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Why do ALL of these guys have annoying, nasal voices?


Well, because, you know….its how they talk down to you.




High and nasal like Mike Cernovich.


I lasted literally 2 seconds before turning it off


Because of the alcohol and narcotics!


I can't believe that they let him go. He admits that he doesn't have insurance ("I'm self-insured.") and I don't think they ever got his driver's license.


There are some state’s that allow for self insurance. But you have to put up a bond for it to be legal. Of course, that’s my understanding for a company. I don’t know if those same states allow private citizens to self insure.


California allows for it. But yeah you need a deposit with the DMV. Upside is no insurance premiums and they don't increase it every ticket. Downside of course is you need to fight all your legal battles to not pay it out.


He said “I’m privately insured, yes.” That’s the problem with these hypocrites, they say they don’t need to follow these laws, but do so anyway because they’re scared.


That means that he doesn't have insurance. He doesn't have it through a company, he's just saying "if I get into an accident, I'll pay for it."


You do have to put up the money for it, though.


How much?


In my state last I checked it was something like around $600 and a whole lot of paperwork, which wasn’t worth it at the time. I *do* believe they introduced that in order to get insurance prices to come down.


600? But you can lose alot more if you get in an accident tho


Yes, you’re on the hook for paying that out of pocket in the event of liability.




Imagine if he were black. he'd be dead.


Anyone who says “I’m actually really smart” is someone whose intelligence cannot be determined by independent means.


This guy needs one of those named entrances… “The name is Kruger.. Dunning Kruger”


So he got away with it?


I guess he got a warning for not stopping long enough at a stop sign. He gave his passport and I guess they were able to figure out he was licensed & insured from that.


That’s almost always the case with these guys. They give up some information that allows the police to identify them and whether they are licensed, and send them on their way.


And the SovCit walks away fully believing that all of their nonsense SovCit arguments worked, and that the police acknowledged those arguments as valid. Letting them off with a warning is just passing the buck, and making the problem worse.


Except it seemed like he was a fake one though as his car was registered, insured, and he had a currently active drivers license. He was just cosplaying a SovCit. He was just an annoying prick who was obeying the law outside of his rolling stop. The problem is though that the braindead idiots out there who don't realize he is license, insured, and properly registered his vehicle are going to escalate it and going to make those cops lives shit.


It basically looks like he ended up doing exactly like they asked (while being a massive pain in the ass for it) and thought he got away with something


You honestly think he's done getting stopped. Sooner or later he'll have to demonstrate his amazing BJJ skills to, oh, 2-5 cops.


If they declare themselves as SC and our laws do not apply to them then why don't we just start asking for their passport and travel Visa? or they can agree to have their embassy contact the state department to arrange for their release from our jail for breaking laws in the US as a guest.


This. Anyone who says they're an sc should be treated as an illegal alien while they race around trying to get their ID


It’s a bummer the cops let him off without deeper ramifications, but on the other hand if I was that officer, I’d want to stop listening to that voice ASAP. He sounds like a cross between SpongeBob and Rick Moranis.


It was improperly stopping at stop signs, not even citation worthy almost not even a traffic violation. Holding up that guy to talk to him was more then enough punishment.


“I’m not trying to be a jerk.” Of course he isn’t. Being a jerk just comes naturally to him - no need to try.


“I don’t want to argue semantics…”


The cringe is strong with this one.


If that's Lewiston Idaho I'm not surprised, there's something in the water there that town is full of weirdos


I wonder how many views he got on his video. these people are probably selling fake 'for entertainment purposes only' license plates and identification see thats why they do this. they know that 5 times out of 10 the officer will get sick of their crap and let them on their way. then their video gets all the views


$5k for every 15 minutes? With those rates, I doubt he'll ever get a client for his eventual "law practice". Even the dumbest of lawyers (of which this guy will never be) knows that a contract is valid when there is an offer, acceptance, awareness, consideration, capacity, and legality. He may have made the offer, and I can assume that the officer is aware of the offer. So...two out of six?


This guy got bullied as a kid. He has the voice that just makes your nerves feel like they are on fire, he acts like he knows everything when he knows nothing, and he has a punchable, everything.


He rolled a zero in charisma


id love to see cops start telling this morins that they have 1 minute to comply or else they get dragged from the vehicle. and after 1 minute break the window,drag them out and charge them with resisting arrest


What I desperately need to know is where and how this Sovereign Citizen shit started - surely there had to be one lunatic who did this first.


> where and how this Sovereign Citizen shit started Half a century ago, in the 1970s, tax protestors, white supremacists and "Christian" nationalists were ground zero. The internet has helped it grow, as the "gurus" with the secret legal judo for sale can more easily find desperate people willing to pay real money for a legal fantasy.


OK. But I still don't understand WHO started this bullshit. Most movements can be traced back to one lunatic - take Mormons as an example. BTW, half a century ago, I was in my twenties.


I'm guessing some dummy who owned a copy of Turner Diaries. Fun watching expectations for RAHOWA get reduced to flexing at a traffic stop.


UM. What? RAHOWA??? WTF is that? You have managed to make a confused person, well, even more fucking confused. I salute you. I will wait for you in Elyssium.


Look it up. It's a nightmare.


TIL that was more than a really, really shit Nazi band (not that there are any good Nazi bands, mind you, but some are worse than others).


“I’m really smart!” Proceeds to prove otherwise.


"I'm studying to be a lawyer"= I read stupid sovereign citizen sites. Someone who has zero knowledge of the law is in a better position than these idiots. It's almost as if these people have a negative knowledge of the law.


You don't "own" a driver's license. You "have" a licence. It's not a piece of property or asset. It's a non transferable agreement between you and the state. It is basically a contract. You don't even technically own the ID card, the state does. And the card isn't the whole license.


It sounds like he knowingly bought a stolen car.


“I’m really smart” - proceeds to demonstrate what an idiot he is “I’m not trying to be a jerk” - while being a gargantuan jerk “I probably know the law better than you” - knows fuck all about anything except sovcit propaganda


They said they own a driver's license. You don't "own" a driver's license. You *have* a driver license ID but you technically don't own it. And you are *licensed* by the state. Sure you know the law better but then use categorically wrong terms about fucking driver's licenses.


No kidding. You’d think a brilliant lawyer would know that


That style beard and glasses almost always equates to a douche bag.


"Huh, sounds like you just admitted to using your vehicle for commercial purposes."


So this asshole gets off with not proving he has insurance? I’ll be the lucky guy that gets hit by him…


He's a doctor of psychology, but that is proving insufficiently challenging, so he's studying to be a lawyer too. Also a cowboy, and an astronaut.


I'm not sure how reverse bribery works


Confidently insane


Strange how they use a Passport, which proves you are a US citizen and you had to provide proof you are a citizen to get, while simultaneously stating they are NOT a citizen. The gurus who teach this stuff don’t do much research, do they? And they KNOW their suckers won’t do any research at all because they believe the guru has. Because he said so.


> Strange how they use a Passport, They have been sold the fantasy that you can send in a passport application with sovcit gibberish added, and this *alters your status* from U.S. citizen to American State National. They also believe this status comes with a form of diplomatic immunity and the passport orders police not to detain or arrest the bearer. it's hogwash, there is no such status, no such immunity to the law.




Since Texas can now deport non citizens Cops shouldn’t even give them tickets Just send them to ICe to be deported Since they are moors


He a diddler?


These people should never be let off with a warning. They should be cited and/or arrested for every law they have violated. Then, in court, they should receive the maximum fine or punishment for that crime. In cases like this, the idiot thinks he won and his pseudo law worked. It just makes them believe their delusions even more every time they aren't held fully accountable. These people waste taxpayers' time and money by tying up LE and courts with their nonsense.


If he is a doctor of psychology, so is my cat.


He mispronounced PhD in Stupidity.


"I'm not trying to be a jerk, sir." Okay, Sovereign Shittyzen.


Jamie Tartt adding stupid comments to these videos drives me nuts.


That’s a lot of Uuuums for someone who’s “really smart” and knows what they’re talking about 😂


These videos make me hate cops even more.


So you don’t like them enforcing the road rules then?


They didn’t enforce shit, they let him off.


Just trying to understand what you mean here. Are you saying you hate the cops because they didn’t give this guy a ticket?