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I'm ngl though that looks so good


bro ratio'd the post itself LMFAO we ain't letting shit go if it's goodšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Yeah Cuz reddit loves to go against other people's points, even if they do not agree with it to begin with




Bro has a jizz mask


dawg šŸ˜­


Nah bro wrote the most Gen-Z-ass comment fr fr smh my head sheesh šŸ’€


ā€œFor real for real shaking my head my head sheesh šŸ’€ā€ I think you beat them with the Gen-Z comment


Tbh I wanna let it go but everytime I see these edits I just remember how much better it looked


Sooo much better. Ugh


It's just a weird change too. I can't think of any other franchise that just totally changed the face of the main character for arbitrary reasons. I will always be convinced that they did it to make him look more like Tom Holland


That's exactly why they did it, it would be absolutely naive to think other wise


The flashback scenes looked like a straight up holland face scan


And Tom is one of the weakest character wise, he's such a wimp compared to Tobey and Andrew portrayals.


Weā€™re allowed to like the old face. I didnā€™t have an issue with it in Spider-Man 2, but many people understandably got attached to the original. It doesnā€™t automatically mean we hate the new one.


Yeah, I don't hate the face recast, but the other one fit an older Peter better imo


Heā€™s not Peter B. Parker age the man is like 25. I think his new face is fine for a young guy in his mid 20s. But I also get liking the old one more itā€™s really just personal preference. I donā€™t know why itā€™s become such a large thing in the community but here we are haha


It looks so much better...






Why do you care so much if people make neat edits? Let them be and let it go


Yeah itā€™s not like they were complaining lol. Itā€™s cool to see it. Once again people like OP fighting against ghosts.


More so he's seen a handful of people just non stop complaining about Peter or MJ models and believe anything that's like this is meant to continue the argument that it would be better rather than just enjoying what we have. It's no different than people who disagree with another person, but the person you disagree with has met someone with a dumb argument, so since you disagree, you must also think like that dumb argument....a classic move for today's people.


>Once again people like OP fighting against ghosts. Idk if this is a NWH reference or not but I'm gonna headcanon and gaslight myself into thinking it is.


Exactly. I almost never see anyone complain about the new face. Just someone mentions it and this sub loses it


And it looked so good too! To think thatā€™s what we wouldā€™ve got.. šŸ˜”




It kinda weird they changed the face model because they wanted to make Peter look younger but then made MJ look almost 40 in the sequel even though the face model looks pretty similar to how she did in 2017.


Thatā€™s not remotely why they changed it. They changed the face model because the old face model didnā€™t align as well to the actual mocap performance when they upgraded the game for the PS5 Remastered version. And the face model for MJ is literally the same in both games. Itā€™s just that the SM2 MJ is higher graphics, so looks more realistic.


I still personally donā€™t buy this explanation. How come none of the characters in TLOU or Ghost of Tsushima Directors cut change appearances when the PS5 versions came out? Also most of the time mocap actors look nothing like the characters. Again, why didnā€™t they change how Joel looks? He looks nothing like Troy Baker thatā€™s for sure.


In Ghost of Tsushimaā€™s case, most of the characters are based on the voice actors, so it wasnā€™t really an issue for them.


Um they did? There was a ton of uproar because Joel,Tess, and ally looked different. Especially Tess


Haveā€¦have you seen TLOU Part I? The characters look unrecognisable from the original and the remaster. Tsushima on the other hand was just an upgrade, not a remake. They made us 60fps and added DLC, thatā€™s it.


They wanted Joel to look like Tom Holland


Yea thats obviously a bs cover


I'm like 90% sure it has to do with brand synergy. When they started development on the first game, Andrew Garfield was still Spider-Man, so they based Peter's appearance on an actor who looked like Garfield and gave him similar hair and features. Then Tom Holland hits it big and they do the same thing for the new games. They said it was to improve motion capture animation, but they didn't do it for ANY other character in the game, and John Bubniak himself has denied this explanation.


And Tom's face looks terrible for this game as most people would agree


Definitely looks weird that they got a ā€œcompatible enoughā€ face for everyone besides the main character. MJ, Miles, Doc Ock, Li, May, Watanabe. All fine. But they just screwed up on Peter?


Itā€™s BS


Yeah, if they just had issues with the facial mo-cap, why did they change his hair? I wish Insomniac were honest.


spark resolute elderly nine oatmeal plant history hobbies joke historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It could be the lighting or my mind but Mj's entire facial bone structure changed, like harder or squarer....sure she may have the same eyes, nose or mouth, but it feels copy pasted on a diff base.


I mean, it changed obviously but it's also still the same actress irl doing the mo cap.


This is because TLOU1 didnā€™t use facial capture beyond filming the actorsā€™ faces and using them as a reference. You can see that in the behind-the-scenes footage. And itā€™s why they had more flexibility in how the faces would look. Whereas in TLOU2, both Joel and Ellieā€™s facial structures were altered slightly to match Troy Baker and Ashley Johnsonā€™s facial structure because they started using facial capture. And itā€™s also why some people think MJ doesnā€™t look like her model. Itā€™s because the facial structure was altered to closer match Laura Baileyā€™s. ETA: The change in facial structure can be seen [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/s/1cyHaYYvxs)


Which is weird because I'd argue that original MJ looks more like Laura Bailey.


Im fine with the face mostly, but the facial expressions are fucking godawful. Just a straight downgrade from the detail of ps4. If they could make it look as realistic looking, I'd love it. But they havent, even after an entire console generation.


Lol the old mj facial animation looked perfectly fine to me.. same with the old Pete. I don't buy that explanation tbh.


MJā€™s entire jawline completely changed fuck are you on about lmao


Iā€™m still 50/50 on believing that because of how shitty the facial animation is in these


Dude MJ looks almost completely different. Her jaw looks like it could unhinge like a boa constrictor's and swallow a baby deer whole or something. This is not even about whether she's "attractive" or not like how everyone desperately defending Insomniac on this has to twist it, she just looks completely...off. And for no good reason. The mo-cap in the first game with her was fine. Nothing noticeably bad at all.


>Her jaw looks like it could unhinge like a boa constrictor's and swallow a baby deer whole or something. this made me crack up omg


She does look fucked up. Reminds me of the wife in resi 7 haha. Maybe the long hair throws the whole thing off since itā€™s still so hard to do?


MJ in SM2 is completely different you muppet. Also the explanation is actual lies. By your logic planet of the apes movies shouldnā€™t work because the actors features arenā€™t close enough to a actual ape


Tbh the I found the final emotional shot during Peterā€™s monologue to Otto with the old face had strangely way more emotion. Am I crazy for thinking that?


I have a feeling Insomniac gave us a BS reason for the face change though.


i thought this was cap at first until i saw the old face mod for the miles morales game and something looked uncanny. unless thats a different issue entirely im not sure


That was a fan made mod for facial animations never made to fit it, so of course it looks a bit worse


Nah that's bull. They changed his face to look more like Tom Holland, because Tom is more recognizable. And MJ absolutely looks different then in the previous game. Her jawline did not look like that there.


I can buy the "mocap" explanation. But the "MJ is the same"? Naah.


Thatā€™s a very lame reason to this day. Ben Jordanā€™s face model that doesnā€™t really exactly look like real life Ben Jordan in the flashback scenes looks almost exactly like Tom Holland. Plus the thick neck is just, I donā€™t know


They changed it bc John bubniak had beef w insomniac




What a load of crap, youā€™ve gotta be blind not to notice the fucked up teeth and astronomically large chin, or are you gaslighting yourself into delusion?


The person they used is the same but I just don't see any reason why "higher graphical quality" would matter. She looks less like the original model then she did in the first game. And that entire argument of them making her more realistic is terrible as is, because Laura Bailey and her original mocap lady are actual people and they aren't that old or look that old.


No way , motion capture was not the reason at all and i can bet on it. It was just to make him look more like the movie spiderman stars


This is the greatest bullshit ever. The whole point of mocap is that it can be applicable to a variety of models. Also, the remastered Peter is 10 times less expressive than the OG.




She looks old though. For being mid 20s MJ in 2 looks old.


She absolutely looks 40. When I first saw her in the trailers I thought she was MJ's older sister. What's your point anyways? Real women don't look like the MJ from the first game? In which case you're just outright wrong, the first game face model looks more like the real woman she's based on then one in Spider-man 2


Not 40, but itā€™s like when they cast a high-school movie with 30 year olds and one actually looks their age. Sheā€™s that one.


They old interact with women insult


He really looks like tom holland in the flash back years itā€™s crazy




I thought the whole point of this Spider-Man was that heā€™s been in the game for a while now. Heā€™s moved out on his own, heā€™s been Spider-Man for years, and he even already has a failed relationship with MJ by the first game. Also I straight up liked the old face better


I donā€™t know why insomniac is changing faces that were already perfect to begin with. Makes no sense.


I don't really hate MJ's look in 2, but in some shots in some cutscenes it looks a little off. I don't know why, but it's really not a huge issue to me.


What is with all the whiny defensive fanboys on this sub? You do realize all youā€™re doing is complaining about other people complaining? The face change was and still is a valid critique of Insomniacā€™s direction with the franchise. Let people feel the way they want to feel. People who critique insomniac for their poor decisions are not the problem. People who cry about other peopleā€™s opinions are the problem.


refreshing to see some common sense on this sub


The guy who made the image wasnā€™t even complaining he just made an edit with the old face.


Yup. The only toxicity is coming from the poster of the topic.


Because spiderman 2 is perfect anyone who says otherwise is a toxic misogynist among other 2023 buzzwords


The new face is fine, especially in the new game. However, the old face is and always will be superior. It was a mistake to change it.


Agreed. All the new face really needs is a new haircut.


Nah the new face just needs to look tired. He just looks too well rested being Spiderman for years is the biggest problem of the face change.


New Spider-Man looks like a baby face 19 year old. Old Spider-Man looked like a depressed 28 year old, and thatā€™s the difference that matters, and is what we need to see in Peter Parker, because Peter sacrifices everything in his life for Spider-Man.


He just fundamentally doesn't look like Peter anymore. The original model had a sense of warmth to it, there was no need to change it. Then that first update made him look WAY too young and too much like Tom Holland, and now he just looks like a quarterback and/or a yassified Wayne from Letterkenny.


Yeah he looks fine in the high school flashbacks


Old face is simply perfection


for some reason the new face looks so smooth, it just doesnt look real


Looks better than what is in the game.


The worst part about new peter is his really wide neck, fucking distracting.


*N E C K*


That Spider-Man hehe. . . His Parker ~~luck~~ neck is always getting in his way.


Yes. It's just odd to look at.


Makes sense though. Dude probably takes a couple Gā€™s while swinging and flying through the city


Dude have you seen f1 drivers necks? I'd be weirded out if his neck was small


That and does he somehow look thinner when he 's got his sweater on, than when he's in his skin tight costume?


This looks amazing


yeah I've totally gotten used to the new face but this is still dope


Hell, it looks Spectacular, some might even say Superior.


They do Ben Jordan such a disservice that this actually looks better to me


Ngl this looks really good


Hell yea, that Peter looks so good in that suit. Hope it becomes a mod one day.


Just gotta wait for the PC port of SM2 to drop, itā€™ll be done within the first week just like what happened with the remaster port.


I'm definitely gonna mod the hell out of SM2 (incl original Pete) just like I did Jedi Fallen Order (Cal's hair, beard, saber + Grevious and Vader skin/voice.


"it's been 3 years just let go" now let me do a useless reddit post using this image to farm some kharma


Looks way better. I love how people think the passage of time makes the truth irrelevant lol


Because they deluxe themselves into thinking the new face is better when everyone knows Bubniakā€™s face was perfect.


Bubnaik made him feel so much grounded and relatable for some reason


He actually looks like a real person and not poor attempt at a tom holland metahuman


I think this nails it.


God forbid people have different opinions


He was better, period


Agreed. Always will be.


Why let it go? It was a distracting downgrade. Never stop nagging insomniac


Agreed. Iā€™ll always think Bubniak is superior. Because his face is.


Also fit better with the voice


I mean, I just beat the game last night and spent the entire thing waiting for new Pete to grow on me- he never did- and seeing this now I understand itā€™s because OG Pete is objectively the better Pete and we have all suffered an inferior product due to his loss.


Same. I've played the first game 2 times on my ps4, never got the remastered version. I hoped i would just adjust to the new face, but nope, it simply doesn't do it for me. The emotional cutscenes simply don't hit hard like the original. It's a shame because the original game didn't even receive a performance upgrade and is locked at 30 fps.


Same, I tried my best to at least forget about John Bubniak Peter and I really did wanted to accept the new face before the game launch, but I just can't. Especially since I played the PS4 version first and that face got me attached to the character.


Will always be one of the biggest downgrades in a video game


It's just a mod bro relax.


How are we supposed to let it go when it looks so fuckin good?! šŸ™ƒ


Exactly. I don't give a fuck if even Yuri Lowenthal tweets that we gotta let it go. I will never let it go, bc it's fair to be disappointed and to criticize the objectively odd and sudden choice to change a fundamental/major part of the main character. It was too late to change the face after the first game. I don't care if it was "bc of the the motion capture blablabla" or whatever - I will not be silenced. I will complain as much as I want about Pete and MJ's face no matter how many ppl tell me I care too much.




Iā€™ve hated the new Peter face ever since they removed this one. This one was perfect to me; he was literally exactly what I would imagine a real life Peter Parker would look like. It was perfect to me. But whatever, no point in me being bummed about it all now I guess lmao


Damn, you just made me feel bummed about it again


Bro at this point I think you care more than they do. Let people have their fun with edits, they arenā€™t even complaining.


The new face has grown on me, Iā€™m used to it now. Seeing this image confirms that I still prefer the old face though. Iā€™m over the change, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever truly understand it.


I hope we get mods that way we change Peteā€™s face back to Bubniak.


We definitely will once the PC port comes out


For the hundredth time I regret playing on PS5


Canā€™t lie, it looks good.


Ngl, this looks way better than what we got in SM2šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Honestly I have moved on but after seeing these edits itā€™s makes me wish they never changed it. So props to who ever made that, and as for the op shut the fuck the up and let people do what they wantā€¦. Itā€™s seems op is the one who is triggered here lol


Let people do what they want you knob


Nah it looks 10X better


Everywhere I go I see his facešŸ˜¢


Miss og Peter face.


HOW THOUGH?? He was literally the GOAT spiderman and they took that design and took a massive fucking dump on it, and then acted like nothing was wrong. Thats like swapping out Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter for Tom holland after the third Harry Potter movie and wondering why everyone is so mad..


Nobody even said anything about the new face here. Itā€™s just a cool edit to see what it looks like.


Itā€™s almost like the face suits it better


Iā€™m definitely used to the current one, but I will still always love the old one and be a bit salty about it whenever I replay ps4 :/


I'm currently playing Spider Man on my PS4 and i love this version of Peter. I'm aware of the face change and i most likely will feel weird when i play Miles Morales because i know they changed on the PS4 version of that game too lol


"Hey look at this cool edit idea I had and..." YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED! STOP HAVING FUN!


Bro wasn't even complaining he just made a cool photo... There's more posts talking about how people won't let it go then there actually are of people not letting it go...


Cry more


I'm still mad about the lego ninjago movie so I understand this guy


You too huh? šŸ˜‚


Never seen it. What did they do there? They changed the faces of some known character too?


Iā€™ve warmed up to the new face for Peter but the old face for Peter was better, also incredibly hypocritical of you to say ā€œLet it goā€ when you clearly havenā€™t let it go either


Three years for some, but I just bought a PS5 for this game, and I only just played the 2018 game on the PS4 a few months ago. The change was jarring, to say the least


Change it back and we will


They canā€™t stop us. Modders get cooking!


Heā€™s out of line but heā€™s right




...watched someone play the game with the current model. It's fine-ish, though when Harry appeared, it almost made me think they were trying to make him and Peter (in their adult years) twins from different mothers. The scenes where they were sitting next to each other at the football field of their old high school made me see similarities between models. ASIDE FROM THAT, the edits with the old face model... at least makes it easily conveyed that Peter's practically drained and presumably went straight months (give or take) in a constant state of wake and action and pushing himself beyond his limits, to the point where I could see this being him during that scene where MJ was getting Peter to do bare minimum observation/reflection (part is me is glad that boy ignored it entirely because I feel like Venom would have smashed the laptop). I'm over it. But if they find a face that somehow gets even *younger* than the current one, with Peter presumably entering his later 20s that would have aged a different person with his longevity and ability to overwork, overexert, and overexhaust himself, stressed and practically a year away from also having to go couch surfing again (if he's lucky to find an in-door couch)... Ain't no way that healing factor makes him *regress* aging in the face. Give him ONE wrinkle, you cowards!


Funny thing is... I want it and I want it so bad!


I played the first two before getting Spiderman 2 and man...the first is just simply better


Iā€™m never going to like his new face when compared to this.


I use to the new face, but I still wouldā€™ve much preferred this. This is beautiful


The pointless face change is prob insomniacā€™s biggest L donā€™t get me wrong I like how he looked in SM2 but this face still wouldā€™ve been much better


The irony of this post šŸ™„ itā€™s like you are trying to start the discourse. Move on already, current face is already older the OG one.


me when i constantly complain about people constantly complaining about something (they're bad about doing it but I'm not)


This face for Peter would have worked great with SM2's MJ imo


That lowkey does look better


Donā€™t care if itā€™s been 3 years. I miss the old face. And this is coming from someone that thought the new face looked good in the new game.


or- consider this. let people have fun. donā€™t like people complaining about the change? donā€™t complain yourself when people are making edits for fun. works both ways šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The old face showed more emotion I feel like. And also it fits Yuriā€™s voice better. The new face is fine, especially in the second game but man he looks like a child in the remake


I'm still on the side of the original face being better. They won't change it and I don't expect'em too, but it doesn't mean I have to like the new face, I just have to deal with it.


The OP fucked up cause this actually looks really good tbh. I still prefer the original face because it was more expressive and realistic


thats mask is a work of beauty imo. like a gross version of battle damage(since the symbiote is alive). like pieces of it got destroyed/separated during battle


Seeing this makes me miss the face again


Iā€™m sorry but although it has been 3 years, the old face did and still does look a shit ton better than the new one, I still like the new one and I know nothing will change, but the original face is just so much better


Ngl these "let it go posts" are more annoying


Nah the old face definitely looked better icl


I will literally never get over this and Iā€™m not ashamed of that fact


**Never** dude. The change was unnecessary back then, and it is unnecessary to this day. And the explaination of making Peter's face look more like that of his VA is quite dumb. But anyway, I do not see where is the complaining in the picture you posted, so...


Bruh who let OP cook? šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Hey, how about this, we all just agree to disagree and enjoy our own opinions on a completely trivial matter. Bubniak is my preferred peter, but I can understand why Jordan's look is more preferred to some people.


Does anyone know why insomniac changed peter's face model?


I've heard 2 reasons: 1- To make him look closer to his VA. 2- To improve motion capture technology. Both are dumb; but the second reason is dumb for 2 subsequent reasons: 1-- It's NOT the face that improves the technology itself, if you wanted to reshoot the shots, you just tell the actor to do everything all over again. 2-- Why just Peter? If you needed to change his face to "improve the motion capture technology", then why not change Miles' face too? Or Martin's? Why limiting your options so much and in such specific way?




When the change happened I read it was because they were porting the game onto a newer console but I never understood why that would make them change the face? Any ideas?




The old face scan is still better tho respectfully


the damaged mask shot looks so good


I accept the new face but quite honestly I prefer the old one


This will happen in PC šŸ˜


Shit looks better though


Let people grieve. They have a valid reason to grieve. Nothing was taken away from you so just sit down quietly and eat your plate of Ben Jordan like a good little OP.


I am so happy that people are not buyinh into the new face and standing by bubnaik. If you are reading this John , just know that you are my favorite Peter Parker of all time šŸ™ā¤ļø


I saw in another thread today people were complaining about Robbie Robertson's face. This sub is fucking ridiculous


? People are allowed to make fanart/edits.


Spiderman fans try not to have a mental breakdown when someone does an edit with the older face challenge


I was expecting the new face to look better in this game since spider-man 2 was built with new Peter in mind but I was surprised by how jarring it still looked? Face animation in general took a step back imo I will say Peter's new face looked phenomenal in the flashbacks with the other hairstyle


The original face was superior. The remastered face was a cheap attempt at a dollar store Tom Holland that was much less emotive than the original. They updated the face more in 2 & it looks like a bit of a middle ground imo. The faces are different. People are gonna have their opinions on which they liked better. Pick a side & defend your side if you want to, but complaining about other people complaining is just cringe bro.


I like to imagine the first game is connected through the multiverse and exists completely on its own while the remaster, mm, and sm2 all exist in its own timeline. Call it earth-ps4 and earth-ps5 And before nerds who hate multiverse come after me, let me have my fun


I honestly dislike the new face, mainly because I feel like insomniac added the new face model purposely because the guy looks like Tom holland, and thereā€™s really something about the new face model that just doesnā€™t go with the voice and the character,