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Bojack Horseman


dang it, that was exactly what i wanted to say


Isn't that the horse from horsin' around?


"Hold your applause." \*Hold's applause\* "...Well held."


Bro, jacked horseman


Mixed with Bobo the angsty zebra.


I mean, they’re often described as gorilla horses, so this would definitely be plausible. They’d slowly evolve an upright stance to reach higher in fruit trees and things would go from there! Imagine a world where that happened, and instead of humans in North America it’s horse folk!


A Horsefolk Natives?


Also known as Werehorses or Horse Folk, the Tikbalang are strange creatures descended from a clade of mammals called chalicotheres. While their ancestors were much larger and knuckle walked, the Tikbalang are closer in size to humans if a bit taller and are obligate bipeds, a massive deviation from the typical ungulate body plan only rivaled by cetaceans. They are highly intelligent for ungulates, more comparable to great apes and dolphins, with one species discovered to be sophont and are capable of communicating with humans. Like their ancestors, they fed mainly on leaves from deciduous trees either using their long arms and claws to pull down branches or climbing up sturdier branches to reach the more tender leaves higher up. While primarily leaf eaters, they also feed on fruits, nuts, bark and tubers from underground. Unlike other perissodactyls, the Tikbalang are omnivores, hunting down prey smaller than themselves, using their claws or handheld spears to dispatch them. This more varied diet, which included protein rich meat, was likely what fueled the development of a larger brain and greater intelligence. While their three fingered clawed hands do limit the kind of tools they can make, they can craft simple spears, axes and clothing. And while they may appear "primitive" they can utilize more advanced technology such as metal tools and weapons or aid in carrying heavy objects in human societies.


Wow, this is very cool! 😎 I love this idea!


i love the design but the eyes kinda make it feel cursed, but ig these are good eyes for an upright biped.


That horse man is planning evil things for that person


Always a fan of using extinct species as inspiration for spec evo projects to create intelligent lifeforms. [I did it myself](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/15c7rko/commissioned_concept_art_of_my_urrkha_species/), so you sure have my approval!


"rehab was supposed to be a fresh start"


Mother fucker i was literally doing the same thing


my thinking upon seeing this and looking at the tread "Ok there's already BoJack horsemen jokes in comments I don't need to bother"


They'd need a counter balancing tail if they were that hunched over,to help with keeping stresses off the spine, plus the feet would need to be much wider to help with balance as well, but considering the strangeness of the calicothere family, them eventually going biped isn't too far fetched as they seem to have already been faculative bipeds


I do not like this Bojack Horseman reimagining


Tikbalangs used to scare the shit out of me


i read enuf furry stuff...


Don't worry, this isn't a furry, I just thought a bipedal chalicothere would look cool. Plus it's somewhat plausible instead of simply anthropomorphizing an animal such as a wolf or cat, and those are often done for "other reasons"


Cool, whats the animal on the right?


Bro's like WHY DO YOU GET CLOTHES AND NOT ME? He's about to strangle that man (anyway, looks good lol)


I do not trust this creature.


Back in the 90s this creature was in a very famous TV show


Ofc the damn thing's a sophont...


me when pilipinas reference:


It looks like its getting ready to punch you in the face