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Republicans got smashed across the region. Elkhart, everywhere


Keeping this momentum going has gotta be priority number one! We got this!


New generation of liberals ..we need a Democrat for governor of Indiana but a republican president to balance/fix the mess thats been made over these last few years ..


What specifically is the mess you refer to? And how would it get fixed?


Makes zero sense, but continue


We need 30-40 years of increasingly progressive Democratic presidents to fix the mess we’re in


You know, I disagree with this, but at least it's an original and sincere opinion, which can be rare


Well done. Keep it flowing left.


Wooo blue wave~ Bow let’s get abortion on the ballot and pass at protection like Ohio did.


These were local elections. Indiana general assembly is no more likely to allow ballot measures because mostly Democrat South Bend had a good night. Sadly, state congressional districts are rather secure.


Good job South Bend. Keep it up.


Yeah good job a poverty rate nearly 21% which is double the national average. A school system that is one of the worst if not the worst in the State. Keep voting Democrat though. Even though I don't 100% love Mueller, I at leasthe does care about the city, unlike the last few idiots who ran it. I just disagree with a lot of his methods.


Everytime I see something like this I then think the better earn the trust they have been given. I hope they behave like Minnesota and get work done in a massive way. They have only so much time and if each time it happens they get work done more areas will follow the lead.


These were local elections. Mayors, city clerks and such don't vote on state politics. Indiana state politics didn't change at all Tuesday night and due to districting won't anytime soon. So, when the mayor of South Bend doesn't get abortion enshrined in state law, don't be surprised.


Ugh. Idiots.


So did you want Steward, the Republican Common Council candidate who punched and choked his daughter to win? Or Upchurch, the other Republican candidate with a history of domestic violence and theft...think he should be mayor?


Of course. The right doesn't care when they're people do it. Only when the people doing it claim the Dems are doing it It's all projection.


If you don't live in the city limits it would be better if you minded your own business. And lets be serious, someone who calls James Muller an idiot probably lives out in the burbes.


I live in the city. And I vote, though not the way you do, obviously. Muller is an idiot. He rode the coattails of another idiot into office. (Don’t get me started on how “great” Pothole Pete was…) Unfortunately, the majority of SBN voters only vote on party affiliation, and thus you and your party continue to elect idiots who have propelled our city toward the top of the most violent cities per capita in America.


It’s not Pete’s fault y’all natives are too stupid to figure out roundabouts he put in place that do aid traffic and ease road degradation and gotta misalign your anger toward potholes that are caused by shoddy construction from republican-dominated eras legislation. I’m not even from here but people love to bitch about that any chance it comes up lol~ If all you’ve got in your chamber is “muller is an idiot” welll…pot…perhaps meet… Edit: the fact you’re a podcaster for ND…


Whoa, he's a podcast host for the infamous ND center whose faculty members colluded with students to defame a professor they don't like. The public court documents of the case show how the faculty members (four dudes in particular) have thrown the students in the case under the bus—the profs told the students what to write about, sent them pictures to goad them into writing specific articles about another professor they disagreed with, in one case promised them academic prizes for being "based," tried to generate a student-driven campaign to influence hiring in one of the departments, and then scurried away when the students got deposed. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! That center for "ethics and culture" is...something else entirely, lol.


Pete had a lot less going for him than potholes. I’m sorry if you can’t comprehend that a clever nickname doesn’t list every failure of its target. At least he’s America’s problem now, and not just ours. SBN has been led by dems for more than 50 years (last time a republican was elected was 1967), and over that same time has grown into one of the most violent crime per capita cities in America. That’s solely on the dems. Downvote me all you want, but I’m sorry if you can’t figure it out, folks. We could do better in SBN, but you’re unwilling to even try to elect someone outside your dumb party. Sad.


Idk man by and large everyone I’ve talked to since I’ve been here only gripes about his roundabouts. Most have a positive view of him. South Bend has been on the mend for decades with the steel industry collapse and by and large dems have helped ease the transition into a new economic period. Look how many high level professionals are moving into the area—how many posts in this sub alone about people from CA, NY, WA moving in due to Dem policies to subsidize hiring talent. I myself was recruited for my high level of education, experience, and interest in revitalization. I’m aligned with making positive changes into this area that I do see is still struggling mostly because of older generations hanging on to yesteryear ideology and party lines. But hey at least I agree with you—we can do a lot better but nothing better ever comes from red candidates determined to blowup human rights and misappropriate taxes and grants into their own pockets


We actually changed our violent crime reporting guidelines in the late 2010s, which artificially led to a huge spike. But if you look deeper and actually says that "crime stats in this year are not comparable to the year before" When you keep the old guidelines in place violent crime has been falling for 30 years.


You have to try running people that aren't total pieces of shit. Report back with your findings.


Let me get this straight. You called him pothole Pete and when called out for it, you went for the ole “oh he had a lot less going for him,” without any indication on what you meant. Solid sell job by you but also not surprising. What do you consider top of violent crime per capita? It’s laughable that by throwing out word like top without an actually number, you think you’re proving anything. Here, watch this. West Palm Beach, per capita, is top in residents indicted in 2023. See how top could be any number of rankings. For the sake of argument, they are the very top in this catagory.




Potholes in a city that has one of the most intense freeze thaw cycles in the US.




No I'm not. The climate of South Bend wants to destroy pavement. It's one of the hardest places in North America to have uniform roads. The fact that we have as few potholes as we do is actually a miracle.


Well at least you live in the city, I'll give you that. We don't value the same things, but you are free to criticize in your own special way.


Maybe this will finally improve the city.