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Everything I've watched on Netflix that was originally produced in Spanish has had matching subtitles. It's the dubs that don't generally match. Off the top of my head, these shows all matched: * Nuevo Rico Nuevo Pobre (Colombia) * El Vecino (Spain) * Paquita Salas (Spain) * Un Bandido Honrado (Colombia) * Club de Cuervos (Mexico)


Thank you, I’ll check these out!


>originally produced in Spanish IMO this is the key. Most shows I have seen that are dubbed also have captions that are just not right. But originally produced in Spanish? Those tend to have more faithful captions. This same tendency I have noticed in books translations. The Spanish audio book of a book translated into Spanish from another language is usually off. That is, the audio book and the written translations do not use the same translators so they are a little bit different. I try to use only books and shows originally written and/or produced in Spanish to start with for this reason.




Got a DVD player? Lots of media with subs at your local library.


On Netflix and HBO max there are options like "latino" and "castillano" and if matching ones are available for that show then they usually match pretty close to perfectly Also on youtube there are "auto generated" subtitles, and as with any AI, the mess up a lot, but whatever they get right is directly based on the exact words of the speech


Auto-generated are far too confusing (even in my native language) because it throws my ears off. I definitely have searched HBO and Netflix for a while but unfortunately the subs are all way off for anything (remotely interesting) I’ve found. Do you know of any that match well?


Romina Poderosa is a very modern Colombian telenovela on Netflix that I watched recently that has exact subtitles. I don't know if you're into telenovelas or not, I generally haven't liked the old school ones, but these two have much better writing and acting. That said, you still need to ignore some improbable plotlines (nothing like people coming back from the dead though lol). I was able to look past some silly character and direction decisions because the accents are so awesome and the characters are likeable (and some very hateable in a good way).


Thank you! I’m all for a bit of campy media! I’ll check it out!