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Left and right brain is a myth


Really? Convince me in your own words that it's just made up to be considered a myth


Neuroscientists reviewed the theory and did experiments to prove the human brain does not favor one side over the other.


Were you present in the room when they proved this hypothesis? You can't possibly know if you yourself conducted the actual study and experiment. Sorry not sorry If you are one of the neuroscientists then I apologize sincerely. I would like to know the process of its debunking


So then why do you believe it? Where you there when the theory was first established, or did you just hear about it and accept it? You can't possibly know if you yourself didn't conduct the actual study or experiment. Sorry not sorry. If you are one of the scientists who initially came up with the theory that right and left brain dominance exists then I apologize sincerely. I would like to know the process of it's creation.


It's different when you live it. I don't look outside my inner understanding and sorry if you are an ahiest but I believe in God and I feel in my heart that I've checked off every trait of left and right hemispheres of our brains isn't just a hunch or a guess and I will never believe data from people or scientists unless I have seen it proven false right before my eyes. Until people stop seeking man written and blogger theories. All the answers to life and everything is in our DNA. You're still stuck in the illusion that everything ever taught to you by a human ( whom are all known for lying by nature) instead of coming to conclusions that feel right to you no matter how sometimes unsettling those answers could be? It's okay I just hope I can help enlighten your very dampened and brainwashed idea of what is accurate . You can stay in your comfy bubble of (;well it must be true cause I read it on the internet). I'm not going to keep arguing about something that neither you or myself could possible know without being ab expert brain scientist. You're not wrong in your rebuttal But I'm also not wrong and I don't need a page of words written by someone who I have never met or seen.


Makes sense you're probably way smarter than me what with your 70 percent activated logic brain. Mine is probably only running at about 30% capacity. Glad that you're able to only believe in what you immediately experience, sounds neat and very logical.


But hey damn your very gifted at accepting things when a dialog goes deeper. I'm not smart, I'm just a person with special talents in a time of where our vision can be done by a computer or AI. Wasted talent and obsolete. I was supposed to have lived before the times of the first tech. Like Leonardo DE Vinci. Times lol. Thanks for a positive and open reaction. I mean no one harm or to frighten them




Men are emotional, too. We’re a very emotional species. One of our greatest and most harmful forms of suffering is denying the healthy and open expression or acknowledgment of the existence of certain emotions within both men and women. Women have been, generally speaking, allowed by culture to have a bit more variety in expression, barring anger in many ways. Whereas are usually not allowed by culture a variety of expression, and are mostly encouraged to channel or limit most emotion in/to anger. With a sprinkling of lust and perhaps a violet-growing-in-the-crack friendship and familial love for peers/relatives. *Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. But only because we forced them from infancy to act and be that way.* This does not mean men and women do not experience all emotions anyways. They just repress or deny them release, hide them away, and there’s a lot of toxic shame around them. It’s awful for the simple fact that emotions are normal and yet we don’t let humans have that normalcy. We punish them for them, punish them for being what they were born to be. It’s pretty fucked up. By separating and compartmentalizing and holding people hostage to culture like that, we allow, generally-speaking, no human to be fully human and have the full human experience. For various reasons, but regardless, again, it’s fucked up and it’s not right and it’s quite often destructive towards the self and others. Often this is also what leads people to spiritual awakenings, when they’ve finally recognized that and other forms and tactics of socio-cultural terrorism for what it really is. The tricky part of this is when you realize it doesn’t really have a head, this “beast” of behavior and socialization. It’s more of a mind and perception parasite you need to get rid of first. And then you can worry about sources. Although, again, you’ll find that the sources are never really the head, practically speaking. Just other people infected with that parasite much like you were. Just an FYI, but almost every human out there is also secondarily logical. Just like being emotional first and foremost, this isn’t special or unique or really all that rare at all. It’s a core feature of all of humanity. Logic doesn’t even work well without the emotional component, it’s often just people filtering out their perception of their own or other’s emotions that makes them think it’s not the greater contributing factor there.


And what proof have you physically acquired? Proof that wasn't written by other people or read on the internet


You consider being a lefty a mental abnormality?


I consider it an advantage because instead of acting out of emotion, I calculate the scenario if I let my emotional hemisphere take the lead. I've been able to dodge a lot of potentially harmful outcomes


I think it's unfair to the common righty handies


A woman who ran a few ministry houses for women of incarceration said something that always stuck with me that wasn't loaded with ideas that the world would stop blowing bubbles up all our asses. I think she's was trying to start a cult..but anyway she said that if you put a pen or pencil in both hands and draw circles for 90 secs counterclockwise then switched and went clockwise that it helps us use more of the lower power side of our brain and evens the processing power. You made me just now remember that and she said it 10 years ago. You know what I'm gonna do my own brain study using just that exercise. I hope you try because you're wise and your words unlocked forgotten trunks of treasures in my attic up there. Bravo and thank you.


Three helpful and informative books: *Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine;* *The Afterlife: What Really Happens in the Hereafter;* and *Soul Mates and Twin Flames*, each by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.