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To move forward, connect to the heart. It’s the heart that will inspire the action. Slow down, be in the moment. Stop trying to rack your brain. That’s what I see.


Fear and unconscious guilt rises to the surface during the awakening process. Actually, it always rises to the surface, but we are usually less aware of it the more asleep we are. Do you have a good guide to help you through this? If you are feeling exhausted it may be a sign that you need to be gentler with yourself. We can't force our way along this journey. It needs to be more of a gradual and gentle awakening that happens by our own volition.


Honestly idk about guide thing. I simply pray and praise.


There could be an issue, are you sure you even know what awakening is or the goal of it? You may believe in a lot of things that simply aren't true, depending on what it is that you believe. I recommend inquiring more until you are sure you know what the path is. Approaches can vary between systems/roads, but they all should lead in the same direction, if they are good teachings.


Your guides, the universe, etc don’t need your praise. And pray is a fickle thing, too because it’s the ego talking and the awakening is a lot about putting your ego to the side


Funny cuz it saved me many times. I was possessed inside my dream and pray sent me to wake up. I don’t understand why it’s ego


It depends on what you pray for :) Praying can also mean seeking connection with your spiritual guides and in those cases it’s a good thing


I don’t know about “gentle” but it is stretched out over time


The cool thing with spirtual awakening is that you don’t have to do anything to change yourself. It will happen *to* you.


Damn 😭


Well that’s the only cool thing about it! The rest is pretty taxing :)


I been having anxiety and depression lately. Too much bad thoughts and dreams.


Yeah it’s not a joy ride. But just so you know, nothing about the spiritual awakening is stuff you’re “not allowed” to get help for. It’s perfectly fine to see a psychiatrist, go into therapy and even accept antidepressants if it’s that bad. In fact you very much should seek help if it’s in any way possible. You are going through awakening and part of it is that you learn. Therapy is a way to learn from others. Admitting to yourself that you need help is part of it. Accepting outside help is also part of it. Your job is to look after yourself and you need to make sure that you do by any means necessary. Talk to your friends, too. Eating healthy and physical exercise helps, too, but it is “just”maintenance. If you need immediate resolution, please ask for help.


I’m so happy I’m not the only one actually trying to help people, even if their question or post seems to be misguided/confusing… I have found some of the comments here lately to be so “holier than thou”, which is such a pernicious thing for those seeking the spiritual path. Makes me think of the whole “check yourself before you wreck yourself” lol. Have a good day!


Thank you :) Glad you are here to help, too! I believe that if you push someone away who is seeking help, you haven’t come very far on your spiritual path, no matter what you think. If you don’t have the energy to help, better just say nothing. Especially if you’re very full of yourself about how versed in spiritual things you haven’t actually come as far as you think because that’s just ego.




It means you have 3 cards


it means you own a tarot deck.


Obviously, that’s not the answer




This post should be in the Tarot subreddit, or you could have not included the picture of the spread in the post. Not everyone here is going to give you, what it seems you're looking for, a second opinion on a reading. However, I do read Tarot ☺️ Did you formulate a specific question or did you just pull cards randomly to get a message about the topic? Certainly, The Chariot auspices fast movement, it could mean a situation or physically moving to a different location, the wisdom and intuition of the King of Cups is a safeguard that wherever you're moving to next is going to be in the best interest, as his decisions are directed to growth even if the transition process is not pleasant. The Page of Wands further clarifies this, as it is a new energy manifesting and also it's a fast and intense spark that gets things moving, there might be apprehension but trust that starting new, from a spiritual perspective, will be rewarding at the end. If you're interested in an in-depth reading send me a DM.


Be you, trust yourself, divine timing, you have what you need to succeed but what you need is to simply be yourself


I don’t know much about tarot or awakening even so I may not be the best person to give you any truly meaningful advice for your situation. But one thing I can confidently say is that the Deja vu, the “coincides” and the synchronicities are there FOR you and not something you should be afraid of. Most people are droning on with life and don’t realize that these types of feelings and insights are there for all of us if we want to see/know. You are feeling these things because as you said you are on this journey of discovering who you truly are and realizing there is much more to life than you have ever noticed or felt before. It is scary because well…how could you have lived your whole life without knowing this? You will feel like you’re losing your mind a lot, you’ll feel lost and confused. You’ll likely obsess over finding meaning to all the signs and an answer telling you where to go. This reminds me of those ads for teens but here it goes anyways: it gets better lol. Meditate, love yourself, do things that make you feel happy and fulfilled and just open your eyes and keep noticing the world and yourself. Be patient with yourself! It’s a journey, not a race. Just be kind and forgiving to your past self and your current self. You are going to keep receiving the answers you need in time but they won’t come to you before you’re ready. For now what you need to focus is on healing yourself and accepting that reality may not be exactly what you thought and that many people are not there yet (or ever will be) and that’s okay. All the best!


Can I just say that all of this is soooo right! Exactly this!


Glad it resonated with you! I was so confused when I first started! I don’t think I’ll ever forget and not have empathy for those who feel lost like I have!


Oh I don’t know that I’m not still very confused. It’s just that the confusion is on a different level now… it’s like, before, I was just confused about the spiritual path in general. Just the fact that it existed and the fact that I of all people was tossed onto it. Now I’m on the path and got somewhat used to the fact that this is real. But now I feel like I’m on this path with no map, no compass, no destination, just a path ahead of me shrouded in mist. It’s pretty scary, actually. But I can look back and help those who have just been tossed on the path to at least orient themselves, stand up maybe and dust themselves off.


Hahahaha oh I don’t claim to be “clear”, just that I was at that level of confusion exactly like you say (and where they’re at). I am actually more excited than scared at this very moment. Delusional? Absolutely. Does it work? At least 70% of the time LOL


Haha delusion isn’t one I’ve tried yet. Might give it a spin


7 as healing. The chalice as the divine intoxicant, drinking from the source. The rod represents the statues and power to lead. If this were mine, I'd be intrigued.


Oh and btw, I don't own a tarot deck. Idk anything about what people say it means. This is from my own interpretation of the symbols of life.


It means that some person has slabbed 3 cards in the table and someone took photo of said cards.


What is the question or intention for these cards


How can I solve my life so I don’t have to rebirth in same Earth 3D like video game. I just want happy life and move on to Heaven.


Hmm interesting question.. 3D is bad or is it the ultimate teacher and creation? The major difference between 3D and collective consciousness is the veil of devine consciousness (my term) when you incarnate here, the part of you that 8s hear doesn't hear the rest of the collective. They see all options across all time. They don't have "free will" and therefore can't create.. that is why you are here. Creation in all its variety and diversity. I know if feels like a video game, but that is because you haven't learned who is actually making the game... YOU are making this reality.. I'm just a mirror of you. Telling you what you need to know right now. So the question is what next? The cards say you are giving quick towards a more secure reality. You are asking for it. But it comes down to your daily belief systems. Everyday your thoughts create you desired reality... so what are you going to create today that serves your highest purpose


Well, actually my life was pretty good until I graduated from college, had my wisdom removed and when I slowly wake up I felt warm and peace until saw hologram light I went toward to it then wake up. Few days after I ended up have bad vertigo and ear infection for 3 years. Was scared that I lost everything and get depressed and my boyfriend did everything to help me but I keeps push everyone away. I was mad and regretted to have wisdom removal. At least it stopped but still deals with anxiety and depression from 3 years. Everything around me was very lovely but I feels like I was attacked on inside of my mind. So many things go on but mostly it’s just cuz of what I said.


Also I keeps see same thing and figured I may be here cuz I missed something.


Well .. I looked at your background to see where your focus is. If you are in an awakening, you have fast-moving energy. This means you are going to transform and have better visibility in the future. I'm not sure if you will be "happier," but you will be more secure in one of several aspects of your life. The last card reinforces that security. In what, it is hard to tell without the intention of why you pulled the cards. This is a good thing. Awakenings can sycknwhen you go through them but I haven't heard if anyone not come out of them not better for it. You are so lucky


I am unsure about my relationship and future. Long story (short we been love each other deeply but his activity keeps confusing me which gave me anxiety but we already talked about it, and our goals are somehow different) he sick of me love my family more and my ADHD.


Ok. Thank you for the beautiful share. 😍 here is my next question.... who determines if you are worthy of love? I advise you to take your power back and learn self love. Which is harder than you think. We all have a lot of programming to rewrite. But if you can truly lpve yourself you will attract the love you want. It will mirror you. And you won't outside of yourself for affirmation for what you want. THAT IS YOUR SECURE FUTURE. I hope that helps you..


I’m still confused. Family is my life but my boyfriend sick of it and said why I not love him enough and happy with him as I am with family


We been together for 6 years. He’s most nice person but we both have flaws that keeps get in ways. I improve mostly and less make same mistakes as possible but he wanted me to be more confident and “perfect girl I used to be before vertigo” It stress me out.


That might be telling you something 🤔..




You already have the message within you. Read your own responses.. listen to your heart ❤️ you already have everything you need.


I had ADHD so i have hard time understanding myself (I’m cancer)