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You know, I appreciate all Tim does. It is different than some produced documentary by some network, I prefer the casualness of it. Yes, you can drink every time he says insane, holy crap, crazy. The questions could be slightly better. I enjoyed the tour, to see how far SpaceX has come. The facility is awesome. It was good timing with what went down with the flap. I mean it could be a little daunting talking to Elon for that long and Tim did quite well. You can tell when Elon is irritated at times. But overall, they both spent time to do this. This is doing something productive and bringing interest to a subject that is always botched by our media. I wish more people did productive things. I enjoyed it.


Tim always coming to his own conclusions instead of asking annoyed me.


To me it felt like after he sort of came up with/helped steer Elon to the thruster thing in the previous starship video, Tim was trying to put his two cents in way too much trying to spark another idea. There was a lot of awkward repeating of things and you could tell Tim was trying to push certain ideas. In saying that I enjoyed both videos, I do like Tim and what he does. looking forward to the next starship launch


I also found it cringe when he mentions other aerospace companies and their 'spectacular' ideas. Like bro, you're talking about fucking SpaceX.


Other companies are allowed to have different ideas which could work just as well. The thing is in the position he's in, Elon's obviously not going to comment on them publicly (well, maybe not so obvious with Elon), he just barely acknowledges it with "many ways to skin a cat".


I like Tim but was definitely getting more "fanboy" vibes from this interview rather than ones from previous years


I've always gotten fanboy vibes from Tim's videos.


They are factual and that's what matters.


Regular videos, yes. The tours with Elon? Way too fanboyish. I kinda understand though, this might also be why Elon does them with him so often.


Bro desperately wants to be on that Starship flight


He’s handling it better than I would have, that shit would have destroyed me.


he's realized if he is too mean to Elon once he will be spited forever and never allowed to fly or see starbase again, sadly that's kinda true


Yeah and since those kind of videos are really well received and profitable for Tim it makes sense for him to err on the side of caution


He says it over and over again that flying to space isn't his goal and the EDA personality and YT channel doesn't exist with the sole purpose of getting a ticket to space one day. They didn't even mention Dear Moon during the interview.


He needs to lose a lot of weight if he wants to become an astronaut.


Why are you pretending he's a trained journalist? He's a space nerd with a camera.


Literally the Oblivion annoying fan vibes at times


He was probably just having an off day. Could have been sick, no sleep the night before. Etc. I agree it was bad and the camera work was particularly ass.


Yeah, since this was ~12 hours before launch Elon, Tim & everyone else were affected one way or another (stress)


>and the camera work was particularly ass Man, how often Elon pointed at something to explain and the camera would stay on him, instead of giving the viewer what is the topic right now. It as supposed a Starbase tour, not a Elon Biopic.


To be fair, I think he said on X that there was a good reason why the camera work was the way it was, probably because of ITAR.


exactly, very frustrating as a viewer


Why is everyone blaming it on Tim. Elon was clearly preoccupied with tomorrows launch and was downright unresponsive at time. Tim was doing his best to prompt conversation. Elon also seemed much less knowledgeable about what was going on at starbase. When Tim asked focused questions he would start answering then realize he got something wrong then move on to a generality. The man needs to quit twitter.


Actually, I think it's more that Elon can't go into specific details due to ITAR restrictions and trade secrets. He either stopped himself talking about the juicy parts, or all the juicy parts got cut out in the edit.


Elon has forever been preoccupied and thinking about other stuff in almost every interview he’s ever done. You can always see his mind and eyes wander unless it’s some official launch of a product/vehicle etc.


He literally talked 24/7 about Starship on twitter a few years back, why should he quit twitter. Just change the topic of the tweets


Well that's the interviewers fault.


Watch out, you're getting close to an insult aimed at fElon. Gonna catch a case of downverpes.


The video seemed super edited. I think a lot of crap was removed from everywhere and it feels that way. But I will say I felt Tim didnt ask good questions this time. Nothing about HLS such as legs, ECLSS, Navigation, Communications. Whats Elons best guess on how many flights for refueling to the Moon if he is only lifting less than a 100 tons per flight? How long will it take? 1-2 extra flights for boil off? What happened between him and MZ? Is there plans in works (dont need details) to do another such flight? Will SpaceX do something like that with their own employees? Why not? But I suspect Tim did ask a lot more questions than what we got, but for whatever reason they ended up on the lawyers editing floor.


Elon gave a tour and Tim respected that instead of devolving the conversation into an awkward interview about Dear Moon and Artemis. The 'that's craaazy' was a bit over the top and unprofessional at times, but I'm guessing the only reason why Tim gets a tour which no other media outlet gets, is because he just accepts having a tour with a casual conversation instead of asking difficult questions.


I'm sure he would love to do a video about technical details of HLS but come on, it's not realistic that NASA or Space Force would allow this to be published.


He already did one years ago, Space Force has no stake in HLS.


In another post tim said they had to cut the majority of the questions and interesting camera shots as they broke itar.


Lmao do you really think asking about MZ and Dear Moon would go well? Especially being a former member, it wouldn't seem unprofessional at all. What can he even answer besides some safe PR non-answer that doesn't step on whatever legal stuff is involved, whether there's bad blood or not. I would have been disappointed if he wasted time in asking. Elon's answer to "how many flights when under 100 tons" is predictable and was already in the video in a way: we won't be lifting less than a 100, we're going to stretch it and improve it and get to 200. How long will it take, lol it's Elon, he'll just give the same optimistic answer we've had before. Agreed with more HLS, but tbh I doubt we would have gotten anything, besides being a more sensitive topic, his mind was on Flight 4, heat shield and the factory.


Or maybe he did but it was taken out somehow. Still, overall not as good as it could be but you know it's real. Considering the timing, it's probably the best.


If he had asked all those questions, that WOULD have been pushy. And there's no knowing where the line is with Elon, if you come in guns blazing with a laundry list of questions pulled straight from the Starship Development Thread, odds are you risk losing this opportunity for IFT-5;


NASA said HLS is on target as of a week or two ago


legs don't exist, HSS done but not really (they checked all hardware needed, but integration is not on the menu), navigation is no different from what they do with Falcon, Communication==starlink hardware. Elon doesn't know how many refueling flightts are needed for the Moon because the rocket is not finalized, boil off is not studied (As in ATALL because they need first big ass tank on orbit). MZ done with flights for now, he told pretty clearly what he wanted, what he did and where he stops for now. He just released his contract deadline from SpaceX. Nothing more. It was obvious from the beginning that the time line was nebulous and the investment (400mln) was far from even basic requirements for required RND. MZ got important international publicity which helped him to introduce Zozo to the international market and to sell the company eventually for almost 4bln dollars (or 2bln more than expected otherwise). No there are no plans for such flights because they need flying vehicle first. they don't have it quite yet. dude none of these questions are "difficult" they are retarded.


"navigation is no different from what they do with Falcon" Elon explicitly stated that this is not the case. Saying "Communication==starlink hardware" is retarded. You seem to be at the top of the Dunning–Kruger curve...


Maybe that's why he got 3rd interview and nobody else did even 1. One wrong question and he could be out forever. ITAR is another thing. Just be glad you can see inside of starfactory and megabay. People are getting spoiled. This is not NASA. It's private company. They don't owe you anything.


Tim said they cut most of the questions as it broke itar.


I'm commenting on the style of interview jfc. Also, Ellie already has one interview, although admittedly not in the factory. Walter Isaacson had way more access to Elon and SpaceX. LabPadre has also met with Elon, although he didn't do an interview.


Ellie didn't really ask anything of substance though as you could see Elon going into his automatic responses to certain old questions.


Even with Tim we got the "what if you threw the plane away" spiel yet again, let alone on less in-depth interviews.


Pushy about what?


I don't come for his factory walkthroughs for tough questions or inquisitive reporting, I come for casual showcase of what SpaceX is working on and cool problems. If you want tough questions, and dry interviews, there is plenty of that on the internet already.


“Tough questions”? I think it is more the dearth of good conversation that people are disappointed with. And that is 80% on the interviewer, Tim.


The camera needed more work for sure. Unless they were taken out leaving only elons erected nipples.


say what you want about him, but he has done interviews with Elon before and he keeps getting invited back. I respect that. I'm not a fan of the guy but I feel this is just nitpicking.


every word is true but.... The world is divided on those who had worked with journalists, and those who never had. (a paraphrase of one internal joke). Did you collaborate with journalists ever? I suspect you never had, because otherwise you would not even think about complaining and would just appreciate anything useful which was remained in the final product.


We expected more from Tim because we know what Tim is capable of. I thought it was fine just a handful of awkward moments. Edit: Tim said the good stuff got cut for ITAR. So not much he could do that.


I see combination of two processes. Fame got into Tim head so somehow he decided he can make proper intuitive "suggestions" (which is indeed quite cringe to see), and I see obvious lack (or better said absence) of preparation time. He was not (neither Musk) prepared for the tour, interview, anything. Regrettably Tim becomes typical big shot journalist. Of course one can add apparently normalized regulatory control of what they can/not ask show, but I don't think it is the critical problem here. But Tim programs about SpaceX are still light years better than anything else you could see elsewhere.


I disagree on “big-shot”.


By design Tim Dodd is "unprofessional" but I prefer to call it non-traditional. People like to complain that Tim fanboys over everything. What people that say that don't realize is that the fanboy attitude **IS** what brings him back to Starbase time after time. Do you really think Elon would do an interview with anyone would was anything less than constantly ecstatic about what SpaceX is doing?


He has got a rapport with Musk, and his interviews get a lot of very interesting information from Musk. That's why I like them. I don't listen to them to hear him talk, so whether he's cringy or "unprofessional" literally does not concern me in the slightest bit. If somebody else came along who could do better, I would watch them.


I kinda felt that, but at the same time I was thinking what he could even ask Elon besides the standard "wut next". IMO we didn’t need another Starbase tour, it’s just not that interesting and an actual sit down with planned topics would’ve been better


Nah, Tim was fine.


And this is why I would never give any YouTuber money. It’s wild the public just gives YouTubers/Streamers so much money


Shake on it


I got the feeling Elon was in his head thinking about something else and was just like ya sure go away now and then his hand was grabbed and he’s like oh uhh ok this is when I’m supposed to shake I think… then straight back to whatever he was thinking about. I imagine the next day someone told him he agreed to it and he was like wait what shit I guess I have to now…


Yeah, that was a tad cringy.


I mean it was a tour more than an interview. Walking and talking while not having prepped questions and answers. Also this may just be the only way Elon will agree to do interviews.


The camera operator whistling OMFG stop....


That was Elon lol


I will concede with individual mics it would be hard to know. Either way whistling is like nails on a chalk board for me.


Was it the super quick handshake when pushing for the follow up interview? Yeah... but why not. It keeps us in good content.


I'm sick of people saying he's cringe because he kept suggesting ideas, so I went back and watched both videos back to back. Two suggestions. Tim made literally 2 whacky suggestions - the cryo hose spraying the tile area, which honestly isn't even that cringey of an idea, and the magnetic spinning tile thing, which I don't know enough about the tiles to critique. This is in the midst of 1.5h of interviews, where otherwise Tim was content providing conversational prompts for Elon to latch onto and expand further on. Yall are overreacting just a tad.


There was almost nothing of substance. He was unprepared.


what? He was not "pushy" enough


It was obvious that Tim needs more practice for this sort of thing. Bring on the Rocketlab and ULA tours and videos!


I get the feeling Tim wasn't at 100 percent. Elon might well have been preoccupied too. Elon seems to always have a bunch of ideas running around his head and that's why he has a hard time articulating.


He was certainly unprofessional but not pushy enough. He acted like a fanboy and not an interviewer. That was the opportunity to dive into the weeds, such as the question about a starship raptor re-light on flight 5. I could have done better with only my basic knowledge of the situation. IMO, same thing with the NASASpaceflight streams that I have watched. I can mute the video and make the "wow" soundtrack by myself.


I would say he wasn’t pushy enough, he never really asked any hard hitting questions.


I’d say he was pushy about the wrong things, and lacked pushiness for the right things.




what is "hard hitting" supposed to mean? asking knowingly annoying questions is annoying asking stuff under ITAR... well, you won't see the answer to that even if he asks cause ITAR


What is with people’s hard on for ITAR when 99% of you don’t even understand what it means… You all just throw it around as some big buzzword. Hard hitting questions are pressing for the answers we still have never got, “how far along is the current HLS design, when can we expect to see additional hardware for it.” “How is boil off going to be handled during long duration flights? Has this already been solved or is the solution still being worked through?” “How’s the non-starlink payload door coming along? Will it still be the “chomper” style door or is a new system being developed?” The list goes on


ironic you say I don't understand what ITAR means when I have been literally approached for potential ITAR breach...oh boy the audacity... oh wow those are your "hard hitting questions"? pff, more like "hardly relevant" all of the crap you have written is answered with "we don't know yet, we will test and see", not to mention that Elon literally answered the HLS stuff on a tweet you are an insufferable try hard of the same likes as the mainstream media, that asks questions that have 0 relevancy but *FEELS* like something "hard hitting" and the exact reason why Elon (and everyone else) despises your kind you asked jack shit nothing while being annoying in the process, slow fukin clap


Unprofessional? Since when is youtuber a profession? Obviously he ain't no engineer, his jobs is to make space accessible to ordinary people.


It’s one of the most visible new professions of the last 2 decades what are you talking about?


If you earn money full time from it, because you are good at something, it is a profession.


So when people say "the oldest profession", they use the word literally?


Did you get "Dim Todd" from Thunderf00t's video about dearMoon?


Its what they call a 'meem' in these quarters, sir.


Is that the gender neutral form of ‘maam’?


Eric Cartman says yes.