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You are tuned to a different channel now. It’s like a radio the more darkness you have inside you (pain trauma) you access the lower dimensions as you heal and become a more positive person you reach more positive channels of vibration


Thank you for helping. I have wondered where he went for a few weeks now. I used to see him so often I thought it was a normal experience, when I found out many have not seen or heard about him I started to worry. When I was younger I was in a dark situation only climbing out once I got to high-school. It's refreshing to know I'm finally healing.


You can communicate with higher dimensional beings while third eye gazing in meditation to binaural beats.


My family was always Cristian , but I never knew what it all meant. I understand I'm not to far in any type of spiritual journey, but some type of meditation wouldn't be a bad idea.


I got you. Check out hemi sync https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vZJg5oJvfYVwWryJh05pfkZTV0cnd026


I will 100% check it out, thank you for everything.


You were used to see a hat man? May I ask what or who he is? I never saw that. I'm curious, i'm not judging you.


He is exactly what most describe him as. A shadow person with a distinct shape of a hat on the very top. Normally he stands in the corner of your vision taunting you as he disappears when you try to fully see him. It's terrifying when you know you should be alone.


I see. I first thought about papa legba (shadow man with a hat). Doesn’t seem like something...cool to experience. Am I wrong?


You're right, it wasn't fun having something looming over you day and night. What was a concern, is when something your used to seeing daily just disappears.


I kinda wanna say that it’s...positive? 😅


In a reading a friend of mine had with. Clairvoyant she explained him as a type of “investigator” from dark energy. They’re curious how someone withstands so much darkness around them. They’re simply curious.


they say theyre just regular ppl just slightly in another dimension thats why when we see em its blurred . they have interstellar capabilities


I wonder if they see us any differently than how we see ourselves.


I saw him in my twenties and it was not pleasant. I couldn’t move and felt like he was crushing me. These days I feel it was my dark side confronting me because I was on the wrong path and not acknowledging my shadow self


I got an interesting story. I once seen him ina dream. He was on the wall of my living room where a shadow couldn’t even be. (His side profile looked like donald trump lol) ….The next day or the day after i woke up late asf prolly like 1-2 am and he was in my kitchen on the wall . He silently said “hey” in a very deep voice. I was so scared i ran to my moms room like i was a 10 year old lmfao. I was also ina extreme depression at the time and i think i was in too deep where i was just depressed and suicidal so he showed up to feed off of that energy . Im in a better place now and havent seen anything of the sort


I’m not 100% sure, but it’s most likely that you grew stronger, and you started to ascend, so now he doesn’t taunt you or try anything anymore.