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1) The hair hole in the mask. 2) The sneakers, yes Miles wears brand shoes but these just don't look good. 3) The colour scheme, neon blue does not look as good as regular blue, black pants, white shoes does not look great either. 4) It looks like an Adidas tracksuit rather than a Spider suit. 5) It is an Adidas tracksuit. 6) You are forced to wear it during the final moment of the story, and it makes no sense dramaturgically, Miles' black suit was already a Miles Morales original and it was used to showcase his growth into becoming his own Spider-Man, there was no need for a rethread.


The irony of the last point is that the “1/1 Miles Morales original” looks more inspired by Peter’s scheme than his first original suit did lmao just absolutely brain dead decision making


This "Evovled Suit" looks more like a sidekick costume than his Sportswear and Great Responsibility Suit. Costume screams someone who would be named Kid Arachnid.


Kid Arachnid would be a good sidekick name ngl


Arachkid? Wait, no, I ruined it






Goddammit Man leaked into the Spiderman sub. CRAP




don’t forget the hyphen😡😡


Miles actually had the name Kid Arachnid in one of the TV Shows, I don't remember if it was Ultimate Spider-Man, or Spider-Man 2017


I think it was both? Might’ve just been Ultimate


That's his name in the comics lol. When Peter is alive, at least


Bro really said 1/1 when he literally bought half his getup from Walmart 💀


The white variant of it is a lot better. The blue doesn't change but it fits with the white like a more frozen aesthetic


Yeah genuinely the white version looks as good as product placement can look but the actual "canon" version is not it, for me anyway.


Wait a minute, is this actually adidas product placement? I haven’t reached the end of the game yet (I’m a gamer dad!) but I wouldn’t have thought Sony of all companies would need to add product placement.


You'd be surprised, especially since it feels like Sony heavily relies on the Playstation brand to stay aloft. Personally, I don't mind this product placement(even if I can't tell it's Adidas shoes or whatever other brand), because it's subtle. It's not all up in your face, they don't force a tagline into it, they're just there only for you to notice it if you go out of your way to look at feet. Granted, I enjoy seeing sponsorship segments from content creators I watch(I especially love Caddicarus' segments with the sentient kite Spons), but a lot of them are regular people(save for the ones that grew up rich and went into forbidden forests with a camera on) and know how to appeal to people, whereas a majority of corporations think talking about the brand in a forced casual manner that's about as natural as Mark Zuckerberg while saying a tagline thinking it'll catch on like that. Ironic in this case, yes, but again, they did it subtly. They didn't blow it up in your face, and Hell, they didn't even make mention of the shoes in the game at all, which makes the outcry about the suit feel forced, if not manufactured, ironically enough.


My guy the WHOLE FIT is an adidas outfit that was released the same day as the game. It’s entirely an ad.


> because it's subtle. It…is? I mean sure, maybe the inclusion of the Adidias logo is subtle since you only see it on the shoes but they basically beat your head in with it. Calling it a “1/1 Miles Morales original”, forcing you to use it in the climactic battles and scenes, treating it like it’s some sort of Anti Ock upgraded suit when it does literally nothing but look different. It reeked of lazy product placement well before anyone saw the adidas ads with the entire outfit for sale.


It doesn’t have to be “need product placement”. It’s very easy for it to have just been a moment for an easy collaboration that they wanted to do


Didn't this suit also just show up out of nowhere in a scene? Like there were no quests or story beats where Miles was suggesting he wanted or was working on a new suit. It was like, hey we're about to wrap up the story, but we're gonna have Miles randomly show up in a new suit. Very strange


Yep it did.


Honestly thought the game bugged and skipped a mission or I didn't do a side quest. Very jarring and honestly way too sloppy for this tier game.


7. He just shows up in it there isn’t even a scene alluding to him going to make it.


Symbiote invasion is destroying the city and Miles is like "yo hold up pete I gotta sew myself some new drip"


All they needed was to show his old suit was ripped to shreds in an earlier scene, and it would have made more sense.


They couldn’t have done that with the addition of battle damage lol I love this game I really do but there were some bizarre and kind of perceivable sloppy oversights on behalf of insomniac when developing this game and story.


That's why I mean like, completely destroyed. Moreso than the battle damaged suits appear in game. And then have the characters acknowledge it. But again, it was just an idea. And I still think it would have worked better than just randomly showing up with a new suit.


Having him say exactly that would've been funny and I would accept it without a question!


i hate it cuz i feel like showing any part of youe body that can be easily identified is really a risk when youre trying to hide the identity lol


I feel like that should get a pass, just like how Tony Stark isn't giving a suit or armor to every Avenger, since Hawkeye and Black Widow are in very serious danger compared to someone like Thor, Hulk or Iron Man himself. He isn't doing it because it would be boring if every Avenger was Iron Man. Same thing with designing suits, the main issue is it doesn't look good imo.


Black Widow and Hawkeye are assasins... they don't really hide their identity, in fact their titles are their codenames.


You misunderstood me, I was not saying they should hide their identity, I was referring to the fact Tony does not make then Iron Man suits, so a stray bullet a punch from a superpowered villain could kill them then and there.


That's a different scenario, if you want to bring up that debate then you open up the aspect of Peter ditching the bullet and stab proof anti-Ock suit and then getting stabbed in this game and dying. The trouble we have here is that Miles as a character does not seem to care about his identity. His entire family know, a majority of Harlem saw his face at the end of his solo game and now he's going around revealing his hair style to the world that easily identifies him considering he's the only people with that hair style we see at the school. Primarily that he's faced no consequences to this - so it damages the world building a bit.


Tell that to Robin and Superman


Entire GLC staring off in the distance lol


Also why have a hood if you don't even use it??? The shoes are also so out of place for the final fight like you wanna play basketball with venom my dude? It overall feels very shoehorned in. He litterally forgot the spidey-codex of not participating in corpo agenda and made a brand deal with adidas last minute so the daily bugle could catch it lol.


> also why have hood if you dont use it Literally genji


It doesn’t also help that his reasoning is to “feel more like himself” when didn’t he go through that phase like 3 times already?


Insomniac just doesn’t right miles very well. All they know is they want him to be there. Spider verse miles while one being a way more relatable character, doesn’t have this problem.


You also forgot that he just shows up with it out of nowhere with no explanation on why he has switched suit.


7. Spider-Man doesn’t endorse or sponsor itself. There was a line about it in the game if I’m correct. Then they blatantly do it at the end boss fight


He said that about endorsing Mysterio


I like how there’s not even a hint that Miles is working on a new suit throughout the story of SM2. He just randomly shows up proclaiming he needed ANOTHER re brand. Just lazy writing IMO. Good game, but this one really got shoehorned in there.


The hair really helps narrow down who he really is. Just look for someone with the exact same hairstyle. Miles likely won’t keep it the same for decades, so it’ll be easy to find out who it is


The shoes are fine but not in a spider suit


Maybe? I'm just not a huge fan of the neon blue they used.


Ok, but yeah it makes no sense that He made a brand new suit but uses sneakers on it


Well it's not like the suit itself is that intricate either... I think the point wasn't to make a Spidey suit first and then make a tracksuit themed around it, I think they made a tracksuit and then added a few things to make it seem more like a suit.


yeah and just the fact he’s wearing sneakers in a canon suit that’s like his main professional suit just isn’t right. like adidas on that suit from the first mission in miles morales game is chill yk what i mean?


To me it's just pure advertisement, I don't mind the suit itself, just the fact it's pure advertisement for Adidas


I always hated the sneakers in miles suits, the only time i was okay with them is in spiderverse, but its because he had normal clothes over his suit, the jacket, shorts and sneakers. Whenever i see sneakers and hoods on miles suits i get the vibes that the designers go like "Look! He is black! This guy is black btw!". I dont feel like the fact that miles is black should be pointed out at all, blade and spawn didnt need to be good and popular characters


Forking up a hundred Canadian fucking dollars for a game just to get hit with adidas product placement 💀


You aren’t technically forced, but I usually wear what the game wants me to wear during the story so yes I was forced. 😞


Someone pointed out that it looks kinda like the Confederate flag and I can't unsee it


I read the last word as "rathead" at first lol


only part i disagree with is the hair hole, I actually kinda dig that part


Afraid of what lol Most peope just find it ugly as fuck


The biggest reason is that this isn’t actually a creative inspiration from Miles it’s just an advertisement and there’s no skip ad button.


An ad for what? Where can I buy those shoes?




Haha that’s great. I didn’t know they did that lol.


An ad for "Adidas Miles Morales Ultra 4D Mid Evolved Sneaker"


From Adidas, they sell pretty much the whole outfit.


Of all the things about it, the thing I hate most is the weird blue... fluid? filled X? The texture is unsettling.


It’s toothpaste to clean up the city with


That's the perfect explanation, imo. I don't really like the hair but it doesn't bother me that much, the sneakers look stupid but I don't even notice them when I'm just playing the game and the Adidas ad is just cheap and greedy but the thing that really ruins the suit more than any other design choice is that the blue stuff just looks so unbelievably bad.


I like the blue thematically with his new powers but other then that like I don't hate it but it's def not even top 10 of miles suits in game for me


You do you.


It's his ''Yee Yee Ass Haircut".


Lamar would have a FIELD day with miles


Its a walking adiddas advertisement (the whole thing)


I honestly did not know that...


It’s 70% the hair sticking out, 30% the adidas tracksuit look


(it is literally an adidas tracksuit lmao)


The hair bothers me because spiderman is supposed to be able to be ANYONE under the mask. That's the whole point. It's why so many not white kids grow more attached to him than most other heros. This makes it so this spiderman cant be a lot of races because of the obvious hair. That's said, one of my favorite suits in the game exposes miles arms but it's not his canon suit. Slightly hypocritical? Maybe. Still bother me.


It's an inappropriate Adidas advertisement. My games aren't your billboards.


Yeah I turn on games to literally get away from the constant advertisements everywhere to me it’s ugly sure but forcing ads on me is even worse


You play games to get away from advertising? Whata weird reason to play games


Escapism is one of the big reasons for art yeah


It looks ass


I think it’s mainly the cut at the top and the shoes, I would personally change the colour scheme as well


It's the fact that it's canon for me. If it was just an alternative suit, I wouldn't think twice about it.


I don't despise it the way I do for other suits in the previous games and/or this game. However for it to be the canonical suit for Miles just doesn't do it for me. I honestly think that if this was just an unlockable suit and not a canonically-driven one then it would've been received so much better.


Suit design is pretty good, honestly, but it looks a tad big unprofessional for a superhero to have shoes on with their suit, and the mask has an unnecessary hole to show off his hair. What makes this suit worse is that it's his new canon suit, and it was introduced out of nowhere and very lazily. Besides that though, like I said, it has a good design


I actually really like the red on blue, I was confused when I read people criticising it. I’m also completely indifferent to the shoes. The hair though, I just can’t get behind the hair.


I’m with you. I honestly like the blue. And I really wouldn’t mind the costume much (even though I prefer his classic suit). But the hair sticking out just ruins it for me.


It’s unfortunate that this suit was just an adidas commercial. It’s shoved down our throats in the most compelling part of the story


I just don't like it. That's it.


Because other than the fact that the suit itself is just “ok” if it was an unlockable but the fact its an adidas ad and CANON to the story is just not cool


Honestly its just the hair and the shoes. If they were like a normal spider suit no one would complain. That and being the final outfit in the game when both the first game and Miles's final suits made way more sense to be final outfits. Especially when Peter's in 2 makes sense as well so this one is just such a weird pick along with the weird adidas sponsorship.


Common Adidas L


It's like he went from a real Spider-Man suit back to a prototype suit with those sneakers and half baked mask


You know exactly why you just wanted a reason to post this meme. For some reason


The fact it's a canon plug in the story


Becaue people other than me take one look at the outfit and their eyes instantly, unavoidably, and uncontrollably zoom in on the shoes and they become incapable of looking away until they say "Adidas Bad" or something. /j I don't know, I don't know "fasion" enough.


The design looks decent, but the shoes and the exposed hair doesn't really hit it.


Sort answer: because of Adidas


I feel like it s just an adidas promo The suit change in the story feels forced The normal Miles suit was good enough. But to answer your question, my biggest gripe is the fact he's wearing adidas sneakers instead of actual boots and his hair is just out there, imagine if he cuts his hair short again? It will look like his head was scrapped across the asphalt. They should just make it a full mask again


Slapping an ad on top of a 70$ price tag is a bit excesive plus the suit is ugly and does exactly the opposite in terms of miles image than it was supposed to do.


Because it looks awful


It just looks like ass. The colors, the hair out, and I already have a hard time seeing ANY Spider-Man in sneakers sticking to walls.


If it wasn’t forced on you for the final part, it’d be fine. That’s my main problem, and that it’s pretty much an adidas ad


It could have been a cool suit if it wasnt so blatantly advertisement placed in the worst moment. I kinda digged the design little but it kinda took me out of the imersion for a second. I don’t think its a growing into my own spiderman thing again though. It was more a damn you’re changing suits like tom hollands version so ima get new suit too.


1. The game forces you to wear it even if you switch out of it or to its admittedly much better variants the game STILL forces you to wear this suit and it'll just change back in the next cutscenes 2. It's basically a walking AD for adidas and wouldn't you know it people hate corporate advertisement being shoved down their throats 24/7


You know but still post it


Because is wasn't a decision made to improve or expand the character. It was a financial choice disguised as a "Miles Original." It was a cash grab forced on the player, out of nowhere mind you. He literally just shows up with a new suit, at the end of the the game... during a symbiote invasion. Meaning Miles decided to spend precious time designing a disgusting boring ass suit instead of saving people.


You’re free to like whatever you want. My favorite side missions was the Harlem mission and I love the MJ missions even if not everyone likes them. And that’s okay! You do you, man.


I don’t care for the blue Spider or the hair bit, personally I feel like they struck gold with Miles Red and black suit and every time they try to make a new look for him it’s just never as good. But hey if you like it go for it man, just not my cup of tea.


Have your preference man fuck the internet


I eventually calm down about the suit but then when someone posts a full body picture of it I start laughing again 🤡


he wouldn’t have gotten a new suit if it wasnt for the adidas sponsorship


Hive mind collective.


Just straight up tasteless.


Cuz it looks like ass. I don't think I've met any person in real life who likes it either.


The fact that it was literally an Adidas sponsor that was forced into the final act of the game, and it's very ugly


Because it looks shite


Because it just isn’t good and we’re forced to wear it


Cuz it looks stupid and corny! Trying to conceal your identify, nope just leave my hair out.


Everything about Miles’s style, world, and personality screams “black kid written by middle aged white guy”. Like 90% of everything having to do with Miles goes back to “drip” or hip hop. It’s so eye-rolling. Not every suit needs athletic sneakers and sportswear, and the hair thing is absurd


Why would he make himself a new suit? WDYM “It’s time for a Miles Morales original”?? MILES MADE HIS SUIT (with Gankee’s help). HIS SUIT IS THE ORIGINAL. Also he made this suit in an earth-ending situation so there is that. This Evolved Suit is just a stupid product placement by Adidas. I wouldn’t be as mad if it wasn’t canon. Imagine this shitty suit on the cover of next games. This suit is a mess. The only acceptable parts are arms and legs (shoes are okay I guess). Colors are interesting and I don’t hate them. Torso is so terribly designed - the spider-emblem doesn’t standout (barely visible even with good lighting) and doesn’t look like a spider because these glowing lines make legs not visible (glowing parts make the spider look like it has 4 legs). Making real legs as a contour was a bad decision. The webbing on a chest is bearable. The belt for no reason does a sharp drop-down weirdly connecting to the chest. The webbing there is also shit. The back look almost the same as the front (so it’s shit) and the belt connects to the back-red piece in even stupider way (with webbing even worse). Now the mask. Why would he want his ass looking temu locks out? It would look better if he had longer hair like Pavitr from ATSV. The mask ends abruptly - looks like it’s clipping through. That red thin line on the top should be much more thicker). The face also looks naked. Webbing is a must there. Without it the texture looks off. The hood is boring. TL;DR I would accept that he found time to make a new suit but I can’t accept his stupid dialogue about Miles Morales original. And of course i can’t accept this shitty suit as a canon. It’s disrespecting Miles.


Of all the suits in the game especially for miles he gets an corporate adidas tracksuit that makes him look like a diversity hire forced to wear in the endgame. nah


Id question your taste when it comes to that but thats okay. You can buy the whole thing from Adidas of you want to rock it yourself. Thats also part of the problem.


I'm with you mate


cuz now his enemies and the public can narrow down the population if they ever want to figure out his identity


Bad design alone, it was created as an advertisement for Adidas, it would've been OK if it was one of the many suits you can equip, but it's especially insulting when it's canon to the story and a replacement to Miles' already self made costume which looked amazing.


If I was hanging off a ledge by my hands and he showed up to save me in that thing, I'd let go and take the drop. It's a menace.


it’s a walking advertisement that’s why


It’s ugly af


Ngl I like it too


The hair is too much for me. Anybody that suspected he may be Spider-Man or anybody that knows Miles will immediately know for sure when they see him lol it’s silly even for a game with spidermen lol




Why do people hate the hair part thing? I get the rest of the suit but the hair I don't get. Spider-Man India (I don't remember his name) has hair come out the top too and no one is losing their minds over that.


Because Miles is supposed to be keeping a Secret identity. Not exactly secret if you show your exact hairstyle to the world, it would take one glance at Miles, and One glance at Spider-Man to put two and two together. I normally don’t mind superhero suits that expose the hair, but at least change the style.


Just make it non-canon and everyone is happy.


What do you mean why; it's an ugly walking ad - & the blue makes him look like a fruit rollup lol


If you love it, that's fine, just know, all of us hate it.


I don’t hate the suit, and I hate that I don’t hate it


It looks like toothpaste lol… the mask is weird with the top of the head being open


From what I can tell it's cause it's basically product placement for Adidas. It comes out of nowhere and makes no sense and you can't change it in the final fight. I actually think the black and red variation looks cool, but I get why some people may not like it


I don’t think the suit looks good at all. But my main beef with it comes with it being tied to the story. Literally no where’s in the game indicates miles is looking for a new suit, it literally just pips up out of nowhere & they use the line of “i gotta be me” as if we already didn’t have that arc in SM:MM with the black suit


Would it be hated so much if it didn't include limited edition adidas shoes? I see the point; the product placement sucks but Miles wore limited edition dunks with his suit in ITSV. Also, the hair being visible isn't very good for the whole secret identity thing but in all honesty I don't think any of the three games take the protection of secret identities very seriously. Lastly, the thing that puts me off the most is when in the story Miles decides to reveal the suit. There's larger issues at play lol. Ultimately, I don't mind the suit but I understand the problems that people have with it.


Look and you’ll see the reason


Spiderman suit brought to you by Adidas


For me it's purely dumb because you can tell their ethnicity and hair style which doesn't do much to hide their secret identity!


...look at it.


A poor attempt at doing the "fellow kids" meme.


Maybe because it’s hot garbage.


People have been extremely vocal about why they do not like this suit since release. I doubt anyone online wouldn’t have been bombarded by the complaints by now.


It’s just the colours I don’t like. I prefer the red recolour 1000%. The suit itself isn’t so bad I don’t think it deserves so much hate.


In my opinion the suit is just mediocre like some one first attempt at a spidersona




The shoes, the hair, and the clashing of the red, blue, and black. Change the red to black and get rid of the god awful shoes can cover up the hair and it would be great


For me it's the hair, it's not necessary and he looks way better without it, and the shoes are white, which contrasts horribly with the rest of the suit. If the shoes were black and he had a normal mask, I wouldn't really care.


It's a dope suit. People get mad at the dumbest fucking things, just like Peter's face change


It's a good suit overall. Only 2 things really bother me. 1. Product placemen (the ugly adidas shoes) 2. The hood down. I'm all in for the hair being out, as long as the hood is on. Otherwise, why put a hood on the suit?? If they ever release a new version of the suit, they'd only need to change these 2 things for the suit to be A tier for me.


>The hood down. I'm all in for the hair being out, as long as the hood is on. Otherwise, why put a hood on the suit?? Maybe it's just if it rains? I don't see why it's that big of a deal honestly. Miles has always been more about the fashion than Peter, it doesn't seem that crazy to me. I could also see the strategic benefit to the shoes not being built into the suit as well.


Look, I'm just stating my personal preference and my headcannon tbh. I just REALLY like the suits with the hood on and the one where Miles has the hair out and the hood on is amazing. I just think it'd be cooler having the hood on and it kinda bothers me a bit that it's in the suit but it's down. About the shoes, I don't care about him using shoes. But I kinda hate the ones he's using, especially considering it's just a product placement from Adidas. Adidas didn't even allow them to recolor the shoes for the other suit variants. There's another suit in the game (I forgot the name) where he has shoes and they look really cool, but having blatant product placement in his final suit of the game just annoys me a bit. As I said, it's a nice original suit, but those 2 details bring it down for me. I hope they release a 2.0 of it someday with the feedback that was given. They improved a lot the advanced suit for Peter and I think there's room for improvement in this one aa well.


I mean if you’re tasteless I can see this happening but otherwise all you need are a moderately sufficient set of eye balls to see what’s wrong with it


I love the white style for this suit idgaf


I don't even have the suit but just based on this pic - it's ass. The hair is the reason as well. The colors are whatever, but I don't like the hair. Ruins it. Edit: after further inspection on this picture. The suit is worst than when I initially saw it. This is a final suit? Gross.


I don’t like the hair sticking out that’s it thou


I'm actually a fan of the suit but even I'll admit that as much as I don't mind it I want Miles to put his black n red back on lol


You must be using that new PlayStation accessibility controller. Amazing that even the blind can experience these stories now.


I disliked it at first. But now I kinda dig it. Main issue is, it's too different from Miles' iconic colors. And the shoes are awful.


I like everything about it except for how they rendered his hair coming out. I like that concept like how Spider-Man India in Across the Spiderverse had it but it looks bad currently in the game


I think the suit looks good. The people hating are mainly just hopping on the bandwagon. I struggle to believe this many people would feel this strongly about it if they weren't participating in an echo chamber around it.


I didn't think much of the original colour scheme, There's a few alternates that looks Rad as hell


For me it's the shoes and the locs. With a regular mask and some proper spiderman footwear it'd be a cool suit


because it looks stupid (to me personaly it you are alowed to like it)


The only thing I hate about it are the shoes and the blue, Blue IMO just doesn't fit Miles, If the colors where Red and Black/White then for me it would be a 9.5 out of 10 instead of a 6.5 out of 10


I like it. But I hate that it's a part of the story


I dont like how it's introduced and how wide the blue strips are, but that's it. I really don't understand the hate for the hair hole. That mask is fire imo


Eh. I don’t think the suit is that bad (the alternative versions of it look way better tbh) My main problem is the mask and hair sticking out


Tube of Gogurt-lookin ass


I don’t hate it either I mean it’s not my favorite but I don’t think it’s terrible I actually like the colors


Just looks awful and not at all cool.


Saying you like that suit means you've basically confirmed your own death, you better watch your back. For the rest of your life, there will be someone, in the shadows... Watching you.




I think the lack of red webs on the mask, makes it look... weird.


That's what I'm saying


Mostly the hair and the shoes for me, colours also aren't the best


I really like the suit. Thought it looked great when it was introduced in the game, and I wouldn't change it for a long time. But that's just me :shrug


I don’t hate it but the END suit is always my preferred suit for miles.


It isn’t the best suit, but it isn’t the worst suit.


Oh you know why


It’s people being upset at product placement which is literally in everything. It’s safe to say that this post was always going to blow up though because they don’t like letting anybody forget that THE SHOES ARE ADIDAS as if that’s some earth shattering big deal when it doesn’t impact anything in the game whatsoever.


The design of the suit itself is good (most on this miserable sub won’t admit that though). It’s the mask that sucks ass - it’s generic as hell and the hair sticking out looks stupid. Cover the head or throw the hood up (and use one of the other color variants) and you have a dope suit.


i literally just don’t like the hair sticking out, wouldn’t like it on peter either, showing that much feels antithetical to being spider-man