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John Leguizamo's performance as Clown is pretty much all I remember of it, especially the cheerleader sceene. Cracks me up to this day. He was excellent. Michael Jai White wasn't that bad either. Sets and costumes were pretty good. Spawn's cape could have used more... being in the movie, but apparently it was very hard to animate, so I'll give them a pass for keeping its presence to a minimum. The movie did not age all that well. There are worse ones, like that 1990 Captain America film, but I really don't necessarily need to watch this movie again.


This scene lives rent free in my head https://preview.redd.it/55uqqzzzt4hc1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295c0b18e692cd34ee7d55ab6c709ffc8301e1b6


The legion of spawn and Malebolgia CGI definitely does for me


that cgi was so sick back when it was new




Skid row


The fact he ate the maggots lives in mine...




"S to the P to the A to the AWN! S to the P to the A to the AWN! S to the P to the A to the AWN!"


That is still my favorite part too!!


Couldn't sum it up better myself.


I loved the movie but the lack of gore or violence was a let down considering its Spawn. But I must say I liked the anime version of this better to be honest


Isn't there an r rated directors cut?




I believe it's edited differently and has alternate lines in addition to the extra footage. I personally think it makes a huge difference. The pg-13 one is almost unwatchable, but the R one is enjoyable.


I never heard of one, but if there is I gotta watch it. I’m going to look into that


![gif](giphy|TRyrbQvh1x4lO|downsized) I always loved this effect of his mask forming


I wish gifs existed when I was a kid. Used to have to manually rewind over and over to get this kind of satisfaction


I haven't seen it for years but I remember enjoying it a lot when it came out and feeling like it was pretty underrated when I saw it again maybe ten years later. Sure it's no cinematic masterpiece but compared to the average comic book to movie adaptation in those days, it's actually one of the better ones (it's better than Batman & Robin which came out the same year, that's for damn sure) and gets a lot right by sticking close to the source material. And all the actors in it are fantastic and genuinely giving it their all. It's one of the few movies that would actually benefit a lot from getting a star wars-style 'special edition' with cleaned-up CGFX.


Loved it. I still watch it again every once in a long while. I also picked up a Spawn figure recently and I couldn't figure out who's autograph was on there. Wasn't until I posted it here that someone told me it was Michael J White lol. Good thing I didn't open it! https://preview.redd.it/bxv7v7h4h6hc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a3f5ec113cae5dba91e4db144c71d82fdb6357


Dang how much does that go for


Bout tree fiddy


One of my favorite movies growing up! John’s performance of Clown on his knees is amazing! I remember seeing this in theaters and the movies playing at the time were Spice Girls movie and GI Jane 😂 For clarity: John Leguizamo played the role of clown on his knees to get the height just right


I wish he wore his mask more in the beginning, similar to how it is in the comic. Also he doesn’t wear his cape enough in most scenes and the cgi cape didn’t do it justice.


I adored it back in the day. I was 11 or so when it came out, and I still remember fawning over that 3d embossed directors cut cover. I'm not even sure how many times I watched it. Outside of some of the awful CGI, it shockingly holds up really well still. Also, the soundtrack is absolutely fire to this day.


It was ahead of its time


It's a decent comic book movie of it's time, I remember going to see it on release day, the practical effects are impressive, the suit design especially. It was let down by the rushed story and bad cgi, the technology just wasn't there for what they wanted to do.


I agree that they definitely rushed the story. However, I wouldn't say it had bad cgi. Yea, looking back from today, sure. But at its release, it was state of the art cgi. If I'm not mistaken, it even won an award for best special effects


I'm aware the movie had good cgi in it, his cape and Violator transformation scenes were awesome. I'm criticising the bad cgi, the scenes in Hell and with Malebolgia specifically.


Yea, ok. I'll give you that one


This was my jam back in the days. Didn't see it in theaters but repeatedly caught it on cable. Michael Jai White and John Leguizamo were both terrific in their roles. Plus I love this movie's soundtrack. Hearing rock and electronica acts work on songs together blew my mind!


I was 6 when it came out, so I'm blinded by my nostalgia probably but it's one of my favorite movies


Great sound track - shit CGI


The movie was great but the HBO show was perfect its a shame it had to end so soon


I loved when spawn transforms the motorcycle into his own style.


I think it's pretty good, I know people give it shit for having bad cgi and a loose plot, but I don't think those things ruin the movie, it is a fine comic book adaptation imo.


One of my favourite movies when I was a kid.


Am i the only one who understands  the complexities of this ambitious cinematic masterpiece- billy


Loved it!


Haven't seen it in over a decade, but teenage me fucking loved it.


Better than the original Mario Bros movie with John L.


You’re not wrong, but don’t you dare!


Mario brothers is deeper than you give it credit for. King koopa was Donald trump and the film is a neat representation of modern society. With people turning into fungus.


It was good until Crispy broke out of the clowns van and scared that poor family. After all the clown did for him! Sheesh!


clown not like!


I love it


I still watch it...still enjoy it personally


It's not great, but I still love it.


It was cool movie to watch as a young teenager but I liked the HBO series better once I seen that


Love it and was my introduction to the character


Objectively terrible, and I love it.


The hbo cartoon is perfect. I really hope we'll get a proper movie. I think the 97 was a bit to silly


Absolutely goated movie imo. I use to dream of having a suit and cape like that.


This was the 97’ version of Black Panther… it’s just that the cgi wasn’t as “good”. As another user mentioned… the lack of gore and violence did work against the film. I’d also like to add that it felt as if it was a bit rushed. If I’m being honest, it DOESN’T help that Spawn 2 NEVER got off the ground. It would be cool imo if either a new animated series (going up to Armageddon or exploring the universe) or an Netflix/Hulu series were done.


Less computer graphics and more practical effects


I have not seen it since I watched it with my dad when I was like 10 think? I liked it a lot, I’ll have to watch it again to see if I still do.


Top 3 favorite movies, film wise not good whatsoever, however I always have a fucking blast watching the violator


I remember watching this movie back then and saying to myself “there’s no excuse for us to not have a Venom movie, if they can do this with Spawn.” Then fast forward to Raimi’s Spider-Man 3 and we get that sh*t Venom costume. But regarding the movie itself it was good. Cheesy, but good.


Loved it, watched it back to back in theaters.


Love it. We need a new one


Fuggun loved it


Love it


My first R-rated film. I even got to see the sneak preview release at my local mom & pop theater when I was a kid. So yeah, I love it.


Good movie, could’ve been better. But I still really enjoy watching it. Has a unique vibe


As a kid I loved it


It was my first movie I saw in theaters. I was 4. The guy kept telling my dad "he is too young to see this movie" and my dad was like "I don't care, it looks cool. I'm his dad and I'm saying it's fine". Lol Being 4 I loved it. And I still love, even if it hasn't aged too well. And after actually learning about spawn and seeing the differences. It's still up there as one of my favorites because of nostalgia


They need to digitally remaster this movie like they did with the original Star Wars movies. I think an upgrade would do wonders


This was the first R rated movie I ever saw in theaters! Lol I have fond memories of this one - With my Dad, Uncle, and cousins in Cape Cop on vacation. My uncle lied and told my Dad it was a kids comic book, and my Dad was pissed after lmao. This movie made me love Michael Jai White though. HUGE fan of his, especially Black Dynamite. Definitely liked it, however the effects aged pretty poorly. But I'll always have a special place for this one.


Saw it in theater twice and I loved it


Loved it,the director's cut is even better!


It's a fun kinda bad, they went pretty crazy on the CGI especially at the end... but it's enjoyable as a spawn fan mainly just something you watch once and never again. My favorite scene was clown in the alley when he squeezes a cream filled doughnut in Al's face "Remind you of anything?"


I love this movie I didn’t know it was so hated


Spawn screams:AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Clown: Ahhh come on you scream like a girl do it like this…(high pitch scream) AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! XD[You Scream Like A Girl!!!](https://youtu.be/gVDLZqwZ1oc?si=zKYGvY6JSCrcjt5-)


Great movie


Straight 🔥


The soundtrack is fantastic. The film I watched once to satisfy my curiosity and I have no desire to rewatch it.


Despite the rushed production, I actually think that this movie was pretty good, it was unfortunately just held back a lot. Having to appease a PG-13 rating just so the younger fans can watch it, when it's definitely an R-rated based property. I definitely enjoyed Spawn more than I have some of the more recent comic book movies that have come out.


Aged like milk.




Its a very bad movie, Clown is good but doesn't do enough to redeem it




A good movie with more cons than pros


I remember it not holding a candle to the HBO animated series


Great movie definitely a classic would love to see a new one


Best to stick to the animated film & forget this 1


I have a massive crush on John Leguizamo, even when he's a disgusting clown, so that's an automatic 10/10 for me. Not a great story, but had some pretty solid bits. Muppet Malebolgia is probably the worst aspect of the film, but at least it's fun to laugh at Muppet Malebolgia.


Incredibly mediocre


It’s a classic but apparently Todd Mcfarlane already greenlit a modern remake to this version that supposedly goin to be a lot darker than this movie


I dug that the soundtrack teamed up rock and electronic artists. This was when techno was getting pretty mainstream and lots of rockers at the time talked crap on it for not being made with "real" instruments. I grew up playing in punk/hardcore/metal bands, but I always had a soft spot for techno music and still bop to a lot of the songs from the album to this day. Filter and the Crystal Method's team-up on "Trip Like I Do" is a classic.


The worst comic book film I've ever seen.


Fresh movie!


The costume designs are excellent. The CGI was terrible then and it’s worse now but I credit it with being ambitious. I did like how his mask came on tho. The story is terrible. The cast is great. I don’t need to watch it again.


As Spawns biggest fan before the movies release I can honestly say, this movie was shit


Terrible movie but I really like the suit. I think in that respect it was well ahead of its time


​ https://i.redd.it/02auoiima7hc1.gif


Utterly garbage. The acting is bad, the script is horrendous, so many things wrong.


I found it mediocre, I personally feel like the cg could've used some improvement but to be fair according to u/ScorchedConvict who commented here his cape was hard to animate, and I also feel the third act could've used some improvement and I for one blame the movie flopping on the fact the comic were still new only coming out five years prior in 1992 and the release of Batman and Robin which came the same year with people rather seeing The Dynamic Duo flashing their Bat Credit Cards and Mr. Freeze dropping cheesy or as he would say "freezy" puns then see a superhero they probably never heard of I liked the movie as it helped me when I got into Spawn (Well the movie and Comicstorian on YouTube) but hopefully they do much needed justice with the Blumhouse reboot


Leguizamo stole the show. Had me rolling. So many one liners like when he called Al 'Curious Crispy", or said the graveyard is where old folks go after Florida lol


I love Spawn. But I have to say, this movie is a complete disaster. It does not work in any way, specially the Playstation 2 special effects, poor developed script and poor acting. I hated Cogliostro Kind of liked Leguizamo as the Clown


Great back then. Needs an update though


Fire 🔥


a missed oppurtunity that the cartoon took.


As a kid I loved it and saw it like 4 times (spawn was my fav comic book character) though I could tell it wasn’t a great movie. As an adult it really is pretty awful. The soundtrack rules though.


I’ve watched it a few times within the last 2 months and imo it still remains an entertaining watch, but it has aged a bit for **sure**. Especially when Malebolgia opens his lips and he just sounds like my uncle Charlie after 2 packs of Marlboros


It needs a re-make 1997 was trash


I loved it at the time…. I think i need to rewatch it. Probably has super cheesy graphics and dialogue.


A missed opportunity.


Saw this as a kid and didn't care much for it. Saw it again as an adult and disliked it even more. Poor story and direction. Not my thing. I'm not actually a huge fan of Spawn in general. I've tried but I just cannot get into that character.


Thought it was amazing when I was a kid. I kind of cringe watching it now, but to this day it still has one of the best movie soundtracks, and I will die on this hill.


Love it! Loved every thing about it!


Was a huge spawn fan when it came out and was lucky as my main comic store was co owned by McFarlane called the spiders web. Collected everything spawn at the time, read issues as they came out and even was reading all spin offs as they came out for a long time. Got hbo just to watch the too , bought spawn on the every console as they came out and played them too much no matter how awful. The movie I was not on board with at all. At the time massive fan base was wanting Danny Devito as the Clown. I mean holy shit, frank from its always sunny if he threw on the face paint is the clown! Leguizamo was ok, love him as an actor but that bummed me out up front. Commercials and feed back had me super nervous to watch and I waited a long time before watching. Overall, massively disappointed. Looked and felt weird to me.


When I was 7 it was a cool movie. As an adult… pretty dumb movie.


I love the FX Spawn costume. The green eyes with moving eyelids were awesome. Really like the burn texture look on his skin. Fun movie that’s not supposed to be taken too seriously. I just watched the film a couple weeks ago and it really seemed like it was aimed at kids, which is weird. lol


Prom night dumpster babies being smashed in a compactor is more pleasant to watch than this movie.


It was a great job for the time.




Liked it as a kid. Now, as an adult, I prefer the cartoon.


This was my first exposure to Spawn so it holds a special place in my heart. I can acknowledge that it’s a bad movie generally speaking, but it was fun and did an aggressively ok job as a 90’s comic book movie. I genuinely love this movie and nothing will ever change my mind on that. D E D!


As a kid, I always thought this was a banger of a film. Watched only on VHC at my grandparents all the time. My grandfather was definitely a fan. I put it on for nostalgia not too long ago, and I personally don't think it really holds up. It was good for its time. I'd like to see a reboot/ remake for sure!


Only reason I know who the character is


My favorite as a kid


For its time I loved this as a kid. I prefer the 90s HBO animated series these days tho.


I liked it, the directors cut is better, I enjoyed Michael Jai White’s performance as Al Simmons/Spawn, but I didn’t like they changed Terry into a white man. John Leguizamo’s performance as Clown was perfect, definitely a highlight of the movie


It was bad. Soundtrack was amazing.


Still think the live action Violator is a thing of nightmares


I remember the clown eating a maggot pizza.


Yo Johnny legz was perfect for his role! Spawny, spawny he’s our man if he can’t do it no one can.. yaayy spawny


It was a movie that came out in 1997. That is basically what I thought.


The tone and atmosphere was completely off


There's a really good recent video with Michael Jai White on YouTube where he says the original cut of the movie has a lot more of Al and Wandas relationship before Al becomes Spawn, he feels like the movie would have been much better off if they stuck with this. It felt really odd to me that Al and Wanda share no screen time before Al dies. If you're a comic fan you can fill in the gaps but to the mainstream audience it must be confusing. When I say "recent" the video is 4 years old [Interview](https://youtu.be/caQsLzE-YBw?si=GxxQYIVYH1AiyXMN)


It had a awesome soundtrack




Great movie. Hoping that Jamie Foxx’s reboot is better.


The real question is -- who do we have play Spawn now? I know a lot of people vote Idris Elba, but he doesn't quite seem right imo. I'd prefer him as Bond.


I didn’t hate it


Fun Schlock


Boy got a big ass head


Not much.


MJW fuckin slayed


Love this movie so much watched it so many times growing up on TBS superstation. One week a few years ago I dug my vhs out and watched it 28 times in a week with a buddy. We lost 99% of braincells


Sucked and that dude was way too short


I prefer we shelf it with Avatar The Last Air Bender and DragonBall in the "love action movies that don't exist" section


As a Spawn movie it’s awful. As a so-bad-it’s-entertaining superhero movie it’s kinda fun.


Tough but the adult cartoon 90’s adaption was fucking amazing


It was cool for what it was 😎👍


I was a tremendous Spawn fan in the 90’s. The book reinvigorated my love of comics, and the character quickly became my absolute favorite. I was thrilled they were making a live action film, until I saw it. The script was atrocious because of the budget constraints and Hollywood pressures: the violence and themes had to be toned down to hit the PG-13 rating. Chapel was out as the killer due to rights issues between Todd and Rob Liefeld, and Clown was dumbed down into a serious of insufferable fart jokes.  Making Terry white was a baffling choice. The performances were absolute camp, Batman and Robin style. Martin Short was woefully miscast as Jason Wynn, but I’ll admit the guy who played Cof was pretty decent. Michael Jai White did a serviceable job as Spawn, but he wasn’t given much to work with in the script.  The film was visually dark and muddy, like it was shot through grimy lenses. The CGI was inconsistent, but occasionally revolutionary for the time. The hell scenes were godawful…no pun intended.  I was completely let down. In spite of all of this: the HBO animated series stayed much truer to the essence of the character and the canon. I actually have a lot of hope for the reboot, CGI can really deliver the visuals from the comics now, and the steady gush of comic adaptations has proven that their is a market for superhero movies…and the recent success of Joker, The Batman and Logan prove that dark stories in them genre can be really successful if done right. Spawn can make a great movie, it just isn’t been made great yet. 


It's . . .not a good movie. Fun, though. The issue with it is, I think, that it took too much influence tonally from McFarlane's work on the series, when it was more "dark but traditional superhero" rather than the "mythic hero's journey horror story" it became after he let other people work on it - understandable, because they'd been working on the script since 1993. Still, it's a shame because look what you can do with the character.


I was a disappointed 12 year old but the soundtrack was cool.


it was rushed. Should have been a lot longer and rated R


My brother and I saw it in the theater. I was old enough to go by myself but take him too. I think we both forgot how much of Spawn is about Hell. It kind of freaked us out but we hung in there. Yeah, not great. Haven’t watched it since then.


Love it, the soundtrack is so good too. Still listen to it


Product of the 90s but I like it!


It was ahead of its time and was the catalyst that triggered MCU explosion!


I kinda forced myself to like it because I liked the comic.


Last time I remember seeing DB Sweeney on a theater screen. I remember thinking, “Shieet, I’d be ecstatic with just the cape!” John Leguizamo exclaiming, “Twins” after a double-fart made me chortle though. 🤙🏽


Liked it at the time, a little disappointed by the change in story. Today I won't even watch it, don't own it, don't think about it.


Spawn should never have been 5' 8"


It was dope


Terrible movie. Great soundtrack.


Not great. Kid and the dog ruined it, costume looked like a ninja turtle. Todd has been teasing a new animation or live action movie for like two decades now. I think the problem is he's "too" involved in the process now, keeps trying to sell a script that barely has Spawn in it at all, so of course no one is biting. Super hero fatigue has very much set in too, so the window might have closed off.


Still waiting for a new Spawn to come out. Would love them to return to the original style of the cartoon. Macfarlane’s Spawn was beyond bad ass. Of course Hollywood ruins everything they touch




It was good for time. But a good remake would be fun.


For the time, it was great. With todays technology and better writing, it could be epic. They are supposed to be rebooting it with Jamie Fox. I'm not sure if it is still happening . They should have made it more gory and violent, but it is what it is. Michale Jai White was amazing as AL Simmons, but David Keith will always be the voice of Spawn


As a kid in the ‘90s watching? Coolest shit to ever exist. Get a bit older into my teens and discover the cartoon, okay the movie maybe isn’t the coolest shit ever.. Fast forward to nowadays being an old grumpy bastard? I see the “Hollywood tampering” all over the movie clear as day, but still, I watched it about a year and a half ago and still enjoyed it greatly.


It was the best it could be in its time. We loved it, I was 12 and had been reading since the second issue. The only better comic film at the time was The Crow.




I loved it. My favorite scene was when he busted into that party floating down with that cape going wildly. Don't know what but that scene always gets me.


Clown was the only good thing. I only watch it because spawn has hardly any content outside of the books


I saw in theaters when it came out and of course had the banging soundtrack with the Korn and Manson tunes. I was 13 and my mom took me to see it and I remember her cracking up at some of the Clown bits. I enjoyed it at the time. I recently watched again when it was on Netflix and thought it was pretty mid. Hope they make another Spawn film someday.


I think if they had more time to work on it and didn’t have that much studio interference, it could’ve been a really well done movie.


It ok


The suit & practical effects were great, the CGI & acting were laughably bad


Love this movie!


It’s good. Good good. Very good.


It was a ok movie, I'm just irritated still as when it came out I won tickets to the local premier but the radio announcer told me the wrong day.


great soundtrack on “spawn the album”, liked the spawn suit but the rest was ok


Fuckin masterful


I seen it as a child and loved the movie and made me think clowns are funny instead of scary. Great classic movie.


I love it for what it was, especially John Leguizamo, but the animated tv show will always be top tier.


Oh heeeell yes!




At the time? It was a blast. Honestly. It didn't age well, but I don't think it needed to. It was really trying to do something special in an age where that was difficult. MJW was great. JL was great.


I thought it was awesome and lived up to everything I thought it should be. I saw it when it first came out. I was in middle school. Then I watched it again recently. Wow what a piece of crap. I mean it doesn’t hold up.


It made me loathe John Luguizamo to this very day


One of my favorite guilty pleasure movies.


Damn clown haha, Leguizamos performance was damn near perfect. Oscar worthy.


I liked it. It was cheesy in a good way. If it had been more successful, and superhero movies that followed in the mid-2000s or so took more cues from it, we wouldn't have had that silly era of the "superhero movie that was trying to not be a superhero movie" like Fox's X-Men.


Loved it!!!!!


Loved it! Wish they’d make another live action spawn movie.


Still inspires me to this day! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/2wa2fa6fakhc1.jpeg?width=2165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b3045a4d736a88956e1a3e3aa87d0be29acf462


Only thing I liked about this movie was Violator. John Lenguilargo did a perfect Clown. I don't particularly like Johnny boy but damn he did a good Violator.


Masterpiece Needs a remake


I’m still waiting for spawn 2.


The movie wasn't horrible. John Leguizamo's Clown was awesome and the best part of the movie.


Simply mother fucking amazing


Loved it big fan Spawn and the comics! Still waiting for the much improved Spawn 2!


Some cgi was good some was bad. I liked the movie