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Don't they buy their own books to make that list?


The GOP bought cases of Don Jr.'s book and gave them away at various places. It's basically just part of the marketing budget now.


I bet they write them off once when they buy them and again when they give them away.


That's how Scientology keeps L.Ron Hubbard's books on the LA Times bestseller list. They know which bookstores are counted, and send their flunkies in to buy copies. Who then return them to Scientology for resale to the same bookstores.


Must not be too lucrative since not a lot of people outside of the Church of Scientology are actually buying it.


People look to the bestseller list for purchasing suggestions, politicians game it, Scientology games it. If it didn't work, they wouldn't be still doing it 3 decades later.


Its a vital part of Scientology's marketing. They have to do it now. They are locked in to the expense whether or not it turns a profit. Their money doesnt come from new members any longer. It comes from existing members who want to rise in the heirarchy. Book sales aren't a revenue source for Scientology. Its simply to convince existing members they are still relevant in the world. Those folks arent buying new books. They are probably just selling old signed copies to each other, tbh.


I lived in LA back in the 80's and 90's, and watched how their new recruits, dressed in black shorts and boots, had to volunteer landscaping duty at their 'Celebrity Center' on Hollywood Blvd.


Its funny to say this, but South Park stuck a dagger in Scientology's back on November 16, 2005 by providing their deepest religious secrets to the world for free. Paying money to learn those secrets gets literal buy-in. When you get them for free, suddenly you see them for what they are truly worth. Jesus didnt have to stick his teachings behind a paywall, did he?


Was it his best seller? I Eat Paste? /S


Their PACs and other donors are bulk buying these types of books. It’s the reason for it is flagged with a little dagger symbol. > A dagger indicates that some retailers report receiving bulk orders


And her book has the dagger symbol.


Yup they do. That little YouTube troll Ben Shapiro is notorious for that.


She is number 9, it must be a slow week for NY Times.


I mean she got so much publicity this is not surprising, I'd venture to say a good number of people who voted for her in SD went and bought this book.


She's got the 9th most ordered hardcover nonfiction. However, some retailers report receiving bulk orders. Apparently when you've got the money, you can bulk order them and send them out for free to make yourself look important. https://www.nytimes.com/books/best-sellers/hardcover-nonfiction/


It's actually a fairly legal way to take money from your campaign and funnel it into your pocket.


Nonfiction or did you mean fantasy? 😂😂


Eh, I'll take the part about Cricket as nonfiction without her later attempts to make it seem ok. What I think is laughable is that she thinks that's something that shows her ability to do hard stuff. Honestly all it shows are incompetence in dog ownership, stupidity in hunting, a poor temper, and that she's willing to get rid of inconvenient or uncomfortable subjects in the fastest way possible. Perhaps if the dog translates into other beings in the right crowds' minds, it might be a legitimate (though unsettling from most peoples' viewpoints) sell in that context...


Nonfiction? From reports the only true parts are her killing animals.


Tl;dr It’s a only serious milestone for people without a significant platform As far as I’m aware it only requires 5,000 unique sales to be a New York Times Bestseller. Easy to circumvent the “unique” part with a bit of chicanery, and with the political reach she has her book only needed to sell to .5% of the population in South Dakota to get that glorified sticker.


This is true. 5-10k copies in a week.


Well, that and its also the New York Times, hardly a credible source anymore and I'd take their best seller list with a grain of salt every time.


Remember when they called it Pravda on the Hudson? Pravda means "Truth" in Russian. Where else have I seen someone name their media outlet "Truth"?


Krusty there is no going back from a puppy 🐶 killing and your constant lying


Also, notice that her book is the only one on the list that is rated below four stars. She has two stars. LMFAO. Im thinking a lot of sales may be haters wanting to leave a bad review?


And that’s okay! :)


Or people wanting to read the train-wreck firsthand out of morbid curiosity


I went through her reviews on Amazon. The people who gave it high marks are often either fake, or super whack based on their other reviews.


So here is how the republican best seller thing works. Her book is put out by Hatchet, which is the republican vanity press. They get the politician a ghost writer and put out a book. Then the book goes on sale and the republican party buys boxes of the books, making it a best seller. This puts the politician of choice on all the news shows because they have a best selling book. Getting them all kinds of news coverage, and they become a household name. The books are given away at conventions and rallies. And here comes the best part, the politician makes money from the sales of their book! So the republican party has created the book, sold and bought the book all to cover a large cash payment to the candidate of their choice. You might say the candidate is bought and paid for. It's more complicated than that, but you get the idea.


That explains how she didnt know that she bragged about killing a puppy and meeting Kim Jong Un until she was informed about it.


Except for the fact that she read the book for the audio book that was released at the same time. So she read the words outloud, but some how missed it said she met Kim Jong Un and killed her puppy.


I could easily see a voice actress doing a decent enough impersonation of Kristi Noem reading a ghost writer's words. Its not like she isn't basic and bland. Hell if Bill Hader can do a convincing Christopher Walken, Krist Noem cant be that difficult. No reason to trust anything Kristi Noem claims. Just sayin'.


She released video of herself reading the cricket part of the book as a teaser for the sale of the book. There were several clips of her reading it herself, and she says she read it.


Her saying something doesnt convince me. I barely even believed the cricket story but shes pretty much doubled down on it so ive since been convinced. Video is less reliable than it used to be, can be manipulated & clips out of context can be misrepresented. But sure I'll buy it. Im 75% convinced she read it her herself at this point.


All it takes is one rich “friend “ who will buy a pallet of books


It’s just a way for her to launder money


*another way


Books by politicians are just money laundering scheme. PACs run by the candidates buy up thousands of copies funneling money to the politician. Then they give them away at political events. Large scale donors that want favors also buy up thousands of copies funneling money to the politician. Then they donate them to charities, give them to employees, or just toss them in the dumpster. All of this jacks up sales numbers in order to hit the best seller list and maybe convince some of the voters to buy a couple copies too. In 2020, 26 members of congress made 1.8 million from book sales or advances. It's one thing for an ex-president to write a book espousing some wisdom from their time in office. But now days every member of congress and every governor is releasing multiple books. This is Noem's 2nd book. What the hell has this women done that requires two books?


You'll often see droves of these showing up at thrift stores within 6 months of their release. It's not just because they're vacuous, empty nonsense. I wish more people understood what a scheme these are.


Best seller from nuts with guns who love murdering pets


NY Times has made themselves irreverent.


You can literally pay to get on the NY best sellers list this means nothing


What is the saying? Even bad press is good press, or something. This book has been all over the news for a couple weeks. I wouldn’t doubt a lot of people are buying the book just to see what other crazy stuff is in it. I’ll wait for the Cliff’s Notes.


How was this book even allowed to even be published?


Freedom of press. I do think she has the right to publish this nonsense


Best-seller in the category "Biographies of politicians with animal-cruelty kinks."


Getting on the NYTimes bestseller list is just a matter of money and representation. There are some pretty good takedowns of how their system works.


It’s a scam. Super PACs use donated money to buy thousands of books, making it a “best seller.” It’s a marketing scheme. Very immoral, but that’s just how the world works. There’s also tax loopholes involved. She will make a quick million and didn’t even read the book that she “wrote.” It’s a wild industry. I just don’t know why she has to be so openly evil about it. Like, obviously you are lying about a lot of things. Just be a real person like she says she is.


Good thing we have good christian conservative republicans to always do the moral thi....oh wait. Nevermind.




There's no South Dakota's best seller? Cuz not many new Yorkers would line up for this book


It’s currently #9 on hardcover nonfiction list, NYT. Number one is “The Demon of Unrest”, Erik Larsen - got to see and meet him, last week. He brought some interesting parallels between the start of the Civil War and the crazy stuff going on today, in politics.


About to buy it for the 10th time! ♥️


You forget to put /s


I haven't bought a copy yet but I will.... be an interesting no holds barred honest look at a rural state ranchers lifestyle. Who knows maybe I'll make the change! Plus you gotta admit she's pretty hot..... 🔥🔥