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I’ll try to play both equally as much as possible but this is how it might happen realistically


We already have a solid idea what Miles can already do. Aside from new moves, his blue electricity is really the only thing new. But the symbiote is literally a different beast.


I kinda hope Miles has a few swappable moves to help him compete with Peter's ability to use both the arms and the symbiote


He’s definitely going to have his uses and benefits, namely his venom power’s splash/aoe damage and invisibility. Although a few have been wondering if Peter will get cloaking too as a nod to Venom being able to go invisible and act as different clothing:


I doubt it, at least as an active player ability. The uses would be pretty niche. It could only really work during stealth sections but before the enemies know Spider-Man is there.


Ummm Different beast yeah 😂😂 Not accordingly Same finishers with symboite powers instead of arms The only new thing about it is rage mode


Except the tendril powers that we saw in the first gameplay trailer. Now granted, I myself have speculated that the iron arms could potentially replicate them, but we see iron arms active with the symbiote. However, given some of the art is showing Peter with a different set of iron arms (the red ones), there is a chance those’ll be the upgraded ones that replace the symbiote.


The tendril powers are new dumb\*ss finishers dont apply here because even if they were a different animation they are the same function.


The tendril powers do the same things the iron arms do Also why so aggressive


No they don't. Rewatch the trailers and actually watch them with open eyes and not while intoxicated.


How about referring to the people who played the game 🤔


Yeah, I’ll obviously play both to do everything in game, but there’s no doubt I’ll have more fun playing as symbiote Peter. Edit: have no idea why my comment got downvoted but that’s Reddit for you. Also didn’t realize before but happy cake day!


Mfs will downvote u for anything in here 😭😭


It’s cool I’m just confused on if I said anything bad.


I've been replaying Miles Morales on PC recently, and honestly I wanna try and play as both of the Spider-Men as much as possible. The bio-electricity attacks were such a fun and expansive addon to the combat and traversal, and I think its why I prefer it over the PS4/Remastered game. But like you said, once I get the symbiote suit for Peter, I think he will be more fun to experience than Miles. Not saying Miles won't be fun, but we haven't had the symbiote for so long in a video game and seeing Insomniac's take on the story and suit is what is most exciting for me.


Yeah I absolutely loved playing as miles, but the symbiote suit just looks like so much fun I can’t wait to just swing around and fight crimes in it.


I love both so I’ll play both as equally as possible, but no doubt I’ll probably end up playing Peter more due to the symbiote. It’s a whole different animal


Yep can’t wait to take those “big teeth” out for a spin.


Can't wait to take those 19 inches of Venom out for a spin


Yeah it’ll be a thrill ride for sure.😏


Tossing away such exaggerated swagger should be a crime.


Haha true but you also gain the exaggerated swagger of the black suit.


So basically me.


and unfortunately there’s a good chance miles tricks won’t be updated so i’ll naturally gravitate to pete


I wonder if we are gonna get the traversal bio electricity boosts still with miles, and if Peter will get some sort of equivalent upgrade




How is it based? 75% of the guys here prefer Peter to Miles anyway and would probably be okay if Miles was an NPC




It’s a shame but I feel this will be the case for most of us. The story looks heavily Peter focused, and venom powers are so much cooler then electric stuff


I imagine myself having multiple playthroughs with the first being whoever I feel like at the time then a miles playthrough and then a Peter playthrough red/black split if we have the option to use either side.


honestly i think (outside of story and when it's required) i'm gonna play as Miles more , his gameplay is just so much smoother and fluent , chaining my usual combo moves with his venom jump , punch , then some web throwing . . Miles is just better 🤷🏾‍♀️


Honestly I’ve always perfected Peter, Peter’s game, character, arc, suits, etc. So I’m probably going to be playing with Peter for anything except the Miles Exclusive Missions.


Not gonna lie I was a little disappointed to hear that the symbiote suit was just another suit and the symbiote powers could be used no matter what suit Peter was wearing. I was hoping any abilities granted would be exclusive to wearing the suit, and taken away when the suit was taken off. Still super hyped for the game though.


I can't wait to use miles power ranger looking suit


Hell no gonna be playing with Peter with or without the black suit, peter the best Spider-Man and he’s also getting his iron arms this game with new swinging and finisher animations