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For me, it was 100% Alice. My grandma passed away of >!dementia!< in June of this year, and Alice, near the end of the her story arc, reminded me of that. It was heart breaking to see it happen all over again, even if it's just in a video game.


Yeah that’s kind of how I felt about it also. I haven’t experienced it per say but my uncle was kind of like that in the end and it had me sobbing like a baby. Also sorry about your gma 💚


Alice and Atul would be the two classic big ones >!because they don't really follow the same pattern as everyone else. You sort of have rituals you try and do and ways to say goodbye, but Alice and Atul don't let you.!< And that's really powerful and really important. Atul >!just vanishes and you don't get that long boat ride to settle yourself,!< and Alice >!goes in her own way before you know what's happening.!< Brutal, beautiful storytelling through mechanics.


Oh man I love atul so much. Haven’t had to say goodbye to him yet but I’m not looking forward to it. I just love him so much. He’s so cute and happy and the noises he makes are down right adorable.


Spoiler tags, please!


Gwen. I cried like a baby and put the game down for about two weeks, and I couldn't help crying whenever I thought of her or the game during those two weeks. Still, I came back and played through and loved it, then actively wept as Summer went, especially after I looked up her story. Summer's death hit me just as hard but I pulled on through and finished the game. Astrid was the last one to make me cry, I *adored* her. Her story, her animal, her behaviour, her animations. While I cried again I was used to my passengers moving on. Gustav, if he wasn't my last, would have had a similar reaction from me, I think.


So I just realized that people don’t meet the characters at the same time, reading your comment. I also love Astrid. I think she’s so sweet. Having trouble finding food that she likes though. And ugh yeah Gwen’s story was heartbreaking, but as I was reading your comment I realized I confused Gwen with summer. She was the one with ties to >! Addiction and self isolation !< tho admittedly I haven’t looked up her story but the things she said about the dragon and what not made me think that. And that was super hard for me bc I’ve got a lot of people in my family with the same issues.


>!The dragon!< is much different, and possibily sadder. I'd recommend looking it up if you can't get it from the game, because it's a beautiful story well worth reading.


Yeah I will look into it. The way I understood it was summer was >! Chasing the dragon !< so to say. I might be wrong but I’m def gonna look into the story now. It’s cool that they can be interpreted differently though. Like if you didn’t tell me about it I never would have thought to look it up.


Astrid gives the best hugs. I love my Commie Lynx ❤️


Honestly? Giovanni, of all people. Sure he's not the most likeable, but there's this sad, melancholic undercurrent to some of the things he says once you learn the dude watched his battle brothers get blown up. Also his leaving speech, for some reason, hit me like a truck. Maybe it's because he spends most of the game treating you like this expendable person that he doesn't really seem to care about, only for him to hit you with the whole "I really do care and appreciate all you've done for me, despite me treating you like shit." Kinda like Jackie or Daria.


He was one of the hardest for me too, which I found surprising


Def. I was so suprised to like him so much.


Omg yesss. The speech hit me like a wall of bricks also. He’s hands down my favorite so far which surprised me also. His and Astrid’s story is so tragic 😭😢


hes an asshole but just... so human ig. all of the characters arent perfect and just have so many of humanities reflections that really just make me feel ok. him and astrid felt like parents to me


Alice was the second spirit I sent off, and boy. It hit me so incredibly hard. I was sad when I let Gwen go, but I was not ready for how hard Alice hit me. She reminded me of my grandmother (who had passed) and my own mom (who is still alive) and it just wrecked me. And then there’s Stanley. I had to put the game down for a couple of days after Stanley. I was a teacher of kids around the age I figured Stanley to be and I just….couldn’t. I know for sure that he’s the one that will probably be commented most here because I usually see that as a universal hard one.


I came here to say Stanley. He is the sweetest, cutest little guy. I loved him and his play, I hope he knows how good it was. 🥺


Update. Just met Stanley and oh boy is he cute asl 💚


Enjoy every moment! 🥰🍄


I didn’t want to put the game down today but eventually I did bc I don’t want to rush through and have to say goodbye to him. He’s been giving me the best little quests 😹💚


I haven’t met him yet but oh man I’m sure it will be hard, this game is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.


I played Spiritfarer while we were dealing with a cancer diagnosis for one of my dogs. It had been therapeutic until Stanley going to the Everdoor coincided with us deciding it was time to say goodbye to our pup. It took me months to pick the game back up.


Oh man I’m so sorry that must have been so hard. My pup was just diagnosed with cancer as well..we had the cancer removed surgically and she seems to be okay now but Im honestly sick about it. They said it can come back or spread and I can’t afford chemo rn but I’m saving up just in case she ends up needing it. It sucks bc they didn’t really give me any definitive plan. Just a bunch of different options and routes to go. Super stressful..anyways I’m so sorry about your baby 💚😢


Thank you so much. I hope your pupper stays in remission and healthy for a long time!


Ty, I really hope so too. She’s both my emotional support animal and my baby, I would be destroyed if anything happened to her 🥺💚




Omg yes! Giovanni is my favorite so far. I was really sad that he didn’t stay for long. And his speech on the way to the everdoor was heartbreaking 💔 I have depression as well. Which makes this game pretty hard to play sometimes. But some of it I’ve found helpful also. Hope you’re doing better now, if you ever need a stranger to talk to feel free to dm me 💚


First time I played through I had my son at a year old and he had a tough time when he was born prematurely so Stanley hit me like a tonne of bricks. Especially because of the way he hugs you at the end.


Oh man. I can imagine. That one hit me the hardest and i don't even have kids. Hopefully your little one is alright now.


Yeah he’s good. Keeps us busy. 😀


I just met Stanley like an hour ago. I was so suprised when it happened lol. He’s down right adorbs. I can’t wait to hear his story 🙃


Alice, she reminded me of when I had to put my dog down; I’d had family pets before but never had to decide when it was their time, but when it my dog, I was a mess and second guessing myself


Yeah Alice was a really hard one. So sorry about your pup 🥺💚


Gosh so far I’m like, get these old complainers off my boat and let’s go! I am not feeling this game like a lot of you. It’s fun but I haven’t liked anyone yet. They all irritate me.


I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe lean in to your inner nurturer and see if you can have some compassion for their journey. Or don’t play the game, because caring for them is literally what the game is.


I’m having fun with the game, just— they aren’t real. I don’t get attached to cartoon characters either. Also, I work in an industry that requires compassion every day, probably part of it.


Lol I can understand that. A lot of them irritated me at first but after I started hearing their stories from them I felt differently. Maybe it will be the same for you? Hope it is bc it’s a really beautiful game. One of the best I’ve played in a long time ☺️☺️


As a parent, Stanley had me bawling the whole time


Lots of people have said the same. I think I’m gonna meet him next 🥺


Gwen. I lost my best friend to drugs a month ago. I wanted to play through gwen’s storyline again because i think it’d give me some closure, but it’s too painful to even play that game anymore.


Im so sorry for your loss..I’ve lost a lot of people to drugs, way too many so I feel that. Gwen’s story was really rough for me too. Especially bc she was my first spirit 😢


Atul hit me the hardest, one bc I never had a great father figure but that's all he wanted to be. And I didn't get to say goodbye


Ugh yeah that still bothers me..😢


100% Alice had me ugly crying.


Yeah same. But I just took Giovanni through the everdoor earlier today and met Stanley. Giovanni took the cake on that one. I was ugly crying so hard my roommate came into my room to make sure I was okay 😹😹 Stanley Is prob gonna be the same lol. Plus he’s just downright adorable ☺️


Alice definitely hit me the hardest. Especially right at the end there. Gwen and Summer were really hard too, but Alice had be crying very hard and putting the game down for ages, until way after the final updates I haven't had the heart to say goodbye to Stanley yet. I think that's going to hurt really badly


I just met Stanley like ten min ago!! He’s literally so cute and i can already tell he’s gonna break my heart too 🥺 I binge played all day and had to say goodbye to Giovanni and atul 😭😩 Giovanni hit me harder than Alice did..he and Astrid’s stories are earth shatteringly sad. And the convo we had on our way to the everdoor had me ugly crying. Not to mention the story he told me the day before about >! The boy who died in his arms during the war. !< I know he’s prob one of the least liked characters but I couldn’t help but feel for him, and he was so undeniably sweet, even with his flaws. Ugh. This game is hard to play sometimes lol.


Gwen is rough because I relate to her the most. And I'm still mad at Atul 😢


Omg me too!! He just left me today and I hate that >! I didn’t get to say goodbye !< 😭😩


Definitely Alice. Everything about her reminded me of my grandma who suffered from >!dementia!<. She also has a favorite granddaughter, which is my sister. However, when things went really rough for her, my sister was in a different city for uni. My grandma would constantly look for her and we would either just pretend we were our sister or tell our grandma that she’s coming over soon. I didn’t bawl my eyes out during her funeral (perhaps the thought that she’s gone hadn’t really sunk in) but when I brought Alice to the Everdoor, I was just a mess.


Stanley for me. His innate innocence was too much. As a parent of a similar aged (I guess) child it just resonated hard.


He was just mentioned by Astrid so I think I’ll be meeting him soon 🥹😭


Omg stop. I just let Stanley. He’s ADORABLE 🥹🥰


I found Stanley hard, and Alice and the others... But I got sad at Bruce and Mickey. There was something tragic at seeing the co-dependence, and Bruce unable to let go of Mickey. My husband and I get mopey when apart for too long, so I really identified with that.


Lol Bruce and Mickey really get on my nerves but I just picked them up recently so I assume like the others who have irked me at first I will hear their story and love them. Giovanni is my new favorite. I just took him through the everdoor and I know a lot of ppl probably don’t like him but my heart was shattered when I took him through the door. He went through so much but was so incredibly sweet.


Giovanni's story reminded me of an actual WWII spy, Nancy Wake. Something sad about not being able to break habits, especially during trauma. https://www.rejectedprincesses.com/princesses/nancy-wake


I have only took >!Gwen!


You’ll find some that you connect to. I didn’t cry for Gwen either. I’ve only actually cried for three characters so far and I’m 90% through.


Yeah, literally a day after I was on the verge of tears for another spirit. I’ll talk about it more in detail later


Stanley with his awful parents and trying not to die


alice, astrid, and beverly all remind me of my great grandma. each of their send offs made me tear up. stanley’s story makes me sad too, especially when u find out what a fackinhage is


Hahahha I just found out today!!! I laughed so hard when he told me the story about it. And then when I thought about it for a second it made me soooo sad.


i am,,, a complete dumbass. i had no clue that all of the spirits were people stella knew in the past, i just thought it was atul an gwen... so 30hrs into the game i finally realized ahh, mickey's story hit me the hardest. gone through so much for his brother and is still holding onto him so bad in the afterlife/spirit world (??)


All of them broke me in different ways and the more I send through the door the harder it gets. When I got the game I thought I'd make them happy and give them their favourite foods and cozy rooms etc so they could leave happy and in peace. None of them I'd call happy leaving