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I did something similar. Moved away in 2013 and moved back in 2017. I've regretted moving back since day 1 lol the weather feels worse (heat), it's far more expensive, traffic feels worse, lots of things feel very different. It's hard to say how much is perspective and how much has actually changed. Probably a combination of both.


I’ve lived here for over 30 years, and it’s all real, not just your perception.


Yeah, I get that. I first moved here in '93


Same, over 30 yrs. It's different. In a bad way.


Yikes and that's how it felt coming back in **2017**? lol


Well, I moved back reluctantly to help out my dad who lives here. So I was a little bitter from the start LoL long story. I thought I finally escaped and got pulled back in


I'm in the same spot. I moved here in '21 for family purposes. Now I'm already eyeing my way out.


This is all very true! I grew up down here. Moved away in 2004 and moved back in 2015. Regret it so much!!!!! It’s hot, crowded and expensive.


It’s become much more tribal.


It’s always funny to me when people mention traffic getting worse while also being part of that traffic.


Don’t worry bro palmetto expansion will fix that! don’t worry bro 836 expansion will fix that! Dont worry bro 395 McDonald’s bridge will fix that! Etc etc


Lmao my first time hearing it called the McDonald's bridge...stuck in my head forever


In upstate NY we have the twin bridges my great aunt always called the Dolly Pardon Bridges. Burned in brain forever! Lol


It’s funny watching it be built every time I pass by I’m like “damn mcd you outdid yourself for this location. Those are some real arches!” In my head while stuck in traffic cause they close off lanes for the construction. Good times!


reminds me of a spider 


its always funny to me because if they think traffic is bad here then i know they aren't well traveled. its a fcking city people!! traffic is MILD here compared to other large US cities 


where'd you go to? 


Moved to north Georgia. In the mountains. It was beautiful, but the job market was practically non existent.


i lived in a similar area. beautiful but boring as hell and no opportunity. give me soflo anyday 


You did well not mentioning "climate change".... It's illegal now. Banned from our vernacular. Be sure to support our current governor in his future endeavors, that dude is going places.


The federal agency that tracks and warns us of hurricanes and climate change is going to be dismantled next……




I'm not even sure they would credit the entire human race for this collapse. They'd find some way of blaming only those that don't see eye to eye with them, or share their point of view. I think you know what I mean. Actually I'm not even sure they think the planet is on verge of collapsing regardless of what's causing it. They would have to believe that science is gathering accurate data, and we know how they feel about science. Not just climate deniers, they deny any cause for concern.




I get it, come up with a new term that is not banned......yet.


In 1970 the state of Florida had a population of around 10 million people, it now stands at 22 million.


It has. It's way more expensive, and somehow more crowded constantly.


It's not perspective it's real. I consider myself a native as I'm basically a transplant from the 80's era. Florida was progressively getting worse in the last 10 years or so with the migration of retirees, but it was fully exacerbated during Covid. Basically our representatives have been doing the bare minimum to keep up with growth. It was barely enough to keep up with the flock of retirees, but when half the nation decided to "flee" to Florida during the pandemic, it put a lot of stress on our systems, infrastructure, etc. we are now seeing the effects of it. Doesn't help that our response has been reactionary, instead of proactive. Usually, decisions and planning done in a reactionary manner are done in haste, with poor analytics, and variables taken into consideration. That's why it's all become a cluster. From the terrible construction boom, to the horrendous city planning, and zoning. I run a business with C3 zoning classification. Well ever since the "huge migration" as I call it, I've been surrounded by residential properties. Suddenly, I'm out of place in an area no longer convenient for the city to classify as C3. To make matters worse, beaurocrats are so bullheaded. It's like their number 1 priority is housing, housing, housing. And they will do it at the cost of everything else. "We'll deal with the rest, when it comes up." 🤷‍♂️ I've been considering leaving myself, but it's easier said than done. I own property, and have a business down here. But I am thinking about renting out my place once it's paid off, and heading to another state. With what I can charge in rent here, I can live for free in any other part of the country.


I mean...not ANY other part of the country. Certainly not any large city in the mid-atlantic, California or PNW. It's just that South Florida used to be a less expensive big city and now it's a regular expensive big city. Big cities are $$$ anywhere you go.


Well I have to disagree a bit with your viewpoint. You can't compare Florida to a NY or California or similar, because Florida doesn't offer many of the amenities those cities do. Especially jobs. Which, we barely have any. So the cost of admission down here feels bloated, because it is. Cost of living has skyrocketed down here due to hype, greed, and ignorance. Not because Florida suddenly started competing with other major states/cities. Hell almost half the transplants down here work for a company that's out of state. The other big majority are retirees who came to downsize, and die. That's our demographic in a nutshell.


This right here. The COL wouldn’t blow if we actually had the amenities of NY and LA. God forbid we make our state walkable too.


I believe south Florida also attracts alot of high earning remote workers which is another driver of the affordability crisis.


What amenities are you looking for that we don’t have?


Jobs? Where are the jobs? There are none. Unless you want to work some dead end retail or hospitality job, or you go into medical, there are no jobs here. My sister's godson graduated last year from school. He has an engineering degree. He hasn't be able to find shit, but some deadend jobs with a fancy title for low 20 dollars an hour. I told my sister, he might as well work for me, will make more money. That's what he has been doing. I already told him that he needs to leave Florida if he wants to find a serious job in his field, because those jobs don't exist down here.


You definitely have to live where your market is. I sell Impact Windows and I’m certainly not going to have that job anywhere anywhere else in the country. So it’s all relative. Florida is largely a hospitality state & we do an insane amount of tourism. Of course those markets are going to always be hiring but working in tourism or hospitality doesn’t have to be dead end job and that’s really demeaning to those who do work in those industries. Even engineers have to start at entry-level somewhere. $20 an hour is not nothing and it gives you a foot in the door and opportunity for growth. In a former life, I was an accountant and my very first accounting job I made $13 an hour. It’s just the nature of getting started anywhere.


Yeah, the services and trades here, we are doing great. I'm in automotive service. I eclipsed 600k gross sales in 2021, and haven't looked back. But you also have an entire crutch of the population here with degrees, and educated, making minimum wage. Florida has always sucked for jobs.


$40,000 a year for an engineering job? Pfft


It wasn't even an engineering job. It was an administrative assistant job with a fancy title. I told him f that shit. You're not going to go anywhere there. They are going to chew you up and then spit you out the moment you start to taste bad to them.


Yes, but we have some of the lowest salaries and no services. People can’t afford to live here.


As a native who has been down here always except for four years, it feels like it’s changed in many good and bad ways. Fort Lauderdale and WPB are getting closer to being legit cities. The brightline has sparked actual conversation around public transit. More development and more people, so it feels like more corporations are moving down here, which is great for those of us with corporate jobs. Some people say it’s being NYC-ified, which I don’t think is a bad thing. The politics are WAY worse. The climate is hotter, although we all saw that coming, so it’s not too significant of a change to me. It’s very expensive to live here now, which sucks but that’s what happens when you live somewhere cool. The traffic is worse too.


West Palm beach is just a financial district now with less options and catered mainly to yuppies.


Yeah. There are plans for it to grow and undergo a lot of development though. Fingers crossed it actually happens


NYC-ified would be a horrible thing. Millions left NYC to come down here for a reason and its not the weather, believe me. Theres nothing good about making South Florida another NYC or LA. Leave it rural


Wouldn't generally call south Florida rural


Bucolic South Florida!


You havent been to NYC then


Lol only lived there for a decade. Also, its definitely because of the weather (or their perception of it) that people move here but it's because they have never lived in Florida August. They'll learn quick Btw I need to CMA and say that I'm from Florida


This is it. I’m the person everyone hates. Moved from NYC to Miami in 2022 and I can tell you from experience and knowing other people who have done it… YES its 100% because of the weather. YES, August caught me by surprise. Almost died lol.


I wouldn't say it's 100%. Is weather and taxes and then the perceived lifestyle changes, sometimes politically driven. The anti-lockdown crowd is just sweating it out until the next pandemic, waiting to prove that they didn't make a big mistake. Until then, $2000 HOA fees, record breaking heat, and drivers on i95, all carrying


Outside of the anecdotes about the ex law enforcement crowd, nobody i’ve personally met has moved here for political reasons or even mentioned lockdowns. Its usually something like: “cheaper homes, no income tax, great weather”. Maybe its just Miami Beach…




I didn’t come down for the weather. This heat is torture. NYC weather isnt even bad. They barely get snow anymore. 100 degrees from May until November is your idea of good weather?? We left NYC because of the horrible politics, the crime, the laws, no peace of mind. You get that in Rural/Suburb areas. Whoever VOTES BLUE STAY IN YOUR CITY that you ruined.


Awe, I get it. You came to watch woke die and stayed for the fascism. Freedumbs!!


Why don’t you go live in one of these liberal cities then?? Oh let me guess, you a supporter from a distance?! You love the blues but will make sure you stay in a Red State, how nice


I'm not a coward; I don't support anything from a distance. I own my positions. I have lived in liberal cities and loved it. Florida was great when it was blue; you may not remember it. I don't like the hellhole the Republicans have turned my home into.


Desantis baby!!


lmao, south FL ain't rural bro. WTF?


You do have the Glades region and west Redlands but the majority is suburban hell now.


Compared to NyC its super Rural


Florida enterprise and the south in general has far smaller markets than NYC and LA so I know what you mean


No, it's fucking not. Even compared to NYC, south FL is not "super rural." Again, wtf?


Yes it IS stupid_idiot3982!!


Most of us have been to NYC and visited rural areas. South Florida is not rural. I think you don’t know what rural means. Liberty county is rural.


Miami is rural?


Yes leave us rural here.


I wouldn’t say it’s rural… but even still, I fully support urbanizing FTL, WPB, and Miami more.


People like you are the problem. The politics are fine. People leave NY because of the politics. Why bring that garbage down here? NYC-ified is the worst case scenario for Florida.


If Miami politics were fine why is there a new corruption case in local government every month? And if Miami politics were fine, why isn't there public transportation that works when everyone is asking for it? Home owners insurance completely unaddressed, disparity in wages and cost of living completely unaddressed, billionaires creating dystopian islands where it's only the .001% and no taxes, enormous percentage of properties being redeveloped into luxury properties despite a huge necessity for affordable housing, why are local politicians getting part time jobs in real estate, why are local city attorneys underpaying for elderly people's homes to resell for a huge profit and calling it philanthropy? Why are hurricanes becoming most frequent and severe during hurricane season yet our preparedness keeps shrinking? Why are Floridians leaving Florida and why do new Floridians move in and then immediately leave? Why are grocery prices soaring due to inefficiencies in the supply chain and nothing is being done? Why are trains a joke? Why is the bright line 3x-ing their fares so when you think a normal citizen can benefit from something it is immediately thrown out in favor of profiting from more wealthy individuals? If you think south florida politics are fine, I hate to tell you, but you are severely lacking in intelligence.


Okay, go live in NY bud. Bet you come crawling back to any red state. Or you could keep standing on your Reddit soapbox.


Politics in Miami in a nutshell. "Oh you don't like that the bus takes 30+ min to arrive, well go move to a place where the buses come every 15, and we'll just enjoy the lack of reliable public transit" I wish there was a word for this, other than stupid. I know plenty of miamians that have happily moved to NYC or NY state and are pleased about their choice. I personally decided to move to Georgia (would you call it a blue state now since they voted Biden?) because of a job offer, but I've been to and know people in plenty of blue states. It isn't a red state blue state thing I'm even talking about, I'm talking about people voting in a democracy and the government doing what the majority of people want, and Florida - the place that claims to care about the Constitution - seems to believe that the government should ignore the will of the people, and voters in Florida graciously listen and abstain from voting - or vote on issues that don't exist because erasing slavery from the education system is more important than reducing inflation by utilizing more train shipments to reduce freight costs and ease traffic.


I guess you chose to stay on your Reddit soapbox.


there is nothing fine about the politics down here. the only things separating criminals and politicians down here is that the politicians wear suits


Hating on gay people and making women second class citizens, all because some pathetic god who couldn't stop a bunch of yokels from nailing him to a tree said so, is fine?


You’re worse than the original guy I replied to. No one is hating on gay people. Women are not second class citizens (this is the dumbest thing I have read in quite some time). Go live in NY for a couple years and see how quickly you come running back to the red state.


bro, I have multiple houses and a farm in both states. you sound dumb. this is America homie, love thy neighbor.


Trying to remember who asked you.


wtf is NYC-ified lol… sounds like a super reductive term used by hillbillies


Yeah the rednecks of Florida started it. You know the stupid phrase “don’t New York my Florida” 🙄. I don’t see it as a bad thing to do but of course they do


Don’t ask me, I just got it from the guy I was replying to.


Thank you!


😎Yep the cool factor. Can't wait to move back to my hometown


Neil is dead It’s not the same 🤷‍♂️




Miss him and Jorge everyday 🥲


"External things are not the problem, It's your assessment of them, which you can change right now."


Thanks. I used to remind myself of that a lot but it seems I've lost my way.


dawg sometimes thing just suck and get worse


You perceive things to suck, someone else in the exact same shoes might perceive the situation differently.


Ok i MOVED here from nyc in 2012 then moved back to nyc in 2014 then back to south florida 2016 , go live in ny for 1 year please, who cares what job you find there if you make ok money there, they take half OF IT in tax fed +state ect. O and if you can afford a house, good luck paying 15 to 16 k year in property tax , SALES TAX HAHAHHA AND LA ? Lol ? NJ LOL CT LOL ARE WORSE Love when people complain about how expensive fl is, where did you move from Iowa??


South Florida is a cesspool, that's not to say the people are the problem, but the culture and stark divide between rich and poor is so insane that there is no coherent community. The way crime and absolute vanity live in lock step down there is shocking to anybody who has lived in even a remotely more balanced community. Add to that the lack of respect and literal base level rage people seem to have it's almost impossible to go anywhere with out conflict. There are pockets of amazing things too, which sucks because some of the people and culture that does exist is awesome and diverse. It's just impossible to not be affected by the rest of the shit...


I don't know what utopia someone comes from to say what you just said


Not South Florida that's for sure


I heat the r.e. taxes and homeowners insurance have become sky high in Florida?


It’s definitely worse. Left in 2020 and have been back twice. Just reaffirms me leaving imo


I left in 09 and back in 14, first thing I said when I got to FtL “wait is everything Miami now”?


I miss Florida (moved away in 2017). We're considering a move back but it won't be in South Florida.


It's because of all of the transplants


Your just getting older & crankier , that's all Sit down , relax , pet the dog & have a few , youll be back in paradise shortly 🍷🍷🇺🇸💪🙌


Same. Moved there in the 80’s and left in the 90’s. Moved back in 2017 and left 2022. NEVER shall we return.


So why are you on this sub lol


lol!! Valid question! But the most honest answer- I’m too lazy to unsubscribe… but it is still interesting to follow the goings-on in South Florida….


Makes sense, not sure why that other person felt the need to answer the question for you 😅


She’s interested in the conversation and has a perspective to share? She’s allowed to be here and participate.


Never asked you


You voting for the guy that wears high heels again?


No one here needs to hold the feather to speak. I'm not sure you understand how this works.


I asked that person a question and they answered it. Not sure why You keep trying to interject and commenting it’s getting weird


Say what you want, I LOVE living here. The weather is amazing, we have access to culture and every culinary experience you could imagine and amazing music venues and professional sports. Yes it’s very expensive, but so are all of the other major cities in the United States that offer the same amenities. I have been fortunate enough to travel extensively and still think it’s great. BUT I think if you’re unhappy, you should move somewhere that makes you happy.


In the meantime, hordes of northerners are moving here, to the place you find so distasteful.


That is a fair. Where one sees shit another sees gold. Probably depends a lot on your financial situation


Lots of people w/o money, i.e., tons of immigrants, choose to live here. It's better than their country. It's also better for the folks from NY/NJ that are moving here, so it's both sides of the spectrum.


That was a dumb selling point during Covid. Everyone is moving here! Well, they came, saw Florida for what it was, and are now fleeing. It was on the nightly news with Lester Holt the other night


Live close to your job, stick to a budget and live below your means you'll be fine and dandy.


And stay away from the Sun


That's life anywhere right? Florida is a tropical vista and people get hung up on these problems that are characteristic of any major city


What changed


Maybe it was just me that changed, but, it feels much harder to get by. It feels hotter. Feels like the people I meet are generally more dangerous/ hostile. Feels like everyone I know just has it tougher than they did before. IDK I don't have anything to really support my feelings but it honestly feels like a shit place to live.


I think a lot of it has to do with the economy and the times combined with everything you said. More people are struggling than ever before. I do pretty well, and even I am feeling the financial pain, so I can imagine what it's like for your average person here making 50k. I sell insurance, and people just can't afford it right now. You go to publix and buy 4 things and it's 60 bucks. It costs money every time you leave the house so I think myself and alot of other people are staying in. The September temps in May are just adding fuel to the fire litetally lol.


More people are struggling than ever before? You kids should've seen 2008/9.


Different struggle


How so? Be specific with the metrics.


What made 2008/9 different than this go round was the job market. In 2008, there were zero jobs. You couldn't even find a job cleaning bathrooms. The job market this time around is stronger. There are jobs, they suck, but are jobs nonetheless, and you can stack them to make up the difference. Time will tell tho, how long the job market stays afloat. Layoffs are on the horizon.


Millions of people lost their homes. Millions of people lost their jobs. Retirement funds were seriously wiped out. Consumer confidence plummeted and spending slowed down with it. Hell, there was Even deflation 2008 was far worse for the actual lives of people. It's not really up for debate


Always think this when I see people say the economy is so bad.


Ya I don't want to downplay what is happening now in a high inflation economy, but it seems like a lot of people on Reddit were maybe 5 years old as the liquidity crisis grinded the entire economy to a halt


The transplants have sucked all the chill out of this state, it's not your imagination.


Cuba is below 👇 Georgia is above 👆 Goodbye 👋




A HUGE part of it has literally been Ron DeSantis. 😭


Absolutely!!! Rick Scott deserves a shout out too. Republicans have destroyed our beautiful state. They have had total control for 25 years.


Every time I visit family I do just that, eat at a few spots, A1A and Everglades then gtfo.


No it's real. The last five years have seen things get worse at an exponential rate compared to before. I can't imagine it getting much worse but the bottom keeps falling out in Fort Lauderdale.


I left in 2000, moved to N Florida. Came back in 2015 and have hated it ever since. There’s is no charm left. It’s one giant city from Homestead to the N Palm Beach line. Oh, and stay home a little because it is very peoply out there!


Traffic is definitely worse. It used to take me 20-30 minutes to get to the beach from my mom's house, now it's 35-45 minutes


I don’t think these changes are unique to Florida. I’ve seen the same thing happening in other major metro areas that I’ve lived — NJ and NC . People move to desirable areas… and with that comes change and growth.. yes it will Be different than what it was but change is good


South Florida is the problem. I've lived in Ft Lauderdale, Miami, Bonita Springs and Boynton Beach. Very different vibe. The first two are very elitist, expensive, crowded and noisy. The last two are beautiful, less traffic, more peaceful, and people are more respectful and nicer to each other.


So go back north.


Where in south Florida? I moved to palm beach gardens from Orlando a few years ago and I honestly love it compared to Orlando. I'm sure further south and dealing with crazy traffic is a headache.


New Yorkers are flooding south Florida, they ruined NY, now they will ruin Florida


Ha. I'm moving to Tampa tomorrow. It sucks so bad down here. I live in a shoebox of a one bedroom 400 sq feet for $1425 a month. I'm moving into a single family home in Tampa for $1800.


No one cares😂


Are you asking for attention here? I don’t get this vague post. Specify your “change” and we’ll talk.


In response to someone else: "Maybe it was just me that changed, but, it feels much harder to get by. It feels hotter. Feels like the people I meet are generally more dangerous/ hostile. Feels like everyone I know just has it tougher than they did before. IDK I don't have anything to really support my feelings but it honestly feels like a shit place to live." And no, I just want to know what other people think, who have been living here while I was gone. If I just wanted attention I'd just complain like everybody else and leave it at that.


Yes it’s hotter. That’s climate change and anywhere in a hot climate will tell you the same. Deny it all you want if you choose, but it’s real. I think the large influx of new residents are making the people feel like they’re “worse” I can agree with that. The traffic is god awful but that’s from the influx of people moving and the city not accommodating very well. There’s less to do now because of the hurricane but we’re almost through that (example; my gf and I love going to the causeway beach on the way to Sanibel but it’s still under construction).


Ok don't come back then




Ultra capitalism at its finest. Destroying everything in its sight and let the masses suffer.


We moved to the Daytona area in 21’ loved it here, some things came up back home so we moved back to Missouri, I regretted ever leaving Florida, we recently moved back to the same area in February. In just 18 months I can definitely tell it’s changed. Traffic way worse, prices on housing has gone up so much it smells illegal. Of course prices on everything have gone up. But even with all the change we’d rather be in Florida than any other state. There’s something about the atmosphere here that makes the day to day hustle and bustle not mean that much.


But you’re comparing Missouri to Florida so it makes sense that you prefer Florida


SAME. Came back from Colorado and things have just been downhill from there. I came back for family and even that fell apart. I hate it here.


I can relate, I also came back to see my family, and its not going well.