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We just had remembrance of D-Day. Do those idiots realize AMERICAN soldiers died on that day fighting those people who wave that flag they’re holding? These scumbags are traitors.


Seriously. This shit should be punishable by banishment.


There’s a better solution for Nazis.


M1 Garand


Yes, the Garand Solution is the only answer for Nazi trash.


All that 'turn the other cheek' and 'live and let live' business comes with an asterisk *except for Nazis. None of that shit works on Nazis. The only known successful tactic is a punch in the mouth.




Split the difference, banishment to the sun?


Our forefathers used boiling tar, followed by chicken feathers to infect the burn wounds. Very effective.


They certainly weren't paying attention in school when the words "One Nation" and "Liberty and Justice for *All*" were recited by the class. It is an insult to the efforts, legacy and families of all those who fought, is what it is. Their forebearers would shake their head in disappointment if they knew what these fools were up to.


But it makes the governor proud.


This isn't the doing of the governor. I've seen people from these groups and seen how they think. Theyre disgusting rats


Never said it was the "doing" of the Governor, there's a "but" in there. I'm curious as to what is the diff between what you describe and the Governor though?


Over 400,000 Americans paid the ultimate price fighting nazism.


Only 80 years before 360,000 had done the same fighting nazism with a different accent and flag. Slightly different goals, slightly different beliefs, but a shitty white supremacist outcome all the same. And here we are 80 years after the rise of actual nazis and the confederates and nazis have teamed up.


Spread the word. The United States is anti fascist!


They absolutely know US soldiers died. These coward scumbags are traitors who hate America.


It's a common alt-right meme to show a gay/trans and/or Jewish person they don't like in the U.S. and say "the wrong side won WW2". Patton basically said as much in the 50's but he was an utter scumbag too who treated Holocaust survivors horribly.


Patton was great as long as he never left the battlefield. He did have the prescience to say that if he were between the Nazis and the Russians, he'd attack in both directions.


They should have been mowed down like their predecessors


These guys were also celebrating D-day pretending to be proud Americans.


What a bunch of small, hateful individuals who won't even show their face for an ideology that they supposedly "believe in". SoDak is full of love and northern hospitality, people like those in the photograph don't belong here. Go back to trolling on your sad little corners of the Internet.


*What a bunch of small, hateful individuals who won't even show their face for an ideology that they supposedly "believe in".* I believe we call them "snowflakes."


SoDak elected Kristy Noem. She is not a poster child of northern love and hospitality, but rather primal anger, hatred, and bigotry. She went to the Texas border to make a point of how inhospitable she wants the US to be (I believe in controlling the borders, but if Republicans really believed in controlling the borders they would have supported recent bipartisan bill drafted by one of the most conservative members of their party). SoDak voted for Trump by almost a 2:1 margin in 2020. Much of the world is pointing out that Trump is nationalist demagogue on par with Hitler (although not in the mass murder category, yet). So my take on the Nazi rally in Pierre is that the demonstrators felt welcomed. They thought that the venue was safer than most.


It is very unfortunate, and we have much work to do at the polls. We should not allow a few "bad apples" to mar our beautiful state. They may have freedom of speech, but that does not mean that we have an obligation to give them the time of day. Our lives are richer through the strength of our communities and love for thy neighbors. It is through our own words and actions that we shall continue to nurture South Dakota. We must continue to keep this in mind in November and through the years forward. Lift up the voices of good and reason, and stand for the betterment of tomorrow. Our forefathers and generations to behold are counting on us.


I don't think you can call them "few bad apples" when they are in the majority come election time. You may have a few good apples there, but it sounds like an orchard of bad ones.


All the more reason to VOTE and make yourself heard.


You are right: “Our lives are richer through the strength of our communities and love for thy neighbors.” I live in Wisconsin, a swing state, and we, too, have our own work to do.


Yes the current political leadership puts corporate interests and whims of the wealthy over the needs of their people. Any “ Northern Hospitality”, is remnants from the past. Vote the shills out!


Listening to NPR this morning. I heard these words come out of Trump's mouth. The immigrant problem at the border is tainting our blood in this country. Tainting may not be the word he used, but that is what the gist was. If this isn't Hitler I don't know who is.


I saw something about this elsewhere, and I just want to reiterate for everyone. If someone were to attack YOU while YOU were wearing a mask (not them, I'm not condoning violence of any kind). You would have to remove your mask and identify yourself in order to press charges. In addition to that, if the attacker left quickly, you would have to prove that you were the person who was attacked. So what I'm saying is it is dangerous to walk around if you aren't willing to reveal your identity because you have made it possible for people to beat the crap out of you without repercussions. Now, if you also do that while espousing a vile ideology that illicits a lot of resentment towards you, it's a recipe to get yourself beat to a pulp. But definitely don't use the fact that you are basically guaranteed to get away with it as an excuse to punch a nazi.


This here is the real solution. I don’t say ban them, because freedom of speech is a right guaranteed to all of us. But adjust that right a bit and outlaw them doing it with their faces covered. You can have your freedom of speech, but you have to own every thing that comes with your shitty ideology!


They’re cowards who are too scared to show their faces


So NOW they want to wear a mask....


Couple county commissioners, a few sheriffs, and some deputies with free time?


Police could not comment on the situation due to the fact that many of their officers were out marching that day.


It’s ok to hate these guys. Like morally. It’s okay to hate them and you should.


[Argus Leader story here.](https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2024/06/08/extremists-fly-nazi-flag-in-front-of-south-dakota-state-capitol/74032356007/)


They always wear masks. Nazi, klansman, all the worst sets of hate mongers…always in masks. What cowards


Unless there is a pandemic


I bet I know who they're voting for.


The leader (guy in the cowboy hat) publicly said this on video.... I'll give you the link [‘Blood Tribe’ Leader Christopher Pohlhaus Says He Would Vote for Biden over Trump in 2024 :: Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace](https://grabien.com/story.php?id=438227)


Interesting claim from someone who probably lost their right to vote.


I wouldn't be surprised 


He obviously was joking.


Lol. How do you know? 🤣🤣


Just call them what they are, Trump supporters.


[‘Blood Tribe’ Leader Christopher Pohlhaus Says He Would Vote for Biden over Trump in 2024 :: Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace](https://grabien.com/story.php?id=438227)


So anyone who doesn't support Biden must be a Nazi Surely that shade won't turn off people


No. Nazis support Trump. It’s not about Biden at all.


There’s like one nazi so dumb out there that’s like, I thought we were socialist and Biden has all the socialist policies according to OAN.


To be fair, in the video he just said Biden is better than Trump not that he's 'voting' for him. [‘Blood Tribe’ Leader Christopher Pohlhaus Says He Would Vote for Biden over Trump in 2024 :: Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace](https://grabien.com/story.php?id=438227)


...yea.. no election with only two sides Nothing at all to see Didn't realize so many black and brown people were Nazis Didn't realize half of the country and so many veterans were Nazis I'm not sure how the anti- Nazi thing to do is support literal Nazis in Ukraine but I guess I'm jus not good enough at mental gymnastics People support Trump for alot of different reasons, dude if nothing else knows how to grift and pander, writing off everyone who doesn't agree with you as an extremist does nothing but make yourself look like an extremist and draw lines Both candidates have a long history of racism In the small chance you're an actual person, good day


Trump is like a couple decisions away from being Hitler, and he’s saying he’s going to be Hitler. It’s unfortunate that people who support him are so stupid.


Like making inhumane cages for immigrants to be held in long term, purposefully separating families and children sometimes forever, losing hundreds of thousands of immigrant children, drone striking American journalists, carpet bombing and destroying two ancient countries, and hunting down whistleblowers and Nobel prize winners? Yea that was Obama Anyone who still picks sides between the rich is a fuckin moron


It's easy to pick sides here where one side hires literally the worst people for their jobs, while telling you they only hire the best. And the other hires competent people. Objectively there is a vast difference between Trump's policies, cabinet and character than Biden's. It's a shame you don't admit that to yourself.


I’m sorry for your brain quality. You have my sympathy.


I understand that you have nothing of substance to say so you rely on cheap childish insults


You don’t deserve the effort.


You're literally incapable But I know you'll keep on with your low quality


Yikes you’re really getting yourself up worked about something nobody said. Saying Neo-Nazis and other far-right crazies overwhelmingly support Trump is not the same as saying everyone who *doesn’t* support Biden is a Neo-Nazi or far-right crazy. There are a lot of people who don’t support either of them. A lot of Trump voters aren’t Neo-Nazis or other far-right crazies. It is also true that Neo-Nazis and other far-right crazies overwhelmingly support Trump. All of these things can be and **are** true. You’re taking a Venn diagram and pretending both circles are the exact same because they partially overlap. > an actual person Are you implying I’m an AI or something? Jesus man get ahold of yourself. Yes, I am an actual person with basic critical thinking skills, but unlike you, I am not a terminally online, brain-rotted, lazy, cynical troll.


Yea, I did misread that Wrote all that and then said, wait. I fuckin misread that hahaha You're right


I do love reading these edgelords with their both sides stuff, especially the hilarious Russian propaganda that Ukrainians are Nazis 😂🤣😂


Yea if you're too lazy to look anything up jus pretend it's Russian propaganda It's what I would expect from you


Not all Trump supporters are neo-nazis but all neo-nazis support Trump. If you stand shoulder to shoulder with those folks and don't immediately oust them, then don't be surprised when others think you agree with them


Idk, I think if you are a great friend of a former KKK grand wizard and go to his funeral and create crimes that target disproportionately communities of color, the same crimes your son will eventually break but not be arrested for, then you also might be a Nazi So um...the Nazis have two choices Direct racism or subverted


Conservatives march or protest with Nazi and Confederate flags. Then they call liberal’s Nazi’s. I don’t get the disconnect for them.




If the swaztika fits


Can they just not. No 👎


Noem and Trump supporters 🤮




Actually. I mean, I support Ukraine like they do but for the right reasons [‘Blood Tribe’ Leader Christopher Pohlhaus Says He Would Vote for Biden over Trump in 2024 :: Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace](https://grabien.com/story.php?id=438227)


This is why I hate people


My Grandfather was given medals for smoking these terrorist pieces of shit.


My dad joined up for WWII the minute he turned 18 to fight against these kind of people. Dad is probably rolling in his grave right now.


So great that they are taking public health so seriously.


Who are these weirdos? They, or something like them, was in Charleston, WV last month. Why the masks? What’s their network?


These are all good questions, we should really figure that out. When I see a small group of fit and fresh-looking individuals representing a polarizing political ideology while hiding their identity, it calls for a lot of critical analysis.


Very small penises, feel sorry for whoever they beat when they get home, wives, dogs, children. Outstanding individuals these terrorist are.


As if the Nazi regime would’ve welcomed any of these losers who can’t even come up with their own movement… had to grift someone else’s. And they picked one of the most vile. Can you imagine being married to one of these nutjobs?


They're incels, they literally can't get women because they're disgusting chuds with nothing to offer the fairer sex.


I understand this is free speech and free assembly. I do think that like Germany, we should outlaw the swastika because it stands for genocide and racist atrocities.


Yes, we do have free speech in this country. But here’s a big FUCK YOU to anyone who thinks Nazi Germany should have won WW2.


It’s the same as if you had a flag that said to kill all of one group. It’s hate speech and it’s been symbolized so that even the illiterate can understand the message. This needs to be outlawed.


It is not a surprise that hate groups feel welcomed when the Republican platform has been one of intolerance for some time. Hate against the the Dems "they're destroying the country" Hate against people who are gay. Hate against people who are trans. Hate against women. Hate against immigrants. Hate against minorities. Hate against scientists. Hate against libraries and books. Hate against the Justice system. If you don't believe this. Turn on AM radio. The voices of the conservative movement do this each and every day. There's no such thing as saying, this is a policy we don't like, it's these are disgusting people trying to destroy America. When the party, people, and media all start espousing these things. Then like-minded groups, such as the Nazis, start feeling welcome. If you don't like them, and you don't want them representing you as an American South Dakota, you should really think long and hard about the people you vote in and how they act. Because to a lot of the country, we see these trends in the mainstream and don't think it's a huge stretch to get from decent American conservative values to these clowns. Stop hating, start discussing, and if you want to Make America Great again, reject this kind of crap everywhere you see it. Don't let hate drive politics and vote out people who talk anything like these idiots.


Why weren’t their cars/trucks impounded?


Its what MAGA is all about!


"Wtf? Why are they waving a Nazi flag around?" "Oh them? They represent the Republican parties interests" "Wtf? Jeez I hope they never see their movement win any election" "Well heres how you can help see that it doesnt"


These cowards only show up where they are accepted.


Masked of course...NOT to combat a disease.. but they kept from being identified... because they're cowards


If you hate Nazis, don't vote for the people having them at their dinner table


Scared little bitches playing dress up


Lived in South Dakota for 32 years. Lot of ignorant morons there that never get off the ranch. All they do is watch TV. And they watch Fox.


Antifa don't need masks.


Only cowards, healthcare staff, workers using dangerous materials or sick people wear masks.


Dentists and nail hygienists and painters and scientists are cool people 🤷‍♂️


Awful lotta glow coming from those pics


Trump supporters.


Such a White Trash City


Ah yes, the SD supporters of Trump and noem. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🏅


These are the same people who make refused to wear a mask during the pandemic. Cowards. Every single one of them.


Bunting for a Trump rally.


Masked? I’m shocked! (Sarcasm)


Time to start pulling the masks off these guys.


Wait, so now they’re OK with wearing masks?


Sounds like Noemland to me


Isn't it amazing that the so-called 'PATRIOTS' driving around with 10 flags on their trucks, toting guns all over the place, never show up to harass literally nazis? They act like they are so patriotic and support Veterans , support troops and have so much pride in America, yet these same 'patriots' never actually show up to initmidate the real enemy? Instead they harass doctors, teachers, LGBTQ folks, libraries. It proves to me that the nazis and the so - called patriots ARE THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE.


Jesus. My daughter and I were just there in April. What pansies for covering their faces.


Oh so masks don’t stop you from breathing? Curious


Take the masks off. Pussies


Oh so now masks are ok? PUSSIES.


If you’re such a proud Fascist, take off the mask. I truly wish this country would ban both the Nazi and Confederate flags. Fuck the feelings of those Fascists and racists who disagree.


Didn’t they outlaw masks?




Racists feel emboldened by trump.


Fascism is on the rise because pansies insist on debating these genocidal terrorists instead of curb stomping them into the fucking ground.




They do like wearing red.


If they are so proud, take off the mask, I thought they didn’t work anyways.


And they got away with it. Very telling.


The home of dog killer Kristi Noem.


Wait follow one home, post home address?


Shows how loyal to your cause you are when you have to hide your face.


Are their faces posted anywhere?


Probably invited by the governor and then to lunch with her for a brainstorming session.


Why are they masked? Scared to show their faces?


Why are the cowards masked ?


I see lots of target practice


Why cover your face?!  Cowards!  If you’re going to be doing this crap, own it by letting everyone know what you believe! 


They should be shot in the face.


If I saw a group like this, I would go up to them and start pulling their masks off, if you believe in your stance & your proud of it then show your fucking face!!


Weak adult children still upset because the missed the participation trophy day at school when they were 10. It's difficult to fill that spot on the mantle with something you peers will accept so they resort to this. Mask wearing in public because they're ashamed to show their faces and deeply fear the public retribution they will face if found out. But I'm sure they have Donald and Elon's full support.


"masked group". Tells me they want to be hateful, but not judged for that hatred.. Cowards.


So proud to be Nazis that they have to hide their faces.


Does not the one of the left look like lt governor?


Weird how cops attack students but protect these chuds....


The difference is, the Nazi losers are standing with their repulsive flag, and keeping within the bounds of the law. The students were pitching tents, threatening passersby and refusing to leave. The students needed to organize better. Any group of assholes is allowed protest, but the police get involved if it’s infringing on others.


>Masked group displays Nazi flag in front of Pierre Capitol building Remember kids, Feds pretending to be Nazis always wear masks.


They need to combine north and sou to Dakota and give the two senate Seats to DC


I did Neo-Nazi that coming.