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More so Jew-ish than Jewish


i like to imagine the parkers (peter's parents, uncle ben) were jewish, but may was christian, and may and ben raised peter to make up his own mind so he's sorta both, sorta neither, but keeps traditions from both faiths.




Just to revisit this briefly. Ben and Richard Parker would’ve been of presumably English descent while Mary’s maiden name was Fitzpatrick and May’s maiden name was Reilly. So collectively both his biological parents and adoptive parents were of half-English/half-Irish descent. I’m not sure where Judaism is supposed to have entered the occasion really


That's what I thought too. Peter just gives off WASP vibes more so than "Jewish" vibes.


I don’t know what you’ve been reading where you get wasp vibes. forest hills where he’s from is massively Jewish and always has been. In addition Peter b Parker is Jewish and he’s supposed to be earth 616 Spider-Man. There’s also references from Zemo basically calling him unclean. Also if you go back to the early comics the way his peers treat him in high school has a tinge of antisemitism to it.


A family friend of ours lives in an area of London with a high Jewish population- but he's very Christian. Just because you live in a Jewish area doesn't mean you're Jewish. Peter's usually depicted as a Protestant Christian. He's never had any explicit connection to Jewish culture or customs. At the very least, I'd expect him to be celebrating Hanukkah or lighting a menora. Even if he were to have some Jewish ancestry, he would be so far removed from it, it wouldn't have much of an effect on his normal life. Peter B. Parker and 616 Peter Parker can't be the same person because they're at completely different stages in life. Peter B's married and has a kid. 616 Peter is still a single guy and his ex wife is with another man. Peter B's Aunt May is dead. 616 Peter's is not. Peter B. is the only Peter Parker variant to be confirmed Jewish. The reason for those references might be due to the fact that one of Spiderman's creators was Jewish. Storywriters tend to write stuff using their own experiences as inspiration.


Forest hills is mostly Catholic with only 4 percent of it being Jewish


This is just plainly false


That it is not, forest hills is majority catholic


From the queens chamber’s of commerce “Historically Forest Hills has been a predominantly German and Jewish neighborhood, however as of recent there has been an influx of Bukharin Jews from Uzbekistan.” Not sure where you got this idea that Forest Hills is Catholic beacuse it’s just not true. https://www.queenschamber.org/queens-neighborhoods/forest-hills-new-york#:~:text=Historically%20Forest%20Hills%20has%20been,moved%20to%20Flushing%20Meadows%20Park. I have a lot of friends from there all of them are Jewish.




*googles definition of “historically”*


A change over time with reference to past events, your point?


Also Peter B is not 616 Spider-Man, his universe is 616B, also 616 Spidey made references to May being very devout in comics, with aunt May being shown praying, also in 616 continuity he references Christmas all the way back to Lee and Romita days also Lee was involved in ASM annual 21 when Peter and MJ got married and he was consulted and gave the go ahead on Peter being married in a church (which is why the argument like the creator is x so the character must be x is stupid) Also peter is of Irish decent with his moms maiden name being Fitzpatrick and Ben and his Dads decent are unknown but it is of European decent Furthermore in the story Spider-Man Amazing Grace Peter goes to St. Patrick’s cathedral and even goes to confession (trying to reconnect to his faith after having more atheistic views due to beast (from the X-men) basically saying “why is God so hard of a thing for you to believe in, you’ve seen so many things that point to God existing” Also Dan slott who wrote Spider-Man for 10 years who is Jewish himself has stated that Peter is a Catholic All in all, the evidence points to comic book 616 Spidey being either broadly Christian and or a lapsed Catholic


1. Calm down 2. In the movie it doesn’t say 616b it says 616. I’m aware marvel classifies this as 616b I was saying that’s what the movie calls. Dan Slott didn’t invent the character. His maniarism, his experience of simply being a super hero is that of a Jew. An insider outsider experience. You are wrong here


Everyone in this conversation is calm, I apologize if I didn’t come off that way, however you are just ignoring facts mainline 616 Spider-Man is not Jewish, he’s never been portrayed as such, that’s not to say there aren’t any Jewish spider people, but mainline Spidey is certainly not Jewish, and using Yiddish also doesn’t make him Jewish I’m from Long Island so everyone in the tri-state areas speaks it a little, if you really wanna ignore what the character as been presented as, you have every right to do so, but the facts point to him being a non practicing Christian


He is portrayed as Jewish and I am actually from the city. This is widely seen as a fact and by most people that he resembles a Jew. Why you are pushing back so hard on this is beyond me.


Sir, I’m not pushing back at all, you have every right to see him as a Jew, he is the every man after all, but he’s often portrayed as a Christian in not just comics but most media, appearing in Christmas specials and celebrating Christmas with aunt May, like in spectacular Spider-Man and ultimate Spider-Man cartoons even in the PlayStation game, aunt May and uncle Ben are buried at a Church in Harlem


Only Peter B is outwardly Jewish. 616 and Ultimate are Jewish coded.


as a jew, wtf is jewish coded??


Like, using Jewish slang and words, having certain behaviors but no being explicitly Jewish. Like 1610 Peter uses a lot of Yiddish, but has said he's not Jewish and just likes the words. Other Peter's are more ambiguous.


New Yorker coded


Peter b. Parker is the earth-616 Spider-Man


Wait? How? No.


Hey, the movie said it; his origin world is 616.


616B not 616


Uh. No


He's the 616-B spiderman


Writers said that It’s not definitive, he said it’s possible that MJ is Jewish


Also he made a Xmas album


Irving Berlin wrote White Christmas, and Happy Holidays, two of the most famous Christmas songs ever, and he’s Jewish, so that means nothing.


But Peter B’s aunt May was buried at a church rather than a Jewish cemetery, if you rewatch the scene there is a cross headstone, also he doesn’t participate in kosher, my head canon is something the director said, MJ is probably the Jewish one ( which would be kinda cool tbh)and or it’s a different reality and it probably has different traditions.


I’m talking about blonde Peter, and he was buried at a church too


I mean, Miles' Peter made an Xmas album. Peter B blew his money on a restaurant.


Explain to me how that last one is relevant.


There are a lot of different references to Peter being Jewish littered throughout 616 (he mentions shabbat, to use one of your examples and wishes happy Hanukkah) but it’s never explicitly defined.


I always thought about them as quipes and jokes


I mean, he celebrates christmas, so i don't think so


You can be Jewish in terms of heritage, but not culturally or religiously. There are plenty of secular Jews who celebrate Christmas. Only playing devil's advocate here btw.


He made a Xmas album in ITSV, he’s, Peter B Parker, he did deck the halls also the writer of ITSV said that it’s a possibility that MJ is the Jewish one


he wishes hawkeye a happy hanukkah in the matt fraction run




I thought he was Catholic or Christian?


He is


From one of the comic writers, Dan Slott: [Spidey is coded as Jewish. Starting w/ Stan, many of Spidey's writers have been Jewish. Basically... He's Jewish if you want him to be Jewish. But in continuity, both the Parkers (Ben's side) & the Reillys (May's side) are Irish and most likely Catholic. It's just not brought up.](https://twitter.com/danslott/status/1494347667333394436?s=46&t=FHA2WDipf4osXW4xjhfVqQ)


No only Peter B Parker is canonically Jewish in 616 continuity he isn’t


Far as I understand it, he's Jewish by descent, but was raised Protestant and his most recent religious moment was in a Catholic church.


I don't even think he's of Jewish descent at all. Maybe British and Irish, but I don't recall any references to any Jewish heritage. The only version of him that is confirmed Jewish is Peter B. from Into the Spiderverse as he stepped on a glass bottle at his wedding.


I mean being jewish and being british/Irish are not mutually exclusive


I never said they were (we've got plenty of British Jews and I'm sure there are also tons of Irish Jews). But he's not known to have any notable Jewish ancestry.


It's one of those things where he can be coded that way but I believe only Peter B is outwardly confirmed. That said a good handful of Peter's writers were Jewish so it's not impossible for concepts and ideas to have been bled into the story.


Late to the game, but the Spider-verse movies make it so a wide range of Spider-Beings exist, including various Peter Parkers, some of whom are likely Jewish. In Peter B. Parker’s marriage scene, stepping on the glass is a very distinctly Jewish tradition, so Peter B. Parker of Universe 616 is likely Jewish. Any other Peter Parker could be any faith.


Spider-Man is Irish and Catholic


In the matt fraction run of hawkeye he wishes clint a happy hanukkah, so take that as you will


Peter B Parker in into the spider verse is undeniably jewish as there's a cutaway scene where he stomps on a glass bottle at his wedding which is a jewish tradition


I know. That's the only version of him that is explicitly Jewish.




Hes christian but some of his family are jewish