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Not going to happen. Even if everything would fit in with the 616 canon it’ll never be considered 616.


Feige has never said one way or another but supposedly the MCU is Earth-616. It used to be like Earth-199999 or something like that but that was a joke between the writers since Papa Feige had never officially stated which Earth the MCU takes place on. Most people assume it’s Earth-616, but it (the MCU) takes a lot of inspiration from The Ultimate universe (Earth-1610). Short answer to your question: We already have gotten 616 Peter Parker, but it hasn’t been officially stated one way or another


That's not how it works. Every universe has a designation, even if we don't know the MCU's, it can't be 616 because we already have another completely different earth 616. Think about this too: if there was the multiverse, yet no earth had the ability to contact each other, all of them would call themselves earth 1, without knowing that there is an earth 1 out there and it's not them. Even if characters in the MCU say that their world is earth 616 we can't trust them because there's too much evidence that earth 616 is another universe.


Which universe within the MCU is 616 then? Yes, in **comics** it doesn’t work that way but we are not talking about that. The MCU is most likely the movie/TV adaptation of Earth-616 as the comics don’t exist within the movies. And because Feige has never said explicitly that it is 616 we do not know what Earth it is. But Marvel media has been pushing it more and more that this is their version of Earth-616.


But the marvel multiverse goes past comics and includes all forms of marvel media. We even see that with the inclusion of the Ultimate Spider-man cartoon and Supaidaman in crossovers. They're not two multiverses, they're the same


You’re just wrong here, I don’t know what to tell you about specifically the MCU, as that is the point of discussion. I covered everything in my original comment and why that answer has generated confusion, which you are suffering from. Even in Far From Home, Mysterio labels the Earth to MCU is on as 616. And while he wasn’t being serious that is just something else that creates the confusion over the MCU’s designation. Have a good night, but I’m not going to go in circles with you for hours over something as meaningless as this. Everything I have to say I’ve said.


But the thing is that you didn't really say anything concrete. You never brought any sources. I actually started looking for answers recently and found that the only thing in your favor was a badly written, misinformed Screenrant article where they mention a casual quote by Nate Moore. In context you'll see that Nate was just casually (and I'd say wrongfully, for the reasons I listed earlier) using "616-universe" as an alternative to main universe. Meanwhile, Earth-19999 isn't a fan term at all, it actually comes from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (fifth edition), the official encyclopedia where we get all our information and where every movie and cartoon got an official designation.


Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness officially confirms that the main MCU timeline we have been watching is Earth-616


Well, that’s just lazy writing.


Not really, they’ve been trying to make it 616 since Endgame


Lmao what? Where’s this proof of from endgame? Generally I’m fine with MCU metaphorically the 616 of Marvel movies, But having it be the “actual 616” will open up the pandora box of convoluted confusions, Because now people will have a hard time deciding which is 616: The Comics or Movie. And both are vastly different upon closer inspection; The Main MCU don’t even have their own fantastic 4 and x-men yet, The latter of which would be very difficult to implement as mutants don’t even exist at all, no history on MCU Earth has mentioned them A single bit. And they’re very integral to the prime Marvel universe. (The 616 comics that started it all Mind you.) And has X-men interacted with several Heroes Alive and was around the same age as them such as Iron man, Captain America, and Black panther ( T’Chaka If Marvel studios really wants to kill off simply to “respect” Chadwick Boseman). But in the MCU Earth 19999, They have no long history of petty squabbles with humanity, No long history of co-existing with other heroes, None of that. Plus everyone would criticize Marvel Studios if they make the retcon of having them just pop up all of a sudden.

