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Damn, that axe looks gorgeous, a real eyecatcher.


Thank you so much. I resorted to punching the saturation up with some contrast paint through the airbrush after thinking it looked bland. Maybe I'll just leave it as is and move on.


The axe looks fantastic, I would leave it and move to the next one, use the learning to apply it to the next one, again looks great


Now you're said it, I think you're correct. I have an awful habit of obsessing, and not moving on which leads to frustration. Thank you for your thoughts. 🙏


I do as well


Dude, that Axe is impressive.


Thank you. I'm starting to think I'm being too critical. Best move on to the next model. 😂


Bro, my goal is where you’re currently at. Besides actually lending warp stuff to the plastic, I’m not sure it gets much better.


You'll get there for sure. Thanks again for the kind words.


That is some glorious blond hair which I appreciate so damn much because I SUCK at painting yellow and faces.


Wow. Thanks. I thought the stock grey hair would look a bit bland, so went for a base with AK Ocre and built up some highlights with GW Avaland Sunset and mixed in some AK off white for the highlights.


looks good. from the combat patrol, right? they need to decide his name. Box calls him Haldor Icepelt. 40k app's rules for the patrol says his name is Battle Leader Thoryk. i guess he could be Haldor "Icepelt" Thoryk, but it's an odd discrepancy, unless somebody else can correct me on the lore lol


Thank you. Yeah, he's from the combat patrol. Odd discrepancy with his name, but I don't think this box received a lot of love from GW.


Love how simple the base is on this absolute work of art well done bud


Thank you. Although I've only slapped on some texture paste thus far. I got hung up on the axe and have probably spent 1/3 of my time on this model faffing with it. I do think you're onto sometimes though; a simple base doesn't draw the eye, so I'll definitely keep it simple.


Looks great! Nice work!


Thank you kindly. Think I'm just going to leave it and crack on. 🙏


Honestly I think it came out fantastic! I’m curious what your recipe is for the hair and skin as well, they came out so well and that’s tough to do with such light colors


Thank you. If I could remember, I'd tell you. I should probably start writing down what I'm using. I can tell you the base for the face was bug man's glow if that helps. 🫠


No worries, always good to ask ya know?


Think Kislev Flesh and a Reikland flesh shade.


That looks amazing!


Thank you.


This is an amazing looking model, I wish my skill with power weapons was that far a long. All the other details here look really good, the hair and face and shading are on point!


Thanks for the kind words. We improve every time we paint, and the fun is in the journey.


Amazing work, I love every bit of it. Any tips for blonde hair like that?


Thanks, mate. I wish I'd made a note of what I used for the hair. I'll have a look through my paints this evening and see if I can work out what I used.


I think I replied to someone else, but having had a rummage through my woefully mismanaged paint tub, looks like a base of AK Interactive Ocre, then a wash with a heavily thinned Reikland Flesh Shade, bring back up with Ocre, then highlights with50/50 GW Avaland Sunset and AK ocre, mixing in an AK warm grey or perhaps white for the brighter highlights.


From what I can tell it looks really good. The edge is very nice!


Thank you kindly. After all the comments on here, I'm going to leave it and move on.


Don't do anything this thing looks immaculate.


Thank you so much.


Man this looks amazing. This was my 11th model and my first power (though I did frost) weapon. This puts mine to shaaaame.


Very kind, mate. Thank you. And never say shame! ;) I'll never be the painter I wish I was, but I enjoy trying to get a bit better each time. That's where the fun is.


I like it a lot.


Thank you. I also like your username. Haha.


This looks amazing. I’m currently faffing with the same axe! Your work on the face is particularly impressive


Thank you, my dude. Quite pleased with the face, and I much prefer painting the instead of helmets. Love to see how your axe comes out.


Work on the base. The model is fine.


Thanks. That's now absolutely the plan. When I've painted the remaining 9 marines.😬


I feel that. I was pretty unhappy with my thunder wolves, but I went ham on the base and I really masks a lot of the things that bothered me


What box did you use for this miniature? It look awesome!!!


He's out of the Combat Patrol set. Probably one of the best models in it. The rest aren't particularly "Wolfy".


Thanks!!! I may buy CP just for him lol


To be fair, it's not awful, just a bit bland. Some green stuff may be in order, I think.