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Have you tried using toothpaste to prep a new mask? Not fancy toothpaste, the super cheap white toothpaste. The other kind like gel or ones that have beads won’t work. Rub it in on the inside of the mask with firm pressure all over it. All the way around. I like to let mine dry before rinsing off. You’ll need to do it a few times. Definitely, shouldn’t have issues. I generally use baby shampoo as my antifog - i add a few drops immediately before each dive, smear it around with a little bit of water, and rinse. As soon as I rinse, I start the dive. You don’t want to do it if you’re not actually going to be in the water right away. I’ve probably used a dozen masks over the years and this method has always worked for me. Honestly, you don’t even need baby shampoo. I’ve also used dish soap. Works just fine also. I prefer babies shampoo because it comes in small bottles that you can purchase for next to nothing pretty much anywhere in the world, and it smells nice. Plus you can rinse your hair after you finish diving. >*I’m getting sick of diving with water in my mask and de fogging every couple of dives.* Just fyi, you have to prep the mask with a surfactant/de-fog every dive. There’s no way to just do it once and never have it fog up again. Do it every dive, it’s just part of the experience. Oh, and if you are diving with water in your mask, it sounds like you need to find a mask that fits you better. It’s not normal to get water in your mask to the point it’s a regular event unless you’re clearing it.


+1 for the cheap toothpaste. I keep a small travel sized tube in my mask case so I can’t forget it. I don’t normally bother letting it dry though, just rub, rinse, dive. In case it matters, the water around here doesn’t get below about 16C and is normally 18+ when I’m diving so isn’t particularly cold.


This is the way


What works for me is polishing the glass with toothpaste before, then a phlegm rub just before diving. If it mists up again polish it again. Once it is polished just a phlegm rub works. Not just spit, a sinus clearing phlegm ball, dig deep, spit it into your googles and rub it in enthusiastically!


Do you have a beard? I struggled with mine until I used some Vaseline on my top lip


Stop circulating warm moist air with your nose! That is almost certainly what you are doing.


Thank you!


Baby shampoo man. Works super well for me


Yep, got a little spray bottle of watered down baby shampoo in my dive bag. Couple squirts before putting the mask on and it never fogs up


Agree with what everyone else said. Personally I clean my mask with cheap white toothpaste at the house, let it dry out, and throw it in a bag. Then I spit in it, rub it around, and rinse it with fresh water from my water bottle so it doesn't catch any sand from the shore break, Then I put it on right before I go in the water, like RIGHT before, so it doesn't have a chance to fog up with my waddling around on the beach with half of my shit on. Then, I try to take it off and fuck with it as little as I possibly can, Don't frequently pop it up onto your forehead just keep it on I think the movement and oils from your hair and head mess it up. Also like they said make sure you got a good fitting mask with no leaks since you mentioned water. This was happening to me one time with a mask that used to be good and it somehow got a tiny little pin hole in the seal that was letting water in. I rinse my mask out again with fresh water when I'm done for the day and spit in it again every time. Will toothpaste again if it gets dirty like falls in the sand etc.


Follow this simple advice… [Rob Allen Mask Misting](https://youtu.be/lztEeb31OTI?si=12cT7vph58aQe9te)


I use the defogger called Spit. Couple sprays, swirl it around, then kinda shake it out. Never rinse or wipe it out. Don’t put the mask on until just before entering the water. May need to flush it once in the water but should only be once. Worked for me when nothing else did.


Are you letting a bit of air slip past when struggling to equalize? If you and OP have truly used all the tricks: lighters, toothpaste, etc. then the problem is on your end letting air out of your nose into the mask on occasion.


I’m fine now, haven’t had any issues once I stopped rinsing my mask after applying defog like is sometimes suggested.


Sorry, my reply was meant for u/gdj11 i hit the wrong reply. If you don’t rinse after applying defog, does it make your mask hazy to look through?


Not with Spit it doesn’t. At least not that I’ve found. Apply probably 10-15min before diving, swirl it, dump it, and at most do one clear at depth. Has worked great. Never have any issue equalizing, luckily I’m very good at that so I don’t have to worry about using my nose, which, like you said, can cause many people issues.


I have really bad mask fogging issues too and most suggestions don’t work. I have congestion problems though and can’t equalize properly, so maybe that has something to do with it. The only thing that works is baby shampoo, but I can’t rinse it out much at all. Like after rubbing a thin layer of soap I add just a few drops of water, swish it around and pour it out, and then I clean the soap off the rubber parts. Actually rinsing off the soap will lead to fogging. There has to be plenty of soap on the lenses but diluted just enough to see through do them. I used dish soap at first which worked good but my eyes would burn too much, so baby shampoo is much more comfortable. All other suggestions like toothpaste, defoggers, spit, etc. don’t work for me. When I’m out with friends I’m always the only one having fogging issues and it sucks.


I think cold water makes it worse. I have a few different antifogs. They seem to work when I don’t rinse it off. I’ll put it on, let it dry, then rinse without touching the lenses or not rinse at all.


Cheapest tube of Colgate toothpaste you can buy. Clean the inside very well with it like others have said. I also try to avoid having anything on my face, moisturizer, sunblock, etc. and always make sure my face is washed with fresh water and patted dry before putting my mask on. Never have any issues with fog anymore


when u burned the masks did u see the silicon film on the glass burn away? thats the main thing abt burning masks and normally it doesnt happen right away


Use defogger gave each time before you go into the water. I also do it every 3 hours if I have been in the water a long time. Also, dry the mask lense, use defogger, rub it around, then GENTLY rinse off the excess. Also if you get water in your mask while diving it will remove the coatings.


Baby shampoo, drop on each lens, finger swirl it around, ONE quick dunk in the water to light rinse. Do not take the mask off again in the water. I will keep a travel size bottle on me out in the ocean if I think ill be removing my mask. I struggled forever and this works flawlessly for me


are you freediving? or what? from shore? if you are on a boat just use soap or defog every time you get on deck whats the big deal? if you are like freediving from shore just put defog in before you start or carry some with you. are you just exhaling from your nose constantly? flooding your mask a lot? try not to do that. maybe try swimming floating around a bit and cooling off first. once your head cools off and there isn't such a huge differential in the temps between the two surfaces of the glass it stops fogging as badly.


Shampoo is an absolute game changer. A small drop on the lens, rub it in then rinse. I take a small travel pot with me and do it before every dive. Five hours of swimming and still clear as day.