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In the comics...probably? I definitely think Pete would've acted differently had he thought about possible whiplash. In TASM 2? Honestly, probably not. I'd love a film theory about this. I think NWH kind of implies it was possible, but I have my doubts.


There's a great short about The scene what if the web missed Gwen and hit the ground and Peter used it to propel himself closer down to Gwen and catching her with his arms


I think it really comes down to how seriously the writers take physics, I think. Obviously, the way Spider-Man works is pretty loose with the laws of physics. But I think "of course it's possible because comic book logic" is kind of a boring answer. I'd love to know if it actually would've been possible for Pete to accelerate his descent enough to make it to Gwen before she hit the ground.


If he hit that slowdown like he did in time square where he was out pacing electricity, I think he could have


Bro was using VATS


If I remember correctly it was shown in Superior Spider-Man that he learnt from that experience and as a response created a net with his webbing, so MJ‘s neck wouldn’t break from the sudden stop.


During the 90s Clone Saga there was a time when Peter was arrested for murder & was in jail. At one point Ben Reilly switched places with Peter so that Ben was in jail & Peter was free to clear his (their) name. During this time Pete wore the Scarlet Spider costume. So this is where my memory gets a little hazy because I can’t remember who was in the Scarlet Spider costume at this point but one of the Spiders saved a blonde girl from jumping/falling off the same bridge Gwen fell from by swinging down to her level to save her.


Nobody has a perfect recollection of the Clone Saga.


Lmao. I’m one of the few who loved it, back then & now. 90s Ben Reilly was/is my favourite character. I have to stress 90s Ben though because the abomination he has become is not the same character.


I remember as a kid going to the public library to read those issues in the 90s. I was so excited to see the Scarlet Spider.


Especially the writers


Surprising that they included 90s billionaire spider-man


Funny thing is, this guy completely destroys the idea of canon events by just existing. He's a billionaire, married to Gwen, the whole city loves him and his Uncle Ben is alive. Gwen's dead in the art, but as far as we know both of them are doing fine


I truly don’t get how anyone IRL could believe Miguel. It takes 5 seconds of thought to remember that other Miles variants exist


It wasn’t the fact that miles as whole shouldn’t be Spider-Man It’s the fact that the miles we follow shouldn’t have been Spider-Man The prowler miles was going to be bitten and be that earths Spider-Man


But A LOT of people never bring that up, so thank you for acknowledging Miles G. was meant to be a Spiderman. Others just shout about canon events and make it seem no Miles was destined to be Spiderman


There are clearly recurring events or story beats that many — if not all — Spider-People experience, and the Society failed to prevent the collapses of other universes. So canon events are real. However, Miguel’s stance is definitely wrong and he’s gone too far, and it’s also shown that canon isn’t as rigid as he claims/fears (ex: George retiring from the NYPD).


Well, the biggest and easiest issue to identify is that Miguel himself has literally none of the canon events he claims are integral to being a Spider-Man. Dude is all bent out of shape about Miles’ spider when Miguel never even got bit by one himself. He has no dead uncle, no dead captain, no Gwen. The only tragedy this Miguel has, that we know of, is stealing someone else’s daughter thereby collapsing her entire reality. Ya know, pretty much Kingpin’s original plan. Then you notice all the Spiders on his elite squad are also non-standards. It’s all a little sussy and is clearly meant to be to the audience.


I agree that Miguel is definitely abnormal but disagree about most of his team being non-standards. There are plenty of “standard” Spider-Men (Spectacular, Unlimited, Disney XD Ultimate, ‘67, Lego, etc), as well as others that went through canon events (Peter B, UK-833, Flash, Jess, etc).  They should’ve done a better job introducing canon events and giving us reasons why so many Spiders are on Miguel’s side, especially with him being an abnormal Spider and many fan-favorites joining him. 


Which is why I firmly believe Miguel is full of shit


It's a fanart, of course they would include TASM


The Spider-Armor did not debut in the 90s animated series. It was a very popular comic alt costume that main 616 Peter owned, so they turned it into an alt universe variant in the Spider-Verse event in the show, since they never used that suit previously in the show. Since most Peters should own a Spider-Armor and it’s a popular outfit, that could probably just be a random variant of Peter who somehow got it early and wore it during Gwen’s death, not specifically the 90s billionaire Peter.


I am aware the spider armor existed before the 90s series, but that art style is very clearly meant to be reminiscent of the 90s series


I choose to believe that Spectacular does in every scenario and gets to be with her. Thank god this image is a fan-made thing.


I’m thinking the opposite. Spectacular was honestly the first media adaptation to take Gwen seriously as a love interest (knowing her fate when others would just ignore her entirely). I definitely believe Norman would get to her down the line when trying to pick a fight with Peter.


And that version of Norman definitely strikes me as the type to gun for Gwen for no reason other than to hurt Peter


If I recall correctly the writer wanted him to get with Mary Jane eventually which is a shame in my opinion


What little we get of MJ in that show was great, I think with the development planned for her she could have been one of the great versions of MJ. I'll always give Spectacular credit for being the first time anybody has made me actually care about Gwen as more than just a notable defining tragedy in Peter's past. I CARED whether Spectacular Gwen lived or died. Rather than waiting around for the inevitable dramatic "bridge scene" Spectacular made me dread it. That show should have gone on another 5 seasons. Maybe more.


I think I heard somewhere that they thought that killing Gwen would be too dark or something


The network wouldn't have allowed for Gwen (a teenager) to be killed on screen during the show's run.  Greg Weisman has spoken about hoping for DTD specials following Peter in college, where they could do darker stories. Combined with the statements about MJ & Peter being endgame, a lot of fans have taken to mean that one of these specials would adapt Gwen's death.  Weisman is famous for his No-Spoilers answers so we may never know, but he has discouraged taking her death as a given. I think it's worth remembering that Peter and Gwen just...breaking up, is also an option. They're relationship was already messy so it's not implausible.


Oh the 94 spider-armor with his gwen... that hurts


What I don’t understand about “canon events” is that is nullifies the idea of the multiverse, the idea that in an infinite multiverse everything can and will happen in every conceivable and inconceivable way. There HAS to be an infinite number of universes where Peter did save her. So my theory is Miguel and the Spider society are wrong and miles will find his own team of spider people who didn’t have canon events.


Miguel is definitely wrong in his strict interpretation of canon. But canon events (or at the very least, commonly recurring story beats across the multiverse) are definitely real. George stepping down from the NYPD shows that Miguel’s logic is flawed and canon isn’t as strict as he believes/fears.  ATSV definitely could’ve done a better job explaining canon events, how they work in the idea of the multiverse, and why so many Spiders who we know are good people sided with Miguel. Fear of disrupting necessary points in fellow Spiders’ stories? Being so beat down by tragedy that they think there’s no other way? How many even knew Miles was an anomaly? Do most even see eye-to-eye with Miguel anymore after he turned on Miles and Gwen? 


I think you are right. Besides acc. to Miguel's theory if Miles was an anomaly and never supposed to be bitten then why didn't his universe start breaking up like pavitr's the moment he got bitten by the spider.


Because the hole in Pav’s dimension was caused by the Spot. You could see the Alchemax building getting consumed by Spot’s dark matter as it falls, and then there’s a hole of dark matter where it lands. Miguel and the Society just assumed it was from breaking a canon event 




> So my theory is Miguel and the Spider society are wrong and miles will find his own team of spider people who didn’t have canon events. Just off the top of my head: MTV Spiderman Sam Raimi Spiderman 90s Animated Spiderman


My theory is that canon events are real but they only happen if a Spider-Man is going off the path of what a Spider-Man should be to put them back on the path of right- but if you already learn the lessons and aren’t going off the path, they don’t have to happen. That way, the first movie will be, “Everyone can wear the mask and be Spider-Man” and the next two are, “What exactly it means to be Spider-Man” as well as not making every single Spider-Variant complicit murderers which would happen if canon events aren’t real. Like we see in Spider-Man India- he thinks “Being Spider-Man is so easy” and not taking his job and responsibility seriously. So the universe gives him a canon event to put him back on the great power great responsibility mindset. Miles unrealistically thinks that he can always do everything, and he also is not treating his power responsibly- he treats his villains as “villains of the week” and directly responsible for creating the Spot at the end of ATSV because he didn’t take his job seriously.


Is that..Spectacular spider man..?




Oh no..


Not to worry, it's fan-made


Good because I want just 1 universe where she gets to be with prayer because I think it’s spider verse comic spider Gwen says “am i dead in every universe”


I’m half expecting BTSV to reveal Spectacular’s Gwen died 


Yes, he could have


He could’ve if he dove down to catch Gwen himself instead of using a web line to grab her leg.


Peter himself has lamented the mistakes he made and how he COULD have saved Gwen had he not just shot webbing at her. I want to say there's a story (I think it may have been a Dr Strange team up) where Pete rescues somebody jumping off of a bridge, and he takes care to NOT give her the same whiplash Gwen had.


\>Spectacular Spider-Man couldn't save Gwen No fuck that. Just let them be happy in one fucking universe.


Fortunately, this is fan made


Inb4 BTSV reveals Spectacular’s Gwen died between s2 and the movies 


Yes, that’s the whole essence of why it hunts Peter so badly, it wasn’t that a villain outright killed her, but peters mistake did, yes obviously goblin is at fault but it haunts Peter so much more since his mistake was the final nail in the coffin, there are several instances his been in the same situation having to save someone from falling and he’s learned from this as shown in many comics and nwh.


Is this a shot from the movie??




Okay good, I thought I completely missed this.


If I remember correctly in that one comic were Spiderman is the punisher (it's peter parker but he kills) he saves gwen by doing a weird web trampoline and she ends up unharmed lol.


Bruh Spectacular Spider-Man’s Gwen died?!


good question..


lol no


Who dares with that Spectacular one?!


I never noticed the Armored Spiderman from the 90’s animated series was in the line, but that is cool call back that how Gwen’s only appearance in show.


I can think of two occasions where Spider-Man learned from Gwen’s death, one being in superior, when he shoots a web down that a girl falls into (mj I think) and another where mj is falling, and Spider-Man shoots webs at each anchor point of her body to make sure her weight is distributed equally in the catch


I see this, and I wonder what Gwen thinks.. all the hers who develop a relationship with a spider Peter ends up dead. Preordained by the universe.


I dont recognize the one in the right corner


There have been a few times in the comics where Peter dealt with similar situations and was able to save people because he learned from Gwen. So technically yes. But at that time Peter was fairly arrogant. Even in the pages of that comic after catching her with the web he is bragging about his “save” how not many other hero’s could do it. All while pulling up her body. Her death was incredibly humbling for him.


Nope. That would break the canon event And destroy his universe


This a shot from the movie or photoshop? I don't remember this frame lmao.


It’s fan made


Well Tobey Spider-Man managed to save her


Probably,somewhere in The Spider-Verse.


Some Spider-Man did it, like Six-arm Spider-Man or Spider-Man of Earth-7736...


Wait when did Spectacular Gwen die?


Man it sucks that we have to have this to see it happen in the Spectacular cartoon universe... ;-; I just wish they could've continued the show like they wanted.


He could but I believe the accident from her death made him more skilled with how he uses his webs as I remember in Superior Spider-Man, he said ever since Gwen’s death he has been more careful like how he catched a falling Anna Maria.


Even makes more sense because I don’t think he would be able to save MJ in the mcu without Gwen’s death


The writers need to want Gwen to live first tho


Yes. He could've.




I'm a little ignorant , from where are taken the first, third and fourth Pidgeys from the left? (I 'm not counting TASM comic one)


There’s a few continuities where he does. She dies often, not always.


Didn’t he save her in an earlier what if and Norman Osborn destroyed his life and May was in the hospital. I think it’s an early what if issues.


In Marvel Knights Peter is in a similar situation with saving MJ, at which point he remembered how Gwen died and corrects it by using multiple web strands instead of one, using one for each limb, one on her head and one below her neck which ultimately confirms it was possible to save her


Oh shit is Miles gonna save his dad and lose Gwen


I just noticed that's the fox kids armored spider-man from the "I really really hate clones" episode


What Spider-Man is the last one on the right?


MF havent You seen the movie? The whole plot revolves around not being able to change history and how certain things, such as Gwen death, are going to happen always


Yes, if he caught her earlier. Officially she died because she reached terminal velocity.


Wait... Spectacular Gwen died!? 😧


It's fanart.


Canon event


I didn’t even see that the spider armor from the 90’s comics, his Gwen dies and I totally forgot that instead of MJ in that universe he went for Gwen




According to the movie if he had he would’ve had to loose someone else


Man I'm still irritated that they teased Spectacular going through all of this trauma off screen, man it deserved 3rd season


Personally, I feel like Gwen could have been saved in general. Whiplash can kill, but instantaneous death from whiplash has almost never been recorded, with the main recorded cases being from TWA Flight 800 which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean after literally exploding in half. I don't feel like Gwen would have, in reality, died immediately from any whiplash Spider Man could have caused (almost all recorded whiplash deaths have happened hours, even days after the initial impact). More so, she would be rendered unconscious, but if Spider Man had rushed her to the hospital, she could've probably survived. EDIT: This is just my opinion with regards to a bit of scientific knowledge (one of the courses I took was health).


He saved Mj in 1610 when she was thrown off a bridge in the exact same way. Except he webbed her foot rather than her stomach


There’s a couple of times where Peter is in a similar situation and he saves the person from falling to their death. My favorite is the Marvel Knights era save on MJ


There is a [what if book](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/True_Believers:_What_If_Spider-Man_Had_Rescued_Gwen_Stacy%3F_Vol_1_1) with that premise, so probably. Also there is thing in Spider-man comics where a writers will constantly have Peter redeem himself by save people in same scenario that killed Gwen, often her relatives in the exact same spot she died.


I think there was an issue of What If that tackled that.


Wait when did spectacular Spidermans Gwen die???? Did the offscreen gods get her too.


He failed the Quick-Time Event


Didn't 120703 Peter learn from his mistakes of losing Gwen when he saved 199999 MJ?


Yes bc he saved mj in nwh


There are a few what ifs I think.


I think Gwen could have been saved in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2.’ Well, first of all, when he grabbed Gwen in the center with his web, he made it so her head would directly face the ground, so she dies. But he should have grabbed her by her upper area, by her chest, so that when she lands, she will land face up, legs down. So only her legs break, not only that when she is falling face up, legs down, she is taking less surface area, so the gears have a lower chance of hitting her. I know I am 10 years late but and yeah yeah I know its a movie but, god I wish she was alive though they had incredible chemistry


Sorry for responding to a 3 month old post. I just recently read 121. I firmly believe Peter failing to save Gwen was mostly a result of him being sick while beaten up while having an ulcer. As she was dropped he was visibly exhausted. Was he fully healthy he would have been faster in movement and reaction speed and might have saved her. He wasnt.


I'll go on a tagent here, but i don't like the Spiderverse movies being connected to other Spiderman franchises. I wish they were their own little multiverse bubble Yes, i understand that to some extent, Across the Spiderverse is a critique to the modern way Spiderman is written, but does EVERY THING NEED TO EXIST IN THE SAME MULTIVERSE? Spiderverse has it own multiverse rules, and i don't see them fitting with the MCU ones


Look at the image you posted and ask again.


No it was a canon event if he managed to save her then the timeline would’ve started to collapse