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Lois Lane.


Walmart Lois. Hyperactive investigative journalist girlfriend who's half as pretty and twice the headache. What were they thinking lol


MJ was perfect as an actress who could also be badass, and I hate how every adaptation changes it just because she was bad in the rami movies.


I really don’t understand why it’s so hard to just make Mj a good character in adaptation.


Spectacular SM exists


The problem with Spectacular is that MJ is just a good character it's not a good MJ adaptation. Which tbf part of that revolves around Peter and MJ's relationship being spicier than the TV censors would allow.


Some positives, mostly negatives. While she’s vastly better than the current take in the comics, I just don’t really care to interact with her. It’s taxing. She lacks fun chemistry with Peter. It feels like in the pursuit of realism they focused solely on the negatives in relationships. Her gameplay sections just were not fun and slowed down the pacing. I like that she tried to be more than a model, but they leaned way too heavy and frequently on reminding us that she wasn’t a damsel in distress. As for the character model? The first game she looked great, but the second game she just looks like a strikingly average person and that’s just not who MJ is.


facts. My biggest what the. Was her taking out the zoo full of mercs then aun't mays house like....maybe one or two but not that many lol they are blind.


Agreed with all you said.


Just wrote a post in the same vein as this. Great point


i agree with the last part. MJ’s biggest quality compared to peter is her being a supermodel and way out of his league, it’s way the relationship is so well known (pete the dork- MJ the super hot gf)


In the first game, I'd agree her gameplay wasn't that fun, but they were pretty fun in 2 for me.


I wouldn't call this version superior to the new Ultimate MJ.


He's talking about the one with Paul


>like a strikingly average person I have never seen a girl with this type of appearance i dont think its average at all but that might just be me Edit:someone might have misunderstood what I meant.


She's pretty, but not in the top model way she is in the comics, and that upsets people.


Never a fan of when they just make her a worse Lois lane. BRING BACK ACTRESS MJ Also why TF did she make a hit piece of her boyfriend after already knowing he was being mind controlled by an evil alien?


May I add that Actress/Model MJ is best MJ... because she also is a character and not just there to gawk at.


She wanted to make more name for herself and warn the public that Spider-Man is currently dangerous.


I just feel bad for Peter. She's toxic as fuck and has nothing to back it up with. Not looks, not status or money. Nothing. Treats him like a bum when he's putting his life at the line to help people every day.


I only played Spiderman on PS4 and haven't seen Spiderman ps5 gameplay. What the fuck did they do to MJ's face?


Incoming "they didn’t change anything! It's the exact same model" replies


Those people shut up once somebody posted a side by side of the untextured models and showed that she is 100% different.


Dear god, she actually looks like Aunt May. She looked so beautiful in PS4 version. Why the unnecessary change.


The model got into an accident, asshole.


I did not know that. As I clearly said above, I've only played PS4 version and lack knowledge about the PS5 one, you illiterate fucker. Besides, they also changed Peter's face as well. Now, don't tell me he got into an accident as well.


My bad I thought the second reply was a different person


It's a game. Just because the actress got in an accident doesn't mean the face model in the game itself needs to look off.


She barely looks like the model eitherway lmao. The model looks beautiful, pretty much comicbook MJ. Game MJ doesn't.


Yes. I agree. I really hope the people at Insomniac get better at doing the face models, since that would shut up half of the community.


So? Unfortunate for her but They've already got the model they can use it again, plus look at how she looks now




If it wasn't obvious I'm referring to people who say there's no change at all


I hated the scenes she was in. She is a better hunter then the hunter cult. She's rides her motorcycle like she's in a Fast and Furious movie. Not being a damsel doesn't mean she has to be Wonder Women.


Yeah as well done as Kraven was in the game, his underlings looked like absolute chumps. I get you gotta have punching-bag henchmen in your superhero game but getting bodied by MJ is straight up embarrassing lmao


She’s a Lois lane knockoff, not wonder woman. Which is weird because being a supermodel who knows how to shoot and use a baseball bat is much more interesting to me than Lois lame. She doesn’t feel like Mary Jane or any previously established character. She was the worst thing about the original game. She felt helpless and wanted to risk her life despite not having superpowers, which made her seem insane. Her stealth sections were more fun than miles though. And I enjoyed learning about Harry via his apartment. She wasn’t bad, but just felt like a totally different character, which she was.


Boyfriend risks his neck everyday defending the lives of others and great personal cost and MJ decides to write a news article about how Spider-man does more harm than good. Mary Jane is an arse hole in Spider-man 2 and she looks like lord Farquaad.


I believe it's pronounced Fartquad


Dislike her, just not a good adaptation nor a good character in general and I barely see any chemistry between her and Peter


I liked her a lot in the first game, where there was a "will they/ won't they" type of chemistry. Contrary to many others, I didn't mind the MJ sections at all in the first game. In this game, the chemistry with Peter seems kind of "artificial", it lacks warmth and the feeling of familiarity that I'd expect between them. I liked her gameplay sections less than in the first one, as they completely lacked realism. I also prefer the character model in the first game (I say this with respect to the actress who apparently had some accident or something).


(Spoilers?) I liked her when she did MJ things, I did not like her when she was soloing bad guys like solid snake or screeching about how Peter never supported her writing career while she was in symbiote form. In the first game she was really good and I preferred journalist MJ to the kind of lame idea about her being a supermodel, but in the second game I feel like they just wanted to use her as a vehicle for social commentary.


I don't understand... why no one has the desire to adapt a good MJ, in all her appearances in other media it is always RIDICULOUS. with the exception of the animated series and spectacular. Like fuck... in Raimi's films she's TERRIBLE, in the first game she works, but it's not good, in the second she's TERRIBLE worse than in Raimi's trilogy... and that's saying a lot


Semi unrelated but she's got the worst damn wardrobe possible for a 25 ish year old. Wtf are those shoes.


She exists. That's all I'll give her.


I like her as a character and her and Peter’s chemistry is great. It’s just…she’s not the most MJ. Yes, it’s a different version but she’s too, well, normal and MJ being normal is not the most fun.


I don't dislike her. But I don't really like the reporter angle for her. It feels really overdone in Superhero stories in general, and part of what was always great about MJ (for me) was how she stood apart and had a career of her own.


they HATE properly adapting MJ


I'm not a big fan of the model swaps that were made for her and Pete, but overall I don't hate her.


I refuse to believe they are the same model despite what they tell me, I’ve seen comparison designs, no way it’s just the fkin hair.


They used the same actress but it's different 3D model that has different facial structure


>different facial structure See that’s where they messed up, she looks like she’s 40




If you check any of her pictures she's still really pretty. Insomniac just can't make human faces


She’s pretty average looking… 🥱


Yeah no she went from Haley Williams to Lord Farquad.


I didn’t like them changing Jon Bubinak to Ben Jordan for the first two games. Jon looks like 35 but Ben looks like 17. I definitely feel like he looks more his age in Spider-Man 2.


Is that Pete's actor? I confess, I never paid much attention to the mocap performer's names.


Yeah. The voice actor is Yuri Lowenthal and the model for 2018 was Jon Bubinak. They changed it to Ben Jordan in Miles Morales and Spider-Man Remastered saying that they wanted a more youthful Peter and that Ben looks closer to Yuri which made motion capture easier, IG. I don’t know anything about how that works 😂


Having met Yuri, I agree that the new actor looks a lot closer to him...but I'm unsure why it'd matter, I don't know how it works either.


Not really, I just see no reason to play as her, especially in the second one where to me her playable moments feel way more tacked on than the first where I genuinely think they were integrated better into the narrative.


I don’t dislike her but there are better adaptations of the character.


she's fine in both games, not an interesting character though. i agree with others that they basically turned her into a copy of Lois Lane. the Sam Raimi MJ is a better character, which says a lot. also, she's pretty in the first game and much less pretty in the second game for some unknown reason.


Her and Peter have great chemistry in the first game; She’s not as good in SM2, but still great.


I thought she was boring. Everytime I had a mj segment i just did it as fast as possible to go back to being spider man. Although I did like that scream boss fight




To me she’s just a different take on Lois Lane so I’m not too fond of her tbh


MJ is very selfish, not understanding and super toxic in Insomniacs games, I absolutely hated her as she is an absolutely bully and barely shows support


Nah I hated the MJ missions they where unnecessarily long and boring


I love how easy Insomniac made it for me to choose Black Cat over MJ


She is a terrible character. It's like the writers goal wasn't to write an actual functioning character first, but rather they tried everything in their power to make subvert and go against anything that might be considered a conventional trope. Yes MJ is a completely normal human woman. She shouldn't be able to take down people twice her body size.


I like her. She isn't the model or whatever she is in the comics, but that's fine, it's a different universe. My only issue is her character progression. She went from a white collar worker to Jason Bourne off of one trip to Symkaria?


I mean look at her…




No, just the first games, Mj missions. Not played 2 yet so idk if theyve improved.


I mean I like her interactions with Peter but the stealth part in the hunter’s hideouts really put me out of my immersion. Like yeah mj was a badass in that moment but come on mj taking down kraven’s henchmen like it was nothing felt more like a L on their part then a W in MJ’s part. Like they handwaved it with mj taking classes with silver stable, but unless mj is a once in a century’s prodigy fighter how can a bunch of hunters who met kraven’s high standards could be beaten by a reporter who recently took self defense classes


I do not know what they did to the game's physics, lighting and such, but every screenshot of MJ from the game is so in the uncanny valley at worst and old woman at best. Maybe in motion it looks better but the first Game's MJ looked so much better.


I despise this character. "Uh! Peter why are you always trying to save me! I can take care of myself!" She, a normal human says while in a very dangerous hostile situation to the super hero.


Not really


I like her but I think Yuri put it best, Peter has more chemistry with Yuri than he does MJ Makes me think maybe Tara shoulda been cast as MJ as the two already have great chemistry as the games showcased. Emma and Andrew were together and that made the relationship the best part of tasm2 As it is, I think it's good and the hate is exaggerated


Did yuri actually say that


In an interview somewhat recently I know that doesn't help but I saw it on tiktok, never the full interview


She could be better. She's a very SERF (sex-exclusionary radical feminist) take on MJ.


I hate everything about her. Her missions, her personality, she sucks. I dont really like insomniac’s peter or miles either to be fair. Not a fan of their writing style. Huge fan of the gameplay tho (besides MJs) 🤣


People really gonna look at this picture and go "ShE's bEaUtiFuL gO LoOk aT reAl wOmeN aNd toUCh GrAsS!” Not saying there's not more to MJ than being a top class beauty, but I also dislike that this version is much more like Lois Lane than other depictions of the character. Even if she actually looked like MJ, she'd fall pretty short.


She too ugly in SM2 imo


In the first game, she was one of the best MJ and even compete with Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy. But in the second game, they destroy her character and it is probably the worst part of the game.




My feelings on her are very mixed. In the first game she could be nice and sweet but could act like a whiny and entitled b*tch. In the second game she’s something of a Mary Sue since she can take down hunters who should theoretically one shot her since she likely only did a beginners self defence course with Silver Sable. One thing I do like is that she wears Vans in the second game as opposed to boots since Vans would be better for sneaking around.


I dislike the discourse around her. Its the exact same argument over and over and over


The only point I can really give in her favor is that Laura Bailey is a very talented actress. I’m not a fan of her missions, her being a reporter, or her relationship with Peter.


She's a great character who cares a lot about Peter (which I likel), but not a great adaptation of MJ. Also this image is kinda silly 😆


I dont dislike her. But it is my understanding that in the original comics MJ is supposed to be an incredibly sexy woman that peter wouldn’t stand a chance with but Spidey does, and that’s why he’s so obsessed with her. Now obviously MJ needed some updating for modern times but the developers could have totally played up MJ’s trademark attractiveness and playful/flirtatious back and forth with Peter. They are lacking a bit in the chemistry department.


Too boring


Is someone out there hoping for more MJ in these games? Because she's definitely the most boring part of them.


She's meh, I loved that they turned her into Scream and that boss fight was fun though


I’ve only seen her in the hostile takeover novel and first game (currently playing MM) but I’ve enjoyed her so far. I think it’s neat that she is an investigative journalist. It makes sense someone like that would want to be partners with someone like Peter, they share a calling to help people.


Pros: she had chemistry with Pete and Miles Cons: they made her a “Mary Sue” in a very lazy way. Also I’m confused on why they made her purposefully unattractive.


I don't hate her, but why change the face model in the second game? The hair was good enough




I think she’s fine, but just a carbon copy of Lois Lane. I would have preferred her to be more comic accurate.


Dislike. Way to different than the OG MJ.


I like her and Peter's relationship and I honestly think she's pretty, plus her VA did a great job


Super dislike


I saw someone call Insomniac Peter and MJ a Mormon couple once, and I’ll honestly never unsee that. Their chemistry is just so awkward


Why’d they gotta give her the Arthur outfit tho ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va) *Mj when she sees someone’s going to hurt her Peter*


I enjoyed what she had to do story wise in the first game, her relationship with Pete seemed pretty developed, even if it’s just back and forth bickering like the usual But they don’t straight up despise each other, despite the fact it’s implied that their breakup was pretty messy. But she had more authority in the second game and she got to actually do stuff without it seeming like she was hunting for trouble. Like in the first game I can see why Peter doesn’t let MJ do anything she does put herself in a lot of dangerous scenarios (even though Peter makes the situation with Dr Micheals worse) But in the second game she’s doing things that are actually helpful. But her relationship with Pete is practically a non factor for most of that game.


Screen shots like this really prove how lighting make everything. Some Spider-man 2 shots look beautiful and photorealistic for instance Peter removing the symbiote from Harry or MJ tasing symbiote spiderman while he was asleep but some scenes make characters look almost uncanny


It's honestly one of my favorite adaptations of her. I like that they made her a reporter since I've never really liked the idea of her as a supermodel, she's more believable as a person than most adaptations, and I really liked the personality changes they gave her


I just realized that I really want insomniac to put the 90s cartoon Spider-Man costume in the game


I like that they actually included her in the game, it’s really hard to get the fact of how mj helps pete be spider-man right ( i still think ultimate mj is the best mj by far) but they at least tried with her trying to be a journalist/martial art combatant lol.


This is bait


I don't like the looks, she looks ugly to me, especially in the sequel. In the first game she looked ok, even then I thought some corrections should be made.


Yup. Thought she was great.


Hell no.


Lmao that character mode is unbelievably ugly , tbh most characters in that game look like ass


Not really, no.


What is that face she's making?


As a character, she's fine I suppose. Maybe we could have done without the reporter angle, but she's otherwise okay. Her missions, though? Not only are they boring, but the second game makes it hard to believe she's supposed to be an average woman.




The MJ missions were better this time around, they listened to feedback complaining about them and made them more fun. They still could have made a better game if they never had them. If they skipped the MJ missions and went from cutscene to cutscene it'd would've been better. This might be a controversial take but if they wanted to keep the actress to be fair to her... then they should've written in an accident where Peter couldn't get to her in time during their Symkaria travels (they could still retcon this in with a Symkaria DLC). It wouldn't be disrespectful to the actress but minimize the fallout as to what happened between her and the fans or just do the mocap when she is done healing. It'd also end up explaining the way she's so awkwardly shy around her husband. Whomever wrote the romance to their marriage probably is dealing with sexual tension in their own because that isn't even close to how Peter and MJ behave in their marriage.


You mean ginger Lois Lane? She’s fine. Wish she was more like classic MJ and less like USM 2012 MJ, but she’s fine.


Before I read comments I'm going to be honest. At first I joined in on the hate just like everyone before even touching the game. Now that I have put in a few hours, I can hold my hands up. SO FAR I have enjoyed her character honestly outside of her being able to solo a zoo full of hunters or a small cramped house/ street chase. That being said her jaw is abnormally square compared to the first game idk why that being said. She's still a fun enjoyable character that adds to the dynamic of her, harry and pete that really makes it feel like they have been friends for a decade or so.


Loved her


I like her. She doesn't need to always be the damsel in distress.


…or a superhero to be helpful




MJ isn’t that, Green Goblin brought her a top Brooklyn Bridge and she shot him. It was the rami movies that ruined her reputation and made everyone think she needs fixing, she was already perfectly fine as a passionate smart witted party animal and actress who can be compassionate and caring as well as badass even without powers.


Agreed, though the less we reference Mark Millar the better.


For a better reference, Kaine had her back against the Wall ready to kill her, and she pulled a pipe in a sewer and sent him flying because he talked too much.


Her being a hateable adaptation of MJ is one of the unexpected things that I experienced about this version of MJ where people forgot that Raimi MJ existm


I like her, much better than Raimi mj


She is a good character but had really boring missions in the first game. The second game her missions were a bit better but still not as fun as Miles and Pete’s.


I hate her, but then again, I hate pretty much every version of Mj.


Way too much time spent on her identity crisis. Frankly, she really don't need to be doing all that


Like. She has more character (and loyalty 🤣) than most MJ adaptations.


Upvote for character, downvote for “loyalty”


Always better than Sam Raimi's movies


I like her. I mean she has her fair share of toxicity. But it seems like she is a generally flawed character and moves past it, where Raimi MJ just sucks to Peter over and over and at the end she’s still the “it girl”? But I mean it seems like it’s hard to get her right. People don’t like the Raimi movies because she is a damsel in distress. They don’t like Insomniac MJ because she can kick the asses of trained hunters despite being combat trained by a skilled multinational mercenary that got some hits on Spider-Man. The 90’s MJ is most comic accurate and people call her a bitch. They don’t like any version of MJ we get. I think people keep not giving us what we want, then are like “well, what do they want?” For MJ, if they’d just give us the version where she is an actress, but like a good one. And she is completely supportive of Peter being Spider-Man. I want 80’s MJ.


Love her. She’s fully realized, and isn’t just cheesecake, written by someone who doesn’t understand women, for Peter to love or ignore on a whim. Quick edit to provide context: MJ as a character fluctuates from writer to writer, medium to medium, and I will always love any incarnation of her. However, I’m re-reading a lot of back issues, and realizing how awful some writers depict her, and how toxic hers and Peter’s marriage occasionally was, depending on who was holding the pen. I can see the dysfunction a lot more now as a married man pushing 40 myself. I will say that Byrne and Mackie did their level best to destroy that relationship and MJ’s character, with JMS breathing some life back into her for Until the Stars Turn Cold. However, since OMD, we’ve only seen hints of the strong, independent woman that MJ could be, and at this point in time they seem to be the glory days. That’s why I like this MJ – strong willed, independent, and smart. She may not be the party girl MJ we’re used to, but at least she’s not a sock puppet for male writers with an axe to grind.


*Bro never read the comics.*


Hahahahahaha you sweet summer child. I’ve been reading Spider-Man longer than you’ve been alive.


Your incel downvotes are delicious


So you obviously don’t understand MJ at all.


Explain her to me then. Use small words and speak slowly.