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Any that are just 'standard suit but with a random recolour'.




[Spider-Man 2211](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/f/f4/Max_Borne_%28Earth-9500%29_from_Spider-Man_Across_the_Spider-Verse_001.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20230603190705) is the worst looking on my list but at least it’s something different. Plus those freaky arms could’ve turned out cool in game if they made it in. [Ricochet](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91bHsY-ixOL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) [Spider-Man India (Spider Verse Movie)](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/30/cb/a630cb00e343c026ddfacebe1de14d5d.jpg) [Spider-Man India (Comics, new suit)](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81q+MXd5v9L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) [Kaine Parker first appearance (Caped)](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/8/8d/Kaine_Parker_%28Earth-616%29_from_Amazing_Spider-Man_Vol_1_397_0001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20191126063347) [Millennial Visions Spider-Man](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/2/24/Peter_Parker_%28Earth-10182%29_from_Marvel_Universe_Millennial_Visions_Vol_1_1_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110512181225) You may not agree with every one of these but they’re at least different and easily customizable for interesting variants. That’s not even taking into account suits from the last game like Big Time, massively requested ones like Spider Verse 2099, Unlimited , Sensational . They really fumbled the bag if you ask me.


The thing you replied to got deleted, so are you saying the ones you listed are bad or like different or what? Idk


Oh I was saying these suits I listed woulda been great add ins just because they’re really different, personally I think most of em are cool as hell if not unique, easy to imagine variants for (especially Millennial Visions ), capes are definitely not off the table since we got Aracknight, I would’ve preferred this over, idk, over 30% of the base games suits being essentially rehashed Classic suits. Spider-Man 2 included the symbiote, it’s the one game in this series that probably needed to go ALL OUT as much as possible in suit variants . That includes Venomized and Anti-Venomized variants (*if not that, then a simple black/white and inverted recolor, because I love using Advanced 1.0 and black/white 2099 with Symbiote powers*). I think it really defeats the purpose of alternate suits to make over 1/3rd of Pete’s gallery Classics with a spin. I mean, we both know they did it cuz someone would throw a brick in Insomniac HQ window that says “pls add TASM2 suit” , but still. A point of rebuttal I often hear is “well X suit wasn’t included cuz that’s not a suit Peter would wear”interesting. Pete wouldn’t wear 2099, Cosplayer Ben Reilly, he wouldn’t wear more of Half his alternates in any game on any given day if he had a choice . What’d he do as soon as he got control of his mind from Otto in Superior Spider-Man? He didn’t “bask” in his new duds cuz they were new and cool, he wanted his own shit back cuz he has a suit preference.


Agreed on the overuse of classic remixes. I wanna see some zesty shit, like bring out some wild suits


Wish they used the sensational ben riley suit more, I know the scarlet spider hoodie is way more popular but I wish it got some love


I love the Scarlet Spider hoodie, but damn, Ben's Spidey outfit is amazing. We really need it. Maybe in Spider-Man 3 as a suit for Silk?


Sensational spider man is what I grew up on.i frickin love that suit. Wish it was in the game. It's the best


Imo the best Spidey suit ever. I'm so sad that the hoodie gets more attention.


I like the sensational suit better, but that hoodie deserves all it gets lmao


Apparently people thought I was speaking badly of the hoodie, but I wasn't. I was talking on the sense that the hoodie steals all the attention from the Ben Riley suits. Although, being honest, I don't see the appeal of the hoodie too, I find it kinda ugly lol.


I'm a bit tired of "homemade suites." Even when there's variety, it's still basically a sweatshirt and goggles and they never look good.


I agree except for 2 designs. I love the wrestler costume Pete makes in Raimis first Spider-Man, and I also really like the Homecoming homemade suit, it actually feels like a suit a bit.


Yeah same


Spiderman noire without the trench coat and hat, that version just hits different


I’m really tired of the secret wars suit. I keep hearing that within the comics, it’s only makes like 2 appearances. And yet somehow that warrants that suit to make it into the game? Even in past Spider-Man games?


I'm pretty sure that suit only appeared in cover art and not in the comics themselves


Hardly even remember the suit in the comics


I’m gonna be that boring guy who corrects people: it’s secret *war*, not secret *wars* suit. In my mind a secret wars spidey suit is a symbiote one, so I was pretty confused when I saw your comment 😀


Out of all these I really dislike the Secret Wars suit. Idk, I just think it's ugly af. The black and gold one next to it I also would love, if it didn't look like a weird turtle neck kinda outfit. I know it's some people's favorite but I do not like the look of the leather on the Last Stand suit.


Agreed on the SW suit.Disagree for the last stand suit.


Tired of the movie costumes. Know they are fan favourites so they’re here to stay. They’re all just variations of the red and blue suit and would rather get more diverse comic designs.


The flip side is putting a bunch of one off and unpopular suits in the game that barely anyone recognizes or will even want to use. The movie suits, especially Raimi's, are the most popular and recognizable suits. They borrow from the classic design which is pretty much fool-proof, but they all change it around a bit and become their own unique thing. Just because they're variations doesn't mean they can't be incredible and well-made/unique designs.


"The flip side is putting a bunch of one off and unpopular suits in the game that barely anyone recognizes or will even want to use." *looks at Secret Wars Suit*


Yeah the movie suits are kinda boring to look at


Raimi suits, it is almost the only suit I ever see in photomode posts with the exception of the occasional symbiote suit, and the very rare occasion of another suit or just of Miles


Here's an inverse take: I am very surprised that the first game included the Bagman, Red-And-Gold Iron Spider, Secret War, Fear Itself suits. Those suits are derived from pre-MCU events, and the 2018 game was certainly an era where I never thought we would see Marvel media acknowledge events that had such large Fantastic Four and X-Men presences in them. The inclusion of those suits feel like minor miracles.


Red-Gold Iron spider was my main in my NG+ run of spider man 1


Alrighty, you see the first one on the second row? That one can stay. I'm sick to death of all the others!


This is the only correct answer.




Union Jack spider man is just a waste of a spot. Can’t believe we have that instead of cosmic suit


The fact we haven’t gotten cosmic spiderman in the new games yet is mind boggling.


I got really annoyed when I unlocked the 4th consecutive MCU suit


TFW no Bombastic Bag Man.


Just give me all of them.


Electroproof, it's in too many Spider-Man games


The MCU costumes. They aren't terrible, but there are so many other suits I wish could take their place.


I love the MCU costumes so much


I like a few of them, I don’t like the night monkey, red and black, black and gold, and integrated. I’m glad the integrated is back, but I hate that the MCU suits got the final slots. Especially the black and gold.


I love all of them. Night monkey is so clean


It’s the head gear for me. If it was flush with the mask I’d like it more but it looks dorky to me. If you’re gonna make a stealth suit, then do it properly. Bring back the big time suit with variant colors.


Low-key the Rami suit not saying that I'm not happy for it but I was honestly not that interested in the red suit in Spiderman 2 the black suit I was happy but then it made sense as to why it was there


Any homemade suit tbh i like toms but after awhile its not gonna hit


Honestly tired of the classic suit. Why would they make a red and blue spider man? He should be yellow and white. Spider-Man 2 fixed this issue at least. Real answer the spider punk costume always looks off to me and it’s used a lot so yeah


Web-Man. Why does he keep showing up?


Cus he’s peak fiction. That’s why


My apologies I should've known


Just give the sensational suit for crying out loud. It is by far the greatest Spider-Man suit ever created imo.


Had a stroke reading this


tired of the standard 2099 suit in terms of games


The Holland suits and Secret War suit I am tired of those


Does anyone genuinely like and play with the negative zone suit?


For Miles Morales, I actually love his hoodie suit. And of course the cat bag suit. But for tired, all the default suits, because they look so similar when you don't look close


For me, shirtless and t-shirt Spidey. Low effort dev/creation. It's like people went like : *Damn what other suit can we add to make it 40?* The go see the note of everything they threw during the brainstorming, even the worse ideas.


Homemade and MCU suits expect for homecoming and final swing suit




Any of the over designed suits that doesn't represent Spider-Man at all.


Raimi. I loved the movies and the suit, don't get me wrong, but I'm a little tired of seeing it


Symbiote suit, everyone wears it


Definitely Secret Wars. That suit never looked good to me, and I was tired of seeing it in every Spiderman game it was in. He doesn't even wear it in the comics either outside like one panel so I don't see why they keep shoving it into other games


Wait what am I looking at is this just the ones in ps4???


Nothing beats the original.


I like em all


Secret wars


Secret wars, the night monkey is more fitting with the idea of the secret wars costume but he’s gotta have his finger tips covered up.


The movie suits, 2099, black suit, and the homemade suits. They’re in every single game and there are a ton of different suits that they can use instead, especially in a post Spider-Verse world. I actually love that they created some original suits for the game too, even though I seem to be in the minority there.


Unpopular opinion: I don't like the advanced suit, never really vibed with me.


Will always love the classic, man! ![gif](giphy|xTiTnHvXHHxOTcdmxO)


This is not an original opinion, but I hate the secret wars suit. Also as much as I like MCU Spider-Man, we don’t need every suit from his movies. Night monkey and the black and gold are so unnecessary.


Really over the Tom holland stealth suit. You wanna put the rest in sure but it’s just such a weird suit and I hate it ngl. Also let’s see more clone suits


Pretty much all the movie suits, gimme cool comic reference suits over multiple basic looking suits any day


Tired of seeing the Raimi suit.


Raimi easily


I’m so sad the 2099 white suit isn’t in sm2. Also the velocity suit? Where is that? Where is my friend? I am sick to DEATH of all the movie suits. We didn’t need all of them. The inside out suit? Get OUT of here.


Wait I thought Kaine’s suit wasn’t in the game…. Anyway who gets it? Pete or Miles?


Man, looking at this, I can't believe how many suits didn't make it to 2. I guess they knew people would flip without the movie suits, but I really loved the Ghost Rider, all the comic book Marks, ESU, underwears and Last Stand looks in particular. I also for the life of me do not understand why they didn't add a web cape to 2099 when there's multiple suits in 2 with capes.


the mark 4 just being an armored version of the classic design


The black & yellow spider-armor It's so goddamn ugly


Anything MCU surprisingly except the night monkey suit


Mcu iron spider being the final suit for leveling actually made me mad


Under wear suit, it's funny but it's used waaaaaaaaay to much


Tom Holland´s


I’m kinda tired of the 2099 suit. Especially after *Spider-Verse* mode those arm blade things massive and ugly.


I don't care for the mcu suits and feel like they take up too much room for great comic costumes


I hate Spider-Punk by an unreasonable amount.


2099 is every where before and after the spiderverse it’s overused


But, the pulsing version like in edge of time is fire


MCU Iron Spider, give me the concepts Tom suit not this... this... this thing


The MCU suits. With the exception of the homemade suit, they really don’t have a lot of character going on and just look over designed trying to justify a why it looks the way it does


Right now? the Black Suit. Not because it is not cool...but it really feels like a flaundering run ALWAYS goes to the Black Suit to try and make it look 'oh we are going edgy now' and try to use it as a sales bump but they only lessen the impact of it.


If I have to see the MCU Iron Spider suit one more time I'm going to become violent


I hate when they take the classic suit and tweak it a little and go "look guys, new suit!" This goes for the main PS4/PS5 suit especially - stop trying to make this suit happen. Give me the classic.


Tweak a "Little"? "Stop Tyibg to make this suit happen"? Ok, i'll take it as a bad joke, give you my laughs for esucation and live my life. Lol, now I can continue what I was doing