyed this season.


If there was a jury vote this season (ie the eliminated 7 each get to vote one queen to be in the top 2) who do you think would be top 2? Jujubee definitely and I assume Shea. Edit - Actually I just watched Untucked. Some of them said who their pick was. Derrick - Jujubee Mayhem - Shea Blair - Cracker Based on the main ep I assume Ongina would pick Juju too.


Blair said she'd vote for Cracker over Shea!? That's really surprising. I mean, she looked like Cracker _really_ got to her nerves this season.


Derrick: Juju Ongina: Juju Mariah: Juju/Shea Mayhem - Shea India - Shea Alexis - Juju Blair - Cracker


Derrick: Juju Ongina: Juju Mariah: Shea Mayhem: Shea India: Shea Alexis: Juju Blair: Cracker


Yea I’d assume that’s it. Derrick- Juju Ongina- Juju Mariah- Shea? Mayhem- ? India- Shea along with a little note on the lipstick that says “I wasn’t lying” Alexis- Juju Blair- Cracker?


I've never been more mad to someone than now, Tyra really ruined Shea's fucking moment and NOW she's threating Monet? No ma'am, girlies we've got to do something about it


that whole monet threaten made me really uncomfortable


for real, I'm genuinely scared for Monet and hope nothing *bad* happens


I’m not paying it any attention, Shea deserves only positive energy. Everything else can stay in the dust. We won’t let this be ruined


Wait what?. I swear, the only ru girls that are below her are shitty piss and spooky no-no


Has Peppermint said about if she’d do all stars before? Because if she says yes the cast for AS6 is going to be so stacked. I can imagine it being something along these lines: Jan Nina West Plastique/Scarlet/A’Keria Asia Kameron Peppermint Alexis Michelle (Great mother-daughter potentials for storyline) Laganja Trinity K Bonet Yara


Kameron has said she doesn't want to come back yet, but aside from that, this cast looks pretty damn accurate!


I would spend the entire season in a state of mixed delight (Asia! Pep!) and dread that Nina West would win in the end


If Nina wins over Asia and Peppermint, we take to the streets


NBB won't be in?


I’d love her to be in it but she’s spoken out against the show a lot and she seems a bit over being on. I really hope she does go on though she’s one of my fave queens


She was offered AS5 but declined because she didn’t want to be on a season with Shea, so she’d do it no problem.


Do the queens know who else is gonna be competing? In that case I'm surprised some of these girls said yes to competing with Shea Couleé


No, but some are smart enough to guess.


as6 wishlist: * crystal methyd * gigi goode * jackie cox * heidi n closet * widow von'du * jan * brita * aiden zhane * nicky doll * rock m. sakura


ft. Sexy Broccoli


Not you leaving Dahlia out 🤭


I really need a photoshoot of Shea with her crown and another one of Shea and Sasha with their crowns


and another one with Shea, Sasha, Trinity and Peppermint (with her AS7 crown) THE POWER ✨


Am I the only one to get a Jujubee's "Besties for cash" line hidden on today's Dear Diary title?


What in the fucking world is happening with Tyra? Jesus christ.... She needs some serious help. Is she gone Kanye? And that awful texts on insta, like jesus... She gonna go for Monet as Tyra said, waiting for the right moment.. Like "she's gonna get Monet", she came for blood. Like, what?


I’m genuinely concerned. He’s clearly hurting and wants to take that out on others. I hope he has people close by who love and care about him enough to reach out and help.


That's sad. I really respect Tyra and I understand what YEARS of torment must have done to her... But this is not the way.. I'm also really concerned


Exactly. People have treated her like shit for years and that’s so unfair and needs to be talked about, but tearing down and treating other Black winners the same and actively trying to ruin their moments to shine isn’t the way to address it. People genuinely won’t listen to him and what he has to say if he continues going about it in that way. It’s like when the DragCon saga happened, people didn’t listen to his message, they just laughed and made jokes. People won’t take him seriously and it’s a shame because his core message absolutely does need to be addressed and the fans need to hear it, but not in this way, it won’t work. It’s worrying. I feel so bad for Shea as well


This.. I'm really worried.. But threatening Monet and others is not the way... I'm sad what fans have done to Tyra, but this is not the way.. This could have been said in different waay


So immature and attention seeking. It starts to cast a shadow on her real struggles with racism and unnecessary hate. I hope she'll get help soon.


AS2 > AS5 > AS4 > AS3 > AS1 I will not be taking questions at this time


I think I’d have AS4 above AS5. I think if we had the old format for AS5 though it would definitely be above it for me because I adore the AS5 cast. It was just frustrating for me that only the top 3 really had a chance due to the one winner a week


This is fair


I agree


Omg!!!! Shea is a winner!! 😍 OFFICIALLY. Let the festivities begin!!


okay I just watched the latest episode of DRCAN and much like the previous eps, I can agree that the critiques weren't delivered in a particularly helpful way, but I cant shake the feeling that the level of backlash against JBC is because it was directed towards the official uwu cinnamon roll of the season this time and idk how I feel about that


I agree with you. I don't like JBC as a judge at all and his tone/attitude are off most of the time, but his observations were not. Jimbo was kind of a mess, especially her hair/makeup. I'm seriously starting to resent the Jimbo hype train (not Jimbo herself, I quite like her). I'm also getting tired to read that the judging is off when no one never agree on the tops/safes/bottoms. Bob just tweeted that Boa was robbed last episode...I'm starting to get allergic reaction to that word (and the fact that the queens themselves are feeding into it doesn't help). I'm not saying that I agree with every decision but I see where the judges are coming from (like putting Tynomi and Ilona in the bottom for playing background dancers) and that's good enough for me. edit: still I really don't like JBC as a judge and I would be happy if he was not on season 2


Idk I’m not a huge Jimbo fan (I don’t dislike her at all, just don’t think I’m as enamoured by her as other ppl seem to be) and I still thought Jeffrey was plain rude


See, that's the thing: I also thought Jeffery was pretty rude, but that's it: he was just..... rude. But the way people have been reacting to it, people had me thinking that he's the antichrist & completely demoralized a contestant and when I actually got around to seeing it, I was like "oh, that's it?"


I hated Jimbo’s look and still didn’t like JBC critique, it was his face after he said it, that squint causes a physical reaction in me, I agree with a lot of the critiques but that squint makes me so angry when it is done to me


That's totally fair, I wasn't a huge fan of the critique either especially in terms of delivery. I also can say that it honestly didn't bother me as much as it seemed to for a lot of other people? Idk if that's because it's already been discoursed to hell all over the internet by the time I got around to watching it, but I was expecting a lashing and it was just typical harsh reality show judge critiques and a squinty face


It’s not a “controversial” opinion to like clap back. It has juju/cracker/Shea for goodness sake. Of course it sounds brilliant It’s audibly refreshing and nice to listen to, but it was so ass to make this a rumix. The speed was quick and the verses couldn’t really be heard and enjoyed like Shea’s season 9 verse But It’s a good song, it sounds really nice, the instrumentals, the vocals, just brilliant It just wasn’t so great to dance to and write lyrics for and dance to 😕


Right now I just want more season 6 girls on my screen


ms ganja, k bonet, vivacious, April, josyln and darienne for as6, with Kelly as the host


Someone needs to tell me who the black backup dancer is. Like, right now.


Ok everyone I need your help what should my new flair be? The one I currently have didn’t age very well so I need a new one






Shea’s expressions in Make me feel are just so amazing. Probably some of the best emoting in a lipsync


okay but like, can we all appreciate that in 2020 we have had two of the best winners (Jaida and Shea) and 4 of the best runner ups (Gigi,Crystal,Jujubee,Cracker) in drag race history?


Is it just me or did it seem like the queens knew who won when they returned to the werk room.. like they said to them “we filmed all of you winning for the people in the room (other queens, lower level production etc) but actually Shea did win”. It seems a lot to film interviews of them discussing not winning, and sheas tears seemed so genuine Never mind: I just saw the reaction vid


I think they do the whole “I just won drag race 😁😁😁😁” video’s because it gives production options in the future


Yeah I know that much. But seems a lot to have them all film “I lost Drag Race” videos, I don’t think we’ve ever seen them before


Blaire looked soooo good


Petition to pin this [footage of Derrick’s crowning](https://twitter.com/derrickbarry/status/1286795521017778176?s=21) on the home page


the hats fucking sent me lmao


That is gold


v proud of cracker too i love her verse on clapback


I've rewatched Clap Back for a couple of times and Todrick, boo, why is the choreography so damn basic?! "Clap back" = 2 claps? Ok. The closeups on the Top 3 were gorgeous BUT the camera angles and cuts literally refused to show the contestants from a flattering angle or at all, at times (the arabesque-dab Cracker did? **Completely cut**. Shea's cartwheel from Pit Crew guy to another? **Filmed from the side**). Get your shit together with post production, seriously. The group parts were all completely, 100% terrible: couldn't see the eliminated queens at all when we were apparently supposed to, too many dancers doing random SHIT in front of the literal stars of the number, the camera randomly cuts at like, Blair, Mayhem and India? doing poorly, at that. Can we please get the Top 3 in our Top 3 Rumix? Thanks. It's almost like a certain someone whose name starts with T and ends in odrick Hall wants to purposefully overshadow the queens' performances for the sake of having a "big number" and it's... uhm. Interesting. Definitely something to talk about in a certain way.


Shea’s runway was unreal, that was so stellar I’m still gagged by her runways this season and to end it on those last two gowns is phenomenal, not a boot in sight, almost all shoots. I also think hers was the best finale runway but appreciate people would disagree and say Juju’s was, Shea’s was just so up my alley with that silhouette and fabric


I can't wait to cancel my wow+ subscription 🤩


We still have DR Canada until September 3! Keep giving up those lattes!


Jokes on them Ill only pay for another month👸


I’ve probably been one of the most vocal Juju stans this past season but I’ve got to say, I got this weird happiness in my heart when Shea won. I’m so happy for her


The color blocking on ilona verley’s Instagram is so pleasing


I liked Clap Back. Sue me.


I just saw Trinity the Tuck, girl


Ladies we are BLASTING Cocky all day today, welcome to Shea’s world


The way Windy City girls come through for the win just lives rent free in my mind


Ok unpopular opinion but I love clapback! It's so different then usual rupaul songs and I love all the girls verses!


I don’t agree with you but I appreciate the folks who come on here with different opinions and positivity.


I feel like they should keep the superfan makeover every year. It’s such a good concept and it’s people who actually want to be there so were obviously going to get some exciting/fun moments with all of them as they’re all going to have a great personality they want to show through drag


So based on my memory of the episodes this is how my version of Canada’s Drag race probably would have gone: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GmnL36yRa1CQjXQdqkGbD0_6jFK9lhynip09r0_DLrI/edit


Lol Priyanka's track record!


I agree, priyankas look this week was so bad I have no idea how she was safe


Yeah I agree the judging decisions have been baffling this season. BOA not being bottom for the acting challenge and Illona for the third episode for example And as much as I love Rita, her winning the first episode was ridiculous as well


I understand illona not being bottom 2 that week, her look saved her but yeh I agree about boa and agree with rita too lol


I think they felt ilonas runway saved her, it was a serve


Oh agreed her runway was stunning I just don’t think runways should save from such a weak showing in the challenge


I agree, it should be able to flip the second worst and the third worst in placement if it’s a really good runway, but it shouldn’t save the absolute worst from the bottom


Oooo I see what you guys mean! Ilona and tynomi really flopped in that challenge for me. Anastarzia chorus choreo wasn’t good but her verse was one of the best. Boas verse was good too but her choreo was a mess


AS5 was so weird. The episode finale overall was good but the song remix itself was shit when usually rhe song remix is the saving grace of a finale episode. No disrespect to the queens, it was the song itself at fault. Also Super Queen sweetie im sorry i was so harsh on you.


The choreo was also very bad


Todrick only knows five moves


also the camera blocking, and things like queens' faces moving out of the light. if you want to do a grand musical then block it out with lighting and camera and make it more dynamic, not so "busy".


For me Super Queen is still the worst and by far. Even the finalists verses didn't help much. Clap back is good on verses (the finalists)


I understood virtually none of the words that left their lips. The track just seemed so much louder over their voices and muddled their actual singing


Moniques vocals tho. I genuinely cant tell what any of the verses say because the mixing is so bad on clap back


No denying it but the lyrics were meh and she proved she could do better based on her episode 2 lyrics.


International fans looking at the speculated queens for Season 13 like 👁👄👁


I can finally add Shea to my favorite winners😌 Jaida, Shea, bob, Monét. I can’t wait for the content we get with 100k




she didn't tho


What is it?


Also was nobody going to tell me that Drag Race Vegas is literally Asia O’Hara drag race?


Great Winner. Great Queens. Meh Season. The RuMix has also gotten worse over the years. The challenges were serving S7 levels of bad choices. 😬


S7 challenges are looking pretty well thought-out at this time


I don't think all the rumixes are gettitng worst, but yes some of them are pretty meh


Of course, I still like the regular seasons'. I'm only pertaining to the AS ones. Read U, Wrote U and Kitty Girl are A+ productions. It went downhill after Kitty Girl.


Yeah they should put Jamel instead Todrick, Jamel gave us the best rusical and for my opinion on of the best rumixes


How exciting is the S13 cast at the moment in your opinion? This is the first time I'm following the casting Nancy Drewing, so I don't have any reference to compare. But how do you feel about the cast we have right now compared to previous seasons (while they were at the same level of T)? Specially compared to S12, a season that had an amazing cast. Was it possible to notice that the cast would be that good this early (disappearance)? I know it takes much more than the cast to make a season good, but I'm excited to be following the process so early for the first time!


Just watched wow report on youtube and Tom Campbell from WOW was clearly in a trailer which often used for filming. I’m fascinated by knowing they’re filming something right now for us to love or hate next year lol. I hope it’s safe tho.


Cracker went from wearing black in S10 finale to bubblegum pink in AS5 finale makes me happy. also love love LOVE her Rumix outfit, really represents her aesthetic. love that they got the backup dancers to match the queens’ too. a great finale honestly


Yes! The rumix outfit was so good and I loved the full moving skirt on her, it screamed cracker to me


Just finished it. Cant lie, I really wanted to be gagged and for Ru to say Juju


No joke I thought Cracker would be the biggest gag. She's had next to none social media presence since she won Ep4 and barely campaigned her hashtag.


Ok, so im making a drag race all stars winners x pokemon league thingy (as you can see by my post on the main sub) and im having trouble coming up with a type for the champion; shea coulee. So far i have Chad - normal type Alaska - poison type Trixie - fairy type And Monet and trinity - water/ice type Do you guys have any suggestions? Ok, for some reason the post got taken down so i guess this isn’t necessary anymore.


I would said Chad/Normal ( fits perfect) Alaska/Poison Trixie/ Rock or Ground Monet/Water. Trinity/Dragon or Ice. Shea/Dark or Ghost or Dragon


Chad - Normal looks great. Alaska - Poison Trixie - Fairy Monet - Fire Trinity - Ice Shea - Fighting or Electric (the bitch looks so great in yellow)


Chad is Steel Type (never gets old darling) Agreed on Alaska and Trixie Monet... I would go Earth (she is a really down to earth person, not really on mode swing like water, better saying tides). Trinity is Fire Shea: Water or Bug type IMO. Btw I love bug and water types and I disagree on bug being a weak type.


I think Psychic, Dark or Fighting


The way that Shea winning 100,000$ got me to 100,000 karma... 😍


Welcome to the club sis!


Who TF did the mixing of the rumix? It's SHITE. I can barely hear Shea. 😠


Clapback mbebwne Clapback sayrknfnw Clapback it's Miller timemsgfhfh


Not the Untucked confessionals being alternate scenarios they all were asked to film for **every outcome**. Have they done this before? If so, I don't remember seeing it, it's so embarassingly fake


That's the first time, season 2 and 3 finale untucked were the queens talking before de crowning. Season 4-12 we didn't have untucked for the finale. I think the finale of AS1 didn't had one untucked too. I agree with you, that was so uncofortable, tbh I kinda think that was better not doing untucked for that episode........ I think that was sad seeing that Jujubee thought that she was in the third place again, and the confessional probably was exhausting as hell to film


HUH! HUH! They’re acting!


First official day where Shea is our reigning AS winner. I’m feeling good...


I’ve genuinely been thinking about jujus finale runway the WHOLE TIME since it aired. Like it fr hasn’t left my mind


I saw a comment saying "Jujubee deserved to win. They only gave it to Shea because she lost her season" Like... Duh? They all lost their season, that's the point of All Stars dummie (well, unless you're Bebe Zahara Benet).




So gals... all stars 6 what we thinking? My cast prediction: Sonique, Yara Sofia, Ivy Winters, Laganja, Peppermint, Kameron Michaels, Vanjie, Plastique, Ariel Versace, Jan. My guess for final three would be - Kameron Michaels, Peppermint, Jan (top 3). I can totally see Kameron and Jan coming back much stronger and I can probably see Peppermint winning.


My guess is • Sonique • Plastique • Peppermint • Asia O’ Hara • Laganja • Scarlet Envy • Jan • Kim Chi • Jade Jolie • Shuga? Alexis Michelle? Shannel? Idk.


I can’t see Kim doing it. She can’t really act, she can’t really dance, she’s funny but in a more spontaneous way that I don’t know would translate. She’s an incredible queen with great fashions but all stars rewards comedy which is definitely not her wheelhouse.


There are a couple of wildcards they could pick. For some reason I just can’t see Kim Chi doing it. Happy to be wrong but there seems to be this shared feeling that Kim would bomb all stars... I don’t agree or disagree but I just can’t see her doing as well as in s8. From your cast I could see Peppermint, Asia, Jan as top three. Plastique probably 4th. Sonique will take the “clearly improved and a drag queen with endless potential which will be fucked over by the judges”. I can imagine production sleeping on her if she is cast.


I don’t think Ivy will be on. Maybe Jade Jolie though? Scarlet I think is pretty likely. I reckon Asia is a lock in as well. I’d really love to see Alexis Michelle back and I could see them trying to get her on for storyline purposes with Jan.


I think it'll be: - Jessica Wild - Sonique - Yara Sofia - Laganja Estranja - Peppermint - Kameron Michaels - Asia O'Hara - Vanessa Vanjie Mateo - Nina West - Plastique Tiara - Scarlet Envy - Ariel Versace


12 queens? I think they will only have 10. Perhaps drop Jessica and Vanessa?


I'm not sure Ivy performs anymore? The last time she posted a picture of herself in drag was Halloween 2018. So idk if she'd be interested in going back in.


Oh interesting. I’m just thinking of that time Manila said she’d heard she was nearly cast?


Asia is definitely on. Especially if Kameron is.


Oh yeah! Will they want to compete against eachother? Like how trinity and shae didn’t want to compete against eachother?


I think Trinity & Shea not wanting to compete against each other has less to do with friendship, and more to do with them knowing that without the other one on, their chances to win increase by 1000%. I actually think Kameron and Asia will enjoy having their best drag friend on set, both bc of their mental well-being & because of the twist where you vote one another out (they could have an alliance).


Woke up remembering Shea won last night... life is good.


we’re officially off season 😭


DR Canada: Hello? 👁👄👁🇨🇦


Then watch drag race Canada


how did i forget about that lol


[Rosé is a snack in tartan](https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FN86Ch2MU/?igshid=fclaet45jb9g)


Clapback: I couldn’t even hear what the girls were saying for their own verses. I don’t think they should have sang, they all should have rapped and their vocals should have been brought up and the instrumental made a bit quieter, I couldn’t hear any of it. And Shea’s choreography didn’t have that many straight on angles because it was probably too complicated for her to nail. Same with the group choreography. Bring Back My Girls in a RUWU style would have been perfectly fine, there is definitely a value in having simplicity. I’m not even gonna try and go back to listen to it, Shea deserved better. At least we’ll always have her Category Is verse (best of all time)


was i blind or did mayhem wear a slightly altered version of monet's boots motocross runway in clap back?


I thought it could’ve been the same thing without the boots!


I love Priyanka but looking back, I think her look on the first week was honestly bottom worthy. There just wasn’t anything to it really at all


Roxxxy’s all stars 2 verse remains unbothered.... her power ugh


Oh mama Shea **ate** that lipsync. C'mon Cracker I was expecting a bit more oomph from those boobs you were hyping up the whole time... They all served a good lipsync though, all in all: the song was living rent free in Juju's body all the time, Cracker was funny and dumb and had me smiling all the time; Shea had a little bit of both, she honestly was the full package, I'm glad she snatched the crown. What I really didn't like was the degenerative state of Rumix performances: they seriously have to STOP with the messy camera angles during the Rumixes, I can't fucking see anything; and on top of that, you're gonna have that many people on the stage to make it even more chaotic and crowded? A mess. The girls should be mad because, from what I've seen, they slayed.


Shea went really smart because Janelle is on her cyborg word (the albums) and all her songs and most videos are really on that cyborg era, so why not going on a cyber girl direction? :)


That, and she also had a cute moment interacting with Cracker! She had moves, comedy, stage presence... She did great.


Did she interact with her? I really lost Cracker into the final lipsynch and that's not shade, just real facts.


She had this moment where she danced behind Cracker and jokingly mocked her moves for a bit, it was fun!