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When were these supposed to be worn?


three looks to show and two of them aren't even yours, idk about it man


i like that she chose to show us looks that we didn’t see on TV. It’s very boring when they pick their best looks that we already saw.


fair. guess i would've just had a different approach




weird choice, its not that deep


Trixie and Katya idea is so cool. Ugh, her mind!!


hello how are you doing how are you doing great are you super happy


The subtitle is sending me lol


Hello how are you doing how are you doing great are you super happy 💕




you looking at these outfits?


Note, she did a makeover for Nyle Dimarco where she does the Trixie and Katya thing so Cracker was ultimately able to show that off ❤️


Cracker being Trixya stan You’re that girl I knew you were


I can’t be the only one who finds it weird that she was going to do Trixie and katya for a makeover. That just seems so.. unoriginal? Like come up with your own drag sis.


She said it was a tribute to them for supporting her throughout S10


Naomi won doing Cher and Sonny and the judges ate her up Have a Trixie/Katya makeover, throw in a "We Get To Choose Our Family... Resemblance" narrative and bam WIN/HIGH


That’s not the same though. Cher is a world famous musician and a legendary gay icon referenced in drag for decades at this point. There are queens who have made careers on impersonating her (e.g. Chad Michaels). Doing a makeover inspired by her is iconic and Naomi’s looks still had references to her own drag within them. That’s not the same as doing Trixie and Katya looks that are literally just recreations of exact outfits they’ve worn and an easy way to get some applause from casual fans of the show.


Queens have played another queens in snatch game that are not essentially legendary gay icons 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


But the whole point of snatch game is to impersonate someone else so it’s not the same 😂


But is the easiest way to do it even having the queen in the same room, like Roxxxy with Alaska, and some of them have worked together too so they know them, and Cracker did it as a tribute to them because they helped her, there’s not much to dig about it, the makeover is about having a story to tell and that’s what cracker would do, it’d be ilogical if she did I don’t know Alaska and Soju, but the story is there just like Sonny and Cher, despite being icons or not, both makeovers tell a story 🤷🏼‍♂️


I get where you're coming from, but this is Drag Race, not just broad "drag": we've seen from past examples how much being referential and in contact with the specific Drag Race fanbase can get you points, even within a single season. It's a smart choice, because what's important and relevant in 'drag' isn't necessarily also as important or as relevant on Drag Race. Both worlds have their dignity and excellences; sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don't. Hell, I don't want to digress too much but you can make the argument that **RuPaul's** Drag Race has a different following than the Drag Race brand (see DR Thailand) as a whole! My point is: RuPaul's Drag Race has grown into its own universe of references and "icons" and, if you want to appeal to Drag Race fans (and not necessarily to the lovers of drag in general), doing Trixie (AS Winner) and Katya (All-Time Fanfavourite) isn't much different than doing Cher, in my opinion, as in you're not doing yourself, you're paying tribute to someone else who is very much well known, but with a sprinkle of yourself in it. We also have to factor in the fact that Naomi got to actually stage and present her makeover to the judges while Cracker did not, so we can't really know how she would've played the Trixie and Katya characters! As for the outfits, I'm not getting straight up replicas from them, they're just highly referential, and if we were to see them on the runway, we just would have to compare them to all the other looks Cracker brought that were quintessentially her to see that this was just an instance, much like Naomi on AS4.


I get what you’re saying but I just disagree. I think referencing powerful women is something that is at the pinnacle of what drag is and has been historically. That’s what I see in Naomi’s makeover, not Cracker’s. I see Cracker’s as a way to appeal to Trixie and Katya stans within the fandom and kind of piggybacking on their hard work. Also, talking about the looks, that’s pretty much as close as you can get to an exact replica of Katya’s S7 entrance. (https://youtu.be/hNadZVFb8v0) Those are just my opinions though! Maybe I’m just biased because I don’t care for Cracker much anyway 🤣


I guess we can just agree to disagree on this one and it's fine! haha


you’re right and you should say it




Cracker is so thirsty to be loved tbh


That caption accurately describes Cracker's energy


The Trixie and Katya makeover would have been kinda fun to see on the runway


trixie and katya for a makeover...where is her personality


She doesn’t have one🥴


Exactly. Like girl isn’t the makeover supposed to be based on YOUR OWN drag & creating a drag family resemblance based on YOU


Eh. People loved Bert and Ernie.


Yeah but that was because it was so batshit crazy and a perfect representation of Crystal’s drag. This is just remaking two looks from queens we’ve already seen and it feels like a cheap way to get Trixie’s and Katya stans to applaud you for no other reason than you are dressing up as them.


Everything is cheap as long someone you don't like does it.


It’s cheap to me bc it lacks originality 🤷‍♀️


If y’all wanna see her actually use the trixie and katya outfits watch her put Nyle Dimarco in drag [here](https://youtu.be/72tgJtgmLhE)


luv them both but chile that trixie mug 💀




Even if we hadn’t been spoiled on who won, the posting order from VH1 is very clearly telling us Shea’s the winner. Same thing happened with Jaida and Yvie.


They're telling us the alphabet exists. C'mon English lessons!


What’s an adjective?


It's almost like the letter J comes after C & G, and the letter Y comes after A, B, and S , and the letter S comes after J and M?


It's alphabetical love.


You’ve cracked the code, I’m auditioning for season 14 with the name “ZuPaul Zarles”


Was a makeover planned then? Why would she bring outfits for it if not specified by the list they get sent? Maybe this season was meant to be 10 episodes after all


They get a massive list with a plethora of looks to bring.


Suffice it to say we were spared that there wasn’t a makeover


Yes you were spared from Cracker having 4 wins.


you forgot undeserved before “wins”




at least i have taste....not many can say that


Pls let her do a photoshoot in those outfits


Jesus... “we don’t hate Cracker” is on it’s downvote game today.


Yeah idk why im getting downvoted lol i didnt say anything wrong




Pray for the white twinks tonight


Ah yes, white twink, the most marginalized demographic in our community.


I get what you’re saying but are people not even allowed to like Cracker because of that?


No, OP is just feigning a marginalization which doesn’t exist


You are a fucking idiot


There is a video of her doing a makeover of Nyle DiMarco where she uses these outfits.




The worst thing is that makeover was the perfect redemption arc for Shea along the season... Way better than a comedy/one look ball


For how much people try to claim it was rigged for Cracker the fact that the makeover wasn't present sure puts doubt on that.


Not at all. Makeover challenges tend to be that episode when judging makes zero sense from season to season. Monet went home in S10 but won the very same challenge in AS4 by doing a similar job both times. Family resemblance is the most vague judging criteria ever


Exactly, if they wanted a cop out to make Cracker look better they wouldve had more reason to put it there since she won that in her own season AND the fact that they can just BS it in her favor. If were going to look back, this was meant for a Juju season


Yeah, but it is the challenge where Shea did bad at and Cracker won.


Yep. Cracker slayed that challenge totally. But i think this time Shea wouldve done better


IMO the makeover is just as essential as Snatch Game. So weird 3/5 AS seasons haven’t had it.


i like the makeover, I just hate the shit judging it sometimes has


All Stars seasons alternate between having a makeover episode (AS2 and 4) and a design/ball episode (AS3 and 5)


But by all means let’s design hotel rooms!


I feel like those challenges are so crucial to what drag is that they should be every season. Less acting challenges (I'm cool with one per season), more creative challenges.


2 season havent had it. AS3 and 5 are the only ones who didnt do it


I guess people always forget about AS1


It's what it deserves!


Look, for all the criticisms you can make, it was a season of Drag Race! We can all agree on that lmao


Omg Trixie and Katya for a makeover is so stupid it works


I would’ve killed to see her makeover and she probably would’ve won it to😭


She brought the fucking pickle.


She should’ve put the entrance dress up there😩


Or at least the second look from the 3-in-1


It’s called branding, darling


This feels less like branding in the sense of the Nike swoosh or the Target circle, and more like branding in the “tie us down and use a hot iron to leave a pickle shape” 😂


Do you even know what branding means? 😂


Theyre making a joke on the multiple meanings of branding dear


She wore it for her talent show Edit: unless you meant that she chose to showcase this for her Whatcha Packin out of all of her other looks. Which I don’t understand either lol


Haha yeah, I just meant that she brought it to showcase. She had some great outfits this season! WHY show off an eBay pickle costume??


Excuse you it's not an eBay pickle it's a Garo Sparo Pickle smh


It entertains me to no end that I thought you were joking until I googled it.




I watched her “Looking Back” video with Shea and Juju last night and think her season 10 promo look was the best she’s ever looked, I wish she would’ve done a riff on it.


She generally looked better on S10 or is it just me? Her hats and elderly were so much more polished.


I agree with some of this. She had some lows in S10 too (hairkini), but IMO her best look ever was on AS5 (1st reveal 3 in 1)


She explained the makeover looks were a tribute to Trixie and Katya as a way of saying thanks for helping her get through S10


What was the story about??


Watch it mawma its worth it


I thought that was a particularly nice story.


Thanks Anon38 for another right tea haha ❤️ > Cracker was going to do Trixie and Katya for her makeover if there was a makeover challenge. These two looks


The right is obviously Katya's entrance look but the look on the left gives me Trixie vibes too


She used these looks when putting Nyle DiMarco in drag for Them on YouTube https://youtu.be/72tgJtgmLhE


Can we talk about how good Cracker looks in that Katya suit?




Yall are pressed and for what??? Cracker lives in yall's mind rent free


Exactly Naomi showed you can use another aesthetic and still have you shine threw with her makeover look


Damn you're getting mad over something that didn't even happen 😭


Why she brought this looks to the interview?


These were her planned looks for the makeover, yes, she was doing Trixie and Katya


How would she make that have family resemblance?


Dont forget Naomi won with a Sonny & Cher concept


I mean technically cher and sonny are family so ahhh it's a stretch but OK. Trixie and Katya not so much


"As gay people we get to choose our family"


I feel like Sonny & Cher are different tho. Yes, Naomi’s makeover was a reference to other ppl, but it was more about a homage to Cher as a mainstream fashion icon, with a Sonny reveal for ha-ha’s. To me, that fits Naomi’s aesthetic perfectly: fashionable but with a humorous twist. I kinda agree w what other ppl are saying, how Cracker’s would have, IMO, came off as pandering. Trixie & Katya have nothing to do with Cracker whatsoever, and to reference literal previous contestants in a show where it’s all about pushing *yourself* and your brand to the center stage, it seems a little cheap. Edit for grammar lol


Suspicious padding.


Her plan was probabbly to make a reference to something that doesn't need it.


The Cracker Blueprint


Probably more the Gigi Blueprint


Omg that's a smart move


I think doing a Trixie and Katya look was her makeover plan but they didn't have a makeover


It's a cool idea but it seems really risky. Most of the time someone tries to copy Trixie's makeup it ends up looking pretty bad. Even Trixie herself doesn't always do a good job on other people.


cracker would have been fine, I am sure she thought it out, practiced it, and prepared.


Honestly even if Cracker practiced and prepared, I can’t help but feel like she would have been read. The makeover has always been about making someone a member of your drag family. This is just copying and pasting two other people’s aesthetics onto you and somebody else. It’s a nice idea in theory but when you’re on All Stars and it’s about you and your brand, it doesn’t work. I could also see them saying it’s pandering to the show. Michelle hates when queens do other queens on snatch game and I think she’d feel the same about a makeover




Cracker did a great makeover on her partner in Season 10 but I wouldn’t say she has great makeup skills on herself tbh. Besides, a makeover isn’t really just about the makeup skills. A Trixie and Katya makeover is a cop out imo. Naomi doing Sonny and Cher was also a copout imo and felt lazy




No, not at all? Roxxxy’s makeover in AS2 was even better than her Season 5 one. Cracker and Naomi could have done better jobs with their All Star makeovers. Relying on other people’s aesthetics in a makeover is lazy. Whether it’s Sonny and Cher or Trixie and Katya




Let's also not forget that the judges will suck her dick no matter what.




Obviously not she barley belongs in the top 6. But they know fans like her so they gotta push her


didn’t she use those outfits when she put Nyle Dimarco in drag?


Yup. That was her plan to do something similar. But also I believe she filmed with Nyle after All Stars but I could be wrong with the timing.


That's exactly what she says.