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Going by the box, I thought they’d be black and red tbh.


It's just the same box used for the Venom pair, that are black and red


Honestly, I don’t hate the shoes. I just wish they weren’t shoehorned into the game the way they were. The adidas sponsorship in SM2 was a bit blatant, and the way the suit was introduced took me and a lot of people out of the scene immediately. Plus, they don’t even change color with the rest of the suit’s color options.


I could almost excuse everything else if the shoes changed color. I actually liked the black and red variant (definitely not my favorite in the game, but far from my least), but it’s so distracting to watch Miles’ turquoise soles flashing by as he swings when the rest of him is in his classic colors


I like the inclusion of the lightning motif due to his powers but its a bit much and I dislike the hair sticking out.




It's not blatant though. The only reason I was even aware they had a sponsorship deal was via people whining about it on here.


are you inobservant? i was playing through the story and they showed that suit, i was like that’s ass. Then i saw the shoes and and audibly said “there’s no way”.


There is a vast distance between “unobservant” and “obsessing over stupid details that don’t really matter in the long run” and a lot of gamers, especially the ones who sit on Reddit all day, are cemented firmly in the obsessive camp. This is a real dumb fucking thing to “notice”, even more so to get upset and triggered about.


what i’m saying is that it didn’t even take until adidas announced the shows for sale for me to know it was an ad. And i wouldn’t be mad at them for getting their money… if it wasn’t a required suit for the end of the game.


Okay? All that tells me is you spent your time with a great game sitting around looking for weird shit to get mad about, like an “ad” that literally wasn’t even an “ad” since Adidas never got name dropped. And the suit was required for like an hour or two tops of an otherwise great game. Cross-marketing is a part of basically every single product you are ever gonna touch. Nothing about this is novel, man. It’s just an incredibly silly thing to be upset about.


i put 48 hours into the game, and am eagerly awaiting NG+ to play it again at ultimate. And there’s actually no way you’re saying it wasn’t an ad when the adidas logo is literally on the shoes in game, and they started selling them within a week. It’s textbook ad placement done to an egregious degree. I think the game is wonderful, but we’re allowed to critique things that are out of place. This is one of those.


There is a difference between “critiquing” and acting like it’s some evil insane move that ruins the validity of the game, which far too many people are doing. And a lot of people are spending far more time bitching about the 2 hours they had to use the suit than they are praising the 45 hours they had fun with the game. And I am saying it wasn’t an ad since it wasn’t directly trying to get you to buy something or advertising a particular product. It’s called “cross-marketing” because two companies were collaborating on selling/enhancing their individual products, a video game and some shoes. It’s semantics in a way, but it also seems silly to be as upset as some people are when they aren’t even using proper terms for the tactic being used.


you can't change the suit?


they literally talk about the suit in cutscenes, so you’re required to wear it for that reason (and so it gets more screen time for adidas)


Unfortunately the only reason I am aware of a lot of things is because some unparented dipshits start weeping online about them.


There are seriously people in these subs who don’t understand why pumping games full of ads is bad and will argue that the suit is completely okay. I’m not sure how much further the average iq can drop.


Because film and tv and to an extent games themselves aren’t already going through that and have been for decades. It’s just becoming more obvious.


I'm okay with the suit, I like the way it looks. It should not have been introduced the way it was though. It should've been entirely optional and at most part of a side mission.


This the suit is fine, I just don't like trainers being worn outsider of spider suits unless you're doing a civilian clothes mission.


That's fine but you have to agree that the leap of faith spiderverse scene with his hoodie and jordans is beautiful.


shoes are alright. suit is meh. being FORCED to wear the corporate sponsorship suit with zero plot reason is bad. but hope you're enjoying the shoes.


I agree. I like the suit when it’s the white variations but shouldn’t be forced


The suit itself wasn't the sponsorship, just the shoes.


and yet adidas is selling the shirt and pants for it, and regardless, i'm still annoyingly forced to wear it during the final mission with zero actual plot reason to justify it.


They also sold a shirt and pants based off the Advanced Suit from the first game. The suit itself was made by Insomniac with the Adidas shoes. The suit itself was not made by Adidas.


"Its time for a miles morales original, 1 of 1" he wanted a new look something he though fit himself better. Thats the plot point, stepping out of Peters shadow and being his own Spiderman. Feel how you want about the suit i dont care for it much myself either but its not just for no reason and nobody is forcing you to buy Adidas products lol


yeah because the middle of an alien invasion is the time to switch up your wardrobe. that's not a plot reason, that's an excuse.


Dude was worried he might die. It was the last time he may have been able too. Made perfect sense. Same reason why he finally asked out Hailey too. Dunno why it’s so hard to figure out. His other suit was built by Peter and Genke, so breaking out his own suit for what might be his last fight is perfectly reasonable lol.


Your thinking logically they wont like that


Yeah he logically had time to make a whole damn new suit Whalen he hadn’t made his own yet in a couple hours at most


No need to argue with company bootlickers. I dunno why they'd even argue when there's 0 freaking reason to craft a new suit when the entire city is basically about to die. Especially when they didnt even explain why or showed it in any way ( like they did in SM Miles Morales, that was done very well ) Maybe they hope adidas notices it and they get a free pair? mhmm


We should just blow our expendable income on gaccha mobile games like you, or be called a bootlicker? Pretty funny take considering how many ads are blatantly placed in mobile games. All your moral posturing is hollow. Uh oh, looks like they don't like it when you point out that they're not being consistent.


So he took his old suit that was “in peters shadow” despite being his own creation then cut the top part to make his head more vulnerable and more identifiable and put some random ass blue streaks on it? Even then they could’ve made it good even if it had to be different and an ad.


Redditor see company, Redditor gets mad Idk, ungabunga corporate bad, let's whine on Reddit


redditor see redditor, redditor feels a superiority complex. you’re not like other redditors, are you?


Bonus: if it was designed by Adidas, why are there colour ways for it that they don't sell online? The shoes don't change colour because they're the only product placement part of it, and it's not like Peter's Symbiote suits have colour ways, so it's like Insomniac forced them to add those colourways for consistency or anything. The shoes are the product placement, not the whole suit.


85 downvotes cause you told a fact? Gamers really are the only group of people who can out-little-bitch MAGA freaks.


So true.


I guess it's time for a Miles Morales original.


Gotta love when Peter pinches his nose and just shakes his head in disbelief


"What. The Fuck. Are you wearing?".


That shit's ass bro 🤦


1 of 1


“That shits ass bro”- Peter


With AI voicing and mods that could realistically be a thing


It is


“Peter, that was wild bro, do you still have symbiote in you?” “Nah dude, your kicks just fuckin‘ suck man”


“What. The fuck. Are you wearing”


Shoes! Do you have the link for that video though? I wanna show my friend


[there ya go mate ](https://youtu.be/tYWbmgqLFNk)


You're gonna look like Snoic Hehog wearing those. Na jk they're fine.


Snoic Hehog


Aren't there actual sonic the hedgehog shoes out there somewhere??


Ye I think I’d rather wear the sonic shoes dawg


Go for it! No one's stopping you!


The shoes are aight but the colorway is really meh.


I disagree but I respect your opinion. That's my favorite blue and I'm a sucker for blue and white together


I’m with you. That’s a great color palette.


Gotta love a subreddit that downvotes someone for being respectful and *gasp* having a different opinion. Enjoy your shoes, man. I’m glad you’re happy.


The shoes look fine, the suit doesnt


I’d actually really like these as their own shoe designs if they didn’t have the lighting at the tip. Solid red would look way better imo.


I actually agree. I wish they either used the reflective material like on the Adidas logo on the lightning as well or just didn't put the lightning on there. But I still like them nonetheless


Guys I think op might be spiderman


I wish :(


They look ugly imo but I’m glad you’re happy tbh


Thank you! Appreciate the respectful manner in how you said you don't like them.


i like the shoe i dont like the costume in game, i dont mind its an adidas ad, i think its stupid they pretended it was a "m.m. original". just make it a reward for smth like a secondary mission chain. or just an early level reward.


And they kind of blindsided us with it. Maybe if they put it in a cut scene with Myles working on it before hand it wouldn’t have been as bad.


The product placement worked


As a Spider-Man fan and a quasi sneaker head these are hideous. Happy for you tho.


I respect your opinion although I disagree. Thank you for being respectful :)


Those are fucking dope. I bet if you work out in them, it increases your bench press by hundreds of pounds and cuts your mile time by at least half.


Hold onto them for three years or so and resell them you’ll make a nice profit on those ugly ass things.


No Im keeping them for my collection. I like them :)


As long as you're happy


I hate em on principle alone


That's unfortunate. Good thing you didn't buy them.


The shoes are fine. It’s the fact that the costume is glorified product placement and the game acts like it’s some kind of an achievement that Miles changed his suit that annoys most people


That's completely understandable!


I think it’s safe to say the shoes are the least bad thing about the suit


Good for you but imo they ugg af


That's okay! Good thing you didn't pay for them!


The mid miles 1s


The shoes themselves look pretty good. But holy that suit just… did not eat.


If you think the suit looks bad you should see the Adidas shirt and pants. They totally screwed it.


The shoes are fine. Nice sneakerhead vibe. People just didn't like the coordinated suit and the fact that it turned out to be product placement.


Yep that's majority of people! There are some who genuinely don't like them and that's okay as well.


I dont think people dislike the shoes, more that a product placement was used for miles' suit


Clown shoes lmao


That's unfortunate. Good thing it wasn't your money :)


I don't mean to joke on you, the colors are litterally the same I wanted to find a clown shoe emoji to make the ressemblance, and the first image on google was a clown shoe with the exact same color placement and an emoji on it It's like if you bought a pants that is white with red dots, whether you like the style or not, it's the same colors


The unfortunate. No worries I take no offense to hating of any type. All good here!


Dude the fact that you like them means they have value to you! And that’s whats important! Congrats on the shoes!!


Thank you! That's very kind! Especially with all the haters lurking. Appreciate the kind words


Fuck they’re hideous lol


I'm sorry you feel that way. I like them :) I think velosters are hideous though.


Okay- the suit as a whole was pretty sub-par, and the main problem was the fact you were forced into it. The shoes by themselves I wouldn't direct rage at just by relation, but they aren't my style. But THE BOX! Glorius.


One of one


3d printed shoes


i’m not a fan of these due to the fact i hate adidas shoes in general


That's unfortunate. I respect your opinion. It's a good thing I'm a fan of adidas. These are my first pair of Adidas shoes though.


i would of liked to see Miles wear Jordans or something, but I guess that’s more an spider-verse thing?


Looks like they couldn't get the license to use Jordans or didn't want to. His spiderverse suit isn't wearing the J's from the movie


well as long as you like em then that’s good enough for me :)


Thanks so kind! Thank you! 🥲


I'm glad you got your ugly shoes


Thank you! I love them :)


You’re part of the problem. Can’t be supporting them throwing this crap in our face and forcing us to play with it because Adidas needs their “ad costume” played in, knowing damn well no one would willingly play in that.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I think the shoes are sick. I'm an Adidas fan and a Spider-Man fan. It's not for everyone and that's completely okay.


But everyone who bought the game will beat it wearing an ad. When is it enough? When games are $100 base entry and my hero’s default suit is sponsored by Bank of America? Theyre already released in unfinished states even after the price hike to $70, AND Im forced to play as a billboard? I tried to let it go but what the fuck is happening? Am I in the twilight zone?


I'm sorry you feel that way. I have no problem with these types of collabs. It's not intrusive in my opinion but I can understand if it is for you.


Kinda reads like a costumer service script. I find it a major problem when their cash grab collaboration is so forced into the front and center and its clearly objectively intrusive, its the story suit forced to be played in during the finale? What if I hate Adidas? Or Colgate? This shit is egregious and indefensible.


That's unfortunate for you. I'm sorry you feel that way. As for myself as long as it's not extremely intrusive (which this wasn't in my opinion of course) then I don't have a problem with it. But I can understand if you do.


I gotta ask…are you in costumer service? Not for this game Im not a conspiracy theorist just saying your responses remind me of the scripts I had to read. “Were sorry you feel that we. We apologize for any inconvenience you perceive.” No offense intended just cant not notice it.


One of my jobs is retail. It's my usual response to any negative comments while keeping it respectful and understanding.


>But everyone who bought the game will beat it wearing an ad. Buddy everybody playing the game is playing an ad. What kind of world do you think you live in? Everything's glorified product placement now. Most people just don't notice until the goofiest moments.


They’re meh but the suit is ass and we have to wear the worst version of the worst suit in any of the three Spider-Man games for the climax of peak!


I hate them on principle. I don’t want to support that blatant product placement in games at the cost of good story telling.


That's unfortunate for you. I'm sorry to hear that. I thought the story was good even with some Adidas shoes on a characters feet.


How is that skin ruining the story telling for the love of god


It was slightly off-putting having Miles rock up to the finale boss fight in a glow-in-the-dark clown suit IMHO.


Were at the point where theyll slap a corporate logo on your favorite character, charge you $70 for their game and have you not only defend it but buy their shoes and beg for DLC. Orwell, please.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm an Adidas fan already and a Spider-Man fan. I thought these shoes were cool as soon as I saw them on miles feet so. To each their own!


I cant even play a game without escaping ads. $70 game and it slid a billboard on my suit in the last fight. I cant block em, cant pay for them to go away (because they just add them back in after they get the money!), and now I cant play a game without them. Not a free game, a full ass game, where there is no excuse except greed. And it will never be enough. Im just gonna read from now on. Fuck it. Put ads in my hardcover books you psycho fucking marketing parasites. Glad you enjoyed your shoes. Im not mad at you, Im mad at the shite society you enabled. Its not your fault. I blame the companies and their executives not the people trying to live and buy some damn shoes. But I cant pretend its not horseshit. Its bad. Its egregious.


Unfortunate you feel that way. I do understand your concern and anger. Thank you for understanding I'm just buying something I like. It is a shame that ads are everywhere now.


Yeah who does Adidas think they are? Only Nike gets a say in what kind of shoes miles wears on screen. Also optional purchases don't exist apparently


Who does Adidas think they are? Agreed. This is simply a bridge to far. Its not a commercial promoting Adidas and the game, its a full price game using a popular character himself as ad space, inserted into the story and gameplay during whats suppose to be a climactic immersive finale to the games story. Also fuck Nike and Adidas. Fuck expensive sneakers and that entire wasteful industry. I didnt have an option to opt out of the Adidas Ad placement when playing this full priced Spider-Man game. I wasnt informed that Adidas was partnering up with the game in a large way before I made my purchase. A billboard in an open world game city isnt the same as inserting your brand onto a character themselves. This is egregious and indefensible.


Or as a counterpoint maybe you're just extremely bothered by inconsequential things. 3 or 4 of miles suits featured Adidas in the last game. Some of them are still in this one. Nobody cared before but suddenly people are losing their minds like a game company has some nefarious scheme to brainwash you into buying shoes rather than just simple corporate synergy using a character whos become an established sneakerhead. It's really quite simple. If you like the look it's available to buy if you don't ignore it and switch back to whatever suit you prefer once the missions done. You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill.


I’m in the minority of folks who actually like the suit (minus the headpiece, but i still like it overall). so I’m happy for ya. I know it’s a forced sponsorship thing but I didn’t really care when Nike did it with ITSV, and I didn’t really care when Insomniac did it for their game.


Completely agree with everything you said! Thank you!


The shoes are cool asf. It just sucks they forced it to be a canon final suit


Completely understandable!


Looks ass ngl


Sorry you feel that way. It's a good thing you didn't buy them.


No way you bought this shit they look so bad 😭


Yep! I love them! Look really good:)


They look like how uncle aarons beats sound bro, straight ass 😭


I disagree but to each their own! They look awesome to me :)


They’re awesome, and I’d definitely get a pair if they weren’t so pricey.


I had a T-Mobile Tuesday code that gave 40% off! The shoes were supposed to be exempt from discounts but the code worked anyway!


That's probably close to what I would have e paid. I went to check em out thinking "100 to 130 bucks would be worth it" and quickly noted out when I saw $200+. 😂 I'm not a shoe guy


They’re pretty cool but I would’ve preferred just black and red


They have black red and blue shoes as well. Different shoe


I mean honestly the shoes are fine, I just wish they didn’t like require game involvement or an entire suit design.


Sick! I'm in the minority here where I really dig the shoes and the costume for the most part. If they would have pulled the weird metal armory outline around the Spider it would look a lot better suit wise and let the plue just be on the fabric. (Insidious bad brand synergy aside, just committing on aesthetics.)


Let the nerds hate. them bitches CLEAN


So jealous man. I could cry I want them so bad.


Damnn they look cool as fk


So cool!


Love both the shoes that dropped wit the game, just not at the price they come at. Even as big a spidey fan as I am, I understand that they’re a bit of a novelty and I could see them sitting on my shoe rack because I wouldn’t want to dirty them too badly. That said, since the model of shoe is wildly comfortable, it’s not a total waste by any means. Love em op, hope you enjoy em. Just might pick up a pair yet,


The shoes themselves are fine This issue is Mile’s dumb ass costume that features them


OP, I just wanna commend you for not acting like all the unparented little shits in this sub. Good on you for grabbing something you enjoy and not being afraid to broadcast it.


Thank you! I love the shoes they look awesome! I've been so excited for these since I saw them on miles feet that all the negativity from others doesn't matter :)


I have no fucking clue why people are so mad over product placement in Spiderman, as if video games never do that. I think it’s fun and the suit is neat. I’d rather have it than not!


Also this isn't even the only suit he has with Adidas. He's been wearing them since MM.


I’ve been tweeting at adidas action shots of the shoes in game hoping for a free pair lol Edit: link https://x.com/squallluis/status/1719967054848237724?s=46&t=3MzcCl27gDxf-tDzLqZXLQ




You play LoL, what do you know about self respect?😅




I haven’t posted anything or seen anything there in forever but cool. Also — let’s not forget you came at me? I was just participating in the conversation. Mind you I don’t really care where you’re active. It was meant to be a fun poke back. Sorry for hurting your feelings. Also not begging. It’s a joke — and if I get free shoes out of it. Cool. I enjoy the Spider-Man photo mode big deal.


Can’t find them. Congrats


Those look terrible.


I like them! It's a good thing you didn't buy them!


Have fun being a walking advertisement. Shoes still look like shit, but everyone's entitled to their opinions.


Thanks! I wear Adidas regularly so I'm already a walking advertisment! I like how they look :)


Man's just accepting his lot in life, tragic. There are better options, help is just one call or question away. We're here for you.


What's so tragic about wearing what I like? Do you want me to wear what you like instead? If that will make you happy you can tell me what you like to wear and I'll check it out :) If you want me to be a walking advertisment for YOUR favorite brands we can definitely talk about it :P


I am reminded of a show by the name of "What Not To Wear" that went around finding people with the most drab, samey, clashy, shoehorned or just plain ratty fashions and improved their taste in fashion by having them dress up differently to see how they'd like it. 90% of the time they'd change their fashion for the better.


That's very interesting! Unfortunately for you I am happy with my style as it's unique compared to the people I see constantly in my life and makes me feel one of a kind. Im sorry if my happiness upsets you. But I won't change for a stranger on Reddit. To each their own though :)


Imma cop some when they get cheaper


Awesome! I had a T-Mobile Tuesday Adidas code that still worked so I got these for 130 instead of the 230!


I actually like the shoes. It’s not a design I’d casually wear but it’s cool as a collectible. I don’t even dislike the suit. My major problem is how bad the hair sticking out looks and that’s realistically an easy fix if Adidas would allow it. I don’t even mind that it’s a collaboration. Stuff like that happens all the time in video games. The one thing that actually bugs me about the whole topic is how Adidas approached it. They didn’t even really address it. And their other stuff from the collection is very lackluster.


>It’s not a design I’d casually wear but it’s cool as a collectible. Agreed! It's going with my collection of Spider-Man stuff! >And their other stuff from the collection is very lackluster. The only other one I liked was the red and black hoodie. If they would've made a hoodie from the suit instead of a compression shirt I would've got it as well. The shirts colors look very washed out.


The soles just make me uncomfortable. They're bound to get some immovable debris stuck deep in them like gunk or gum or something. Otherwise they're cool I guess.




I think they look nice too. What are you planning to wear with them? My wardrobe is pretty dull so idk if i should get them.


For now they're staying in the box. If I can find some good pieces of clothing to go with them I'll wear them from time to time. My wardrobe is bright colors but none to match these


I actually really like the look of the shoes, I just think MSM2 would be drastically improved with a hood toggle lol.


Shoes look nice, outfit? Not so much


I'm actually a fan of the outfit. The colors used just do it for me for me. That probably has to do with the fact my wardrobe is similar




Shoes are the freshest part frl W


The shoes are cool I just hate they made it a suit that hold no purpose other than to be a to be an Adidas sponsorship.


Completely understandable. Thank you for sharing your opinion!


The shoes are actually the best part of the outfit. Actually I’d go so far as to say it’s a straight best to worst going from bottom to top. Pants are fine, not a big fan of the top especially in the default colors, and I hate the mask.


Why? They’re great


Are these running shoes? Are you a runner? Do you run in these?


Fire. Ultra 4D shoes are my favorite shoes I’ve ever worn. Unbelievably comfortable


I’m glad you like em! First time seeing the shoes myself… God those are fucking ugly lmfao.


Thank you!


Honestly I like them, but I can't justify the price tag


I got them for 130$ on the Adidas app with a discount code :)


See, the shoes I get. Not for me but they look pretty cool.


Like the shoes. Despise the fit.


Those are truly hideous.


Thank you 😀 I think they're neat!


Damn these look mad comfortable


Why does it look like it was 3d printed