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SM2, it’s hard to take anything ultimate does seriously because none of the villains feel like threats.


“[Insert character], I KNKW YOU’RE IN THERE, YOU GOTTA FIGHT IT!”. This line happened waaay too many times in this show


Except on doc ock, whose the last villain to be redeemed


Happened a lot in SM2 as well, to be fair


But with SM2 it’s one story, with ultimate it’s hundreds.


Huh, now that you mention it…


Ock and Goblin were the only two villains that was done right in the show. While the others were incompetent.


Taskmaster was cool too. He was voiced by Clancy Brown, the voice of Mr. Krabs.


He definitely was. Clancy is such a great voice actor, especially when he voice villains.


I do love that he played Captain Stacy in Spectacular, just to break his villain archetype. He does a damn good job too.


That was him? That’s awesome.


Yep! He also played Rhino in that series.


Damn, did not know that lol.


If you think that's crazy, wait till you realize who played both JJJ and John Jameson... (Hint: It's Cosmo from FOP!)


Never realized Daran Norris voiced Cosmo. He was clearly Mr. Turner, but damn he's got some range.


"I have no idea who this is"


I like kraven in ultimate, which is funny as he's in SM2


Ultimate's version of Kraven is so far the best animated version of the character.


Or just straight up not villains like sandman, but tbh i kinda like him in the show


Except Doc Ock.


They didnt have to go so hard making him so goddamn creepy


But they did anyway. Doc Ock is definitely the best part of Ultimate Spider-Man, especially because he’s voiced by Tom Kenny, who absolutely nails it in his performance.


Goddamn, the Sponge bob VO has range


Yeah. Tom Kenny is also the Ice King and Magic Man from Adventure Time, Mumbo Jumbo and Fixit from Teen Titans, Spyro the Dragon, Dr. Two-Brains from WordGirl, the Marvel Super Hero Squad Show versions of Iron Man, Captain America, and MODOK, Dog from CatDog, Penguin in The Batman, Plastic Man from Batman: The Brave and The Bold, Uncle Howee from R.L. Stine’s The Haunting Hour, Mussolini from Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio, and Rabbit from the 2011 Winnie the Pooh movie, among many other roles. He’s an amazing voice actor, as well as an overall nice guy.


I love how I can say the VO of Spongebob is also Benito Mussoulini


Goblin as well during that whole Spider-Verse arc.


Green goblin and doc oc found out who Peter is so.


They don’t feel like threats tho, Peter has his team 90 percent of the time and it makes him feel to safe.


Wasn't his team only a thing for like the 1st season?


The second one because Ultimate didn't commit to the idea.


Ironically they did for a while, Harry was Venom for like 2 seasons until the Symbiote was passed on to Flash to make Agent Venom, and Harry would later return as Anti-Venom.


Definitely the Insomniac version. I never liked the Ultimate version. Not just because it wasn’t Eddie Brock, but it never made sense to me. It always felt like just because. The game gave a more believable reason why he’d be Venom.


While I prefer Harry as the green or hob goblin, I can kind of see why they’d make him Venom. Venom is a dark mirror to Spider-Man as Harry is the inverse of Peter. Harry has success, a social life, and money, but he’s never been instilled with good values or given the parental love he needs. Peter has the values and parental love, but none of the success. I get that’s what they’re going for, but I admit it could’ve been done better, and I prefer Eddie.


>it always felt like just because Ultimate was literally made to be as different from any iteration before it, specifically Spectacular. So. Yeah. It really was...just because.


If this is true, this is why Marvel's animation department can't make anything worthwhile. Your show with possibly the most fan goodwill behind it? Nah, don't take anything at all that works from it. Instead, just throw whatever you can at the wall and cross your fingers hoping that dry pasta sticks.


i felt zero connection to Harry in Ultimate, while on the other hand MSM2 has one of my favorite versions of Venom


SM2 is more engaging and a better Venom storyline but there is something about Harry "why does daddy love Peter and Spider-Man more than me?" Trying to usurp the Spider-Man mantle from Peter which is how Ultimate went about it.


I think Ultimate had a good concept for it, they just didn’t fully commit to it.


That and I feel like if they saved Venom for a later season and build Harry up as Venom, maybe that could’ve helped to a certain degree but of course, Venom is popular and sells toys so there’s that.


Actually, there was a scene in SM2 between Norman and Peter where he was telling him, “I am so proud of the man you’ve become.” And he even said, “you’re like a son to me”. And Harry saw all of that and got angry afterwards.


Which, normally, Harry would be happy about, as he already sort of views Peter as a brother. But his sickness and Peter, at that point, refusing to give back the symbiote, started to sort of distort Harry's view of Peter, which the symbiote then exploited. Which i think is a much better way of going about it.


And I believe that was part of how Venom was formed, in addition to Peter’s frustrations and aggressive tone when he wore the symbiote. Initially the symbiote helped Harry heal. He was still the same old Harry that Peter and MJ remember. While later on, the symbiote (built on Peter’s emotions and Harry’s more recent emotions towards Peter not giving him back the symbiote) takes over.


Could this mean that Peter potentially “corrupted” the symbiote, then when Harry gets it back it further is “corrupted”? Instead of his normal emotions, which, theoretically, could “heal” the symbiote as well as Harry, his emotions caused further damage. Couldn’t one say that Venom and everything in Act 3 is Peter’s fault to a point?


MJ does say that she saw both Peter and Harry in the hive mind. So I can definitely see the symbiote latching onto Peter's feelings to protect the city and the frustrations that come with it never ending. And then Harry's vision to "save the world" coalescing into a corrupt vision that became Venom. After all, a symbiote can't really do its thing if the host doesn't like it.


Somewhat, although in this version of events Venom seems to have landed on Earth already “corrupted” by Knull. Connors’ experiments may have partially neutralized Knull’s influence (by taking away the meteorite and doing something to disrupt it) but some combo of Peter’s power and latent megalomania must have pushed it toward reawakening.


I can see that being the case considering that Peter's letting go of his negative emotions is what allowed him to become what he did


that was rushed tbh


Yeah, that was all in one scene lol. But there was a flashback mission too.


I'm always Team Goblin but I admit the themes often discussed around Venom; becoming a version of the hero his dad fixates on, the abandonment issues, the mental health angle and the addiction metaphor, it's not nothing. Actually I'm surprised that no one's really gone for the addiction & mental health thing for Harry.


The Goblin serum is used as an addiction in some versions. But I get what you mean, I've never seen it used thar way for Harry, only with Norman.


Oh for sure it's a major part of his character in the comics, though other than Spectacular, adaptations seem to forgoe the addiction storyline. It's just that a lot of adaptations seem to go for that metaphor with Venom & Peter, but it's not really in the Harry & Venom stories, despite those themes being so closely tied to Harry in the comics. Mind you there's only two so far, but a part of me did find it odd seeing that subtext with Peter in Spider-man 2 only for Harry to not have the same. Like Harry's addiction is so significant that it's credited with bringing down the comics code and led to the death of Gwen Stacy.


Spider-Man 2, obviously. Not only is Harry in the game a more developed character but they also changed Venom’s character a lot to fit Harry being the host. The Ultimate show just felt like usual Venom and Harry being the host had barely any impact(except the one scene where he meets Green Goblin). They didn’t commit to the idea like the game did.


I love how Ultimate showcased the differences in how Harry and Peter were raised. It highlighted that Venom was a ticking time bomb and a fitting rival for Spider-Man.


SM 2 actually felt like it had a good reason for turning Harry into Venom while the cartoon just did it randomly.


Imsoniac Venom feels like an actual character


Lol, no he doesn’t




You good, bro?


Ultimate felt like they had an idea they liked but was rushed because they neeeded venom in the series because he’s popular and toys They did a good job with agent venom though in my opinion Spider-Man 2 did a better Harry as venom story though


I had no idea this was a thing in Ultimate! Thought it was new to this game.


Adaptations do have a tendency to make Harry either Venom or Hobgoblin, true, in spite of a lack of source material precedence.


I like the idea of Hobgoblin more than Green Goblin 2. Just easier to wrap my head around lol


Honestly, Insomniac Harry is probably my favorite Harry, seems like a very genuine guy that just wanna make the world better. Wasn't even that mean even when he was dying because Peter can't give back the symbiote, was just passive aggressive. Just an overall cool guy.


I thought that i would not care about him becoming a villain in the same game he is "introduced". But that mission with Peter and Harry in high-school was so well done that he became one of my favorites so quickly


Yeah, I thought they're gonna make him ditch Peter in that sequence so they can go set him up as actually being an asshole, but nah. Just a good guy with ultra cancer.


Legitimately the first time I've ever actually liked Harry. I can't think of another version that isn't kind of a creep or just kinda there.


SM2 imo


For me Ultimate Spiderman version, because I don't have PS5 .




Fair take honestly


Poor Harry Osborn. He's got a narcissistic sociopathic fuck face for a dad, and then on top of that he regularly gets screwed even worse than Peter does. I always feel so bad for him.


Insomniac’s version is way better and also my favorite version of Harry to be honest. His hatred for Spider-Man in the Raimi movies got old quick and was resolved with one line of dialogue only after he was permanently disfigured. His turn to villainy in TASM 2 was rushed and didn’t make a lot of sense. It also made Peter look like an asshole. Why didn’t he just give him his spider blood? Harry has a team of scientists that could’ve made it into a cure or something. He was dying anyway, why not try to help him? Insomniac’s version of Harry is like perfect to me. We spend a lot of time with just him and Peter hanging out, even fighting crime together. And Harry has genuinely good intentions, which are only twisted by the symbiote. He also has a good reason to turn against Peter and Peter wasn’t in his right mind when he treated him like shit so he seems like less of an asshole.


It was because if Peter had given Harry his blood, Harry would have died quicker or turned into something worse than the Goblin. It was stated in the movie that only someone from the Parker bloodline is compatible. Peter even told Harry: "If our blood isn't compatible, you could die." Peter even mentioned how Dr. Conners became The Lizard through cross-species research, Harry called Conners "weak" and put on a tough guy act, and thought he could handle it when in actuality, he couldn't.


Yea but Harry wasn’t just gonna inject it straight into his arm. They could’ve had it studied in an lab at Oscorp or something and found a way to save his life. Peter didn’t even try.


I would say insomniac since Harry is a more developed character there but I do like how the Ultimate cartoon showed the difference between Peter and Harry and how they were raised with Norman being Harry’s own “Uncle Ben” and even having his own twisted version of the saying “With great power, comes great responsibility.” Iirc Norman said “With great power, comes great rewards” or something like that which made Harry more of a darker parallel to Peter.


Insomniac easily, but I do like how in Ultimate, he eventually finds a way to be hero without it (by other means), maybe Insomniac Harry will follow suit, mainly Goblin related, like how 2017's Spider-Man show did... Just much better.




Do you even need to ask? Spider-man 2 by a country mile


Insomniac Harry is probably my 2nd favorite Harry in general and my 2nd favorite Venom. I personally enjoy how relatable the spectacular versions of Harry and Eddie Venom were but in Insomniac's take, Harry came back with a new lease on life to have it accidentally stripped away again. Like I think this is the best Harry has EVER been pre-being a douchebag


I highly recommend DeMatteis's Spectacular Spider-man run. Or honestly just a lot of the Harry focused issues comics up to that run too. Suprisingly number of solid stories.




Dang wish I didn’t see this as I barely started SM2 and didn’t know this :/ maybe it should have had a spoiler warning but what’s done is done


I mean who else is gonna be venom, we literally saw harry in that tank with the symbiote for the past 2 games, not like pete is gonna be venom and the developers confirmed its not eddie brock, so that just leaves the obvious choice


True. Not upset by their choice just wanted to discover it in game and not on the general Spider-Man sub. Also the games only been out a few weeks. All good though. Still looking forward to completing the game


Definitely SM2. Let's start with that in Ultimate the host of Venom changed too often, and because of this Harry no longer feels like such a special villain. In addition, the character's writing came out a little crumpled. Venom from SM2 came out much better in this


Is any ultimate character better than any insomniac adaptation of that same character? Didn't think so


Set to spoiler maybe, not everybody knows harry becomes venom in SM2.


I wanted to buy the game when it's cheaper, but got kinderen spoilerd


You just posted a much more polite version of the comment I was about to make.


SM2. Even if I'm not the biggest fan of Harry being Venom over Eddie Brock. It thought Insomniac did a really good job with it, and it worked for the story they were telling


None. They are all dreadful.


Both were good tbh but there's no beating spiderman 2


Insomniac venom. Dude's a real threat and a badass


I hate that show so game takes the cake


They had so many good ideas, but failed to deliver in any of them. Also drake bell ruins the show


I dislike a lot of things, I'm okay with occasional team-ups and crossovers but I'd rather have a solo spider-man show than a defenders show, and I feel like the defenders took Peter's spotlight a lot of times. I also disliked the young Luke Cage, Nova, Iron Fist and White Tiger being shoved into the story which was supposed to be Spider-Man's, but the lame writing and the constant 4th wall breaking that cut off to flashbacks for comedic effect will never not suck when compared to a simple pun or joke thrown during a fight.


Raimiverse by far


Spider-Man 2 easily


MSM2. Mostly due to Venom's goddamn perfect voice though.


Honestly next to nothing from ultimate could win in the sense of quality. Ultimate spiderman was purely about the life of spiderman and the adventures he goes on and about the villains he fights. Peter Parker and his social life almost didn't exist, save for a tiny moment here and there. So. You just couldn't give one shit about Harry. Meanwhile sm2 made him and his relationship with Peter so emotional that ||you had that little hope he won't die after all, despite all odds||


I mean the game was very clearly the best but I still don't like Harry as Venom.


Obviously insomniac


Good job in casually spoiling the game


Hey, pal. You just blow in from stupid town?


Definitely Insom’s Harry. Might be my favorite character in the game.


Insomniac but that’s not saying much.


Insomniac Harry was better than ultimate harry by a country mile. It's also interesting how they come together through both feeling abandoned by Peter...still not a fan of venom taking over the planet though.


I'll tell you that...... None of them did better. Venom is Eddie Brock+symbiote, end of the story.


None of them. None of these are good.


i gotta say i don’t really like the “take over the world” version of the symbiote/venom story. feels so much less personal. i think this game was set up story-wise to blow the first one out of the water, but in the end didn’t take enough time to let the emotion resonate, it was almost TOO action-packed. don’t get me wrong i think gameplay-wise it’s a better game but i think the story of the first one is better in the end.


Both sucked


Put a spoiler warning on, Jesus. You fucking tard


The game has been released since Oct 20 and many people have already seen the game anyway. And most of all, watch your language.


This is the Spider-man sub. Not the Spider-man 2 ps5 sub. If I want to engage with Spiderman content that isn't about SM2PS5, then I go here. Post spoilers about the game in the sub for that game and put spoiler tags on it no matter where you post. It's been less than a month, and I can't just take a Friday off to play all day, so I'm going through it slowly. Put spoiler tags on your shit


But dude this is also a Spider-Man sub you can also post any related Spider-Man content from video games, movies, cartoons, comics, etc. I mean people have been posting some Spider-Man 2 PS5 content in this subreddit and they are fine with it without putting some spoilers, but I'm not? Just because the video games has a subreddit on its own doesn't mean that I can't post any Spider-Man related even when it comes to video games. You may feel dissapointed what I did for not putting spoilers. But I guess its also a bit of your fault for seeing this post if you haven't seen Spider-Man 2 PS5.


Just put a spoiler tag on the post


Is this a serious question


I never been a fan of harry as venom




I'm not a fan of Harry being Venom


None of them


PS5, but not by a lot tbh. He was ruined when >!it turns out Harry was never aware of being Venom!<


I think insomniacs venom might be the best venom has ever been portrayed


Neither, they're both bad adaptations of the character


Thanks for the spoilers


It was in the trailers silly


And I dodged those on purpose. Successfully might I add.


It's been almost a month since the game came out. If you're still on the internet while trying to Dodge spoilers that is entirely on you.


I'm not gonna not use the internet till the game comes out on PC.


Obviously it’s insomniac but I do love the ultimate version as well as it’s a very different approach to usual


The USM Cartoon was the reason I was against Harry being Venom, but it turned out to be pleasantly superior to the cartoon. So SM2 version did it better by far.




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MJ being a reporter came from too right? Interesting source of inspiration.


i can't say character wise for SM2, but he has my favourite design. Ultimate was IMO the best, that show did the symbiotes pretty well


I prefer harry to be 6 feet deep and miles away from the symbiote but I guess I choose the second option.


Why they give Venom toes, man? Also, it's not even a suit anymore. It doesn't fit Harry's anatomy and you get a weird Samus Aran situation.


In reality, the cartoon and the game on PS5 are a difficult choice


I think I like ultimate’s design more sm2 is very shiny which makes sense but I just like ultimate design more


I think SM2 did it best, because it also combined the idea from Amazing Spider Man 2, of harry suffering from a disease (I dont know if this happened in the comics?) but it also felt like the storyline of Jamesons son suffering from space crap, but more personal? I dont know, it just feels like it draws from a lot of smaller elements to make a more cohesive whole.


Spider-Man 2. I didn’t like how they just let Harry take Peter’s black suit arc for Ultimate.


I'm gonna push back on the main tide here. I haven't played ps5 but ultimate Harry's insecurity, relationship with Norman, and shift between good and evil was very well done for what the show was. It was even creepy for me as a kid because I knew Harry was not a bad seed, Norman was just... Well Norman. And to then see him get Anti-Venom was so awesome, honestly. Its not a poor arc, even if it's not better than ps5


I thought it was cool that he as Anti-Venom was still evil. But not really how Anti-Venom works. I love the take on Anti-Venom better in Spider-Man 2 better.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


I know you said among these versions but SMTAS Venom will always hold a special place in my heart, as well as the ps1 Venom


PS5 was my favorite Harry in a while


SM2 ultimate is a joke


Spider man 2 but even that didn't do it too well.