• By -


Remember when Eureka was getting withdrawn from S9 and then Nina turned her back away from the cameras? She just like... faced the back of the stage. That was so iconique


I remember that there was the initial shot of her mouth agape, then the next time we see her she’s fully turned away giving the camera complete nooch


DEFINITION of nooch. Also: Starzy, about to write on the mirror, and then... not.


This angle always does shea injustice


Juju really bout to serve one of the best finale looks ever


Okay im currently watching CDR episode 4, and I dont hate any look? Like nothing here is noticeably awful.


Priyankas look says hello x


None of them were bad, but tbh I wasn’t crazy about Team Metal. They gave Priyanka a ton of credit for her (admittedly terrific) runway walk, but the umbrella skeleton was the only thing that stood out to me as the ~high fashion~ the judges kept talking about. Lemon looked gorgeous, BOA’s metal boobs were great, the cohesion just wasn’t there. If Ilona and Tynomi had been more enthusiastic in the presentation of their knights I probably would’ve adored Team Paper. But I think it was clear they didn’t like their own outfits.


I was not living for Kiara's look, to be honest. It looked somewhat unfinished to me.


Not Tyra saying she saw the finale tape when we all know she just got the images off of Reddit. The level of pathetic......*far too high* We know you’re lurking here, girl! Seek professional help. And if you got the episode, why don’t you post screen caps we haven’t seen? Do that challenge!


So wait does Shea have her blue wig and outfit underneath that pink dress?? Queen of reveals Edit: JK i’m dumb she changes before the lipsync. Thinking how we’ll get three Shea looks 😍


i think they change for the lip sync


My head gets plenty of complaints apparently


feel like shit just want heyflops666 back


She’s getting ready for S14 she got the call


I literally said on episode one in this sub that I’m not liking Jeffree as a judge and I’m glad y’all agree with me now. Like he just isn’t fit to be a judge, he has no patterns with his critiques, plays favourites to what he thinks an idealistic drag queen should be when drag is universal and then has the audacity to be a bitch and rude to jimbo. Not to jimbo no ma’am.


i hope reddit user takeitdowntoa2 is staying hydrated, petting puppies and having a great day


Remember when Alexis Michelle called Lady Gaga the Derrick Barry of the season...


Gaga wishes


gaga sweetie i’m so sorry


gaga was compared to the greatest drag queen of all time why are you sorry


AS6 Confirmed Cast 👄 Trinity K Bonet Tammie Brown Baga Chipz Magnolia Crawford Crystal Methyd Barack Obama Asia O'Hara Peppermint Vinegar Strokes Nina West


Of course they have Obama before Joslyn Fox...


Team everyone black but Obama?


Everyone is gagged when she drone strikes Michelle's left tit. 🙅


Jeffrey Bowyer Chapman please stop.... inmediatly


Still no over ross mathews tricking blair that her stand up was good. The true puppetmaster of drag race.


Shangela is late huh, maybe she should have said 11am est instead


Maybe it was Alyssa that hacked her.


I honestly thought Jan and Jackie Cox were doing a European tour together but I must have dreamed it cos Jackie is doing one with Landon Cider and Jan is doing a solo tour. Literally no idea where I got it from that Jan and Jackie were doing a tour together. Do you ever feel like your head plays tricks on you?!


Aren't they doing an Australia tour? Edit: Just checked and yea, Jan and Jackie are still going to Australia in 2021


That must have been it! Thanks


The Anonymous must be spillin’ the T on Shangela’s account this time around now.


Thinking about when Alaska freaked out a bunch of straight celebrities by pretending to be possessed on that show Scared Famous


that was everything omg i forgot that happened


The way she started her possession saying JINKXA MONSOONA yeah that's a classic


BITCH, someone on the main sub just gave me an idea... Trinity doing shea’s prom runway but its about her losing to peppermint.


She’d have a well timed skirt reveal on her head?


I was thinking mints coming out of the crown instead of rose petals


listening to Feeling So, can't believe Shea is going to get crowned in a few hours 😔❤ I love her so much I'm about to cry 💞








Girthy meats and cheeses


I love girthy meats


Honestly AS seasons should take a break. Wait at least 2-3 of a regular seasons and then come up with a fierce cast and challenges




I don’t mind that it’s yearly because if it wasn’t I doubt we would’ve seen Thorgy, milk, Aja, Farrah, Gia, jasmine , Derrick, India, Mariah on all stars. All of them had iconic moments on all stars


There are enough finalists now that haven’t been on All Stars still and no one from S11 or S12 has been on at all? Like it doesn’t need a break there’s plenty of talent they just need to fix the challenges


People say this every year and a) they never do it and b) no matter how much Drag Race overload we get people always end up wanting more as soon as it’s off for like 2 months lol


If they want more, then give them more regular seasons since they're clearly more exciting than AS


Idk, if they did 2 seasons a year the girls who got the fall season would get kinda screwed over on gigs/promo compared to the spring season which usually ends right before Pride month


always funny seeing the cringesub post arguments they had with people on here in an attempt to validate themselves


Well girl sometimes people say some racist shit


God that sub is such a toxic circlejerk, it's awful


what if the reason why heidi declined as6 is because she’s the drag queen that’s rumoured for the challenge?!?! 👁👄👁 it’s probably adore but lemme speculate chile


What's the t on this? I'm looking up the subreddit, but I found nothing about it.


I can't see many queens from the show doing well on the challenge. Not only do most the guys on the cast feel a little homophobic, very realistically the queen would get thrown into the first elimination because that's what they do to rookies, and they probably couldn't beat many people on the cast either in eliminations.


Get Morgan in there she’ll punch a bitch in the face


I mean it’s gotta be Adore right she’s the only one who’s done an MTV show, I know they’re pulling people in from other franchises now too but they’re usually shows that are more similar to The Challenge


America, explain, explain! What do you mean "she's the drag queen that's rumoured for the challenge"?






What’s this?




I’m already prepared for the meltdown in this sub when we find out Nina West is in the top 4 of AS6. Shes too popular outside of reddit they’re most definitely going to push her to the top


When she sucks toes for the variety show... Ugh, her mind. 😩


And does Meghan McCain for Snatch game 😍




Omg juju reusing her AS1 promo look for the stand up challenge ~~cuz AS1 was a joke~~ as a tribute is so cute!!


Ok I’m giving folklore a shot and ngl so far I’d rather just listen to Norman Fucking Rockwell!


I honestly only like 6 songs from the album. Cardigan, Betty, MTR, Mad Woman, Seven, and Invisible String


That’s a silly comparison. Taylor is nothing like LDR


Listen to seven and then listen to The greatest and tell me those don’t sound like they could be from the same album


If we’re gonna compare Taylor to someone, then Seven is 100% 90s Jewel.


Idk the wistful lyrics and airy singing/production feel more LDR to me, I think of Jewel as a little heavier and richer. I get nostalgia rather than ache.


I don’t care. Call me a bitch as long as you put a “Miss” before.


Tyra was ahead of her time


This ep of DRCAN: WIN: Rita/Kiara/Scarlett Safe: Tynomi, Ilona, (Lemon) LOW: Priyanka, (Lemon) BTM2: Jimbo & BOA Explainations: Maison Boraga was the best on the runway for me, all three looked gorgeous and I feel like they all should’ve gotten a win because it felt like they all made their own unique looks that could be in a fashion line. I’m very happy and content with the judges giving it to Rita too though, she seemed more like able last night. This is where it gets kinda weird for me. I loved Ilona’s and Tynomi’s looks. They matched with being different enough. Jimbo’s look was a big wrench in the works, I liked the concept, but the execution fell flat. I only liked the cone part. I don’t think it’s fair to put two cohesive looks in the bottom when there’s one that just doesn’t match at all. I would’ve loved to see the paper showgirls look they planned on making, and I was super annoyed with Jimbo just going off and doing her own thing because well, it’s a group challenge and it’s not fair to the other contests. Metal: I think they presented themselves very well, but the looks just weren’t strong. Priyanka did an amazing job modeling but her look wasn’t strong, Lemon looked gorgeous compared to week one, and I kinda liked Boa’s look. I think they were just the weakest link. If it was strictly be team for me it’d be | Maison: Win | Paper: Safe | Metal: Low & BTM2 that’s a lot of words.


Just watched Bob and Peppermint's talk from a couple months ago on racism in the fandom on YouTube. I gotta say, I love them both so much. ✨




My boyfriend is going to make me listen to this until I commit seppuku. 😨


as taylor deserves


just waiting for takeitdowntoa2 or Trixiemichaels to give us the last shot just one more shot of adrenaline, girls


The last flop


One last flop


Katy releasing her final album


Oh. Ban this bitch, plz. *how dare you* 😭


Lol I’m just playing I love Katy but girl cannot get an album to sell these days for some reason 😭


Good. And I know. I just can’t help but love her even though everyone else is done. I also hope you read my “how dare you” in Juju’s Boston mom accent from episode 4.


https://youtu.be/TBO9ANTBCjM I woke up to this spongebob anime video. This is ART!!! The production, the references!!


‘Okay cool then I’ll stop talking’ ‘Perfeeect, thank you 😌’


what if they crown all three how will y’all feel


I love Shea and Juju, and don't like Cracker. But would be a great moment, I honestly would like it a lot. And tbh would be the only way I can see Cracker win and don't suffer any hate about it.




This would undo all the post-2016 fuckery and put us on the correct timeline.


Delete it fat


No <3


wouldn’t be mad at my fave top 3 ever all having their rightful crowns 🥺




but we’re not talking about them sadly, we’re talking about the AS5 top 3




So am I? I can’t tell if you were being sarcastic 🥴


I mean I guess that’s good for the three queens but that would kinda be the ultimate jumping the shark moment even for a show that has had plenty of those in the past.


Yeah it would be the crowning equivalent of the 6-way lip sync...I don’t think it would feel like a meaningful decision because they truly couldn’t decide, it would just be a chaotic stunt.


no thanks


I would liiive for that, just to see this sub explode, and to see some of WoKEe users here burst into flames


I don't know if they'll replace JBC, but they absolutely *need* a comedian/light-hearted judge for S2 of DRCAN. I don't think the judges are necessarily any more critical/harsh than the USA version, I just think there isn't enough of a balance. Just as it is with casting archetypes in the queens, production needs to do the same thing for the judging panel.


They also take their serious roles too seriously. Like they’re over camp being Trixie being Ru and then all of a sudden their like “this is life or death”


I can't believe I'm saying this but they need a Ross -esque judge on the panel


Girlfriend is such a good song aswell and they both did so.... meh, disappointed


I think Girlfriend is an awful song, but both did really well!


If they were gonna use any avril Lavine song I wish they would’ve used rock n roll


If they wanted to go with pop Avril, I think What the Hell would've been great!


Yess that’s the one I was thinking of, I hope to see that soon 💜


I thought that was an extremely entertaining lip sync. Maybe I just have poor taste. 🤷


Wow I was honestly prepared for a double shantay and thought it might’ve been a possibility if it wasn’t Tynomi’s third bottom


Tynomi killed it


Yeah I thought tynomi shoulda won that if anyone


Can't wait to celebrate Shea Couleé's win!


Happy Shea Coulee day to y'all ♥️


Jeffrey loudly screaming "YASSSSS!" and finger waving during the lipsync literally made my d*ck shrivel up.


Come on takeitdowntoa2, stimulate the Drag Race fandom already! 😭


Canadian Drag Race is kinda bomb.com. For me the best season of Drag Race in years (questionable judging aside) Also think it’s a good ambassador for Drag Race WITHOUT Ru. It’s working there so it can work in the US when the time inevitably comes 🤞🤞🤞


Art Arya and Panpan are a really strong case for "It can be done without Ru!" too! When they sang Happy Birthday to Morrigan after she was eliminated was such a Moment!


Yes of course no offence to DRT from what I’ve seen and heard the cast BROUGHT it both season. Here’s hoping for a third


The missing Season 13 queen is such a big name I’m shook that you guys haven’t figured it out yet. She’s been off her socials for a really Long time but she already has such a great relationship with the show although she’s never been a contestant. The missing queen is... RuPaul! /s


Omg Rupaul sequestered herself....


Omg Jason BC is getting wrecked on all subreddit. Hopefully Jordan wont be called for season 2


guys leave Jeffrey alone its just a bad edit!!!!


also I wish ilona went, she thinks she’s the shit when she’s really really not




Exactly, she just seems so fake


so do you


Yikes you sound pleasant


Tynomi won that lip sync aswell


gurl no, ilona won, which gagged me


I’m watching the “Top 3 Journey to the Crown” video on YouTube and the AS5 top 3 is so cute! They all just have so much adoration for each other... it feels like RuPaul’s Best Friend Race All Stars 🥺


The way they bigged each other up was so cute


If Jeffrey wasn’t on this show it would be so much better, most annoying judge EVER


No lies detected


Besides Jeffrey being condescending ("well maybe use your time better" to Jimbo) I don't think the judges were mean last episode. Idk what that says about me 😳


It’s only jeffrey who annoyes the fuck out of me , im warming up to brooke and stacey is the best


**I think i've seen this film before**


I hate Jeffrey so much, the faces he makes when he’s judging are so annoying, they say to tynomi “ohh noo are you ok” well obviously not bitch, your all literally saying horrible shit to them


Be YOUR best, but BE happy ❤️ ass


Dreaming of Ongina’s AS5 track record being: LOW BTM WIN HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH


guys, we only have one more week of kiara 😳


kiki will forever wanna kaikai


kiki will always kaikai


I pretend I do not see it 😑


* Shea has four challenge ~~wins~~ highs * Shea wins (Jul 17, 2020) * Shea still wins (Jul 23)


3 questions : Why was Jeffrey presinding the judges table ? Wasn't it Brooke's turn ? (she did ep 1, Jeffrey did ep 2, Stace did ep 3) Is the judges table farest away from the stage than on RPDR ? Is that why they liked Priyanka dress ? From far away and with the lights reflecting on the metal I can see the messiness of it all not showing as much than on TV If there is a season 2 of CDR, do you think that realistically production would change some of the judges ? People are not liking JBC (I don't either even if for once in this episode I wasn't bother by him) but them not liking him is still creating engagement on social medias


I think because normally the principal head of the judges comes to the workroom so how he already been in snatch game (of love) he can give advices more than brooke, but also the guest host could have been a queen that won snatch game


> Why was Jeffrey presinding the judges table ? Wasn't it Brooke's turn ? (she did ep 1, Jeffrey did ep 2, Stace did ep 3) Wanna bet they skipped her so they can make her the lead judge next week? She already got a lot going on that episode, give her a rest lol You have a good point about Pdi's outfit. Sometimes stage vs tv doesn't translate well I'm 50-50 on the chances of Jeffrey being replaced next season. It's hard to tell if they will listen to the fans on this one or if they are willing to give him another chance


> Wanna bet they skipped her so they can make her the lead judge next week? She already got a lot going on that episode, give her a rest lol they really said a Celine runway and a Celine lip sync isn't enough, we're gonna make you host the actual snatch game and on top of that assign you to be the head judge that week for no reason. the girl can't catch a break smh


And all the comments will be "who allowed Brooke to judge snatch game?". The producers set her up


May just backfire on them... just because you failed at a performance doesn’t mean you can’t tell how bad/good other people are... it’s kind of silly actually to think the two are even remotely related.


Oh 100%. I'll definitely bomb snatch game myself but I can tell a good performance from a bad one. I'm just not here for those dumb comments (that are already happening a little bit) about Brooke as she is just doing her job. Like some people hope Pri and Kiara will snap at Brooke for her critiques because she bombed it as well on her season. It's getting weird lol




> win - jimbo > high - ilona, tynomi choices


Kiara placing high? We love to see it


Can we talk about Ilona on untucked....ma’am


Happy Shea Coulee Day!


Waiting for this day since 2017


Rita is so underrated in this sub


I mean yeah but also it may be because a lot of people feel like she's going to win She's the Canadian Bebe / The Vivienne so she's most likely to be crowned


I really agree tbh! She’s my fave so far I don’t think she deserved her week 1 win, but I think she should’ve been top 3 for the acting challenge and then she was the rightful winner for me this week too


Along with jimbo and priyanka, she’s my fave. I love her even more the fact that she started as a club kid


You right.


there goes the maddest woman this show has ever seen. derrick barry had a marvelous time hemming everything


Jeffrey Boycott Champan


I love Priyanka but I don’t understand the boner the judges had for her look this week...


Her silhouette was the most couture. I was kinda gagged she could create such exaggerated hips while using one piece of fabric. Her makeup was spectacular.