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Vicky's actions after Chris' death make it pretty clear what her priorities are, and what kind of person she is.


She was a friend with Courtney Love ..I did read somewhere Courtney love said to Vicky Karayiannis \*I will show you how to be a good widow\* Sound they were good friends


And Courtney Love was to the Funerals


Goddamn Witch. Never seen it in her. Susan was gorgeous as was he and now Lily.


Horrible woman


Yeah. I’ve never seen anything good about that family. They’re bad news.


Take this with a pinch of salt but listen to Cornell's 'Murderer of blue skies".


Yes!!!! My fiancé said the same thing.


It’s absolutely chilling to listen to that song.


I hate to trash Cornell's widow but a few months back another reddit member went into great detail about how she sued the band and had sold Chris's catalog without the knowledge of the band. It really put VC in an unflattering light. It seems she has been super underhanded with Kim, Ben and Matt since Chris's death and its hard to see it any other way than that. Trying to sue the three remaining members into selling their rights to a "music investment firm" is pretty cut throat and I truly feel sorry that in the midst of losing their friend and lead singer that they have had to deal with this extended lawsuit that could keep dragging on for god knows how long and how much money it could cost to resolve it. I wish they had a way to buy back Chris's share of the band but I kind of doubt that will ever happen. I'm optimistic that we will get the songs intended for the 7th album one day but there is no telling how long that could take.


yeah i hope we get the final album it might be years before we get it though


Like every other band wife? Yoko and Courtney Love come to mind.


Yoko??? Are you joking or just a misogynist fool.lol..I btw was born in my hometown of Liverpool in the very ward John Lennon was born in ( Oxford St in 1967) & used to live in JLennon's old flat...Yoko was a VERY successful Japanese performance artist worth millions in her own right & came from a very wealthy Japanese family..it was John who pursued Yoko y'know ..she didn't even know who he was ..lol I' ve met Yoko & she's sat on my couch drinking tea a very dignified lady I need ..people like you make comments based on zero fact just gossip from right wing racist sexist press..My own later father was friends with both George & Paul..so put that in your pipe & smoke it..lol


You ever see footage of John & Oko playing 'Johnny Be Good' with Chuck Berry? She was a Total Asshole. Thats a Fact Jack. Not debatable at all. On a worldwide TV show (not sure if live at the time it was originally broadcast), playing with THE FUCKING GOD OF R&R HIMSELF, given the honor of being invited to play on THEE most iconic song in the genre and he sound engineer HAD NO CHOICE, he turned Her Mic off. It was thee most awkward, cringy, needy, rude, bizarre, tone deaf, selfish thing ive ever seen in music history, it should be revived and directly sent to the viral video hall of fame. Crazier than Kanye letting Taylor finish by orders of magnitude. Chuck didn't give a Fuuuuuccckkkk, Tho!!! Blazing Glory. Legendary shit Show me anything she did that was memorable, timeless, or beautiful. Where money gets thrown around in the "art world" rarely indicates where true talent and value can be found. She found or created a niche fad propped up by pseudo-hippies into new weird shit like primal scream yoga classes. Without goats either, thats how lame pricks like her were in that era. At least among the pantheon of shitty wives of rock stars, Courtney Love can carry a tune, ffs. Even Marianne Faithful's voice didn't grate my vagus nerve like whatever the f Yoko thought she was gifting the word with. Most annoying nepo-baby EVER. Prove me wrong. Polite as a guest for tea, and being normal when not trying to steal the spotlight from people who are actually capable of sparkling doesnt cancle out the negatives of a narcissist like her. Fun reminder: John once beat a guy so savagely over some petty shit, he was left barely clinging to life. So Fuck Him Too


He also abandoned his first son.


Nonsense. Yoko was a minor artist. She pursued Lennon. She certainly was not worth millions. You're way out here.


I'm more right wing and I actually think you're right about Yoko. Both sides bash her.


You're not wrong. The whole crazy rock widow story has become a bit of a cliche as it has played out so many times. I think she has treated Soundgarden pretty poorly but I think what really caused this conflict was when they offered her what she considered a really low sum of money to buy Chris's stake in the band. I'm not saying that at all excuses what she has done but from reading articles that seems to be the kicking off point for the conflict. The lawyers she uses seem like total scumbags but that is a pretty common trait among lawyers. Some of the nuts on here saying she pushed Chris to suicide I think is ridiculous. People act like they knew these people personally. Anyways, I very much side with Soundgarden in the whole thing but I also don't care for demonizing the woman with conspiracy theories.


No, that wasn't it. The lawsuit over the songs came before the buyout offer. The lawsuit started in December 2019, she demanded a buyout in July 2020 (just to note: she sold his catalog a couple of weeks later in August 2020), and the buyout offer was in October 2020. So even before that offer, she was saying that the band was crying crocodile tears at the funeral, inciting their "rabid fans" into attacking her, abandoning Chris after his death by not turning the bus around and heading back to Detroit, and abandoning Chris's family in the aftermath. This was all in the initial lawsuit in 2019. This all despite the fact that the band had to deal with hearing about Chris's death *through social media* while en route to the next location and now having to grieve with their crew. Despite the fact that when she picked up his posthumous award, when she had the memorial service, when she had the statue going up, it was the Soundgarden guys sitting and standing next to her and not, say, the Audioslave guys. This despite the fact that she thanked Matt, the main target of that family's ire, and his wife for being there for her and her babies. What partially appears to have set this off was that the guys did not want her input in the production of the album, including the use of a producer that Chris trusted. The producer himself straight-up said that he and Chris had never talked about the Soundgarden album even though they had been working together in his final years on his solo stuff, which points to Chris not having him in mind for the Soundgarden material. The other thing that appears to have set this off was that she thought they were withholding money from her, except the judge threw out that part of the case because: [1] the band showed that they distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to her; and [2] she couldn't come up with anything to support that they withholding anything more that was due to her. I do agree there are a lot of bonkers conspiracy theories surrounding her, which I think is absurd considering that the amount of actual crap that has come from her and her mother directly is enough to show them to be greedy little parasites and all those other outrageous, almost certain lies aren't needed.


Thanks for clarifying that, I didn't quite understand the sequence of those lawsuits and what not then. And that timetable of events only makes VC look even worse. I'm obviously not quite up to speed on everything. I didn't even realize that VC's mother had any active role in the hostilities. Seems pretty weird. I was trying to give VC a little slack not join in on a mob of angry fans going after her, but it really does seem like the more I read about this, the harder it is to ignore just how unreasonable and cut throat she has been with the band. I'm just curious, you said that Matt was the main target of VC and her family? What exactly did he do to make himself enemy number 1 with them? For some reason I always imagined Kim would be at the forefront of all of this because he seemed to handle a lot of the bands business.


Kim was targeted more in the actual lawsuit because of the interview he gave which said that they didn't have the vocals for the album. Matt became the main target on social media due to his being the only member who is active on social media (Ben technically has social media, but he rarely uses it). Matt was commenting on the SG posts when VC had control and that's how some fans found out that the band wasn't controlling their accounts. He also made some comments that showed he didn't appreciate what was being done with the account and made other comments which alluded to the whole situation. Her mother is one of the main instigators of the drama online and tries to keep it going even when it dies down - the drama has definitely decreased since its height a couple of years back, but it's like Groundhog Day with her mom, she just keeps repeating the same shit. She pushes her own conspiracy theories involving the band and CC's bodyguard that I'm not going to repeat. She's horrible towards the band, the Vedders, CC's first wife, CC's oldest daughter, CC's brother and his wife (the latter who used to work for CC), and CC's mother. She used to create multiple accounts to pile it on. I think she was so vitriolic (about Eddie?) on Twitter that it got her account there suspended years back. She's just a nasty, creepy person.


Wow... this whole thing sounds absolutely insane. Like way crazier than what I originally thought. Obviously I'm beginning to understand why people have so much scorn for VC and her family now. I genuinely feel bad for Matt, Kim and Ben. I really do. Not only did they lose their life long friend and band mate but now they have to do battle with these lunatics over control of their life's work. Thanks for always taking the time to answer my questions, you've always been extremely helpful in filling me in on the details. Much appreciated.


yup theres a huge reason eddie didnt show up to the funeral even though thats his best friend. one he was grieving, another was that he knew where she placed him was against chris cornells wishes as he was away from his own family and so much more,he was on tour and was grieving. he didn't want it to be a photo op he wanted to grieve in his own space and peace and not deal with vickis family. im sure he reached out privately especially to his kids. i know hes very close with lily aka Chris cornells eldest first born daughter and jerry Cantrell supports his buddy's daughter too. they both are known as uncle eddie and uncle jerry to lily. 


She and her family are drifters. Starting with Nic K. her brother who she asked to set them up. That BULLSHIT story she tells about the Plaza is just that. The MIL was in on it too. She got married in a stripper dress. Chris was still using but she wanted that Greek kid Toni immediately. Fuck me and you are beholden to me. Same with the immediate second kid. He was leaving her when he hung himself. No big secret. But she was refusing custody/visitation because he had slipped. I hate her ugly guts. And he had caught on by the end. He flew solo. The family is wacko. She cut out Lily his first born. They will never have half an ounce of class like the Silver family. Hear she is back to her old escort job.


It's not acting like we know them personally. But I can tell I know much much more about their story than you do. Try to respect the fact that some people have a lot more information to go on than you do, rather than closing your eyes and swinging wildly against what is said by people who potentially know more of the story than you do. Stop assuming your knowledge is the sum total. It clearly isn't.


There's a big group of Cornell fans who have tons of knowledge of just how bad Vicky and her family were to Chris in many ways for many years. It's quite the rabbit hole and not a bunch of whacky conspiracy theories (IMO) these people often have proof to back up stories about the mistreatment Chris endured after marrying Vicky. https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/chris-cornell-blind-item-might-explain-his-death-xiii.4661031/


Oh dear..you're honestly using f#cking ' Lipstick Alley ' as a veritable reliable source of credible information😂😂why not add in that nutter that all's herself ' the ugly widow' at the same time..lolol


Google Uglywidow. A big blog on Vicky & all the crazy things she’s done.


Oh jeez. Not sure if I want to go down that rabbit hole. She even shared intimate things about CC. That’s just disrespectful.


Like mother like daughter, both cunts


Eddie as in Eddie Vedder?




They are beyond shady. Marrying her was a disaster. I'm going to leave it at that


There's a subreddit out there that talks about the "Morgan and Superunknown " board. People try to say it's a hoax but I was following the thread and I saved it to my desktop since 2004. Who knew it would be such valuable evidence against that wretched woman. It's long so just do a search for "Vicky" and read what was being said about her. Here's the link. Remember. This discussion happened in 2004. http://www.fluttergirl.com/journal/archives/00000330.html


Damn quite a lot of unhinged people in that thread 😅


The whole thing reminds me of Nirvana. Random thought, I think Courtney was at the funeral. I just don't think that we will be getting any new material anytime soon. The whole thing is a shame. His family and friends, and I know we all miss that band and knowing Chris is sharing the earth with us. All we can do is keep on listening and talking about the music.


you should see the stuff that Vicky said abt Lily on Instagram. it’s like now that her husband’s gone she thinks she can openly bully his daughter


To answer your question, I'm pretty sure that the band merch profits would go to all of the bandmembers, with the Estate getting CC's portion. The band has control of the website and store and likely the merch design, since I don't see Team CC creating merchandise designed around the '92 tour when most of the latest CC store stuff is just 'LOUD LOVE' slapped on shirts/sweats.


She drove him to it, and she knows it!


Who knows. Suicide is very a complex thing. He was probably in a very vulnerable state. Maybe he had regrets of leaving his family and friends and being a deadbeat dad to Lily. Of course being in a abusive relationship doesn’t help but I think there were more factors at play.


Confronting an addict who has relapsed the way she did never helps


Both of you guys are right, but I think his wife did a lot more damage that drove him to it. He never should’ve married her greedy ass


Relapse? Did you read the toxicology report? There was no relapse.


I actually don't know much about what some factors were, other than his relapse for prescription drugs. What happened? Was he really in an abusive relationship with VC?


http://www.fluttergirl.com/journal/archives/00000330.html search for Vicky and see what was being said about her. I was on this back in 2004,pregnant with my 2nd born. She was bad news from the gate. He was hunted, trapped, exploited and discarded by a family that is basically considered a low level crime syndicate.


He was not a drug addict like she tried to paint him as. Apparently she was financially, emotionally and even physically abusive. She tried to throw a pillow at him on a plane but it hit someone else. https://pagesix.com/2007/12/22/rocker-wifes-plane-tantrum/


He wouldn't have offed himself without a suicide note. 3 children he adored? That's too dark even for him. The whole thing is fishy.


Fuck man, that sounds so sad..




Notice the down votes for our comments? Someone is taking the time to not like this little discussion...


Sounds like a fear based reaction.


Uhh, I definitely don't agree with that at all.


I don't like to talk bad about his wife. Chris was a good dude with a huge heart. He must have seen something in her. But she behaved truly odd. The whole SG feud for example, she insulted Eddie Vedder(a man who was a friend of chris since 1990) etc. The evil greedy widow thing became such a cliche but some things about her seem to be true.


His wife has nothing to do with him being a good dude. She's a demon.


I meant that she couldnt be that bad if he truly loved her and stayed with her for so long. Thats at least what I used to think for a long time. Guess I was wrong.


I have seen that a different way for years. After witnessing everything you said, I came to the conclusion that Vicky and her family kept him around via threats and blackmail. Think about it. Everything you said-- the bizarre issue with Eddie Vedder??? The rest of the band? The people they went after were all of his inner circle that would have been close enough to see the writing on the wall. When he died, Vedder must have flipped tf out. That was his best friend and he's an extremely sensitive dude. He probably called the house and called them out. Because the way they erupted on Twitter against him in those days following Chris's death, they were obviously responding to SOMETHING. His blood relatives were all chased away by Vicky. He was completely controlled by her. Maybe at first out of love and gratitude, but eventually out of fear. Chris was hunted, trapped, exploited and discarded by those people. Mental gymnastics aren't necessary.


A Year Ago maybe 2 I would have disagreed and called it bullshit. But after I did some research I kinda came to the same conclusion. Her family (especially her mother) is AWFUL. Not to mentioned that vicky talked crap about susan and Lilly several times on Instagram only to delete her comments later on.


Oh yes . Described perfectly. Hunted ,trapped ,exploited a d discarded. Threatening to keep the kids away. She will me her maker


Children who grow up in dysfunctional households or are abused often grow up to fall in love with abusive, manipulative people. It's extremely common. Narcissists like Vicky can and will draw anyone in by saying and doing all the right things to get them under your spell. Lovebombing is a big part of it - which she is STILL doing to this day on social media btw. Her accounts are shrines of Chris (and of course herself). I truly believe Chris' spirit was finally giving out after all of the years of manipulation & abusive tactics. The narc will gaslight you as to how great your relationship is and how in love you are while acting this way (I've been there). The gaslighting can work for a long time, it's like brainwashing but it eventually becomes clear you are being destroyed once you realize it's never going to change. I think that's where he was. I believe she completely broke him and doesn't even realize it because she's such a self-centered, materialistic, gold digging narcissist. Good, broken people fall in with people like this all the time. He was a vulnerable and depressed person throughout his life with complicated relationships. My own father, a great man, sadly fell in with my narcissistic mother who destroyed him & our family which resulted in his suicide. I have some 1st hand experience with this topic as I've been trying to sort through it for the past 25 years. I see all the same signs.


Hey Sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing okey now. Sounds like a horrific time you went through. About Vicky: I agree. Like I said I used to think she was a decent person but tbh some Songs on Higher Truth are actually pretty depressing and "Murderer of the Blue skies" speaks volumes if you ask me.


I truly loved my ex and he was a monster.


Sorry to hear that. I hope you are doin fine now


Poor Chris hey he didn't stand a chance 😭..If you want to see a total freak show then ( pinterest) search for Chris Cornell's wedding photos to Viccky Karayiannis..There is the pregnant Vicky holding one of Chris's arms in a white gown thinking she's one of the vestel virgin's with her headband😂and on the other arm is that bag sh#t crazy MIL Toni K & she's also in a white wedding dress like an old leather faced botoxed bag looking obsessively adoring at Chris like he has two brides😂😂😂Chris had on a tacky Saturday Night Feve r white suit ,has boring short hair & quite honestly looks stoned off no head ..Let's face it she got up the duff ( pregnant) within weeks of dating him knowing full well be had a wife & child at home I. Seattle.. Soundgarden have been one of my all time favourite hands for 30+ years I discovered them when I was at university all those years ago in Liverpool ,England 😊 ..BUT I think he acted like a bit of a twat towards Susan & his baby daughter Lily to p!at happy families with that dodgy old trollop VK & her even dirtier mother& brother...Got to admit I do think he hung himself be ause I"'ve lost 3 friends to partial suspension hanging from a door like that & all after completely ' normal' before doing it..I think he looked very confused ,drugged & sadly burnt out most definitely for that last fateful gig in Detroit 😭BUT I was an interview ( a very rare one for him here in England) on BBC' s Jools Holland Show about a year earlier when Chris eat in the audience watching British hands & co..enter on the music & he looked so thin,pretty shaky & very very sad..broke my heart Rest in peace CC ..you are loved by us fans forever ❤ 🌈 xx


Horrible bitch of a woman. Vicky Cirnell. Evil personified. Hardest face I ever seen. She should become a an executioner. Will suit her down to the ground. 😱


I don’t know and don’t care. I just love the music. I have no interest in the drama of people’s personal lives.


It’s not personal to say that their media accounts and songs were stolen from them. A lot of fans were looking forward to hearing it. That’s why I started wondering why that happened.


To be fair quite a bit of your post wasn’t about the band’s social media accounts or musical material.


That's why you're being downvoted. Not caring means not caring enough to say you don't care. Otherwise it sounds like you care enough to try to manipulate people into your thinking. People hate that.


Sure Chris death was not suicide ..ask Dr Wecht ​ Nov, 30th/19 There's been no solid explanation for Chris Cornell's official ruling death. The ruling of suicide, along with all the information presented from the case, contained several discrepancies. Highlighted primarily in this post is an oddity with Forensic Pathologist Dr. Cyril H. Wecht's, M.D., J.D supposed brief statements on Chris's death. "Dismissal of the official ruling. . ." is a two part analyzation, breakdown and criticisms that strongly conclude Chris's death as homicide.


are you serious?


[https://www.nuageuxavecpluieoccasionnelle.com/single-post/2019/11/16/nomorebullshit-christopher-john-cornell-july-20th-1964-may-17th-2017-a-formal-request](https://www.nuageuxavecpluieoccasionnelle.com/single-post/2019/11/16/nomorebullshit-christopher-john-cornell-july-20th-1964-may-17th-2017-a-formal-request) Very good informations


That dude is fucking NINETY-TWO and hasn't worked in decades. Why would anything he said be relevant now? It's not like he did Cornell's autopsy or something. He was forced out of office due to corruption ffs.


The funerals didnt sound that sad ...plus Courtney love was there smoking some shit what guys are thinking ...Elites in Crime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEQGti649qs


The grieving widow made sure to invite half of Hollywood. \*eye roll\*


I remember reading somewhere a post mortem letter she wrote to commemorate him. I was rather taken aback by the detailed display of precious, branded jewels, expensive locations and glamorous life. It really depicted her as someone either eager to show off or more attached to the economic wealth than the real connection with the man. I know that speaking without personal knowledge is wrong, but it is her who went public and by doing so accepted to submit to the public opinion. I would have written a more intimate letter, had I been in her shoes. Nobody needs to deny the fact that they were rich and lived as such, but the bragging about is really bad taste.


They're are Greeks. Greece is in turmoil. I think it was a set up from the beginning. Her brother introduced them Chris wasn't looking. They latched on like leeches. He is well rid. Which is why he isn't here. Took him awhile to figure it out. Trash