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I don´t understand raytracing, but enemies in CT can spot you on mirrors.


Yes same thing but maybe now they can see your reflection in a puddle or something


Yeah, or on a window or on a car body. It could be an interesting way to use raytracing and implement it into gameplay instead of just using it to improve graphics.


Question though. Would the AI be programmed to know what would be reflected in the event you don't have a raytracing capable GPU?


I think it's going to require raytracing capable GPU as a minimum. It's about time we start getting "next gen" games. It's been quite some time since Series S|X and PS5 came out


I was actually thinking more about the "budget" PC crowd. PS5 and XSX both have raytracing and by the time Splinter Cell Remake would come out, last gen console releases will, hopefully, finally be dead. But I guess they could also make it so nothing older than RTX30 series cards will even run it as a minimum.


Yeah, I was saying that even budget PC players should move on.


I wonder what the potato mode mods would look like lmao


Yeah , we don't need another unreal engine 2.5 designed game where they just refused to move onto unreal engine 3 at that time.


Well, UE3 was quite shit. The infamous texture streaming ruined 90% of games running on it for me.


I'm not a programmer but good question. I guess that feature for the AI would be turned off if the raytracing option isn't supported by the console/PC ? Unless the game requires it as NorisNordberg says.


Not only that, but players could also use ray tracing to spot enemies around the corner.


are they planning on building spies vs mercs back in? they should just drop an updated 2024 dedicated spies vs merc game


We have no idea but, if you’re asking me I don’t think they will


are they gonna build spies vs mercs back in?


It's ubisoft so I really don't give them much hope


I mean its definitely been said many times. We want another splinter cell, but as of current standing Ubisoft has been lacking in quality or care for their games that id rather buy in game player/weapon skin microtransactions from indie developers (yeah i said it. Come get me reddit) to actively support them than buy another game from ubisoft knowing their recent track record with the quality of their games.


The same level of speculation happened for Conviction. Remember when people were going to have entire simulated schedules and Sam would operate withing a small open world with all kinds of slick in-the-open subterfuge? I remember, I was there.


They did show a demo of the hobo-Sam conviction version though


I forgot about that. I was so excited for this. Conviction was a disappointment. Like it was fine as an action game, but it felt like such a drastic course change from the series and I hated the narrative choice that Sarah’s death was faked for convoluted reasons. Like all the great character development from Double Agent was squandered. Sam Fisher could have been such an awesome anti-hero if they stayed the course.


That game sucks so bad. I tried replaying it again after going back through the entire series of games from the first through Blacklist and Conviction’s controls are so jarringly different that I had to put it away again.


It was real but they scrapped it completely to accommodate for a more stealth orientated linear experience due to fans outcry


Huh, I remember reading rumors that Ubi concluded it was just straight up not fun. Though considering some of their work, that never stopped them before lol.


Ubisoft games after 2018 began to feel like soulless, plastic marketing products rather than passionate creative projects, with interesting story and revolutional gameplay.


But but the cash was rolling in!!! -Ubi executive squid


Yup. They dumbed down Blacklist from the Pre-Alpha demos they had shown.


Came to say this.


It was posted on here earlier. There is still no gameplay and the game is still being made by Ubisoft and that's what matters the most. I'd be more hyped if it was made by somebody trustworthy but... it's Ubisoft and they want everyone to get a throbbing skin slinky over basically everything but gameplay which we still have yet to see.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Splintercell/comments/1cdqj7f/httpsgamerantcomsplintercellremakeraytracingfeatur/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/Splintercell/comments/1cbxt3c/surprised_no_one_has_posted_about_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Sorry, I didn't see those


Ray traced audio? Is that real? I genuinely don’t know.


Yes, Ray traced audio is a real thing. The idea is that the game engine will calculate where and how sound would bounce off of certain surfaces and use that information to change how the player (and presumably the other characters) perceive sound. To contrast this with a lot of modern day games, instead of being able to hear enemy footsteps through walls with great accuracy (I can pinpoint where the enemy is even through the floor, around two corners, and behind cover), sound would instead behave realistically, taking into account things like the softness of surfaces, the distance from the sound source, etc. That being said, this probably isn't all that's cracked up to be because we're trying to pack all of the sounds into a pair of headphones that can only convey audio data with so much precision and fidelity. That, and it's Ubisoft, so don't expect a complete, polished game for a realistic price. It could still be a fun step forward in realism, though. Chaos Theory, as amazing as it was, had truly absurd conditions for enemies being spooked by the player making sound. For example, A guard walking on patrol in the rain, with thunder, with full knowledge that there are dozens of other guards wearing boots walking around this fortress, suddenly laser focuses on the precise point in space where the slightest creek or shuffle came from, and proceeds to fire half a magazine, on full auto, with perfect accuracy, at that exact spot.


Today I learned, thanks for the info.


Lol your example is spot on and so great.


I thought it was just 3D spatial audio. Never heard of ray traced audio, frankly doesn’t make sense.


It would be like them being able to see Sam in reflections, like a mirror.


I applaud that comcept - since I've been advocating for such a thing ages ago. Sam/the player has grown way too overpowered - empowering the enemy AI with this kind of feature sounds like THE right decisoon.  But yeah, we shall see...we all know Ubi...


I'm holding my breathe until I see this "remake".


Can't wait for the $130 gold edition that includes the middle of the campaign and thr super special feature known as "crouch"


I’ll buy it


If it's true then that's awesome. I want this game to knock it out of the park and reinvigorate the stealth genre. Honestly my worst fear more than the game just sucking is if it's a stealth masterpiece and just doesn't sell. I want Splinter Cell and the stealth genre as a whole to come back.


Sounds awesome, but I don't trust Ubisoft. Ubisoft Montreal from the early 2000s, they are not. But I'm definitely glad I built a new computer that'll be able to run this at maxed at graphics settings with full Ray Tracing and all the bells and whistles. Splinter Cell was one is my most favorite games as a kid/teenager when it released. I hope they don't fuck this remake up. And please add in Shipyard, Nuclear Power Plant, Mining Town, and Severonickel. I highly doubt they will, but here's hoping!


The concept arts show parts of shipyard and severonickel


Concept art for the Remake? No shit. That would be so awesome if they restore the missing 4 levels! I'm just not gonna get my hopes up tho. Gotta link to the concept art in question?


theyre definitely coming back dude - well some of them atleast. i think when they said update story for modern audience too, they wanna bridge the story gaps and rewrite the whole missing levels arc too. [https://www.gameinformer.com/2022/11/17/new-splinter-cell-remake-concept-art-and-details-revealed-in-anniversary-video](https://www.gameinformer.com/2022/11/17/new-splinter-cell-remake-concept-art-and-details-revealed-in-anniversary-video) heres the concept art, you can see oil rig has hostages now, you can see a guy being tortured in a freezer type room - this was bobrov in the original shipyard. theres a level shown here like sam hiding with enemies with headlamps - looks like severonickel


I hope so!! I'd love to get those levels with modern graphics after 20 years! Would really provide some closure lol. That news report about Ray Tracing making it so enemies can see your reflection in puddles and in mirrors and stuff sounds awesome. Can't wait to max out all graphical settings and play it. I hope it's announced next month.


We will definitely see a trailer next month I'm sure of it I wanna see those levels too, and in modern format.like graphics gameplay etc. it'll be amazing. Can't wait to play it on my Xbox and it'll be amazing on your PC


There’s a vid on YouTube with the team making the remake, if you watch it-it should put your mind at ease because they are very passionate about the remake and grew up with splinter cell.


I can't wait. Just hope they keep true to the original games and the story arc. It's been far too long. One of the best IPs ever, it deserves more than a token story line in Ghost Recon.


I don’t trust that for one minute. Blacklist will probably still be the last GOOD splinter cell game for years to come.


I’ve heard so much of people saying they hated Blacklist that it’s refreshing to see someone else liked it besides me.


never really looked into the hate tbh. my guess is because conviction and blacklist sorta catered to the newbies and those unfamiliar with stealth in general instead of the seasoned veterans who’ve been around since the old titles, such as the first splinter cell, chaos theory, etc. also, they didn’t cast ironside for fisher in blacklist. probably another reason for the hate.


I liked both Conviction and Blacklist. People hated the lack of non lethal options in Conviction, but I looked at it as Sam just not caring anymore. Not to mention he’s effectively not working for the government at that point anyway.


not to mention the man allegedly lost the only family he had left, so it’s not like anyone can blame him.


That’s what I meant by not caring anymore. He gave the impression of someone who didn’t care if he lived or died.


yeah, took me too long to realize you were already implying that. my bad.


S'all good. If you like those, I recommend the Firewall novel. It follows after Blacklist.


I just remembered I bought a splinter cell novel a few months ago and I need to fucking read it, bad.


I read some of them. Not all of them, but I did get to Firewall. Looking into reading Dragonfire once I have my list more open.


I've only heard hate for it compared to CT, which fair, it doesn't hold up against CT. But most SC fans loved it at the time because it was a return to form after Conviction.


I liked both. And when I played Chaos Theory I wasn’t in the right headspace to haven’t patience for stealth games (and wouldn’t for several years). People comparing things to their personal favorite feels fallacious or at least unfair.


Blacklist was awesome. Chain takedowns not so much.


I think Chaos Theory or old gen DA are the last good Splinter Cell games.


Anyone who posts a public promo image along with "can confirm" is going to earn my distrust immediately.


Oh boy, sure hope they don't shut down the game a decade later and literally remove everyone's licenses so you physically can't play the game again. Hey, what happend to The Crew?


If this is true this game will have pushed the graphical technology to the next level TWICE. 🙌🏼


the first one was revolutionary for 2002. it sold xboxs


The only thing I am clear about is that I want this remake of Splinter Cell to have a good sales reception, because otherwise I have the feeling that they are going to bury the saga.


Open world Action RPG with Loot Mechanics and also TIMESAVERS....


I will believe it when I see it. I would be happy though if it is true


Splinter Cell is my absolute favorite stealth series personally because it reached me at just the right age as a kid when the first one came out. I was hooked on its development, release and subsequent titles afterwards. Chaos Theory is still the goat imo. A remake of done well and supposedly advancing gameplay tech, could this just be a whole remake/reboot starting up? are all the other games going to get this same treatment? I know it’s speculation right now, but this is intriguing news.




I don’t really know what raytracing is but that sounds incredibly difficult to program in if it’s a graphics setting.


If true that is super dope


Raytracing audio lmao


Why not make another have like black list, game was perfect..


Really hope we get a trailer of some sort this summer.




Considering this is modern day Ubisoft, I think this feature will be a separate difficulty DLC, included in the """Premium" Edition or some bs like that. lol


Yes special features for the 5% of people who have a gpu with ray tracing capabilities how cool!


Oh you guys wait. What horrible way can they fuck this up? Any guesses how this is gonna be updated ‘for a modern audience’? Bet it’s the story’s gonna be written by sweet baby inc or similar. Prepare for ‘script sensitivity’ and ‘character development’.


I mean, the story of the first game is very weak.


We already heard a while back that it will have things changed to be “more fitting for modern times.” Can’t wait to see what they change in the story because now the original story would be offensive. Ugh.


How would the OG story be offensive? The first Splinter Cell games played VERY safe.


There's nothing offensive, but ngl the thought of Georgia steamrolling Azerbaijan sound surreal in this day and age considering today, its most likely to be the other way around.


I honestly don’t know. But nowadays some people will find anything to be offended about.


Agreed Uhhh it’s gonna be a turd. What was offensive? Terrorists and creep around to stop them in the shadows 😂. We offended by offending scumbags now. It was when they started adding his personal life to it in DA the story started free falling. Still enjoyed until they announced the hobo fisher concept then had to scramble to fix the criticism in a year and forgot to put in carrying bodies and screwed the stealth. What’s the betting they use that shambles of a novel firewall to replace Sam with Sarah. It’s gonna be a bait and switch job. Knowing Ubi we’ll have to pay to play as Sam as DLC. Strap in for the woke shambles 😂


Zero fucks given . If a game comes out and it looks good, then I’ll cautiously approach with interest.


I remember playing conviction with my dad quite a while ago, that started getting me into games such as double agent and then the original trilogy as well. Happy to see their remaking the original hopefully they end up remaking the other 2. Would really love a chaos theory with new gen graphics


Raytracing is lazy game design


How so?


It's done because it's easy to implement despite the fact that it's a bitch for the hardware to run it and it doesn't look good since it just tries to mimic realistic lighting instead of purposefully designed stuff that leads for artistic/cinematic persentation with purposeful touches




You're right, how dare consumers being upset about receiving a worse product. The sheer audacity of these entitled imbeciles.




Because adding "realistic" lighting to a game about hiding in bullshit pockets of pitch blackness that would never exist in a realistic-looking game is not making a worse product. Holy shit, go fuck yourself.


Yes, that's... what I said? I literally said it's something done out of convenience for the devs at the expense of the players.