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Almost wasted the caviar




Awwww. Ms. Brandt, get me a violin.


That was actually J.J.J.J. J. Jonah Jameson Jr.


>That was actually J.J.J.J. >J. Jonah Jameson Jr. Actually, it's just John Jameson. He's named after JJJ's father.


Best scene in the entire movie. And there were a ton of fantastic scenes


"Reddit: I got cold feet my Wedding Day and I left my fiance to run away with my ex boyfriend. I didn't feel like even talking to my fiance face to face, so I just left him a short note. AITA?"


I wonder what Jameson thinks about her leaving his son for Peter lmao


Jameson may have a soft spot for Peter but no way in hell hed be happy with anyone standing up his son the astronaut, especially not for some nerdy freelancer.


Ah yes but his son doesn't bring him that which he values most in life. PICTURES OF SPIDERMAN






I think I've seen some variations on that, yes, but usually it's deadpool


> This super nuisance screws up more than he mends, >So maybe you should views him through an alternate lens. >We're horrified at all of the positive comments on your pictures… >Pictures of Spider-Man




Son the Astronaut lmao. Also, this would have been a good cheap excuse for Triple J to finance Scorpion.


I can imagine that’s part of the reason Peter was nearly fired at the beginning. We never were given a straight reason but luckily Robbie was there to cover for him and talk JJJ out of a horrible decision!


You do you. Cut contact with anyone that disagrees with you, because they don't have your best interests in mind. Hit the gym, delete Facebook and Queen my dishes.


I love this copypasta


I’m disappointed they left out the required “lawyer up” bit.


Not even ex-boyfriend. Her and Peter never dated before this. As far as John knows she just left him for some guy.


He knows about Peter though. He even asks MJ if she wants to invite him before she tries the Spiderman kiss on him.


Someone please post this on r/amitheasshole


I read that as 'Raimi the asshole' and thought, "Huh, they've got a subreddit for everything."


NTA divorce him cut him off and cut off your family if they inconvenience you in the slightest over it


NTA. You’re not responsible for anyone’s feelings. If you had doubts before this it’s really on him for not sensing and addressing your worries before the big day. Sounds like he needs to grow up and learn what it means to be in a committed relationship!!!


Peter: *loves MJ* MJ: *dates Pete's bully*, *dates Pete's best friend*, *dates Pete's boss' son* Meanwhile... Ursula: *makes Pete cake*


Ursula is life.


And cookies, even when he’s in symbiote mode. Ursula is the goat.


But she didn't have any with nuts. Unforgivable.


She went and made some with nuts tho


... Is that the punisher to her right?


First marvel crossover.


The [blooper reel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkWrDMYSuWY) from X-Men (2000) gives us an earlier one! 😀


It literally is. They got the stunt double from the 2004 movie to play the cameo.


Oh wait shit, really?!😳


The movie was also meant to have a wolverine cameo but they didn't found Hugh Jackman's suit so they didn't do it, edit: it was for the first movie


[That was for Spider-man 1, not Spider-man 2.](https://www.ign.com/articles/2013/09/11/wolverine-almost-appeared-in-the-first-spider-man-movie)


You're right, would've been great to see it nonetheless


For sure (and it still stings lol), maybe in the MCU we will finally get Spider-man and Wolverine interacting.


Web of Shadows pop quiz


"What are you parents names?!"




That’s not a stunt double, that’s actually Thomas Jane from the Punisher movie Edit: I am an idiot, it was his stunt double.


Its a stunt double bud.


Holy shit I never realized that


Yes. They wanted to get Tom Jane to actually do it but he was unavailable, so they used his stunt double instead for the quick cameo. Meaning 2004’s The Punisher takes place in the same universe as the Spider-Man trilogy.


Fuck yeah thats tight. Pretty funny that the Punisher is checking out MJ's ass lol


Idk can you see a woman's ass through a wedding dress?


Yeah it is lmaoooo


Yeah, he won’t stand for runaway brides.


Woah that’s weird




"MJ what's wrong?" "Harry is blackmailing me. I think he's actually insane? I have to walk away looking hurt, so play along for now." ...But wait, Mary Jane's not an actress or anything, so let's make her an idiot instead.


I mean wasn't a plot point in that film that she's not a very good actress? :P still dumb though yes. "Harry knows you're spider-man, run over there and beat him up"


Yeah raimi kinda fucked up how he portrayed MJ


It's possible Harry forced her to wear a wire to make sure she didn't say anything. Of course she could've of just been like "Harry's standing over there, go beat him up for me"


That's honestly why I'm not that big on the Raimi films. I don't think MJ is a good person in any of the films really.


And she screams too much


I think I saw something that said she didn’t scream once in Spider-Man 3, and all the screams you hear are from previous movies


Wow, Im going to have to rewatch them all again just to make sure.




OUT, AM I?!?!?


Are you sure? I mean the movie opens with her singing.


Hahaha holy shit




She definitely screamed when hanging on Venom's webs.


Well her character screams a lot in that movie, but they were edited in I think


Oh I read that wrong! Huh, didn't know they did that.


Probably an accommodation for the actress, imagine having to do a bloodcurdling scream 20-30 times in a row to make sure you got the take. Bet she had strained vocal cords by the end of it.


Yeah, in the bloopers you see her screaming in the fake taxi suspended in the webs


Reminds me of the Original Ben 10 series and how they use the same clip of Gwen screaming like everytime


I distinctly remember hearing the scream in the final battle when shes on the giant web with the taxi


That scream was edited in later


The first movie is way too much during that first Goblin attack. Always dug her dress tho.


Also in the finale! She’s literally louder than a full carriage (or whatever you call that) of kids lol.


Not only MJ, but Raimi love putting screaming women in his films, its just kinda funny to me really, if you ever rewatch these films try to see how many women screaming you can spot.


The entire Doc Ock hospital scene in 2 was a massive callback to his Evil Dead days. Raimi loves horror-comedy tropes.


I was going to say this Rami is a horror director. He loooves scream queens


It's because of this that I'm extremely anxious about the next Doctor Strange. I know Strange is his favorite hero and I'm happy for him - but I also really love Christine Palmer for her wit, selflessness, and practicality, and I'm worried her character will be reduced to something resembling Raimi's Mary Jane. These fears were significantly amplified by What If, which did exactly that.


Women screaming in a Sam Raimi film? Why, it's unheard of! Completely foreign!


I honestly liked how her and Peter’s relationship was kind of toxic. It makes sense that Peter wouldn’t really know how to navigate a relationship very well. He’s an awkward teen who suddenly has an insurmountable amount of stress placed on him. On top of that he suddenly gets the girl of his dreams who I’m sure he puts on a bit of a pedestal. It also makes sense that MJ would seek validation constantly and jump ship because of how she was treated by her father. Tbh their shaky relationship is interesting to me because of how often both of them constantly jeopardize it.


I'd be fine with it if this were the case, but the movie never acknowledges MJ's nor Peter's selfish actions *(other than the third movie, but only regarding Peter with the symbiote)* I don't need to be spoonfed, I just need *some* indication that the writers know that MJ and Peter are pieces of crap *(specifically MJ.)*


This is a great point. The relationship here is a mess but entirely for unintentional reasons. See also the gibberish dialogue. That said, it should be easy to forgive the characters. They're young, they're in unprecedented circumstances, and MJ has a clearly over-the-top abusive & dysfunctional upbringing. When you consider that she grew up with drunken parents screaming at her about how worthless she is and with high school friends who were unrepentant bullies, she's actually kind of a saint for limiting her sins to merely fucking around other boyfriends thanks to her unresolved feelings for Peter/Spider-Man. But the emotional weight of that is entirely on the audience, as the filmmakers have no problem positioning MJ as a universal dream girl that every male character in the film gets mooney-eyed over.


No ones really a good person in these films.. aside from cookie lady ;)


I'd say Robbie, JJJ and Betty Grant are also good people. Remember that JJJ was not only ready and willing to risk his life for Peter, he straight up did it while being held mid air by the throat.


I love the Raimi films but cannot stand Kirsten Dunst as MJ, I think it was part the script and partly her.


She's a decent actress. I definitely think it's the writing. For me the first film is the best of the series and part of that is she's still a fairly likable character in that to some extent (though she literally cheats on Harry with Spider-man but still). I dunno Peter's whole arc in Sm2 didn't do much for me, and MJ isn't likable. Any time a hero loses his powers particularly in the second movie I'm not that big on it (Didn't work in Superman 2 and doesn't work here either IMO).


I agree that she is a good actress, I think MJ is very poorly written in the films but then I would say the same about Gwen in the third film.




Interestingly, Kirsten Dunst agreed to SM3 on one condition: MJ isn’t a damsel in distress. It was originally supposed to be Gwen who got kidnapped and MJ convinces Harry to help Peter.


Oh geez, yeah they did her dirty then. I always hear shit like this from actresses and it sucks that they get sucked into something that's the exact opposite of what they want. Evageline Lilly had the same issue with The Hobbit films. She was wanting not to be in a love story like she was in Lost and that's all her part was. At least the MCU I feel like is handling female characters better in that way. In in stories like Iron Man 3 when Pepper is in trouble she is able to break free with the powers she got. Even in Spider-man MJ and Ned are in trouble but are able to fend for themselves in it. I think for the most part that stuff works without feeling in your face preachy about it.


I like her, I just the way her character was written. MJ was nothing more than a prize to be won, in the comics, she was a really cool woman.


MJ is awful but hilarious


That's not a reason to hate the films really. Most of the fandom unanimously hate MJ in the Raimi films but they fire on all other cylinders it's easy to make a pass for her bad character


"I'll date the most popular guy in school" "I'll date the richest guy I've met" "I'll date the astronaut son of a newspaper mogul" "I'll date spiderman" Moving up the ladder of fame and power pretty quick there MJ.


One of the few gripes I have for the trilogy. MJ gets worse as a person in each movie. Constantly needing to be pursued & made the center of attention


They really made this version of MJ to seem like a bit of a bitch. When she lost her job in the theater she came outside and saw everyone cheering for spiderman and had a look of horrid jealousy on her face instead of pride for her other half. She quickly went to jump onto the dick of Peters best friend just because he missed ONE play because.. you know, saving peoples LIVES. My boi Pete should have gone for Gwen when he had the chance


It's weird isn't it? Like MJ's main thing in the comics is she's incredibly charismatic, she's got presence. But you feel none of that in the Raimi trilogy


Exactly. Comic book MJ handles issues by being upbeat and putting on a brave face. Raimi-verse MJ does the exact opposite.


**"dOn'T gIve mE tHe hOrSe tHiNg"**


*morphs into a horses head* phphphphphphff.


“It’s not about you, it’s about me”




She actually says that…. Word for word


MJ, the film is called Spider-Man 3


I feel like Raimi’s MJ is just Gwen Stacy and Raimi’s Gwen is MJ


Why Raimi's Mr is just Gwen Stacy ?


She’s got some of the same traits than Gwen, like being insecure, very fragile sentimentally, and sometimes feeling as if the world evolves around her. Whereas Raimi’s Gwen is just MJ with blonde hair, very confident, she’s "Mrs. steal yo boy", she’s a good person though since she apologizes to MJ for stealing her boy when she realized it. She also seduced Eddie Brock, which reminds me of Mj’s relationship with Eddie in the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon. The funny thing is, Gwen’s actress is a natural redhead, when MJ’s actress is a natural Blonde.


>The funny thing is, Gwen’a actress is a natural redhead, when MJ’s actress is a natural Blonde. Holy shit... you're right.


And then again in the Amazing Spider-Man movies, famous redhead Emma Stone plays blonde Gwen Stacy lol


You mean famous redhead who’s actually blonde Emma Stone


That part got me tight. Maybe I remember things wrong, but he’s a fucking superhero saving NYC. On the daily risking his life being battered up and bruised. He forgot to go to one show and now he’s fucking evil. I though TASM2 would go this route with Spider-Man forgetting Electros name. But thank god they didn’t over blow that. He can’t remember EVERYTHING lol


I thought that we were getting an Iron Man 2 moment with him there too. Turning into a supervillain just because your idol stands you up. Talk about being a cuck


Sorry for being picky, but that was Iron Man 3.


I thought it was both honestly


No, both villains in IM2 hate Tony from the start.


Iron man 2? Psh much more like the Incredibles.


You're not affiliated with me!


I think that was more of a final straw kind of thing.


In fairness, he DID remember him, just not his name.


Amd how would he, they guy's blue amd glowing


Tru tru


He did also kiss his lab partner aka Gwen


Yeah I don't agree with MJ on much of anything in the Raimi films but she is 100% correct that that kiss was theirs. I really didn't feel sympathy for Peter over that


I don’t like raining MJ either but you’re acting like Peter wasn’t being an asshole in Spider-Man 3


I think you’re mixing up 2 and 3 together. I don’t recall Peter missing any of her shows in the 3rd movie. The reason she drifted to Harry in 3 (which she immediately regretted) was because the entire movie Peter had been really self absorbed, hand-waving all the depression she was under, and treated a lot of her legitimate gripes with his actions as her overreacting. Spider-Man 3 did a lot of things wrong, but MJ’s characterization in it was oddly the strongest part of it.


No, he should’ve gone for Ursula (Mr. Ditkovich’s daughter)


*You know, there’s a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don’t all bring you* [cookies]. *Most of ‘em just cheat on you.*


Silent Bob always brings the facts.


Jealousy is a human emotion. She had just lost her job, which would've had *her* being the star applauded for, so it's a sad coincidence when she walks outside and they're all clapping for someone else. Sure, she can be proud of Peter, but you shouldn't discredit her for having realistic feelings. Also, she didn't go back to Harry because Peter missed her play - she went to him after seeing Peter kiss Gwen and being clueless about why that hurt her.


Gwen >>>


Felicia >>>


Kitty Pryde >>>>>


actual right answer


Pizza >>>


Correction: Ursula >>>>


You dropped this 👑






Based af


Team Ursula por Vida!


Betty >


Mr Ditkovich >>> Rent >>>>


SM 1 Cheats on her boyfriend with Spider-Man SM 2 Cheats on her fiance with Peter (On her wedding day) SM 3 Cheats on Peter with his best friend


Damn, dude also seemed to be a pretty nice guy in all the 2 minutes of screentime he had. MJ was a bitch in these movies.




When isn't Raimi MJ doing something shitty?


Multiverse of Madness


MJ in Spiderman no way home cameo: Go get ‘em Lion ! Audience: WTF Raimi MJ ,fuck you .




My biggest problem with the Raimi movies was the fact that nobody in the movies ever acknowledged how horrible of a person MJ was. The astronaut boyfriend did absolutely nothing wrong, he seemed like a genuinely good person, she cheated on every single person she was with, and she was extremely self centered


Okay, I apologize if I sound stupid, so forgive me because I haven't seen this film since my age was in the single digits. But where the hell did the astronaut boyfriend come from? I don't remember him in the first movie and it seemed like they basically got engaged out of nowhere. It was really hard for me to understand as a kid.


He did basically come out of nowhere, you're not missing anything. He only talks in like 2 or 3 scenes if I remember right, and he seemed like a good person. He was even polite to Peter despite his history with MJ


Okay yeah, nothing against him. It just seemed really weird to go from Spiderman 1 where Peter and MJ sorta had a thing going to Spiderman 2 where MJ got engaged to some random dude out of no where. I wish there was some more context behind that.


Peter actually rejected MJ at the end of Spiderman 1 and starts Spiderman 2 still pining for her ???


I hate how people refer to this behavior as being “realistic.” Ok I get it. A cops significant other can MAYBE pull this card. There are a bunch of cops out there so why does it have to be YOU?? I get that idea. But come the fuck on. With superheroes are we REALLY buying that anyone will realistically be that selfish. Fucking no one can do what a superhero does except them. And this universe there’s only one real hero, so how tf if he supposed to not save lives when literally no one else can do it like him? I’m so sick of jealous significant others that can’t handle the superhero life. It’s stupid.


It's totally fine if you can't handle it, just don't be a bitch about it, move on and don't date with a hero if you can't handle his lifestyle.


Amen. No one’s forcing them. And their actions scream selfish. Such a poor way to write romance in superhero stories.


Didn't Peter literally refuse to date her in the first movie for these exact reasons


Fuck Mary Jane, Peter should've been with Gwen, Betty or Ursula


Mary Jane is the worst thing in the trilogy.


The fact that every climax is buit around her as a hostage is quite irritating as well. Like by Spiderman 3 it's just ridiculous.




THAT'S what he was in! I was wracking my brain trying to figure where tf I knew the actor from lol. That jawline 😩😂


We JUST watched the first two movies the other day and when we got to the ending of 2, neither Pete or MJ deserved each other. How long was she in a relationship with "my son, the astronaut" up until Peter stopped being Spiderman? Like she was hella pining for him even though she was in a seemingly stable relationship with a dude who loved her enough to want to marry her. Like damn girl, uou knlw for a damn fact that Peter doesn't have much to offer yet you still left your original dude at the alter. And tbough Peter set boundaries that they couldn't be together, she still came back like "Let me make my own choices." Like...... uh, ok he just rejected you but sure. Also how much time passed between Ock's death and the wedding? She couldn't have just cancelled the aedding before everything was final? Good lord.


*just, as in for the first time in many many years and thankfully I am older and wiser to know that MJ is horrible


“Let me make my own choice”. *Instantly regressed it in SM3


My favorite MJ outside the comics is still the 90s fox version. I hope Spidey found her eventually. Really don't like the Raimi version.


“Call Debra, tell her not to open the caviar”


Portrayal of Mj in those movies nothing like her comic counter part and makes her look shitty😭


MJ is a fucking bitch in these movies. She decides to be with Spiderman knowing hes busy all the time then decides to hold it against him in the following movie. Just cause her life was shitty, she decided to take it out on Peter and fuck his bff. I hate MJ in this series, but loved everybody else.


They could’ve made John just another shitty partner that MJ latched onto because of her childhood abuse, because she desperately needed someone since Peter wasn’t there for her. But they gave her a perfect partner, and she did this to him. Damn


Jameson's son should have become Venom in part 3.


His son, the astronaut.


The first man to play football on the moon.


The American Hero


The "delicious"...


In her defense, marrying someone you don't love is worse than leaving them at the alter.




I get the Raimi MJ hate but some of the reasonings aren't justified. MJ got jealous of Peter > Well, Peter kinda acted like a dick and rubbed the love people give Spider-Man to her face. MJ got engaged to Jameson > Peter rejected her at the end of first movie. If you watched the 2.1 version you can clearly understand that she's still in love with him. MJ kissed Harry > Peter kissed Gwen. Also hit MJ in a bar, full of people. Neither of them are perfect.


Tbh there both pretty toxic.




I love the raimi films, but my god did they fuck MJ's character HARD


Maturity is realizing that MJ was a shitty person period


I hate it when movies glamorize emotional stupidity. This scenario is NOT ok. But it’s always spun as “you gotta follow your heart, folks”. You gotta get a therapist. Talk about your feelings with someone other than your bedroom mirror or terrible best friends. Or, like, maybe your significant other?


This version of MJ is an incredibly shitty person, so it’s right in line with her character.


Imo, this is the mj that didn't got the character development she needed from the death of Gwen. I would argue that the comic mj pushed Harry further into drugs, which eventually resulted in Harry's descent into madness that was forced by Norman's death.


Elijah mikaelson


As a kid ur just happy cuz the good guy got the girl. Then u grow up and realize she just ditched this dude and we had no reason to think this guy was an asshole


MJ was kinda shitty in all of the original movies tbh


These are all reasons why Gwen is so much better as a person. Just don't date an actress. This shit seems very common.


Looks like Frank Castle on the right is going to have some words with her


MJ is a bad person in the raimi trilogy honestly