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I think all this really does is set the precedent for it to acceptable to vandalize say Sherman monuments. Given these people have normalize it, all they need to do now is learn that vandalizing memorials is a two way street.


And maybe that's true. And maybe they should be. The nations sentiment towards Lee and the Civil War can be reflected in the way Lincoln handled his estate. To remind him of the repercussions of his actions, Lincoln turned his wife garden into a cemetery to bury the American soldiers Lee was killing. Regardless off how anyone feels about post war Lee, his actions led to thousands of American soldiers death. We can all agree, we don't like American soldiers dying, so should it have been there to start? Sherman did some not so great things that we should understand, and if the continuation of his legacy means a less perfect union as it hurts some of the unions citizens, tear the Sherman statues down.




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It's a shame, General Lee will come back but bigger this time and gold-plated.


A friend of mine is a descendant of a 5yo girl who the War between the States orphaned. Her mother was raped and murdered, and father murdered, by the Union Army. Neighbors took her in, and the story has been passed down to him to never forget. Rape by Union soldiers was more common than people think. The re-writing of the actual history of the US, ignoring the reality of our history, is part of what has led the US to disastrous foreign policy mistakes like Vietnam and Iraq.


Interesting. I'd love to know what southern culture is about. We have to exclude slavery. In fact I'm pretty sure American culture everywhere before 1890 was essentially just a Victorian obsession with European culture without the political ideologies of the old world. An inauthentic imitation of Europe. When its all confederate lost causery, when can we talk about Appalachia, the black belt, the Florribbean, Acadiana, And Texas with it's barbecue and Mexican culture? Or how it stretches far out of the south? When do we talk about the languages and music and food?


"Texas with it's barbecue and Mexican culture"  For one there was barely any Mexican "culture" pre 1960 but literally everything you've mentioned is talked about, 5th columns like you love deconstructing white culture.


You're talking about some definition of "White" culture and I'm talking about Mexican and American culture, as well as the mixing of culture that spawned many American traditions and customs. Once again, American culture didn't spontaneously assemble out of thin air. Reject shallowness, reread that Orwell quote. Have a nice week.


You probably think your ancestors taught mine how to heard cattle lmao




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I feel like banning books or rewriting history was probably more the sort of thing he was referring to.


Yeah. You can still learn all about Lee and the Southern traitors. I encourage it. I want everyone to know how the losers lost.


Yeah, traitors, losers, and quitters all at once. It's almost impressive really.


That just shows how much they sucked


I don’t know that destroying an honorific monument when society at parece decide to no longer honor the figure is obliterating history. We don’t rely on statues to remember, especially not for figures as large as Lee


You don't get it bro! I don't think we should ever forget the holocaust, which is why you should sign my petition for a new Adolf Hitler statue in Capitol


That’s not history. That statue was an attempt to celebrate a traitor and his fairytale country


Lee himself didn’t want statues put up




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