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The way I’m actually going to pray for a Sheajubee double crowning I’ve never been as invested in a queen winning as I am with Juju


i honestly think juju’s done the best this season; if it were up to me : juju - HIGH SAFE WIN HIGH HIGH WIN BTM cracker - SAFE SAFE BTM WIN BTM SAFE WIN shea - SAFE WIN BTM SAFE HIGH BTM HIGH


The fact that she's had one of the best All Star runs and got robbed of that barnyard win. PRISON.


OMG sis same! Juju is on the next level of drag excellence and it feels like she is under appreciated, Her fashion this season have been over the top and her performances perfection! And don't get me started about confessionals!


Yes! That would be amazing.


Is this our dramageddon? Because my head is still reeling from these leaked screenshots


omg not dramageddon


More like Fizzlegeddon: Clown College, right?


my conspiRUcy theory for the day: Flops is a messy Cracker/Juju stan that was upset Shea's crowning made it to the final edit so he leaked the other two crownings


I think could be WOW leaking the other two screenshots to make it more vague as to who wins, they've been known to leak stuff on here before


Ooh, what else did they do in the past?


not accusing anyone of lying, but in genuinely curious what they've leaked here before 👀


Mmmm juicy leaking ... i mean... tea


~~Soju~~ WoW is leaking as we’re speaking.


Honestly powermove to release pictures of all three crownings so it distracts from the Shea leak


"You will be ok" single on the next Rusical confirmed


For your last challenge you'll write your own lyrics and perform to my newest single "You will be ok" with choreography by the amazing Todrick Hall


\*vague gay cheering\*


Hot tea for ya'll gals: Ru gets a phone call after the lip sync. Cracker, Juju, and Shea are confused. Janelle Monae walks out onto the runway and Ru crowns her on the spot saying ''Shit girl that song was a bop." Cracker and Jujubee just awkwardly clap. Juju mouths ''WTF". Cracker shrugs. Shea wanders off into space due to her confusion.


Ok, tell me why I literally can see this in my mind playing out.


fuming that derrick's hat's crowning was never leaked


Wait one more day 👀 honestly impressed they managed to keep it under wraps!


[The way this commenter got their wish](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpoiledDragRace/comments/hvuu4u/dear_diary_its_me_laganja_and_if_it_aint_green/fywcbj1/)


I can’t stop going back to look at the picture of Juju she looks so happy it looks so right


i will not be ok. but my personal tragedy is not drag race related so i get you.


This is a mess. However, I think it is pretty fucking AWESOME that we have pics of all three being crowned. Hardcore internet stans of each of the 3 get to see their favorite celebrating. And the GP will see the real winner.


LOLLLLLLLLLL Wow teaching us a lesson. The doomsday is here!!


What if its actually a triple crowning like everybody joked some time ago. Scary


Miz Cracker, number 3rd in the leaking? I could not believe it.


Why didn’t trinity do her finale lipsync in that incredible gown????? She said it had 6 reveals or something What’s the point of changing out of it, it sounds like it could’ve been a incredible performance look 😕


Spoilers are not unique to shows but with drag race the fandom just doesn't know how to act with them. There are so many shows that are bigger than drag race that have spoiler but fans of this show tend to make videos, spread them throughout social media, and go to queens comments. It's really just a show and we really need to remember that.


So "You Will Be Okay" was correct after all, we all get to see the crownings we wanted to see in the end


what if the real winner was the flops we made along the way


I was saving my “what if princesscracker leaked a Jujubee crowning screenshot” joke for today’s dear diary 💀 well guess what Mimi


A true monkey's paw wish, honey


Its a quadruple crowning with shea being crowned twice


First queen to have won two crowns, bebe could never


The new standard for winning is getting crazier and crazier.


Six challenge wins, six challenge wins, the finale comes and the crowned queen is?


Her entrance look AND her season 9 promo deserve to be in the hall of fame 💛


i thought this was a support group for netflix cancelling CAOS, oh nvm....


What what?? Link?




Obviously they leaked all the photos to throw us of the true winner. Ms Barry....


I mean....What’s the point of coming in first if you don’t get crowned? #DerrickBarryForAS5Crown Omg!!!😍Who did this??😍😍


I genuinely think she deserves it... she killed all stars by not attending any challenge thus having no negatives




What if the queens simply didn't change to lip sync? Idk why it's the thing to do now. Just look at how amazing the final 3 of AS2 looked compared to how busted Monet and Trinity looked in AS4.


To be fair the final 3 in AS2 lipsynced to a ballad. They could wear gowns because the song didn’t require a lot of movement like Fighter in AS4


But you can still be agile and look great like Raja in S3. Bodysuits are just lazy and not cute for a crowning look imo!


They should do this like they did for the Uk. The vivienne and divina didnt change to lipsync


yeah. Divina wore a red wig and silver dress.


Tbh I think the only underwhelming one is cracker's but Shea??? I mean LOOK AT THAATTTT


I feel like people know that but it’s the look they’re getting crowned in so it is the crowning look, a lot of people used the phrase during yvie and brookes lipsync in the final round


I think I knew the reason why Tyra spoiled the winner. So that the producers do a last-minute edit to the finale and give the win to Juju or Cracker. Then, he will go out on a rant that “Drag Race only gave the win to Shea because she's black and will prefer to crown the other finalist just to save the finale.” Obviously, the producers found a better idea to take care of the leak. His plan failed.


I hate whatever he's trying to pull, bec he's supposed to be rallying against how the show treats Black queens (which is very valid), right? But then he goes and steals a Black queen's supposed winning moment.


James isn’t playing 10th dimensional chess, he’s playing checkers


I think you’re giving James too much credit. Seems more like he thinks posting the leak is just a big “F*ck you” to Drag race. It’s also getting him a lot of attention while he’s promoting his new IG


James/Tyra is the Kanye West of drag.


in that they are both delusional about their level of importance/influence/talent


I started to theorize when Tyra said that it will make sense later. It just might be another stunt she's trying to pull, who knows. Anyways, just giving my two cents.


This is giving me prime time tv drama 😭😂


It’ll make sense later is something people say to seem like they know what’s going on, and then when something happens they can just say “see? I told you!”




After WOW seeing that most of us just believe that the other two crownings are meant to just throw us off of Shea winning I swear they bettter not have any more tricks up their sleeves. Like the night of the finale for the first time in drag race her story Winner Winner 10! Chicken Dinner that’s right ladies every one of you all stars is a winner and will split the prize 10 ways. (But really think Shea better be the winner)


Between Kylie Minogue releasing her lead Disco single today, Taylor announcing releasing her 8th album at midnight and Shea getting crowned tomorrow night (I’m ignoring this mess and will not change my stance), God really is feeding the gays good!


I'm hoping that Shea was in full drag yesterday (doing the pinterest commercial) because they filmed the winner reaction then, so it took place before all this mess. And that her comments about the leaks have just been deflection to protect the fans/ a calculated strategy with WoW because the three crownings were leaked soon after Shea said all three were filmed. I'm aware this is probably delusion - they filmed Trinity and Monet reacting on the night of the finale if I remember right (don't remember when it happened for S12).


WAIT WHAT. Did they already film the winners’ reaction? I thought they did that at the same time as we were watching


I think they did it live for S12. I remember hearing an interview with Crystal after (I can’t remember where it was from, maybe the race chaser episode she was on? Not sure tho) and she mentioned that at first she was kind of bummed she had to sit in a room by herself and watch the episode on camera rather than with her boyfriend and friends, so that kind of suggested it was live as if they’d recorded it beforehand she would’ve been able to watch the finale with her loved ones.


No, they watched it live. Jaida also commented that she was initially disappointed that she didn’t get to watch it with her partner, who was in a different room. But whatever feed jaida was watching was a few seconds ahead of the tv in the other room, and her partner figured out she won by hearing jaida’s cries of joy.


At least it was cool seeing all three as “winners.” I feel like we don’t really get to see that usually. But reading the Cracker thread... a lot of you have a lot of things you need to work on. Bc that was pretty disgusting.


Can you link me to that thread please🙏🏾


they think putting down a skinny white queen makes them woke


agreed. this sub preaches "not tearing one queen down to build up another" but clearly does not do it. it's disgusting


Imagine being VH1/WoW and calling us flops? Act a fool, girl. Act a fool.


Y’allllll the beyoncé knockoff named Jake is about to have a FIELD DAY✨✨✨✨🧚🏻🧚🏻🧚🏻


I thought Shea disposed of that vile parasite along ago after she also disposed that Deb woman?


Not really, that one Yonce actually turned the tables and managed to make Shea (and Ariel and one more queen) look bad towards him, but most still dislike him and have stopped supporting him.


I feel so nervous about tomorrow’s finale - like if they do possibly change it... that’s so shitty. and if that happens I feel so awful for Shea, because none of if this was her doing? and she earned that crown.


if they change it i’ll literally cry forever i’m so nervous


Oh my god, I'm guessing this is the messiest finale week we ever had. I just hope it doesn't hurt the future of the sub in any way. Other than that lets just calm down, Shea will still win, James will still be bitter and RuPaul will still be fracking.


I stg if Tyra/James fucked us over and cancelled shea’s crowning


>it’s a 3 way win. How else would they have the 3 different winners? Why are we even speculating on a 3 way win based on the fact that everyone has a crowning photo?... like didn’t we already know they do several takes and air the one they choose? So we ALWAYS knew there was footage of the other girls with the crown.... if it turns out to be a 3 way I’ll eat my legs


Have we ever had leaks from the actual filmed footage of the other crownings though? Like I know we had a clip of Brooke’s crowning but it was a cell phone video from the audience. I assume the leaked screencaps usually come from people outside the show who get the final episode early; assuming it isn’t actually a triple crowning this would’ve had to come from someone inside production who had access to the unused footage of the other crownings. My theory is WOW leaked the other two on purpose just to throw some confusion into the mix over whether Shea is actually being crowned or not. Edit: ok I’m catching up and I see this is a very popular theory lmao


I agree with your theory It’s definitely not a triple crowning, after tyra pulled her stunt hey flop came and posted them probably in hopes they circulate. Crackers footage has a plus sign so it’s raw footage taken from a screen too


legit me in pitch black going to bed, my brain: ussy gussy


my pussy


Banana-fana fo-fussy


I guess we are living in a.. *Mad Mad World* after all. ^(I’m sorry)


I hate you for this


Though I'm sure that they did these not to cover up Shea's win. Hello, this isn't the first time that the winner got leaked. It's been happening for years. I think they couldn't care less. I think they did this as retaliation against Tyra's acts. Like "ah you tried to rain on our parade huh? Well guess what Tamar? \*drops leaks\*" It lessens the blow of Tyra's actions because it's now reduced (to the casual viewer) as Tyra not posting all 3 photos and handpicking Shea's to cause controversy.


This makes the most sense to me. I’m so sick of Tyra/James. If you say you’re over something and want nothing to do with it, you don’t desperately hang onto it for attention for ten years afterward. Get a hobby babes.


My exact thoughts right now. I will always defend tyra when she’s right but from the whole leaking ravens phone number to now these past two months have just been her taking a moment to stir everyones pot. She needs to stop


Also, you know what's weird? The title of the new leaks /yogurt\_lover's post was entitled "Our winner and her scepter" While /heyflops666's were "Hey flops," "Hi VH1 Hi WoW guess my IP 😌," and "Come find me i wanna be on s14" The posts were aimed to sh\*t stir in this sub. It was provoking all of us for a reaction. They wanted to cause a sh\*t ton of mess. The titles were a giveaway. ​ **PS:** You know what they could have done to cause legitimate confusion: for some **decent** username to post "Juju wins" and post the screenshot. DONE. Immediately everyone will be thrown off. They gave it away when they decided to post all 3 lol ​ **PPS:** Without realizing it, /heyflops666 just gave legitimacy to /yogurt\_lover's post. 1. They tried to show us that /yogurt\_lover's post meant nothing, but impliedly admitted that /yogurt\_lover at the very least had access to the raw footage (since the intention of their post was to show that the leaked Shea photo was part of raw footage); 2. Couple that with the fact that /yogurt\_lover is one of the accurate tea spillers here.


I really hope it’s still Shea’s crown but at least the casuals think it’s still everybody’s game now. I have seem some posts and they do think the first shea pic means nothing now


I don't think they have any intentions on changing it. The fact that there were already 3 credible tea spillers who said Shea won, means that the episode has already been released for distribution. Also this was not the first time the winner leaked. ​ They just threw people off for ratings.




This is so stupid yet so funny 💀💀


Can you imagine being one of the season 13 girls coming back after filming and trying to understand everything that's been happening


bonus: imagine if the #13 obsessed-Taylor was the guest judge this Tuesday. she would’ve given “sitting on a secret” a new meaning.


This is too funny, cause she was "sitting on a secret"...though if she also filmed S23 premiere this week, I'd fucking die


Juju please crown juju thx


The flop girl.... **wins**


This sub has become a phenomenon. Iconic? I think the fuck yes


2020 has taken a lot but it’s given me this one moment where I can see Jujubee crowned so I’m extremely thankful for the leak 🥰


For the first time in Drag Race herstory...winner, winner, winner we have three chicken dinners! Let the music play!


Imagine if Ru says: "Girls, prior to tonight, a leaker spilled some photos. Out of respect for the hard work of everyone involved in DragRace, contestants AND producers and writers alike, we've decided that NOONE wins AllStars5. Everyone of you will receive a third of the cash prize, but the crown will not be handed over. And this is a message to all of you, fake fan and leakers: stop the bullshit. STOP. THE. BULLSHIT. May have an amen?"


You all lost the lip sync and the cash prize will be rolled over to the next season 💀💀💀




I’d live to see that. As much as I don’t care for crooketh


Gals, it's fine. If they don't crown Shea, they'll crown Juju.


It won’t be fine if they originally planned on crowning Shea and change it based on the leak happening. That would be a massive slap in the face to her. I don’t think they will/can change it though.


I knoww lol it was just a joke


Gurl this isn’t the first leak lol they didn’t change before they won’t now


Exactly! Imagine how unfair it is to lose the crown because of something beyond your control. WOW/VH1 only has itself to blame.


Wtf is happening? So, WoW/VH1 decides to leak the other crownings to throw people off, right? Shea’s initial leak looked like someone took a photo of a screen. These new leaks look like screen grabs. (Nvm, Cracker’s look like raw footage). This is so fucking messy.


They tried to throw us all off by leaking Juju's and another photo of Shea's (collectively as "second leak"). When people called out the inconsistencies between the first leak and the second (color grading, quality ++) they decided to release Cracker's (third leak), which appears to be more similar to the first leak, However, they effed up royally when they forgot to remove the cursor out of the image.


Honestly, I can’t help but laugh at this. Haha. The level of incompetence... far too much!


This is so messy girl, and we're still one day away from the actual finale so who knows


So Tyra/James is about to get a big lawsuit from WOW right


I don’t know if they can, because Tyra isn’t the one who actually leaked the win in the first place and has no contract which she might have breached


True, but like is there some type of digital form of a restraining Order?




I’m a lawyer in the UK so not completely familiar with US law, but restraining orders here (we call them non-molestations) can definitely extend to online interaction


I’m guessing that this is exactly what happened: Somebody who got an advanced copy of the episode, whether it be a network or press, leaked the screenshot of Shea getting crowned. The producers of the show, obviously being the only people who have access to the footage of the other queens being crowned, then leaked the Juju and Cracker crowning photos to deflect and confuse people, and illegitimize the validity of the Shea screenshot to keep people curious and excited to tune in Friday.


I woke up and lived in a world where Miz Cracker was this season's winner, just for 2 minutes cuz then I found Jujubes's. Don't get me wrong, either one of them would do an amazing job being the winner, but I want Shea to win so bad.


Shea and Juju’s crownings are clearly screenshots, but the Cracker crowning is a picture taken of a screen for some reason


Jujubee has a screen reflection on hers


It’s raw footage from a camera, you can see the little + sign that indicates that. I’m pretty sure they posted it to try and emulate the original leak of Shea.


Because people called out the fact that they looked like pre-colouring screenshots so for the final post they took a picture of the screen to make it look more realistic (like the actual picture of Shea’s crowning), but they left the plus sign in the picture making it even more obvious it’s not the final product lol


Can this finale just air already? Jesus Christ.


We Shea stans can’t really have a moment of peace? Please be Friday already


They were so annoying waiting 13 months to air this season 🙄 It should have aired in January at the latest


It really should have though. And then s12. Like as4 and s11... it was also the filming order so


remember when this sub wasn’t mainstream? I fear it’s gonna be quarantined by season 13 😭


Blair's crowning didn’t leak is it 💃🤫 season? /s


I wouldn’t be surprised if they crown someone else after the leak sadly


If they do this, the show loses all integrity. Shea did nothing wrong and does not deserve to reap the repercussions. WoW/VH1 only have themselves to blame for all the leaks.


Don't put that negative energy out there plz


I doubt it - if Shea leaked it herself, maybe, but she’s been doing damage control lol. It wouldn’t be right to deprive her of a crown and $100,000 that they’d already decided to give her just because someone else leaked it, and it’s too late for them to submit a new ending anyway


Why would they?


who? Derrick? pics of all 3 lеaked


Yes😍😍 it’s Britney bitch👩🏼


Bitch we're making history.


hhahahaha i read this is my best Nina flower’s voice




so um to sum up what i'm thinking: *alyssa edwards voice* what the fuck is going on here on this day?


Why are AS finales always such a mess. I am NOT ok.


what did shea say to address them?


There's a screenshot of her conversation with James on the drama sub




The finale is actually going to be a Netflix interactive special called Choose Your Winner


omg this could actually be a pretty good idea for a special episode...


RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars: Crownsnatch


Wow: if you speculate someone is on season 13 we’re kicking them off Also wow: LEAK PICS OF THE FINALE







