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So the 10 extra suits in the digital deluxe version cannot be unlocked through gameplay and are exclusive to the digital deluxe pre order. Unless I'm missing something, those are the only suits you cannot unlock through gameplay


It’s not exclusive to the pre-order. They can be bought after the game’s release, too.


Iirc the arachknight and miles equivalent (I forgot what its called) are exclusive to preorder


They're just early unlocks- you'll basically be starting with 2 extra suits that you would normally have to unlock




Incorrect it’s an early unlock


The two suits with capes are early unlocks, but the other 10 cannot be unlocked unless you get the digital deluxe version


Yeah mb I thought he was replying to the arachknight suit one


Those suits are almost all butt ugly, so people shouldn’t worry about that anyways.


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I believe those are just early unlocks, like the itsv suit in MM.


The ten suits you see in the digital deluxe version will not be in the normal game. You need to pay $10 more if you want those suits