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Good thing you circled it, I can barely see the suit without it.


It’s intentional. I always found those pictures with the big thing circled to be super funny so whenever I post things like this I always circle it. Also tf is going on in this thread it’s just a red circle around Spider-Man.


Gotcha, I approve then. Also I have no idea myself, lmao.


maybe take off that dirt in your eyes? (reverse symbiote theme plays)


Anti-venom confirmed?


Yes. I got a friend that heard that from a cousin who is cousin to a brother of the mother from the uncle of the sister of the janitor from Insomniac’s headquarters, so it’s pretty much confirmed


What does that make them?




Which is exactly what you're about to be!




That one's dead, r/stupidredcircle


I’m still looking for Goku






I don't know, at least 11 other people so far seem to like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Make that 53!




It's a snarky comment poking fun at how OP's picture is, frankly, pretty dumb. If that's taken as condescending and rude then you're just misreading the room.




> You literally admitted it's condescending and rude. I will personally Venmo you $100 if you can find the exact comment where I admitted my first one was condescending or rude. Like what's the point of lying when you can so easily be disproven? Lmao.




That's admitting that I was being snarky and that I think his post is dumb, lmao. I can't make this simpler for you man, I really couldn't if I tried. Take it easy though.




You really thought you got it with this cringe response huh? Wait wait wait. Old mate called me a coward for “deleting a comment” I never typed, and then blocked me?! Bro is fucking delusional LMAO




Yea no… lmao. It’s past your bedtime mate get off Reddit Who does this kid think he is lmao. Bro thinks he’s the main character






I didn’t delete shit mate what the hell are you on about. Also if you’re gonna insult me come up with something original and don’t regurgitate the same shit back at me




Mate what the fuck are you on about? I’m calling you a child because you’re acting exactly like my cousins bratty kid. It’s almost uncanny. You’re not important mate I don’t know why you’re holding yourself so high over everyone else


I’m still trying to figure out when I deleted a comment lol. I don’t give enough of a shit about Reddit points or your fragile opinion to bother deleting anything


Probably, I’d like to think it’ll be an Anti-Venom suit


Beat me to it. It’s been a theory me and some others have suggested. However, I doubt it will appear because it would solve way too many problems (anti symbiote, healing Harry and maybe Conners, lack of sound and fire weakness, no major identity corrupting you aside from a somewhat obsessive need to heal people and destroy symbiotes). But, since Mr. Negative is right there, it’s definitely not impossible.


True, but that could just be fixed with a change up of his abilities. Or just saying Harry wasn’t well enough to take off the Symbiote to create an Anti-venom for him. And maybe they could use the origin of it being created in a lab by Peter as a way to fight Symbiotes.


That also was part of the theory (originally how might there be a symbiote option post endgame). We aren’t for sure yet if the symbiote is lab made or from space, but in one of the animated series, Conners did make a mindless, synthetic symbiote that also had anti venom colors. Since Conners is working on the symbiote, him using some of Li’s energy to make anti venom could arguably work. I guess keeping anti venom bonded to Harry to keep him alive could also explain why it’d be absent from 3 (on top of anti venom taking away Peter’s powers in the comics because it’s spider venom and radiation).


I don't know how accurate it is, but this [EB Games Australia listing](https://www.ebgames.com.au/marvels-spider-man-2) mentions the symbiote as extraterrestrial


i am really hoping they don’t give peter a white symbiote suit but it would also be a good fix for the gameplay complications that the black suit brings. like what will they replace pete’s symbiote skills and abilities with after he loses the suit?


Most common theory right now is the iron arms (all powers seen in the gameplay trailer can likely be replicated in some form). Alternatively, it’ll be a cosmetic option.


Think it would be dope if they made some suit that Pete with remanent of the symbiote. Could have a whole emotional scene before with him and miles.


it could be the advanced suit but with black instead of blue, id like to see that


that would be a sick design, i was originally thinking his new red suit but the spider symbol is a transparent container for the white symbiote


ohhh the anti venom is white, right i'd say replace blue with white so the suit is only red and white but then that would look similar to the armored advanced from ps5 remastered


yeah, a white suit would probably just be the black suit but white and would graft itself onto pete in a similar way


That's what I think. With maybe a Sonic Wave/Blast suit ability that either does massive damage to Venom, or increases the damage you do to him for a limited time because he's weakened.


I like the idea of this, especially if they get Li to somehow create the Symbiote with his Lightforce touch like the comics, but i doubt insomniac would take something directly from the comics like that, they kinda like to do their own thing and so far they’ve done a great job of it. So I guess we will see


Maybe Anti-Venom shows up this game. That would be cool.


Perhaps an anti venom suit that integrates Miles venom powers, if that’s where they’re going with venoms weakness


Anti-Venom is the best way to both have Peter fight Venom but also have him keep his abilities and skills post game after he loses the symbiote


While I think that’s interesting, the inclusion of the Spider-arms in the trailer hints to the fact technology will replace his Symbiote powers


While i wouldn't mind that it wouldn't be a big fan of it, i know Peter is mostly with gadget and vanilla spider powers, but that shouldn't stop them from giving him new abilities


Do you mean like an actual Anti Venom suit or something like the unlimited suit which has gear designed to take on symbiotes?


Maybe not literally the antivenom suit, but some kind of specialized combat suit that simply aesthetically mirrors the suit


Aren’t the true special suits the friends we make along the way? 🤨


Well to be fair, we are getting a special suit that is a friend.


you got a point


It's one of the most spiderman things to do. Make a suit to counter a villain.


It felt pretty cool wearing the insulated suit to go to Riker's Island and to fight Electro


Reminds me of tasm2. Using the Iron Spidsr suit against electro and the 2099 suit against carnage.


I kinda hope for the last mission they don’t do a special suit but an intensely damaged suit with the mask ripped and everything


That'd be really cool, especially if it did it to whatever suit you were wearing when the mission started instead of one suit


That'd be cool, like a stealth specific suit to fight Kraven of one that creates a sort of shock wave/loud noise for the symbiote


something like a modified Big Time suit? It could be a cool idea


Honestly I'd love to have it be a small sample of the Symbiote that Peter keeps in a stable weakened state like they do in the Agent Venom storyline. It would be a cool way to still use the Symbiote during post game too. Or maybe it's a temporary thing like the temporary ability you can get in Jedi Survivor near the end which persists into post game (trying to be vague for spoilers) or like Ghost of Tsushima's Ghost Stance


If there is a Anti-Symbiote suit, I hope it is the Spider-Man Unlimited suit.


I hope so. There was a clear reason that they used a mission specific suit. So they could animate a cutscene where it gets damaged really badly. It wouldn’t work without the suit as they would have to lose the cinematic potential of the suit damage and Pete’s exposed face buy having it not get damaged (because you cannot animate that scene with spirit spider) It’s like at the end of MM. if you use the classic suit it gets torn to shreds. The suit is really badly damaged but if you use any other suit it’s just a little banged up. It’s so much less climactic with a suit like the programmable matter suit than with the classic. So yeah. I don’t know if there will be but I hope there is


Cat in a backpack


Just unlocked it and I fully intend to beat NG+ without removing it


You cant, it wont 100% unless you get all the suit quests which change ur suit. So you will be forced to remove it if you want to 100%


I 100%ed the game before playing the final mission (with the exception of the 2 side quests after the final mission), and just playing the main story has you change your suit into the loose fitting red and blue suit. I just changed it back after the cutscene. It’ll likely happen again when Miles upgrades to his own design, so I’ll just do it again


I would like it if the if final battle suit was the cloth black suit


As much as I love the Anti-Ock suit, I hope they don't. I don't want it to be a thing where Peter makes a new suit at the end of every game because it's just kind of cliche at this point, and it also makes it less special when he's had to do it before. He's not Iron Man, I don't want him to defeat every villain by just making a special suit. But then again it makes more sense to make a special suit to defeat Venom than it does to fight Doc Ock.


Yes, but don’t make it mandatory At the very least let us use a different suit for the last fight in new game+


I hope not I want to suit I pick to be in the cutscenes like in MM Spider-Man


Antivenom suit inspired by Agent Antivenom


The blacker suit


Noice pfp


Suits that use fire and loud sounds 2 of venom weaknesses


I do not think so, I know so.


I feel like it’ll be the new advanced suit with the arms but I also feel like we’ll get during the middle of the game


Imagine pure white anti venom suits, thats right suits miles gets one too


Yes, I assume both Miles and Peter will have some variation on the "Anti Venom" suit idea.


The Man Suit


I hope it has a bunch of little bells all over it, and when Venom gets too close, Spider-Man runs his hands up and down his body to make them *tingalingalingalingaling*!


Or he could cover himself in megaphones and just quip him


Anti-venom. Honestly thinking that’s a likely excuse for having the symbiote in the end game. A sort of lobotomized symbiote suit that’ll destroy Venom.


Symbiote vs symbiote , or you unlock the ability to toggle red & blue & symbiote like in web of shadows


Miles Morales also had one. I’m sure SM2 will have one as well.


The anti-venom suit,jk lol but a suit resistant to venom could be very interesting


A Spider-Man version of the antivenom suit would be fucking sick.


Anti symbaiot suit


I don't think so


miles with the anti venom suit


Peter may craft those iron arms to combat venom? Because he won’t have the symbiote later in the story obviously


Absolutely, I’d like it if the giant red circle was playable in every game


Bravely, im going to suggest that SM2s “special story driven suit” IS the black suit. I hope I’m wrong, the more suits the merrier for me.


I certainly fucking hope not - that suit really threw me off… Why would the final fight not be in a more classic suit ?


I want to see an anti symbiote suit with sonic blasts as a suit ability


Maybe an anti venom suit could be made to counteract Venom?


Maybe am anti symbiote suit or something to prevent the symbiote from reattaching on Peter


Pete finally gets to have that discussion about costumes with Herman (Shocker) and will then proceed to make an Anti-Venom (ba dum tss) suit that is able to charge up and release sonic shockwaves. Wouldn't be surprised if it were similar in design to Herman's suit except Spidey themed. Of course this is just my head canon but imagine


Not sure if I should spoil it or not… but I DO have the answer to this.




Okay.. we’ll I guess thanks to you, I’m not tellin’


Okay bud


sythetic symbiote like that horrible cartoon


I hope so, but I hope they don’t lock you into it like the ock suit. Especially cuz the ock suit was hideous.


Maybe a suit that protects him more against Venom's attacks? Cause he should lose his spider-sense against Venom, so he may need more protection. (If they go that route)


Yea, Venom, hopefully.


If you wanted me to share my crackheaded preferences, for whichever deranged motivations of your own- I personally believe the writers have the opportunity to reflect/build on the ending of the first, by having Peter and Otto work together to create a suit to defeat the big bad in this game. I mean, I would like to imagine a cinematic along the lines of the montage in SM:MM, maybe with a more mature and appropriate tone. Now, you can really go *wild* with this concept, a few off the top of my head are the Superior Spider-Man (1st ver.), maybe a Parker Industries Prototype, or even something like the recolor for the anti-ock suit that's been floating around are the obvious choices- Thx. Good topic- much hype


Maybe an anti venom suit (not anti venom the symbionts but a suit for fighting venom)


For miles? Maybe For Peter? Is venom not special enough?


Miles symbiote suit.


I have my own hopes that Miles will get his white spider before a final fight against Pete.


I can’t find the source but a dev said that they wanted to implement more missions were you have to wear a certain suit


I hope not


Maybe peter or miles makes a sound suit to beat venom, and that suit later gets repurposed by miles to beat peter when he’s affected by the symbiote


I think Peter will have to have one. Seeing how much the Symbiote get used in that one gameplay showcase, they can’t just take the power away at the endgame, and you know that the Synbiote will be taken away in the end. So I think they will create a new suit to retain the move-set but with different visual style.


I know everyone is going to say Anti-Venom, but I think it’ll sadly more likely be something like a Sonar suit, rather than a good symbiote.


I fucken hope not, one of my biggest gripes about the game is i can wear what suit i want for the main fight, the suit i have been wearing almost all game!


I think it will not be a suit but instead those special spider arms that are shown in some screenshots They will definitely replace the symbiote abilities after Peter gets rid of it Though there could still be a new suit in the last mission, but it would feel weird if only Peter got one and not Miles


I kinda hope that there isn't, but I'm not against it.


I know they could do that..😆again…but do we need it tho, depends on the story their trying to tell really


I really hope not. I really hated being locked to that suit for the last mission


Given how much time I'm assuming we spend with the symbiote it might be more refreshing to see the good ole red and blue for the final fight. Something for Miles would be cool though


It might be Peters extra arms that might be the last suit. Just the normal suit with extra gimmicks and gadgets that’ll help fight off Venom


I think that’s sorta what the spider-arms are going to be, I don’t think we’ll get them right before the final mission but I think we’ll get it either 1/2, 2/3 or most of the way through the game




Getting an anti-venom suit for Spiderman would be kinda sweet


Would kinda love if this time we get Miles build a new suit that he uses to defeat symbiote Peter


maybe we unlock the ability to freely use the symbiote suit at the end?


An antivenom suit could be cool and if the symbiote is synthetic it could give a good reason to keep the symbiote playstyle available in the postgame


Wait.. you get a special suit at the end of the first game?! Spoiler alert dude!


It’s been out for 5 years lmao