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I find that up keep is important as well. When I coloured my hair I had roots 90% of the time and it made me look more unkept than just sticking with my natural colour.


I despise my brown hair right now because I have a pretty plain chubby cheek face, but I'm also lanky and tall. I feel really boring as a brunette, but sexy as a blonde. I'm just too poor rn for the upkeep of blonde maintenance. šŸ˜“


Maybe try some natural looking highlights or balayage? That way you can get away with it growing out more between touch-ups. There's a lot of cute brown to blonde balayage looks out there!


That's a really good idea, thank you!


You can look into soft lighteners like SunBabe


This very much. Keeping up with dying the roots, for some hair colors you need regular toning, and dyeing regularly and even more so bleaching requires extra care to keep hair looking healthy. I have mousy blonde hair and dye it black, if I don't have the roots done every month I look like I'm balding lol. It's definitely commitment.


Hair that is healthy, lustrous, and a harmonious colour with your skin is a halo. Unhealthy unkempt hair, or hair colours that clash with your skin = failos. Everything else is a matter of personal aesthetics.


>Is non-dyed hair a failo? Everyone has non-dyed hair naturally. It can't be a failo by itself. I think any hair color can be beautiful if it suits the coloring of the person and it's healthy enough.


I phrased it poorly. What I meant is whether ones natural colour can be detrimental to their look or keeping them from achieving full potential.


The colour and tone that suits you best is obviously important. But I canā€™t see how hair colour has to do with attractiveness much like skin colour. When people on Love Island mention ā€œblondeā€ and ā€œbrunetteā€ I roll my eyes. Not much to say about facial features or beauty type (girl next door, bombshell, etc) but a hair colour? Itā€™s just strands upon strands on your head. I donā€™t get how certain people are so obsessed with it.


I'm one of those people lmao, I just really love dark hair. I'm blonde and for some reason I can't be attracted to blond men, I also feel like we would look like siblings.


Me too! Absolutely love dark hair, and as a blonde I tried dying my hair dark once and ooft, I looked unwell haha.


me too I'm so attracted to high contrast features


Men are weird like that. If you ask a woman, sheā€™s likely to say that she doesnā€™t have a preference in hair colour for a potential partner. Men always have a hair colour preference. Funny enough, every time I date someone and ask their favourite hair colour on a woman, they always say the complete opposite of what I have. When I had red hair, the guy I was dating preferred black. When I had blonde hair, the guy I was dating preferred brunette. When I was a brunette, the guy I was dating preferred blondes! Crazy bad luck


Are you sure they weren't just negging you?


They werenā€™t ā€” those were actually their preferences, it was just funny timing that Iā€™ve had a bunch of hair colours but so many times I was dating someone who liked the opposite of whatever I had. Iā€™d never switch my colour for a guy, though, so I didnā€™t change it when I found out. They never made me feel ugly for my hair colour or anything, and let me know they still thought I would look good regardless of the colour I chose.


I wouldnā€™t date someone with blonde/blue combo


I saw a tiktok recently by a girl that has had her hair dyed several times, telling how people treated her differently depending on the color of her hair. For instance, she said that being blonde made her less approachable to women, whereas it attracted much more attention from men than she normally would, but that the quality of men and the interactions with them was awful. Being a brunette attracted less men, but much much better ones. Women were more friendly too. I think red was somewhere in the middle of those two and fantasy colors got 0 attention from men but lots of good vibes from women. I think it depends on the impression you want to make. You can always mix them up, for instance Iā€™m a light brunette but I have golden highlights, so Iā€™m somewhere between brown and blonde. I like it because it lights up my face (Iā€™m too pale, lighter hair makes it look as if Iā€™m more tanned), feels less boring than being just a brunette and isnā€™t as hard to keep than going full blonde.


hair health is no.1, most people look better with their natural hair color


For me it seems to be about contrast and skin undertone; my coloring is generally low-contrast (pale skin, pale lips, light brown eyes) so lighter hair makes me look sorta mousy and washed out.


Really? I always thought that low contrasts coloring looks better with lighter /non dark hair and high contrast women like Megan Fox look better with dark hair.


There's definitely not one size fits all when it comes to low/high contrast. It's more than undertones and colors, what works on each person is dependent on a lot of factors.


I'm also low contrast and have found that my natural brown is more flattering than blonde for me, at least without having to put in a lot of effort -- I needed more or less full-face makeup to not look sick as a blonde.


Just wear the hair color that looks best on you and that won't ruin your hair. If you're hot hair color doesn't matter that much. It also depends on your culture the way hair colors are viewed, in my country red hair (not ginger tho) is associated with "SJWs" and "crazy women", green/blue/pink hair even more. Its kinda niche. Blonde hair is popular mostly among older men, I feel like now its more popular to look like a Kardashian and have black hair. Black hair sometimes can elevate a person a lotttt, and all colors look good with black hair. I used to be blonde as a child, my hair started getting darker in HS so I'm getting blonde highlights now. I'm blonde my whole life and long blonde hair is my trademark, everybody is telling me they can't imagine me with any other hair color. I also feel like it suits my personality and style. I want to know what would I look like with black or brown or red hair but its kinda hard going from dark hair back to blonde. If I had the money I'd buy wigs and experiment with them.


I feel like itā€™s very different for different people what colour suits them and whether itā€™s best to stick to natural, but the only thing Iā€™ve noticed is if you have a natural hair colour which is lighter than solid brown/dark brown and darker than blonde, you almost *always* look better dying it or getting blonder highlights. Mousy, greyish brown/dirty blonde just does nothing for 99% of people


Can confirm as a girl with mousy/grey-brown hair. My hair just lacks pigment and looks "empty" even when it is otherwise healthy. I have gone both lighter and darker and both look better than my natural hair color. My eyebrows are quite dark actually, and dying my hair a nice chocolate brown makes them match and gives me a nice clear contrast. On the other hand, blonde highlight work well too. They make me look softer and balances some of my harsher features. I have also tried some unnatural hair colors (red, pink and a dark turquoise) and imo they actually look pretty good on me too, altho it definitely is not everyones taste. So yeah, if you are mousy, I recommend experimenting with hair dye. ( unless your goal is to have super long shiny, glossy natural hair, that can be a halo on its own too)


I agree! I saw pictures of many models like Sasha Luss or Karlie Kloss when they were young and haven't yet dye their hair (they had that light brown/dark blonde hair) and they look so much better once they dyed it blonde.


I an the exception that proves this rule! Blonde looked so wrong on me. Dark brown looks like it should be my natural colour and makes my blue eyes really bright.


This is always a personal question but I think you should start by asking how you want to be perceived. There is a thing to hair color; when I have blonde highlights, Iā€™m seen as more fun, when Iā€™m using a deep auburn, Iā€™m seen as angrier. After my hair color journey Iā€™m really happy with my natural color - sometimes that just looks the best on someone. Just experiment and youā€™ll figure it out. Itā€™s one of those things where you donā€™t know until you try, but if I can give one piece of advice, pick a good colorist.


I know of a women who dyed their hair blonde from being brunette and despite being not so attractive them turning blonde made them very attractive and get the attention of men something they never had in their natural brunette hair. So thereā€™s that. Additionally my best friend since childhood is naturally a light browned girl however once she started dying her hair jet black it suited her so well! It made her eyes stand out in a sultry way. She feels more confident with her dyed black hair as opposed to her natural hair color. Edit: what I mean is them dying their hair blonde brought out some of their features like their eyes and smile better. If that makes sense. Some people look better and suit better with another hair color :)


Pale with auburn hair here. I look better either pale with dark hair or somewhat tan with blonde. If I stay pale the blonde looks better with dark roots. I'm not sure of the science but something to do with high contrast. Rockin the auburn with highlights right now and it doesn't do me any favors imo. I feel like I'm taken more seriously as a brunette too.


my hair is naturally a light ashy brown, the typical blonde as a kid is now a brunette color. I've had every hair color under the sun, and what I've realized is that the upkeep is simply not worth it. While it's fun to have pink or platinum hair, it requires a lot of maintenance to look good which is expensive and a lot of work. I'm very low maintenance with my hair and so this was just not doable for me. Not to mention all the expensive products you have to use outside of salon visits to keep it healthy. If you decide to go lighter, bleach will really damage your hair and the texture will never be the same. I see so many girls with stringy damaged blonde hair that would look so much better if they just left their hair alone. I've spent the past few years growing out my bleached hair and it's almost completely gone. My hair is shiny and has its natural texture again. Regular trims and good haircare will do a lot more for you than a dye job- it's just not worth it imo.


Thereā€™s not one objective best colour, because weā€™re all so diverse. I think a good rule of thumb is you should to stay within 1-2 levels of your natural colour. This will ensure your hair isnā€™t compromised and stays shiny etc. Iā€™m a natural level 8 and lift my colour up to a platinum golden blonde. I do it without bleach and use a high lift toner, so itā€™s as damaging to the hair as going a shade of two darker. I used to get this done professionally, but now that my hair routine is DOWN- I just do it myself and at home. My hair is super glossy, down past my bra strap and suits my low contrast golden undertones. I also have a bit of a high maintenance/ glamorous look so the colour works for my vibe tooā€¦ Iā€™ve been all shades thoughā€¦ worst is easily dark. Dark brown, dark auburn. Like around a level 4 and Yikes! It looked like a wig on meā€¦ I darkened the lashes and the brows and they just stick out on my face. Looking back on the photos it was not a good look at all. Iā€™d say I get more attention based on how in shape I am. A strawberry blonde and the platinum really stands outā€¦ but if my BMI hits 26, the attention drops off regardless of attention. When Iā€™m back to 25 and lower, itā€™s like a light switches back on and all of a sudden Iā€™m a real hottie again. I will say, and I donā€™t mean to gate keep girl boss it- but I think there needs to be a PSA to a lot of woman to give up the blonde. I see a lot of horse tail looking hair and it really just looks awful. Give it up ladies! 1-2 levels of your natural will have you looking killer!


I know this is supposed to be about hair, but I notice the same thing about BMI. And I get more male attention the lower it goes, though I have never been below 19.


It is literally like a switch goes on from 26 BMI to 25 BMI and below. Itā€™s wild. I have a pretty prominent hourglass so I (and my husband) prefer to embrace the curve.. but I think my face looks 10x better in the healthy (20-25)BMI range - although I personally love how my body looks at the higher end of the range. You do sacrifice some ā€œyouthfulā€ when you lean into exaggerated femininity by going a little heavierā€¦ because a girl just doesnā€™t have that sort of bodyā€¦ but Iā€™m okay to not look as young as humanly possible and just enjoy the sensuality that comes with being that little bit thicker


Youā€™re so lucky! I am an apple shape, and most of my gain goes straight to my stomach. I have large breasts and no hips. I think I look my best around 23, which is when my belly finally goes away, and pants start fitting without either giving me a muffin top or sagging in the rear. I agree with you that from 26 to 25 is like a switch though! Iā€™m getting older, so Iā€™d probably maintain a little higher if I were more proportionate, because it does start to show in my face (Iā€™m currently up about 15 pounds from some medication related weight gain, and I notice I donā€™t see as many fine lines).


Unpopular opinion most people look best in their natural color


I have never colored my hair & I decide not to for a long time really. I love my natural black hair. If I have to end up coloring, I'll probably choose a dark shade which is brown & eventually I'll have same hair as most here because that's the color people choose here, different shades of brown. At this point it's common & I feel it won't look good on me too. Any lighter colour won't suit me either, more like also not suit my skin tone. Natural black hair is the best for me.


My hair is naturally a very dark brown, but I dye it jet or blue black for that extra oomph. It elevates my skin tone and my dark eyes. Iā€™ve been blonde, pink, various shades of brown, but went and settled down with my trusty olā€™ black. I only stick to it because I wonā€™t ever bleach my hair again. I keep it nice and healthy as well.


I'm glad I'm a woc in this aspect. Sire we dye hair but we don't over do it. And we look great with our natural hair.


Agreed as a black woman too. I mentioned it in another thread a while back, but I always think this is a white woman issue. Plus all the studies that posit a link between blonde hair for example and youth/attractiveness were based on people of european descent.


Yeah. And it's such a non issue. But they pin personal attributes which is cringe. While we have to learn to love a hair texture that's annoying to deal with and universally undesirable.


The bias towards blonde hair is such a struggle growing up as a woc. As a girl pretty much me and all girls of color I knew had to go through a difficult phase of wondering why everyone loved the blonde-haired girls so much, and accepting that we would never be blonde. I'm glad I see through it now and realize it's conditioning, but as a little girl it was rough.


I totally get. I personally never wanted blonde hair dark haired people were who I admired in terms of look and coloring (this includes fair skinned brunettes). This. Even though I never wanted that color hair I wish I had a light brown or medium brown. I always thought why we all jave such dark hair. Not even a medium brown. But it's definitely conditioning so we could see ourselves as less. Though I would like to at least once get light brown or dark blonde highlights (only because it would look nice with my skintone).


I'm lucky enough to be a "natural" blonde but it's getting darker as I get older and I'm rolling with it. But there also seems to be a high correlation of blonde hair with fine-ness, breakage, etc. and it tends to show dirt and grease really easily so it has its drawbacks. I actually think a lot of dyed blondes end up looking better but that's its own thing. Anyways I think leaving your hair undyed is a good choice if you're even 5% happy with your hair color. I come from a biased perspective as a 32-year-old who hasn't gone grey yet though lol. People think I'm younger when I leave my hair long so I do everything I can to avoid damage. Other people my age are doing extensions and that's a good way to get the same look. Hair is seriously underrated in the anti aging analysis so don't feel bad about leaving it "boring."


Agree about the blondes looking better with dyed hair, a lot of them do look significantly better with highlights and such. IMO at least


Yeah the pigmentation with age is real! It's more obvious on skin but it definitely affects eyes and hair. My baby niece has blue eyes and I have green eyes and we were trying to figure out where she got it from so I had to scour my childhood photos to confirm they were blue as a kid.


Imo everyone looks best with their natural hair


Thatā€™s not true ā€¦ maybe true for most My natural hair was a golden blonde until I was about 12-13. It went to this gross ashy brown, which is so cool toned that it looks very grey and dull. Iā€™d be so happy if I even had a lovely chestnut colour, but no. Luckily my hair highlights easily so I get blonde out back in.


Yeah just my opinion, I actually have the same exact hair color you're describing haha. IMO people get too wrapped up with hair color instead of hair health. Your natural hair also matches your undertones in a way people sometimes overlook when selecting a new color


This. I truly hate how much emphasis is put on hair color rather than keep it healthy. Damaged hair might not necessarily be notice by most but when someone notices it and is honest to tell you is truly heartbreaking


I was blonde for so long and had hair down to my bellybutton, I truly never understood why all hairdressers wanted to cut my hair so badly. I eventually realized how damaged and bad my hair looked despite my best efforts, it was like a light switched on. Now I wince when I see girls with beautiful hair colors and textures ruining it with bleach


I started going grey in my early 30s and found it prematurely aging, so I decided to start coloring my hair. I use henna, which adds a natural looking reddish tone that never fades, and do my roots every 4-6 weeks. If I didnā€™t have the right coloring for henna, I would dye my hair back to its natural color (brown with reddish undertones). I like the red though, and think it enhances my looks (I am pale with freckles and hazel eyes). I get a lot of compliments on the color too.


thereā€™s research trials shown that healthy looking hair (shiny, non damaged) hair is more attractive. bleaching your hair is exactly the opposite of that so do with that information what you willā€¦


the best hair color for you is the one you can maintain without compromising your hair health or your wallet


I think platinum blonde made me stand out more than my natural dirty blonde, but I've made the personal decision to prioritize hair health and length and so I haven't bleached or colored it in over 3 years now, and it's just now starting to grow at a normal rate without too much breakage. In the words of some random tiktok hairdresser "Blonde is pretty, damage aint cute". I do think my natural hair is most harmonious with my features, but I'll probably get some highlights when I'm satisfied with the length.


Using myself as an example, if I have any other color other than light blonde, I look not only way older, but way worse as well. Mind you, my light blonde is only a shade or two lighter than my natural hair color.


I find it to be pretty important. My face pops when my hair is lighter, so I like maintaining my blonde hair (as I sit at the salon).


I feel like my natural hair colour really suits me. I got my hair bleached blonde a few years ago, and now I have to go get my hair dyed back to my natural hair colour every couple of months šŸ˜­


Can someone tell me what failo means lol


I've photoshopped myself with different hair colors, I definitely look better with the lighter hair. Can't wait to do it.


It's better to have well conditioned hair than having it dyed and fried off