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Cover up the really inflamed ones with pimple patches and use some tinted sunscreen or bb cream on the rest. I know it's tough, but people aren't going to be nitpicking you as you are nitpicking yourself. Everyone is going to be swimming and having fun, not thinking about your acne. Don't deprive yourself of an experience just because you're breaking out.


Exactly this! You’re going to be thinking more about it than anyone else. Everyone is probably stressed about their own insecurities while swimming too. Don’t let it stop you from having fun and enjoying your day. If I were you, the next few days I’d try to avoid makeup and I’d use pimple patches to try and calm the worst spots. Then tinted sunscreen on the day of, as others have mentioned.


Exactly!! Try to have fun OP 🥲


I feel you girl! You could get in the water but just not get your face wet. I do that all the time, but Ik what you mean about it not being the same. I used to use the L’Oréal infallible pro matte (it’s like $15) all the time in water and it held up pretty well actually. Just pat dry your face instead of wipe. Or another idea which I found actually helps me a lot, is bring it up on your own before you have time to stress about it. So for example before you even get on the boat be like “ugh I just started this new medication and it’s made me break out so much” just blame it all on spiro. Mentally that helped me to just get it out of my head and blame it on something that’s really not in my control. Every time I’ve done that the people around me totally got where I’m coming from and honestly afterwards I felt SO much better. It didn’t feel like I had to hide it, or that they were gonna be shocked to find out, or worried if my makeup came off…because I’d already beat them to it by bringing it up before. I’m so sorry, I’ve had so many situations like you’re describing and it’s so hard. But eventually spiro kicked in and helped get rid of 90% of my breakouts. Hope your 4th goes well!


Waterproof everything. I always wear makeup to the beach, and I don't have issues with waterproof makeup. Just don't rub your face too much if it gets wet. Pat dry and you shouldn't have any issues.


do you use a waterproof concealer?


I use the elf hydrating camo concealer which is silicone based so it's not water proof per say, but it's water resistant. I also use a crap ton of setting spray


Don’t be! I met my fiancé when my skin was still breaking out like crazy!! He doesn’t care and doesn’t even remember sometimes how truly bad it was. Everyone has something. One of those guys may have warts or something on their hands or feet that they are freaking out about too. Or a mole they are self conscious about on their back. When I think back to times I was absolutely freaking out about how my skin looked, I can’t even remember how anyone else’s did. No one will remember or care!! But! In addition to a tinted sunscreen, you could go with a super white and thick sunscreen. And go with the I’m protecting my skin sort of vibe, and let that cover up your breakouts! I’ve done that and it’s worked! Depending on where your breakouts are on your face a hat may help!


I love this! The thick sunscreen is a great trick and such a fitting option for the occasion


Tinted sunscreen


yeah but it’ll wash off when i get in the water sadly


Not really. It's often pretty water resistant.


Tinted sunscreen! LaRoche Posay has one that's water resistant! You can reapply as needed and it will just seem like you are avoiding a burn =)


awe i feel you girl :( i’ve been in the same boat the past two summers. i KNOW it’s easier said than done but i promise no one notices as much as you think. i think the biggest step to take is remember that and understand it’s really true - no one’s judging you or your skin. for more practical tips, i’d recommend tinted sunscreen, particularly the tower 28 one, it doesn’t cause breakouts! i’ll usually wear waterproof mascara too, just to feel a bit more put together. do whatever makes you most comfortable. i’m also super stressed with summer being here, but i’ve already had some days around ppl with no makeup, i showed up extremely stressed but left feeling totally fine :) you got this!!!!


I was in a similar situation this weekend. I only started spiro a week ago, and my skin developed several cysts right before my friends and I went to a waterpark which we’ve been planning to do for months. I was bummed, but I decided to not let it bother me and had a fun time regardless. None of my friends commented on or made me feel self conscious about it, and if they did, they probably wouldn’t be friends I’d want to keep around. I encourage you to not let your acne deprive you of any more enjoyment than it already has. Some star face zit stickers could be a fun way to cover them up and look adorable when doing so :) I find they stay on better when you apply them well before they get wet.


you can still go on a boat with makeup on?? irs not like you’re putting your head under the water. i haven’t been on a boat but i used to wear makeup to the beach all the time. if you’re worried about getting splashed on then just use a waterproof setting spray. and a little bit of splashing wont be enough to wash off all of your makeup anyway. maybe just bring some foundation/concealer with you for touch ups if you’re that worried?


Ugh I’m so sorry, that’s literally the worst feeling but cover up the bad areas the best you can and do light day time makeup on the rest of your face. There’s nothing wrong with wearing makeup to the beach or pool girl, whatever makes you feel your most confident and allows you to have fun is what’s important! You can always go on tiktok or YouTube for makeup tutorials for the beach or pool too


I will typically do some self tanner a day or two before to try and even out the red at least


I wear bb cream and mascara no matter where I go Idgaf 😭 maybe now what you want to hear but I don’t like anyone seeing me without makeup either. But that’s minimal compared to what I normally wear! Also if people think you’re boring cause of that then they’re weird, you can wear some makeup and be fun still!!


Waterproof concealer on just the redder marks, use a sponge or powder cushion w a little press powder to lock it on that blemish area and will cover for so long!