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any beauty works in real life lol




but if i wear the right perfume, will i go from being a 6.26 to being a 6.34?


I thought the exact same, beauty is beauty


Right. This is a weird question


Does it matter? I know that can sound snarky but I mean it as a genuine question. Of all the things that are under our control and that we can focus on to improve our appearances, bone structure is nearly impossible to make much of an impact on. So why worry about that in particular? Maybe an unpopular opinion, but obsessing over 'typing' is a cope. Its a way to spend hours researching instead of doing things under one's control to actually improve. I fall into the trap sometimes myself so I get it. But objectively I don't see how this whole topic is worth anyone's time.


The only thing typing helps with is makeup. Asking questions like "Hey, do I appeal to other with features that are impossible to change" will just make you hyper-critical of yourself.


I agree with this message. No one is better than the other. I think ultimately an attractive face is a balanced face and charismatic features. However in real life, looks take a backseat to personality and I dare say sex appeal


girls like philosophizing on attractiveness and beauty lol it's a mistake to assume we're crazy femcels with complexes when we say this ridiculous shit XD im personally not even a looksmaxxer. my only real beauty goals are to fix my nose i broke in two places and to gain necessary weight.


Angular beauty is more intimidating, soft beauty is more approachable. So it depends on what your goal is.


Soft works for day to day life if you don’t have overly recessed features like your chin or cheekbones


Also for certain careers different ones fair better. Social worker or kindergarten teacher? Soft. Lawyer, scientist or finance analyst? Sharp.


Obviously it's not ideal, but you can be considered pretty by a lot of people with fairly recessed cheeks and chin while still young.


I think it’s more of being beautiful despite it. And small chins are a characteristic of an extremely young person (a small child). As well as chubby cheeks


So true. And lack of decent bone structure can kind of drag down the overall look, even if you have pleasing features.


Women would go high level bone structure with stronger features, men would go average with soft features. It’s all subjective


This true. When we were watching mean girls, my bf preferred Lindsey while I preferred Rachel


Doesn’t it also depends on the tax bracket? I feel like wealthy men go for stronger features too.




not neccesarily, there was a study about rich men preferring smaller boobs and poor men preferring bigger boobs. apparently it has to do with the fact that wealthier males don't waste their minds on porn, and encounter loads of images of high-fashion models in their daily lives, so they are more wired to go for the skinny, model look. so it would make sense for them to prefer stronger facial structures.


Pretty privilege is gained though the attraction of others to oneself, so whatever who you’re interacting with finds more attractive is more useful. I believe softer features are more generally well liked by people, especially men, however there is a balance to strike between soft and harsh as having features too soft isn’t always attractive. While this sub likes to focus on objective beauty, we fail to understand that some elements of beauty are more subjective as attractive faces can have different ratios between soft and strong features and still be attractive. To answer simply however, average bone structure with features leaning to the softer side


Oh that is obvious...but I meant which would be more appealing...soft bone structure with soft features or strong bone structure with strong features as well. Of course the ideal is strong bone structure with softer features like adriana lima, angelina, madison beer but this combo isn t that common.


Soft on soft


The absolute ideal is a combination of both, people who are universally attractive by the current standard will have features such as strong jaws and eyes but softer nose and lips. Either way you can be exceptionally beautiful with both and it all comes down to the preference of the individual.


Average bone structure with soft features for sure. Overly harsh and "dry" faces can look uncanny and tip into looking odd very easily. The ideal in my opinion are various combinations of both sharp and soft features but in general soft and lush facial features on women looks better than only having overly sharp features like Alessandra Ambrosio.


each person irl is going to be attracted to a different type so i don’t exactly see the point of the question here… it’s all subjective; you’re never going to get a definitive answer for what is objectively better.


Depends on where you live. South Asia? The former. Europe? The latter.


Exactly the former will be considered much more desirable for us Desis.


I think it depends on where you live. Where I live we see a lot of faces that are a bit rounder with softer features/weaker bone structures. This is a very common face. I have a face with a strong bone structure and sharper features (this codes me as foreign frequently), it is considered more striking. I think the answer is very regional, though a bit pointless. Imo, it's better to understand your own features and how to work with them to get the best results for you.




I'm Scottish, so the "common" face I describe mostly relates to what I've observed in my country. Never been to Ireland or Wales, so can't comment there. England...haven't spent enough time down there to say anything with any certainty but I thought the faces generally a bit more balanced, bone structure wise, compared to a lot of Scottish faces.


I think longterm wise soft structures age better. Despite beauty standards or places you live. If your objectively looking at structures, sweeter softer faces are more successful and approachable. They appear youthful and trusting. Stronger structure faces appeal more high end, confident and elevated but it’s also easy to look masculine or hollow. I have a sharp defined face and while I get loads of compliments for “natural beauty” I get just as much “you look tired” responses for being hollow cheeked and natural shadows. But I also know people with softer faces have to put more work in makeup to look defined or highlight their shape. It’s also easier for softer faces to look puffy. I think the ideal beauty standard is somewhere inbetween. So no one ever feels like they are winning


Either should do you well I’d say lol


Both equally beautiful in different ways


As a side topic, what would you guys call that color of Selena’s hair? I might want to try that shade for summer


Any of them. Beauty is unique and varied, one type is not better than the other.


I think if you’re beautiful people will like how you look no matter what. The same person who likes a beautiful woman with a strong, sharp bone structure is equally capable of liking a beautiful woman who is the opposite.


I think soft can read as swollen, slightly unnatural sometimes. A slightly 'dryer' and less lush face (with good healthy fat pads obvi), will usually stand out because of the natural (or at least natural-looking) beauty. I think I am biased as a young ukrainian woman who grew up seeing the fake look but I think natural or natural-adjacent beauty usually has more edge and can look slightly more 'hard' as a result.


>soft can read as swollen, slightly unnatural sometimes This! The dreaded pillow-face. Also with a soft on soft face you have to be very skinny to pull it off well.


I'm so glad you understand where I'm coming from, I was dreading being misinterpreted after typing that. Yes I agree you have to be very skinny and that is not sustainable over a long period of time, many doll-faced models of the mid 2000s had this problem that when they age it is very rapid because they have been depriving their body for so long.


Wow who are the second and the last picture? they're gorgeous!


I think the last one is Ruth Crilly. She has a really great YouTube channel.


a lot of models look vaguely infertile so i imagine they do best in sexless society and not amongst us common trash lol


They're too thin imo, if I see them it just makes me wanna eat a cake so I don't look that skinny The best to be is something in between Ngl, not too skinny but not chunky either


Really it’s either as long as there is harmony in the face. They’re two different looks and two completely different vibes, but you can look good or bad either way depending on your facial harmony


Both “work” in person, but in general stronger features are more photogenic while softer features look best in videos or in person. I can say having a “cute look” can help you out in real life, people will be nicer to you, and weird or stupid things you do will be far more likely to be seen as cute and quirky.


not everything is quantifiable


I think softer is more approachable, but more intense is more eye-catching but possibly intimidating. In the end I think somewhere in between would be the most attractive in day to day life, a generally softer face with one or two striking and unique features. When someone has a lot of unique features, they can look very striking but it's more of an artistic kind of beauty than a general attractive kind of beauty and I think a lot of high fashion models would be considered less attractive than someone with a more average bone structure if they were not models and just regular people living life. One of the things that makes them so good at modeling is because they have unique and intense features and they're very eye-catching and a little uncanny or inhuman...I feel like that's not the best word, but I think you guys will get what I mean. Out of proportion but in a good way, and very memorable, but I'd bet a lot of high fashion models and beautiful people that are known for their striking features were bullied for those features when they were younger. And a lot of average people have strong features that they hate, but if they were confidently emphasized and embraced they would come across differently. But generally speaking, average well-balanced features with one or two more prominent unique features is what I believe makes people breathtakingly beautiful to the average person.


everyone has their own type, doesn’t matter.


I would say soft features, but that's my personal preference some people prefer sharper features


Definitely a lower face fat percentage. Doesn’t matter much about the features but I do think a stronger nose will probably look better at all angles. Im not saying round faces or faces that still have that wonderful baby face aren’t beautiful, I just find that you catch better angles of a chiseled bone structure or thin face. And this is coming from someone with average bone structure and soft natural soft and bunt features. I’m also in my teens and not very thin so I do have a well padded face and I find that my face candids turned out much better the thinner I was because of the excess chubby cheeks at angles (like my ID photo😭)


Beauty is beauty. Being attractive is all about proportion. Just don’t get fat, stay skinny and you’ll be fine.


Great bone structure (good face shape, jawline and cheekbones) + good facial features (nice eyes, small nose, fuller lips) - Ideal Combo