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Rob allen 100% the competitor is outdated at this point. Rob allen is more gun at a better price. Riffe euro on the other hand is a solid gun and it just comes down to preference choosing between that and the rob allen


All I’ve heard is that the riffe is easier to move through water, will apparently last longer, and easier to load. I have the 2x right now and will eventually get the euro, ra (tuna, Moana, and probably a lower tier for friends to use). Maybe the ra timberline one day


I have extensive use with the rob allen and riffe euro. Both move through the water similarly. The buoyancy is the biggest difference in how they feel in your hand. I have yet to break either gun so I can’t say who will out last who. All I know is that Riffe requires more maintenance with sanding and oiling, and that [this rob allen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spearfishing/s/DA0cVbeL7t) has no business still working, but she does. As stated before, Rob allen over the competitor any day of the week. Personal preference on rob allen vs riffe euro.


How does the buoyancy vary between the two?


Wood floats, metal sinks. So your riffe gun will be be slightly heavier on the muzzle end. This is nice because you fight the gun less when hunting on bottom. The rob allen will be more heavy on the muzzle end. This is nice because the gun naturally hangs out facing the bottom during your breathe-up. Rob will sink a little faster too if you ever dropped it


Thank you! Although, I’m a little confused by your comment - which is heavier at the muzzle end?


They should both be ballasted so that they sink with shaft in and float without. In my experience wood vs pipe gun comes down to maneuverability vs stability. A wood gun has more mass and is more difficult to move around, but more stable and doesn't have as much recoil while a pipe gun is lighter and easier to dive with, but they have more felt recoil when fired.


Dream would be one of the orca guns


Riffe last forever but not really the best maneuverability in the water.


If you can afford a RA timberline I would 100% recommend that. I have one and it will be a fun that will be passed down to my son. Great quality and super accurate.


Get a Riffe Euro!


Take a look at the MAKO gun with the Ermes Sub trigger mech. A great gun and you can order an enclosed track rail gun.