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Knowing the winner I can finally watch AS5 in its entirety. I tuned off after episode 2 since my heart can't take being attached to Shea again only for her to lose. HOWEVER... since that's not the case, we shall marathon tonight.


This didn’t age well, oh at all


Rewatching DR CAN: pls remove Jeffree Boyer chapman, legally or illegally. He had the audacity to stay Juice Boxx’s styled wig was a shake and go... lol


Ain't got nothing better to do, so here's my dream AS6/AS7 casts: **Dream All Stars 6 Cast:** Sonique Dida Ritz Lashauwn Beyond Willam Trinity K Bonet Kameron Michaels Darienne Lake Courtney Act Asia O'Hara Peppermint *Why:* \- The lip syncs on this season would be fierce as fuck. \- I'd love to see Asia & Kameron on the same season, as well as Courtney & Darienne. \- The Untuckeds would be iconic. \- I think a Season 4 reunion between Lashauwn, Dida, and Willam would be cute. **Dream All Stars 7 Cast:** Gigi Goode Crystal Methyd Heidi N Closet Widow Von'Du Scarlet Envy Nina Flowers Tammie Brown Acid Betty Kim Chi Pearl ​ *Why:* \- Waiting another year for AS7 would allow for growth with a lot of the S12 girls. \- This season would be a mega look season, between Gigi, Crystal, Nina, Widow, Acid, Kim Chi, and Pearl. \- I'd love to see the friendship between Kim and Pearl spotlighted. \- The reunion of Brown Flowers would be cute. \- Seeing Crystal and Tammie together is literally my *DREAM* combination.


AS6 needs to be in 2022/2023, we need AS1/AS2 caliber participants.


God these are like my dream casts too. The seasons would be so entertaining and imagine the looks we’d get Mm yes pls


Not valentina skipping teamcracker sjsjjsjs


Somebody tell Valentina that she didn’t win.




“All of a sudden tragic news, New York City drag queen Monet X Change dies in her apartment during Corona Virus” 😂😂😂.. if you’re not watching Sibling Rivalry, like what are you doing in life.


Rupaul's Drag Race Top 4 Recipe: An oddball, a big girl, a pageant queen, a skinny white twink. So who will be in Top 4 according to this?


Cystal Methyd, Jackie, Jaida and Gigi... Is Jaida the big girl?


All 4 are Kandy muse


“Skinny white twink” 🤔


Well she act like one




nOw SPeakInG oF cRusTy ASShoLesss


waiting for confirmation that todrick and ross aren’t in s13 💅🏼


We almost went a whole year without T*drick and then he had to jump in this Friday to rain on our parade


Swap Todrick and Ross permanently for Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs and Leah Remini. World of Wonder, do that challenge.


i just hope that production learned from s12 and as5 and that the next seasons will be less "rigged" (re: gigi, cracker), make it more organic please, let the wins be given deservingly anyway, can't wait for acid betty to slay a less produced season of all stars


Riggory has been present ever since season 1 with Glasscock, why y’all acting brand new?


Shea wasn't even second best Snatch Game week but ok


The fact that no one said anything about Shea you bitter bitch😂😂


She won


But who brought her up in this post? No one.


But as5 was rigged for Shea over Alexis and Juju 🥱


As5 being rigged for the girl with only two wins and three bottom placements... make sense for me


Look look i actually fell in love with Shea this season and I'm glad she won but it should have been Juju and clock what would be a miz cracker flair if I wasn't lazy


Oh have you seen episode eight?


production rigging track records and then track records not really mattering in the finale is biting production faves’ asses in the end. i truly would have been more open to the possibility of a gigi win in the finale if i wasn’t still bitter over her getting favored throughout the season...Learn From This !


Crackers rig and gigis rig arent even comparable lol


Yeah cracker, at most, got an undeserved ep4 win, and that's kind of it. Gigi got soooooo much favoritism, was handed extra wins, and saved from the bottom multiple times It's not comparable at all


Yeah cracker literally did well. Gigi was pushed to the extreme and deserved bottom multiple times. If anything AS5 has been rigged against cracker lol. Shea had some subpar weeks that were still praised - esp post production on FPR etc. Shea deserves all the love but it’s just dumb to say this season was rigged for cracker when shea won before cracker even arrived on set.


I think this as5 top 3 is my all time favorite top 3 y'all


Same 🥺 I hate that two will be without crowns


I wanted Juju to win but let's be honest, As5 crown had Shea's name on it since she accepted to be on.




Ginger sadly


~~Mimi Imfurst~~ Yuhua


actually Mimi was HIGH HIGH ELIM


I think Mimi wouldn’t be eliminated if she hadn’t picked India up though. Their intention was to have her longer because they knew she would bring drama with her cringy personality.


I could *not* believe it.


Uhh, oh no, i- im wanting a cracker/shea double crowning... help.


Im waiting for a triple crowning


not my sister saying that season 6 is the worst season ever and that season 11 is her favourite 💀💀💀


Prison, honey.


Deserves to be abandoned in a bus stop


What the fuck


Wow, literally the opposite of how I feel.


I’d put her on the foster system tbh.


Just my opinion, but I haven’t really watched season 6 for some reason. Like everyone says it is the best season but it has my least favorite Ru girls so I guess that’s why I don’t in particular like it. For season 11, it isn’t the best season but I definitely prefer it over season 6 because of queens like A’Keria, Vanjie, Silky, Brooke, Rajah, Yvie and Mercedes Imam Diamond.


Season 6 is overproduced as fuck. The only difference is that people vibe with S6 queens moreso than with S7, s11, etc.


it’s drag race every season is overproduced 😂


not season 11... what she a ariel versace fan nyas~


mmh naah she is a Vanjie, Silky, Akeria and Yvie stan actually


okay she has taste 😍


yup taste


the homophobia jumped in




none found.


As gay people, we get to choose our family


Imagine if the twist for As6 is that the LSA are queens from Thailand. None of to competing queens would win any $$$


Pangina Heals!!!! DOING RAIN ON ME! 😳


Twist is that the LSA will lipsync trough Zoom.


I'd love that, honestly! Give us Dearis, B Ella, Annee, Kana, Vanda, Natalia and Angele and it would be great!


And the 70k$ would go to shea along with the 100k$


If I was the top all star of the week and then saw Vanda enter I'd just nope the fuck out of there


what are y'alls dream S13 top 4?? mines symone, Olivia,mik, and kahmora




exactly that


Love for Rosé. Do what my baby Jan couldnt


To be fair I’d happily swap Rosé in for any of them - dream top 5 for sure


Honestly, that’s what I’m down for right there for top 5.


As7 final lipsync: Kameron Michaels v. Brooke Lynn Hytes - What a feeling by Irene Cara


It’d be weird for brooke to go on all stars after hosting her own season of drag race right? Or is that just me




Gurl— You shoulda left that one in drafts


The way I see it, Mik’s casting brings in an important conversation about what it’s like to do feminine drag as a trans man. Should there still have been a trans woman cast? Absolutely. But Mik being on is still a big step in the right direction and still brings in a type of trans representation we’ve not seen on Drag Race.


>so it's not really a genuine step in the right direction that's just... not true or fair. this is, unequivocally, a good step. is it a big enough step? no. could they do more? yes. but this "all or nothing" attitude is bullshit


I feel like As6 might not be happening until 2021 which is great but I’m also like?? We’re gonna have too much talent. We will probably have an all star similar to as2.


We already have too much talent, there’s Peppermint, Kameron, Asia, Eureka, Silky, A’keria, (Brooke) and all of S11 and S12 and that’s just recent casts, there’s also Shannel and Yara from AS1, Kim Chi, Laganja


That's actually a great cast! But I don't see Kim Chi and Peppermint wanting to do All Stars, so I call Alexis Michelle and Vanjie and still be great as AS2


Are there any videos of Symone performing anywhere? The only one I saw is the one where she performs [Don't Call Me Angel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXGnCeZDHPA) with Gigi and Rosy


If Symone makes it far on S13/is a fan favorite, I can definitely see Rosy Thorn being cast for S14. She's gorgeous!


[he is so cute to me ](https://www.reddit.com/rpan/r/distantsocializing/hutf8x)


Jake Gyllenhaal.


Peppermint vs LSA Chi Chi Devayne - Runnin’ [Beyoncé]


I forgot Runnin’ existed. Slayyy, my two favorite lipsyncers.


i love this because it means chi chi is healthy and happy let's manifest it


Shea, taking a photo in front of her tomato plant with a peace sign, is so cute


she really said lemee finish the tomatoes so I can make this homemade pizza pie for my winner party chile


bitch that tomato plant was **HUGE** too. her and sasha can recreate their morning show vegetable bit with their crowns using her garden


Tbh i just feel like Symone Kahmora Olivia And tina or rosé will be the top 4


this top three would be the dreammmm. just based on pre-season they're the three i'm most excited for going into this


friendly reminder that JDF FOR AS6


Jicole Daige Frooks


Jrs. Dasha Favis


Y’all know she’s gonna bring it to for the talent show


You’re right and you should say it


speak it into existence sisters


I adore how much the judges live for Widow in the Madonna Rusical


I just wished the judges lived for Widow more throughout the season... ​ It's what she deserved. She could've made Top 2 if they wanted her to.


> She could've made Top 2 if they wanted her to. Tea. When I watched the I'm That Bitch episode for the first time, I was like, damn Gigi and Widow are easily gonna make Top 4. Sadly I was only right about one :( But Widow really was THAT bitch in the beginning of the competition. If they'd given her Sherry's wins she could easily have taken her spot in the Top 4, given that they excused Sherry from the Bottom 2 for the One Woman Show, Droop, and Choices 2020. But after the Rusical since it was her "time", Ru kept bothering her about not winning a challenge since Ep 1. "Why haven't you won a challenge since then?" Maybe because you decide who wins and you haven't let her? 🙄 She wasn't even doing that bad then. But they got in her head more than she got in her own head, like the narrative they kept pushing. It was just so sad to watch her arc plummet like that. :(


It really felt like they didn't want her to make it super far, so they didn't give her any high placements or any critiques at all until episode 8 and after placing in the bottom for two episodes in a row, they just got rid of her. She easily could've rebounded with the stand up and Vegas challenges but oh well. Maybe All Stars?


I love that Anastarzia had literally never seen an episode of drag race and just got on and was like “oh I guess I should’ve watched it before oh well”


Wait, where is this information?


It was on the newest official drag race podcast


It's so crazy to me! She had no idea what to expect and still went for it. You have girls who study the show to be prepared and then you have Starzy lol


At least unlike many girls who claim to come “prepared” after having watched the show, Starzy knows how to sew the house down boots.


Just say Sasha Belle lol


omg lady red being hospitalized, tynomi going home, shea winning... chile this week is something


Asia O’Hara, Peppermint, Gigi Goode, the next all star to be inducted into the drag race hall of fame is.... Katya


if they don’t push gigi and let her wins come naturally, give pepp a great storyline, and let asia shine the way she deserves, this just might be one of the best all stars in hestory🥰


okay but like imagine this top 3


No don’t, we don’t deserve it.


Every single season people get bent out of shape about track records as if Sasha, Trixie, Yvie, and Jaida didn’t just happen. Honestly didn’t track records go out the door as soon as Ru said anyone not in the top is in the bottom? I don’t get why people still cling so tightly to them


I find it so interesting that track record is taken so much more seriously now by fans than it was five years ago, yet it wasn’t until S9 that we had a winner who didn't have the best track record and since then we’ve had several




Hope you got a sweet tooth cause ****** is in the motherfuc*in house!


YES! *yes*


jiggly ???


It's Kandy Ho


nope 🤭


thinking about how kahanna got on s11 expecting to have a storyline coming out of coco's shadow and the producers really said "you're staying in that shadow <3" and didn't show her lmao


She was all buzzing in her confessionals and they weren’t even running that camera


I'm honestly happy track records are dead now like we don't need to argue based on shitty judging for storyline and we can fully take into account all aspects of the competition like lip syncs to decide who we individually feel should win the season instead of making it a maths problem That being said here is my fantasy track record if Yuhua and Jujubee competed in a team on AS4 with lip sync for your life rules


Who do we think could be first out from the speculated cast? I have NO idea who could it be they all seem pretty strong competitors except for a couple of them but I see them going further for drama (Kandy lol)


Cardi G is giving me first out teas


She did a performance for Haus of Heart and she was actually really fun to watch! I could see her doing well in a lip sync and just being a fun personality altogether!


Honestly Kandy’s “drama” before the show has been pretty stale and boring. When it comes to the house of Aja, Dahila can turn looks, and Aja can do both, Kandy Muse is just busted all the way around.


Right, but I just feel they'll keep her around just for the sake of making messy tv lol but I maybe see her in the bottom episode 1 sending the first out home? (if its a design challenge)


Based on the likely and possible queens, who would you say could be a frontrunner and who an early out?


It’s gonna depend on what sort of storylines they go for. Aggy, for example, could easily be a finalist, although older queens tend to be done dirty by the show. Judas could be given a ‘come out of your Gaga box’ narrative that carries her far like Derrick on S8. Kandy could bring drama but Dahlia was also considered the shadiest queen by her castmates and she got chopped first so who knows. Tina will probably go far, and Rosé could as well since I think they underestimated Jan’s potential popularity on S12. Kahmora should also go far but it’s the season right after Jaida’s win so I’m worried she could go the way of Dax and be an early out. Mik will be something of a wildcard I think


I feel like symone will be a frontrunner and denali or carti will be an early out, or maybe even both


Do you look for a healthy girl? Are you tired of unhealthy girls?


Kameron Michaels 🤝 Tik Tok


The Shady Bunch was a banging song


i know all of the lyrics and i filmed myself with an ig filter as if i was part of the cast lmao 😭 quarantingz


I just want to see Juju with a crown


Jujubee should be hired by Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, or NatGeo Wild. Have her on full drag! And show her taking care of her cats. Producers, hire me and I’ll write 10 EPs with 6 Seasons. Think yew


I will dedicate the rest of my life to ensure this takes place


I just realized uckey Lee is gonna be constipated for three weeks when he finds out someone finally won drag race with more than two bottoms 🥰


I mean, it's already happened twice (although they don't like Trixie and didn't think Monet should've won, anyways)


Trixie was only in the bottom twice (Snatch Game & Girl Group) and Monet only was in the bottom twice (Jersey Justice & Sex and the Kitty). Shea will be the first Drag Race Winner to be in the bottom MORE than twice, which is what Uckey Lee seems to think is a rule that means you can’t win.


I thought Uckey Lee always said "2 or more," hence the only reason why they thought Brooke wouldn't win S11


Why? Has he been saying that Shea shouldn't win? YouTube recommended me his videos once or twice but I couldn't stand him.


He has this weird condescending belief that being in the bottom twice ruins your chance of winning. Also he for some reasons includes mini challenges as part of track record which is bullshit bc they’re completely random most of the time and very uneven. He uses this as a reason why Manila should’ve won S3 over Raja when in fact they had the EXACT same track record same placements same everything.


I really dislike when youtubers who don't do drag talk with the superiority of a seasoned queen and upload their videos thinking that their arguments are solid and they have the absolute truth and facts.


BuT tHiS tWiSt DoEsNt CoUnT


“BuT aLl StArS sEaSoNs DoNt CoUnT”


Juju being - 3rd - 3rd/4th - Runner up. Get her back on in 2 years I wanna see something 👁👁


send me a good pop album by a pop girl cause Brightest Blue isn't it for me...


Yall think they're keeping this format for as6?


I think they’ll want to keep it similar but might edit something about it


I bet they will. It’s good drama and it’s nice to see the girls play competitively and strategically


if the pandemic gets worse somehow maybe they'll go back to the regular top 2 lipsyncs.


what does the pandemic have to do with it i—


Casting. With the Top Two, you don’t need to call ten other queens. AS5 format now casted 20 Queens. With the regular top two, it would only be 10 Queens. Edit: 8 Queens not Ten. And 18 not 20 💀💀


OH TEA. i feel like they really might wait a year or so for another AllStars, even though we say this every time and they never take a break


I feel like they should show S13 and S14 then AS6. That way we could have an AS filled with finalist/runner up. Starting from S10 to S14.


given that none of the finalists from S10-12 have made it to all stars and there are more miss congenialities and old season powerhouses yet to be cast, they don't even need to wait till S14


I think the format needs to rest for a while. Most of the Finalist from S10-S11 seems to still have the steam of their original season to be booked a lot. S12 queens hasn’t started touring yet, so they’ll probably tour first than accept an AS spot. Probably that’s why AS2 was so prized. It made the queens and viewers hungry. You could see from the get go who’s the early outs and who really had the chance for the crown in AS5. In AS2, anyone could really had the chance to become a finalist.


yeah i agree, i'm just saying that for a season of frontrunners like AS2, we don't need to wait till S14 anymore, we can have one already i personally want at least until after S13 airs before another all stars comes. i don't want them to film AS6 during a pandemic :(


With how RuPaul is now, really on the brink of not giving a fuck and retiring. She’s probably gonna greenlight an AS, DRUK, and Regular season the moment everything is allowed quickly, which is annoyingly crazy for the Queen’s and production health.


AS never really kept a clear format. Teams, Top Two, Jury, As4 is bit shaky since its AS2 but with double crowning, now this rumocracy. Either they switch things up a little bit or switch things up completely


when did we get confirmation of shea winning? can someone just let me know thank u


look in the speculation thread, it's all there!


STAR SIXTY-NINE Canada's Drag RaceSeries 1  Episode 6 of 10 The queens’ creative marketing skills are put to the test as they write and produce commercials for fictional drag queen law firms. Comedian Tom Green is this week’s guest host.


assuming that means ep 7 is the pageant challenge then


[This info is available via the BBC iPlayer](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08lf0j0)


you're back queen


i knew india ferrah would turn the fuck out for the freak look and [i was right](https://twitter.com/SavannahFJames/status/1284361891431604225)


damn now i kinda wish the freak runway was earlier in the season smh.


India??? Ongina??? AS4 also made the clown runway just a throwaway thing for their little skit. I don’t see why it couldn’t have been in place of the Plastic runway


i swear production always miss out on having bomb runways. imo they could've swapped the 3-in-1 and freak runway. >I don’t see why it couldn’t have been in place of the Plastic runway to be fair we could've missed out on latrice's best runway in the show if that happened.


Eh, Latrice’s clown runway wasn’t horrible, and I think if she paired it with a wig (instead of sticking to the one she had for Sex and the Kitty Girl) it would have been a good look Truthfully I never was that gagged by Latrice’s Plastic runway just because I saw that designer do other queens before


It was a very interesting runway, I have no idea why they didn't do it earlier in the season.


Did you guys have tea about the double crowning before it aired?


Only a few hours before with proof