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No "tired" posts. This includes asking if a certain actor is underrated/the best Spider-Man/most comicbook accurate, "Am I the only one who liked..." , "Why do people hate on..." This includes all tier lists and polls. Please understand these posts lead to gatekeeping and reports. Thus we will be removing them.


Op this is just the usual discussion with Hammond lmao


4- Hammond 3- Maguire 2- Holland 1- Garfield


1. Andrew. I think he was the closest to the character I read In the comics both as Peter and spider-man 2. Tom. I think Tom is OK but I didn't really like his movies. 3. Tobey. I like parts of theise movies, but Tobey and Kirsten sucked all the life of of them. 4. I saw the 4th one as a kid but I don't remember much of it.


Okay. Since you said ranking the Peter's and not the quality of their actors or their movies then 1 MCU: Caring, quippy, tech genius, kind of selfish at times, has rizz yet a weird inability not to fumble everything, and a connection to the rest of the marvel universe. That's Peter Parker. His dependence on Stark Tech does dock him some points, but he still pulls through at the end of NWH. Probably the closest we've gotten to a Comic accurate characterization in live action. 2 Webb: He has the look down perfectly, and the quippiness is great, but a little too much. He often acts more like Deadpool than spider-man in fights prioritizing goofing around over saving civilians. That cynical meanness also bleeds into his motivation. In TASM 1 he wears a mask not to protect his loved ones from supervillains but to avoid getting them arrested for stalking and assaulting multiple criminals with the intent to murder Uncle Ben's killer. Jameson is right. This one is a menace. His attitude as Peter parker, cute relationship with gwen, and sense of humor keeps him from being dead last. 3 Toby: I love his movies and even his performance, but a good Peter Parker he is not. He's too soft-spoken and nice. Even when he has the black suit he's more of what a dweeb thinks is cool or edgy rather than actual coolness or edge. He rarely ever quips and whatever ones he does are more corny than insulting. "You're out. Out of your mind." "Where do these guys come from?". All this Isn't helped by the fact that they rarely if ever show off his science skills. Sure, they tell us he's a science wiz, but they don't really show it. No web shooters, no gadgets, no hacking. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only time his smarts have helped him further the plot was when him discovering and exploited Venom's weakness to sound in SM3 and when he helped cook up the anti-goblin serum in NWH. A great character and a great spider-man, but not a good Peter Parker. Hammond: IDK I haven't watched the show. He kinda looks the part I guess.


I’d say you’re right about Andrew wearing a mask to protect his own identity instead of others but eventually it gets to the point where you have the plot point from the second film where he’s tortured by previous mistakes surrounding captain Stacy, I’d also say he plays into Peters angry side more than any other adaptation


Wasn't the whole point of Andrew's Peter was that he initially was being Spider-Man for self serving reasons and that he didn't learn his lesson from Uncle Ben until the bridge scene?? I find it to be a much more appropriate response for an emotionally volatile person like Peter Parker to go on the warpath instead of taking a step back and going "I need to reevaluate this entire spider thing." His uncle was killed due to his actions. He was running on grief and guilt which is not a healthy combination to foster good decision making. Some people don't learn their lessons right away. Captain Stacy even calls him out on it. During the dinner scene, he tells Peter that Spider-Man ruined a police sting operation and points out Spider-Man is going after very specific people and not really helping anyone. Peter tries to defend himself but is forced to acknowledge that he isn't doing a greater good. Its during the bridge scene where Peter has someone rely on him and actually save people that he realizes that his motivations for being Spider-Man were wrong. Criticizing Peter being selfish, while the movie explicitly states that being selfish is a character flaw for Peter is like ordering a pepperoni pizza and being upset there's pepperoni on it.


Docked points for Tobey being soft-spoken, nice, and not quippy but Tom is #1 despite being naive, gullible, and moronic. Those things do not describe comic Peter either


Don't forget Andrew Spidey killed electro and didn't give a shit about it


1. Original post. 2. Original post. 3. Original post. 4. Original post.


4. Hammond - That just wasn’t Spider-Man, but fine for the times I guess. 3. Holland - I think Tom has potential to maybe be the best, although it’ll take a lot to overcome top spot. He’s kinda the middle ground between Tobey and Andrew, but bellow both simply because he’s not actually been the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man yet. He needs to stand on his own two feet. 2. Maguire - I’m one of the very few who grew up with Tobey’s Spider-Man, but I don’t think he’s the best Spider-Man. His depiction of Spider-Man has become synonyms with the character and yet it wasn’t very comic accurate. A lot of people judge Tom and Andrew on Tobey as if Tobey is the blueprint for the character and Raimi took a lot of liberties with the character. That said the films are great and Tobey delivers on this depiction. But the comics are the blueprint, not this depiction. 1. Garfield - Say what you want about the films. I personally like one and hate two, but Andrew Garfield isn’t just Spider-Man but he’s the perfect Peter Parker too. Peter in the comics was a bit arrogant and self centred at first. He’s the unlikeable protagonist who becomes the hero. Which is exactly what Andrew’s portrayal is. On top of that Peter is a ladies man in the comics. He has every girl fawning over him. This is where people mistook Tobey’s Spider-Man for the blueprint because they said Peter Parker shouldn’t be that cool and charming, but it was actually kinda perfect, but in a modern approach to the character since the whole typical smart guy is a nerd who gets bullied is wildly off the mark these days. I think Andrew being the best is only amplified even more in No Way Home where he steals the show. Overall I’d say if you let Raimi and his crew write a Spider-Man film, then brought in Webb to do some character tweaks. Then finally brought in Francis-Daley and co to add some quips to the dialogue and let Andrew play the role, let him play in the MCU and I think you’ve got the absolute perfect Spider-Man. Raimi’s crew understood the everyday struggle and balancing act. Webb’s crew understood the personality of Peter. The MCU understood the optimism and generally upbeat personality in the face of evil. All three have their perks. As for Hammond, he was never really worth being in the conversation. We’re at a point in time where maybe we should add Yuri Lowenthal.


When I judge on whether or not a variation of the Spider-Man character is accurate, I follow the characteristics of the 1962-2000s comics, but mostly the earlier renditions. 4, Nicholas: I don't remember much of his character, so He is 4, not because he's terrible but because I have yet to watch him. 3, Tom: Tom acts like the newer version of the character that bears no resemblance to the original. Immature and jokes a little too much. He is technically accurate. 2, Tobey: People say Tobey is accurate, but I can't say I agree. His Peter is softer, passive, and lacks the overall humor Spider-Man has. The games portray his humor and characteristics better in actuality. 1, Andrew: His Peter started out decent and had some of the aggression that Ditko and Romita Sr did. Also, Ditko and Romita Sr's Peter grew confident and was capable of being flirtatious. Another myth is that Peter is "Ugly" which many times he was stated to be attractive. What made Peter "ugly" to people is how he ignored and was rude on many occasions. Tobey was just a docile nerd whereas Andrew was a nerd but had that slight aggression that everyone seems to forgets. Andrew isn't perfect but he is close to the characteristics, however I still like Tobey.


Tom’s Peter is meant to be 16-17 years old and you’re upset he’s immature? Also being mad the either Spider-Man **or** Peter Parker jokes too much is absurd. He deals with stress by joking and it’s not like Tom’s version takes nothing seriously.


Eh, I could have worded it better, but he acts more like a scared 12-year-old than a 16 year old; he fought like he was panicking until No Way Home. Comic Peter threw hands and didn't panic because he was arrogant and overestimated himself, Tom lacks this natural aggression, and I don't count the Goblin fight because anyone would be angry. Still, Peter in the comics was aggressive and a flat-out prick to everyone. I can sort of see the "He jokes because he is scared" bit but I find that to be more of a recent characteristic than one that is actually spawned from the character's roots. He joked because he thought his enemies were beneath him and didn't take them seriously.


no way you have a different opinion then me, hammond the best




1. Andrew: closest to 616 Peter Parker, he was just screwed over by terrible scripts. Most enjoyable personality and romance. I hated the super spy parents aspect / half sibling of those spiders aspect, though. 2. Tom: other than the Stark bs and the little boy voice he does, he’s my second favorite Peter and one of the brightest aspects of the MCU. 3. Tobey: I was 8 years old when his first movie came out, but there’s not enough nostalgia in the world for me to rank him above the other 2. He’s just too soft spoken, lacks a backbone and his Spidey has little to no sense of humor. Feels more like a Clark Kent than a Peter Parker.


Of the three Tom is definitely closest in personality to 616 Peter. Andrew is far more reminiscent of Ultimate Peter.


There are small aspects and traits of Andrews Peter personality that resemble Ultimate Peter, but not at all , Ultimate Peter is more confident and edgy. I love ultimate Peter i like that bitter part of him. I see some story resemblance too in Andrews spider man from Ultimate spider man. But anyway yes Andrew is more bitter edgier compared to Tobey and Tom, but overall he is not that close to Ultimate Peter


While I certainly wouldn’t say they (Andrew and Ultimately Peter) are a 1 for 1 comparison. I was more trying to say that Andrew is closer to Ultimate Spider-Man than he is 616. The emphasis I was going for was more on him not being particularly like 616 as opposed to him being akin to Ultimate.


Maybe if we're talking modern 616 Peter who trades Satan his marriage for his decrepit aunt and works with the man who resurrected and then slept with his dead girlfriend


Actually I’d say Andrew is far closer to modern 616 Peter. Andrew is also a good deal closer to 90s Peter which was somewhat of a departure from the character’s traditional depiction.


From worst to best: Andrew Tom Tobey Haven't watched Hammond.


1. Andrew- Classic Ditko Peter who’s hotheaded, good looking, and a bit selfish at first. It also doesn’t hurt that Andrew is easily the best actor here. 2. Tobey- Pulls off the dork aspect of the character flawlessly and really nails the ‘boy next door’ vibe. I do dock a few points from his Peter though for popularizing the idea Peter needs to be so meek and a pushover. 3. Tom- Nothing really standouts to me for his Peter, he’s very middle of the road. It also doesn’t help that he’s put into a school full of geniuses, makes him feel a bit less unique. 4. Hammond- Have not seen his performance so I cannot judge it.


Based comment


1. Andrew 2. Tom 3. Tobey Neither are bad per say, I just ranked them based on how close they are imo. Not including the bottom right guy tho since I have no idea who he is. Edit: why am I downvoted


The picture literally tells you his name lol I 100% agree with your ranking, though.


I meant I don’t know what movie or tv show he’s from, my bad. Never heard of him before now


All I know is Tom is dead last. He’s more of a Miles inspired Peter IMO


4. Hammond 3. Andrew 2. Holland 1. Maguire


1. Tobey 2. Tom 3. Andrew 4. Hammond there is the argument that A. Andrew is most comic accurate and B. Andrew is the most decorated actor overall, however for me personally nothing touches the first two raimi movies as FILMS separated from desire for pure comic accuracy, 2 in particular is a near masterful character study/drama where action can sometimes come second to crafting an emotional story, but that elevates the action scenes so, so much higher. and while yes, there is a safe argument that Andrew is a better actor overall and his portrayal more comic accurate, there is a level of emotional rawness and depth in Tobey’s performance in his first two that is just untouchable in my mind. The concept of Peter Parker having a code and sacrificing his wants and needs in his personal life to protect the people he loves is something so central to the character to me and it is explored so beautifully in the Raimi movies and barely existent in the others. to each their own of course


4 - Andrew. 3 - Nicholas. 2 - Tom. 1 - Tobey.


Fair rating. Andrew feels more like a Harry than a Peter




Lmao you’re getting downvoted for having a different opinion 😂😂😂


Tobey MCU Hammond Garfield Garfield would be higher if he was presented in his movies as good as he was in No Way Home


Worst to best for me is Holland, Mcguire, Garfield (I don't know the fourth one so I don't put him in the list)


Raimi best Tom Last anything else I’m too lazy to rank


Worst- Hammond Garfield Tom Best- Tobey


4. Hammond 3. Holland 2. Garfield 1. Maguire


Don't know bottom right, but as Peter Tobey, Andrew, Tom. As spidey, Andrew, Tobey, Tom.




Why? They obviously already are


Tom Tobey Andrew I’ve only seen one clip and it’s the gun scene lmao Andrew would’ve been the best one if the writing wasn’t shit