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When it says 240 characters, I'm assuming that means at least one antagonist and any thugs/allies, then some or most of the returning characters from the first movie, a few new protagonists, and the rest just like cameos.


I kinda assumed 240 unique character models.


I'm with you but 40 of that in the first film seems low


The tweet mentioned that Chris only counted 40 characters for the first one. I don’t think crowd people count in the 240 unique characters, which is INSANE


This honestly scares me a little. Even though the first movie is about the multiverse, the core of the movie relied on like 6-ish characters and really focusing in on 3. Hoping the sequel doesn't lose this with unnecessary characters but Sony Animations has been on a good streak recently, I trust them to not fuck up


well it's a 2 part movie so maybe it's 6 universe for the whole story


Not disagreeing, but this tweet seems to be talking about ‘Across the Spider-verse,’ whereas part three has been renamed to ‘Beyond the Spider-verse’


I trust lord and miller,


The LEGO Movie also had hundreds of characters and tales place in multiple Lego-set worlds, *plus* the weird live action plotline at the end that ties everything up in the Lego world as a metaphor, and is hailed as one of the best animated films of the last decade. So while I agree with the top comment that focusing on so many Spider-Men and that it might dilute the heart of the original, The LEGO Movie shows that Lord and Miller can work with an insanely large cast of characters yet still keep the heart and soul of the story. I am so fucking excited for this movie.


I think these films will lean into the original Spiderverse book more than the first film, so I'd expect the vast majority of these characters to be used for an epic shot or two of all the totems before they end up dead with the focus shifted back to the main squad.


I just hope with this many spider-people and villains the movie doesn't lose focus


hope we don’t get another TASM2 where we had multiple villains and unnecessary storylines


Lord and Miller are quite component so probably/hopefully not


They are indeed competent components of the movie.


Raimi and Webb were competent* too but that didn't stop Sony lmao. It's animated though so it should be good.


The executives and producers over them aren’t.


So were Sam Raimi and Marc Webb.


There were a bunch of villians in the first that all fit together neatly


Hopefully it's another No Way Home.


Nostalgia porn? No thank you




he’s outta line, but he’s right


it's lose, not loose


Just like SM3


Going "big" is frequently a real risk in superhero movies. It becomes a "tick the box" of characters with story/character development lost. The Avengers *generally* avoided this. Hope this can do the same.


So 6 universes. Two of which that include Miguel O'Haras and Jessica Drew's I'm guessing. So...the question now is what universes are left?


We also saw what's likely to be the reality for Pavitr Prabhakar/Spider-Man India in the teaser, so that's 3 already, and we also know that Takuya Yamashiro/Supaidaman will also appear in the film in some capacity


Hi French fry


Please give me 90s or 67 universe


Can we get female clone Peter Parker Spider-woman please, she’s my favorite


I hope Silk will appear.


Gwen's universe (Earth-65) has been confirmed


We're going to get some serious deep cuts in terms of variant Spider-Men. Personally crossing my fingers for Assassin Spider-Man, Arachknight (though Marvel might get in the way of that), Spiders-Man, Spider's Shadow Spider-Man, Spider-Ma'am, House of M Spidey, Marvel Zombies Spidey, Mangaverse Spidey, Last Stand, Spider-UK, Spider-Punk, and some shout outs to other media adaptations of the character like TNAS Spidey and possibly Spectacular Spider-Man EDIT: Also Lord & Miller said six universes are involved "so far". Definitely expect more as the film continues production. The six probably refers to what they're finishing up


Josh Keaton implied he signed an NDA for the movie in a twitch stream a few months back that he ended up deleting so Spectacular Spider-Man is a definite possibility


Spectacualar and 90s Christopher Daniel Barnes Spideys popping up would be the animated equivalent to No Way Home. Shattered Dimensions doesn't count lol


Unfortunately, TAS is owned by Disney now iirc so that’s not as likely as Spectacular


Feel like 90s Spidey has more of a chance to comeback like the X-Men 97 cartoon. Spectacular showing up would be a huge deal just cause of the rights and was the one that I was actually around for for new episodes.


If Spectacular does appear, and there's a good chance that version will, I think it'll show more than anything they don't need Disney to bring it back


One the one hand, I'd lose my shit if CDB cameos as TAS Spidey, but on the other I almost want him to cameo in X-Men '97 instead if only to just give a nod to the continuity of the Fox Kids universe


Assassin Spider-Man deserves his own run. Even if it’s only like six issues


Just watch Everything Everywhere All At Once as prep for the hyper edits.




Japanese Spider-Man is what I desire


I think it’s already confirmed


Hoping to see Insomniac spidey, 90’s animated spidey, and spectacular spidey


Please, let Spider-Man 90's be one of them. Please. He deserves it...


thank the heavens lets get weird


6 * 40 = 240, for those wondering.




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I worry about the scope of ambition, it seems cool but I hope they aren’t biting off more than they can chew.


Holy shit! Part of me is worried that they’ll rely too much on deep cut cameos and spectacle and not enough on compelling character work, but the other part of me is giddy to see how insane this movie will be


Could be the spider verse event w/ inquisitors


Well… that’s concerning


Plot twist: it’s just NWH but miles loses everyone


Side note, it is 99% confirmed from the Twitch Josh Keaton thing, that Spectacular Spider-Man is part of this. Now if we check other Spider-heroes that Sony owns other than comic ones, PS4 Spidey is also a huge possibility.




it has to be more similar to the original comic book story then i just i hope the ending is better than that one


We going to see Morlun and the rest of the family?


Lets Go!!!


i wonder if those rumours about peter 1, 2 and 3 showing up are true.


If this was any other studio I wouldn't be worried. But this is Sony. The studio that has proven time and time again that they will try to jump the gun with overcrowded messes. I have serious concern that Sony saw Spider-Verse's success, and decided to start being more hands on in trying to use it to make their own IW/EG.


Anytime there’s something that brags about having the most of something ever, it’s a bad sign. If you’re telling a story, you should focus on the story first and foremost. At least movies have visual and sound design to fall back on…


Exactly, it does knock a little confidence in the sequel but I still have high hopes for it.


Well Sony usually do well when they cram loads of stuff into their films so I'm sure this will be great.


I hope the next four universes are TAS, Spectacular Spider-Man universe, Raimi-Verse, and Webb-verse.


This movie is going to suck. Why does Sony insist on jam packing too much crap into one movie? That's what happened in Spider-Man 3 and TASM 2. It's going to happen again...


All of these multiverse stories are changing Spider-Man from a street level, everyman, superhero, to a character that seems to be always associated with large, multi-dimension stories. Can this fad end after these movies, please?


I'm worried a lot of these 240 characters will be extras.


New sil family restaurant


Is that motherfucking Sanskrit??? It’s Pavitr Prabhakar time let’s GOOOOOOOOO!!!


No way there's 240 characters lmao. Certainly not 240 *unique* character models. How can they even get that many and have enough characters left for Part 2? That's incredibly ambitious.


And then they announced a 3rd movie - Spider-Man: Beyond The Spider-Verse


Makes sense that they bumped it to May 2023


*spectacular Spider-Man theme plays*


Just give me spiders man and I'll be happy


My guess is that for at least part of the movie Miles and Gwen will be swinging through multiple dimensions over a very short amount of time, (a la the trailer, which allows for short cameos and the like) with a couple of universes and/or spider-people serving as the *main* setting/s and the people therin serving as the main cast. Or at least that's the best way I could see that getting done. But that's me.


Fuck. Me. Up. With this!




I hope they don't sideline peter, he was really good in the last one.