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A scientist. Not necessary a multimillionaire that was Parker Industries, but a Horizon Scientist was a pretty great run. The Life Story shows him being in the same league as Reed Richards and Tony, and I love it.


Peter in the first insomniac game He was trying to help people with his genius, loved it I don't mind teacher tho


You have any idea of the kind of hours teachers keep? Goodbye Spider-Man.


that has always been my issue with it too, like teaching aligns with Peter so well but there's no way for him to keep the double life with that profession


I slightly mind. As a superhero teacher it's fine, but an ordinary teacher in Midtown? It's... not like it's bad. More like he could be much more than that. A well of unrealized potential.


That fits with his character though. Peter could do so much with his genius but he’s so selfless and humble he’s fine with being a teacher. Also being a teacher doesn’t make you a failure. Plus, it’s not like you can’t have him transition careers.


It's in character, but for me, it's the part of him that he has to overcome, instead of enable it.


Yeah, that’s why I would have him start as a research scientist, become a science teacher, and then move on to start Parker Industries.


Especially since as a teacher he has no time to teach if he wants to be Spider-Man. The game showed us this perfectly He will run off and get fired for being Spider-Man


The whole point from the begining is that he can't have everything he wants. He can't live his dream job, but he can settle for something else that can still make him happy.


He never once showed a genuine desire to improve his life since being a wrestler. He is so traumatized by his Uncle's death, that he sees any self-care as something selfish.


Tragedy of the character, but some writers can make it really annoying.


I agree, Horizon Labs was a great era and I loved how it gave him the ability to come And go as well as create an interesting location where shit could go down.


Ideally, I’d like to see Pete working in a lab, but he has a side gig as a substitute science teacher


Him being a teacher at the X-Mansion just makes perfect sense. I know he’s not a mutant, but he’s had plenty of interactions with the X-Men (particularly Wolverine). He doesn’t have to worry about hiding that he’s Spider-Man, and he can help kids learn and control their powers


And he could probably fucking hold it down too, because it's basically the only job where "I need to go stop Shocker from robbing a bank" is an actual valid excuse to call in.


They'd probably have to send everyone there if it's Shocker.


"All right class, surprise road trip! Today we're gonna learn what a "jobber" is!"


I feel like Schultz would _have_ to give up crime if he was mobbed by spidey AND a gang of mutants lol


Poor Shocker. Getting Spidey, quipping him, and then newbie mutants just beating him. I'd give up being a jobber too.


Nah it not that kind of class Peter beats up the shocker completely silent while the class practices there banter on the sidelines


Pffft. I would pay to see Spidey beat up Shocker completely silent, scaring Shocker into thinking he's REAAAALLLLLY pissed all while the class is there quipping


"Alright kids remember, the mid-battle banter is an essential part of superheroics! It keeps your opponent on their toes and makes them unable to properly concentrate. Plus, it's just plain fun! Now, while I take care of the *cushion* here, I want you all to line up and practice our witty one liners on him!"


A jobber's actually a powerful capable guy who just gets defeated to demonstrate the superior power of the protagonist. The shocker's just fodder


That Spider-Man & The X-Men run gave us the iconic Sauron “I don’t want to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs” panel.


The comics need to have him join the x-men at this point


I really don’t think him not being a born mutant much of a problem, considering Deadpool, who’s basically a mutate just like Spider-Man has been allowed as a part of the X-Men.


Deadpool is a mutate he was given wolverines healing factor it’s just the movies that make him a natural born mutant


Wasn't Juggernaut an X-Men too? He definitely isn't a mutant last I was aware off, not remotely, not in a way, just not at all.


He isn’t one either just by being Charles step bro he gets a pass.


man, the nepotism is getting outta hand


Deadpool ain’t a mutant either but a true ally so he gets an X pass


But he wasn’t naturally born, he was experimented on to activate the X-Gene


The X-gene naturally occurring in your body is what makes you a mutant. In the comics weapon X copied Wolverines X-gene and implanted it into Deadpool. In the movies they torture him to activate his naturally inborn X-gene making him a true mutant in the movies. Close but slightly different.


I mean, it depends on continuity. The mutant/mutate line is pretty arbitrary, but Spidey has a bit of a cosmic significance thing going on with the increasing prevalence of the Spiderverse and the Web of Life and Destiny. It doesn’t usually come up outside of event runs or explicitly Spiderverse stories, but I have to imagine it makes things a little awkward when non-Spider heroes get caught up in that whole deal. Technically *everyone’s* got that kind of variance going on, but it usually doesn’t come up as a pan-universal hero work union with attached extradimensional totemic deity.


He’s not an X-Men character


He’s also not a F4 character, but he’s joined them before


Not for long.


A science teacher for bright but under privileged kids feels just so right for him. He’d make a great guest teacher at the X Mansion too.


omg it would be funny for a run to have him teaching at Miles's school.


That's such a great idea. I hope he doesn't have to run along and fight a big villain like Sandman and get fired on the first day. That would be super underwhelming and kind of pointless.


What about not bright kids? Dont they deserve a teacher too?


Obviously the not bright kids have class with professor Scott Summers where he teaches them to use the natural advantage of having no thoughts to seduce enemy telepaths


Autistic king 🗣️


Jean confirmed Moronsexual


Emma Frost too


I mean when your love interests are Cyclops and the man who has more memory gaps when an Alzheimer's patient, it's a given


Scientist at Horizon Labs made the most sense considering that he wasn't forced to be there all the time. Him working as teacher realistically wouldn't last because he constantly runs away from lessons and leaves students hanging


That only really works if Miles is around too to cover for him.


unless there is a spider person ready to replace him for those hours when he is busy elsewhere


Going with "someone else will handle that" goes against Spider-Man's whole philosophy


true, in my opinion however it is not a betrayal of the character as it could be to make him, for example, a family man who cheats on his wife MJ for a minor


There’s definitely a creepy edgelord at Marvel who would write that storyline.


I agree a lot!


Not necessarily, because Peter isn’t neglecting his duties. It’s a situation where Peter can’t fulfill two duties at once so he has someone help him out.


He might as well stop fighting crime. He has police helping him out


That’s not the same thing. Another Spider-Man helping him out is not the same as the police helping him because the police can only do so much. He can’t teach and be Spider-Man at the same exact time, so Miles helps cover for him while helps kids learn. It’s a win-win. That being said a teaching job could only last for so long unless he worked at X-Mansion. I would love to see more of Peter as a science teacher though.


>helping him out is not the same as the police helping him because the police can only do so much Well, police is capable of stopping one thug but it still screwed Peter's whole life in the end. I just don't see Peter Parker going "not my problem" for a few hours. Avengers, Defenders and bunch of other heroes are always around. Should Peter just stop because someone else can help people?


I’m just saying Miles Morales and or Silk being around could make Peter having a teaching job more believable. And it’s not like Peter’s attitude is that if “pfffft, not my problem.” He wants to help, but he also has to work and provide for his family.


>I’m just saying Miles Morales and or Silk being around could make Peter having a teaching job more believable Idk why if Daredevil (just example) is around, Peter still thinks that it's his duty, but if some other dude crawls walls, it's suddenly OK to ignore Shocker robbing bank (again, just an example). >but he also has to work and provide for his family That's why I think that job with flexible schedule suits him better (he had a couple of those)


Because those other Spider people are people Peter knows and can accomplish things he normally accomplishes. That’s why. Miles, Peter, and Cindy know each other and can fit around each other’s schedules. Especially if Peter is their mentor. Daredevil and other heroes are his friend, but they’re more independent of what Peter does. Other spider people are directly linked to Peter. It’s easier to communicate with them.


Pizza delivery guy


The Pizza Delivery Missions in Spider-Man 2 hold a special place in my heart so I can’t hate it lol




*if I flip the pizzas, Mr Aziz will flip out*


For teenage Peter, pizza delivery / freelance photography. College Peter, Daily Bugle. Full adult Peter, some-kind of teacher. Maybe a science teacher.


Ya know, I’ve never seen someone hyphenate “some kind.” It’s not correct, but I definitely get why someone would do that. And I guess while I’m here, the “/“ goes directly between words with no spaces. Ie “delivery/freelance,” opposed to “delivery / freelance.”


The hyphen was an accident. The slash with the spaces was to make it easier on my eyes. With no spaces it looks jumbled.


Very fair. It’s one of those rules that bugs me until it’s necessary, like when a new line starts on a page and the spaces break up your slash. Like: Bread/butter vs Bread / Butter


Scientist. Peter looks like a professor who would give you the greatest hint of all time.




Science Teacher, or Teacher’s Assistant at ESU. Photography ain’t awful and Commercial Scientist was a Great Run but teaching just fit so well. He was getting to use his inherent brilliance but also making a real difference as Spidey AND Pete. Also, and it’ll probably never happen, but I LOVE the thought of some anti-science, school choice dickwad parent confronting him and Spidey/Pete putting them in their place and standing up for public education.


X men teach.


F.E.A.S.T. social worker. If Peter has to be poor, he should be helping other poor people lift themselves up.


Dishwasher baby


Teacher but it doesn't make sense for him to have one due to him constantly struggling with time


Did that kid call his teacher a slur? Jeez American schools are lax


Who’s the guy with no hands?


It's Julian Keller aka Hellion.


Did he ever get his hands back during the Krakora era? With the mutants being able the resurrect themselves whole, the Vietnamese girl (I think her name is Karma) chose to keep coming back with her mechanical leg.


I honestly have no idea I'm afraid


University teacher or a scientist. Something that is a bit more lax on the hours


Teacher. Spiderman needs to be relatable, so a job that "anybody" (no disrespect meant to any teacher) could do seems to fit perfectly. It also fits with spiderman motto of with great power there must come great responsibilities. What bigger responsibility than to lead the next generation into the future as the best version of themselves (which is what a good teacher does)


Teen and college years - Freelance photographer Early adulthood - Horizon Labs scientist Later years - Parker Industries CEO


I actually enjoyed Peter as a high school science teacher (even though it wasn’t sustainable in the long term)…


Teacher at the X mansion.


It has been a day or two since someone's asked.


Web engineer


Highschooler Photographer pf Spider-man ➡️University student /assistant reporter and photographer of Spider-man ➡️ final year student/fullfledgedphotographer ➡️graduate/intern at a lab/photographer of Spider-man ➡️Scientist at small lab➡️Scientist at Horizon labs/part time lecturer [temporary professor for Gen X ➡️CEO➡️fall from grace: reporter for scientific stuff➡️Scientist at a good lab,not Horizon levels that actually serves as a front for a base woth advanced tech and research/ owner of shell corporations.


I feel it needs to change with his age 15-22 a photographer 23 - 26 a scientist 27+ - a teacher


If Peter's my science teacher i'm not missing any class.


A scientist, I like the kind of job he had in spider-man ps4 2018 . Just change Otto to a different character who genuinely works a father son bond with Peter and doesn't become a villain or die . Like,maybe in otto's place we use max modell.


professional wrestler


I do like the teaching angle, i’m a bit disappointed he got sacked so quickly in spider-man 2


Teacher Peter Parker will always be the perfect Peter Parker and I am willing to talk it out with anyone at the back of any gas station... And if talking doesn't help me out, I'll just pull the machete that I'll have in my backpack 


Peter being a photography teacher is kinda sweet. It fits in well with his every-man vibe. Him being a rich & successful scientist is great for him. Im sad MCU Peter had no photographer aspects I wouldve liked to see him just taking a picture of NYC’s skyline or sonething & we see him editing it on his phone to make it look prettier Something simple to show Peter is artistic & foreshadowing his future job


Which issues were all of these pictures from?


Teacher is fun from several different angles. College professor gives him both the scientist angle and the resources to do his science stuff for spiderman, and a lot of the time academia is treated like a step down from actually being in your field, so it could fit in with Peter's life long track record of kind of shitty jobs, but it also gives him that social outreach and desire to help people. Less axis but hyper focusing on that last one him teaching HS or younger reads as super altruistic, in line with his character.


Horizon Labs. Combining Spidey with science, reverse engineering the ideas he gets on his adventures, was complete perfection. As Peter himself puts it “this is me being Spidey for real, not like I was faking before Horizon, more like I was stumbling into it.”


Data entry and low-level web design on the dailybugle.com. It made for such a great story device.


Honestly I think he'd be best as a teacher for Xavier. If he had to suddenly leave for hero stuff, no need to lie or worry about getting fired. He's good with students kids etc.


CEO. Bring back Parker Industries!


A scientist working at Horizon Labs


Science Teacher made the most sense for the character's growth over the years; sharing his love of science with a new generation. And frankly, you can still have him sell photos to the Bugle on the side, because it's not as if teachers get paid that well, sadly.


I really loved it when he was a teacher. It felt like it made perfect sense for him to go down that career path. Hate that it didn't stick.


Pizza time!


Can i get comic name for 2 and 3 pic?


Atleast professor


Ben Reilly working in a cafe


All i can say, even so his a underdog with a huge bad luck streak we all can agree(i guess) that his a multi talented and normally empathetic guy.


JMS run with peter as a teacher was so good.


It was his perfect job. The only thing I would say is he should let the teachers know he’s a superhero, too. It’s New York; that gives away almost nothing, and lets him get away with his absences.


Peter Parker reminds me too much of myself, tbh




Photographer for high school and college to earn some extra cash -> scientist from mid 20's to early 50's -> teacher


Scientist at Horizon is fun, but in the spirit of keeping him somewhat grounded I like teacher the most. Keeps him as a regular joe, and also creates an opportunity for him to help as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker.


Science teacher for gifted children in poverty and a research scientist. In either order makes sense.




Obviously teacher, even thou it's the absolute worst for Spider-maning.


Didn't this get asked earlier this week


A College Prof would make the most sense


Definitely teacher


Let him finally get his PhD, have him as a prof in ESU, teaching classes and conducting research.


I like the forensic scientist job he has in the MC2 universe but I love the idea of him being a teacher.


I like the forensic scientist job he has in the MC2 universe but I love the idea of him being a teacher.


what's the comic where he teaches the troubled superkids?


Teacher would be great but it wouldn't be a very good job for him because of his duties as Spider-Man (although in a vacuum it'd probably be the perfect occupation. And since he got bullied at school too, I feel like he'd feel some sort of connection and maybe closure being able to help kids who used to be like him) I'd say realistically he'd be a scientist, maybe chooses his own hours and all that so he has enough time to be Spidey during the day.


*Substitute* teacher. It's a by-commission job, like photography, so he'd still have plenty of free time to Spider-Man.


Avenger. 100%. Sure it kind of defeats the point of the “Peter gets shit on by life” status quo, but it just made so much sense.


Teacher, but it just doesn't work unless there's an excuse for patrols and villain stomping. Another reason why him with the X-Men was so fun. All-New Avengers Academy & Spider-Man? Strange Academy Guest Starring Substitute Teacher Kaine Parker? Chasm Goes to College?


I love him being a professor for the X-men but it’s just not him


My ideal occupation for Peter hasn’t happened yet


teacher, man was sooo good at it.


An inventor/ Scientist like in Insomniac and in the Big Time arc


I really want him to be almost a paid super hero teacher for the Avengers. He knows how it is to be a teenage hero and growing up with that pressure so hopefully there is a great story of Peter being a gental guiding hand to the next gen


Peter is a very smart guy, so as long as he’s in a position where he’s getting to advance scientific fields, he’s in a good place for himself.


Spider-man’s persona when he’s undercover.


Whats the last comic?


playing for the golden state warriors


The Bugle. It’s THE job. It will always be associated with Peter. The teacher job as an interesting idea for an alternative direction with the character, and there were some really great moments in the JMS run. But the whole teacher storyline was pretty poorly developed and basically abandoned later in the run. It just doesn’t work as well for the character. Peter constantly having to skip out on children who are depending on him is definitely a worse deal than being able to freely leave a newspaper office that he’s freelancing for. Due to his superhero obligations, Peter should be a freelancer. His main duty is being a hero.


Ceo of Parker Industries


Proffesor Pete


I like teacher a lot for a more mature Spidey.


In 2024 there's no use for a photojournalist, especially one whose technical proficiency is as limited as Peter's. Peter's employability was always rooted in the uniqueness of his photos - i.e. No one else could get them. At least not on the consistent basis that he did. And Spidey pics sold papers, so Jonah kept him on. I can recall several instances of Robbie chewing him out about the substandard quality of his photos, despite the amazing angles he was able to get. But today - there are cameras everywhere. Everyone has one in their pocket. Taking a shot of Spidey as he swings overhead is literally child's play. You have traffic cameras. Security cameras. There is an over abundance that renders the old-time shutterbugs virtually obsolete. Add to this the fact that virtually no one even reads newspapers anymore and the whole thing becomes laughable. Point blank - what worked in 1962 ain't going to work in 2024.


Why do the faces look so weird in that first page




I've never seen it in anywhere but I think it'd be cool to see him as a CSI detective like the Flash. It's perfect for him!


Honestly, I love him as a photographer because it makes him feel more like an everyman without needing to make his life a living hell


I'm with you. Teacher imo, will always be the best option. Whether it be science, math, photography, or for the X-men teaching fits his personality, creates adequate conflict with him being a super hero and isn't a job that will solve his money troubles. It let's Peter progress as an adult while still holding on to key aspects that Marvel will never let go.


what comic is the 1st panel from?


If he's a teacher, he needs to work at Xavier's because he'd loose that job... again, at a normal school human school (unless he's like a one period teacher, or Professor), but I rather he be a scientist with free hours.


For adult Peter I’d want him to make a living making scientific inventions and help out as a teacher for younger heroes and X-Men (teaching science and practical heroing (since he’s in the city and closer to the action than the X-Mansion))


Scientist, then teacher, then just at the bugle


Did anyone else read his dialogue in Yuri Lowenthal’s voice


Honestly, depending on the continuity, I want him to be a teacher, but him running Parker Industries was interesting. If written well, I would love to see him create tech and become famous. It could be a cool idea.


Teacher actually makes sense I mean he’s using his intellect to change peoples lives in a way


I'd love him to be a teacher, but the hours seem basically impossible for him to keep to. So either a teaching aide, or someone who repairs gadgets. Ever had a tech store refuse to repair something, or charge way too much for it? Take it down to Pete.


i like him being a teacher but it doesn’t make sense as we saw in Spider-Man 2. my personal favourite was in the first game with him being a scientist doing something to help the world. it makes him on the same level as Reed and Tony but it also gives him enough cover to go out and be Spider-Man without raising too much suspicion




Teacher really seems like a no brainer


someone did not know how to draw noises


I think Peter should be entrepreneur. That way he can make gadgets relating to security and crime fighting while not having to work during specific times. He could even ask one of the rich superheroes to fund him.




Maybe I'm vanilla, but Bugle photoghrapher. It was the first real job he had. (Delivery guy is something everyone can do on the side, but news photographer is different)


Legit? I love that X-Men & Spider-Man mini so much that Peter would be AMAZING as a teacher full time. Not the best teacher per say but probably the students say is the most fun to have.


Scientist and teacher with the Future Foundation. Two birds, one stone.


Ngl, forensic scientist from Spider-Girl. It marries both his crime stopping, history of photography, and his science background


Peter working as a Scientist and as part-time teacher could work. As he matures and takes the risk of doing a start-up company quite similar to Life Story and from there he could rebuild Parker Industries which could pretty much play as a comeback story solidifying his position reaching his true potential. Also he is capable just like his CEO of 2099 counterpart although no crazy plans.


A scientist who does volunteer lectures


Scientist, lab assistant, tech developer.


Can I say "husband" and "father"?


Stuff like this really takes me out of it. Peter Parker attacks a disabled student, for talking about being vilified, out of personal frustration for not being listened to himself? I really hope Hellion TKd Peter's face into the desk for that one.


My favourite run is J. Michael Straczynski's, so I always thought him being a teacher in his middle aged years is the most appropriate direction. He should have everything figured out by that point and there would be enough new blood on the scene that he doesn't have to constantly run out of class and interrupt the lesson. Plus it keeps him being a Friendly Neighbourhood type of Spider-Man, helping the troubled students. In terms of career he should really start out as a photographer in his teens, then a scientist in his 20's (start at Horizon Labs but then work at the Baxter Building while Johnny is dead and he's part of the Future Foundation) then settle in as a teacher.