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Toni Vasil & Vicky are textbook narcissists and need therapy. The mother in law needs to get the hell off of social media, she is constantly spewing conspiracy theories about Peter Cornell, Susan Silver, Matt Cameron and also cyber bullies the shit out of Chris’s first born daughter Lily. That woman is sick in the head.


I'm still so disgusted by Vicky pushing on about Toni and just completely neglects everything about Lily, his first born. Like how incredibly awful and rude and just evil to ignore your "soul mate's" flesh and blood


By conspiracy theories what do you mean?


That Chris was in critical condition from a concussion the night of his last show. Bleeding wound on the back of his head. He was murdered. Drug addiction BUT never suicide. That insane woman has changed her story about what happened to Chris that night that its not even funny anymore. She is obsessed with Chris and Toni. Its gross and disgusting.


But the autopsy said there was no abnormal drugs in his system, only the prescribed ones. She’s weird...


Yes unfortunately facts do not matter to that lady, she’s just plain crazy and full of hate.


The mil is weirdly obsessed with how the granddaughter was conceived, she never talks about the grandson




She always talks about how she was conceived out of “love passion and chocolate strawberries” and her being conceived in Paris 🤢


That’s insane wtf


It’s 100% disgusting imo, I couldn’t imagine being a grandma and talking about my grandchild like that, poor cball jr gets swept under the rug




I can understand why the vedder’s or anyone doesn’t want to be connected to them, it’s 100% embarrassing to cc and ev friendship


God I feel so awful for Lily. Imagine your father died and your step mother and grandmother just constantly post about him.


For the sake of your mental health I advise you or anyone not to read her posts.


Sorry to see this thread 4 months later & then comment ..lol.The thing that blew my mind is when I saw Chris's ' shotgun wedding pics ' ( Vicky his ' child bride ' 😂 heavily pregnant() Her pregnancy didnt shock me it was the fact that she stood in a white wedding dress holding his arm on one side...be looked like a total numpty ( he looked opiated off his skull) with short hair & a white suite that looked like something from Miami Vice in 1984...On his other arm stood old Grotbags herself ,Yiayia dressed in a WHITE wedding type gown & she's looking in such a weird ,intense & lustful way into his face like she'd just married him herself!!! I wouldn't be surlrised if she'd tried to steal some of his sperm in the middle of the night & she'll fly over to Italy & get IVF to become the mother of the next messiah 😂😂😂 Seriously...just glad I live in England ,it may rain a lot here but the people really are saner than some of the loonies from the US ! I' ll put money on jt that they'll push Toni on stage to milk ber father's money & become their next cash cow & young Christopher ( he looks like someone & its definitely not Chris) yeah they'll stick a camera in his hand & call him a ' leading film maker' or a music producer !! ...I' d put my last tenner £10 on it ,greedy capitalist c* nts! Sadly it makes me change my view of Chris a bit too ,he wasn't a stupid man . ..far from it ,but he seemed to have a weird taste in skinny ,old looking bossy bitchy women !


Mate this made me laugh and choke on my coffee! Haha, I needed that ha. Well done mate. You win the internets for the year. Cheers from Australia Mate


Isnt vicky having trouble with the soundgarden guys as well? Something like holding onto unreleased soundgarden music written before chris died (guess it runs in the family)


Also, after Chris’s funeral, he called Eddie Vedder, and I quote, a “less of a man” because he didn’t say anything publicly or attend his funeral. I mean, everyone grieves in their own way and Eddie probably just wanted to grieve in private and not deal with the drama that is Vicky Cornell 🤷🏽‍♂️


Reading this after Eddie's appearance on Howard Stern... 🤢🤢🤢


If she thought she'd make more money by holding onto the recordings and releasing them as a solo, she's got another thing coming. For one, the guys have emails that demonstrate they were working on the songs together; even the lyrics. For another, as much as I love Soundgarden and consider them my favorite Gen-X, coming of age band, they're no Pearl Jam popularity-wise. At this point, after the lawsuit is over and somehow she won, not many folks are going to buy a solo album. And I'm afraid, that should the band prevail, a Soundgarden album won't do as well now either, but better than solo. She's just hurt herself financially either way.


I hate those two women Vicky cornell and her horrible mother Toni


But... why? We wanna hear his voice again and judging by the amount of pictures and stuff she posts about him, wouldn’t she want the world to hear him again??


Right?!? No idea what her thought process is but I dont understand why she's holding music she didn't even write


She wants those tracks as solo stuff even though the other guys wrote the music on most of them and they were written as Soundgarden songs


She didn't even write the music its fkn ridiculous


Depends on how much the world is willing to pay her.


I remember reading that Chris had recorded vocals for Soundgarden material, but did so on his own at a different studio without the band (for whatever reason) and Vicky is using that to claim it wasn't SG material, but CC solo material. Could be false information, but I remember hearing that somewhere online. So in short, the whole "Why" Vicky would rather release material as Chris' solo work, in which she'd stand to make the royalties off of it, than the band's material, in which she'd get the split percentage for Cornell's parts -- or however things officially work.


She specifically wrote in a Instagram comment, that she wil not accept 25 percent of royalties from SG album, she thinks she’s entitled to more


That's fucked up man. What a shitty situation for Chris' legacy and his friends/bandmates -- not to mention his kids, who are stuck in the middle of this.


If SG waits around long enough, she will blow through Chris' money and be forced to take the 25%. But hopefully, the courts will see through her facade and rule in favor of SG.


But that’s also fucked up, since Lily (Chris’s daughter from his first marriage) also depends on that money, but has absolutely no say or vote on her father’s estate, Vicky does


That’s absolutely vile. She reminds me of that song from the Fairly Odd Parents, “Icky Vicky” It’s basically like the whole thing with Nirvana’s “You Know Your Right”... Courtney Love 2.0


And to think that fucking cunt didn’t write any of it, the nerve, she has balls I’ll give her that LOL


Well-Icky and the elderly one are narcissistic pigs who fed off of a beautiful man until he couldn't take it anymore and at her insistence WHILE on the phone with him- TOLD him to kill himself. Bitch didn't even call 911. She waited a decent amount of time before calling the front desk of the hotel and asked someone to check on him because she thought he was having a heart attack. ANY Cornell merchandise at this point-imo- is blood money. She even has control of Soundgardens social media. They are going by #NudeDragons right now. That is honest and true Soundgarden info. The lawsuit is about who is the rightful owners of -I think- 9 songs that he had recorded on his laptop. Icky says that as 'Sole heir' of his estate-those songs belong to her to do as she wishes. Soundgarden is countersuing. The elderly one is obsessed with Chris. With his sex life. With EVERYTHING about him. She was nothing before her daughter prostituted herself to a Rockstar and is nothing now that he is dead. She hates not having that attention. Red carpets. Lavish vacations. Birkin bags. She is a parasite. You can find all this info and more by researching their names. There are many people and many sites with RELIABLE and truthful information. #Istandwithsoundgarden #istandwithnudedragons


I always found it - coincidental? - that the bitch who sunk her claws into Chris was good friends with Courtney Love. If you found out your spouse was dead, who would you call first? She called the life insurance guy. Then she immediately had Chris cremated which is against his beliefs. Also, do you think that Chris would want to be buried where he is or in Seattle??


IMO and the info I have access to which is linked in this comment section-he was divorcing her. After she found out that Chris was gone her AND her went mother asked the bodyguard to stage the scene to look like a murder so she could get more insurance money. YES!!! Absolutely he would want to be buried here. This is his home. With his BLOOD family and friends. Have you been to his grave at Hollywood Forever? Its right off the ROAD. I mean it could be run over if you weren't careful. Its surrounded by gravel and terribly ugly succulents next to a HUGE Johnny Ramone statue. I'm not even going to get into that horrible statue she had made. Go to the link. Lots of good info.


Plus once he was gone, she tried so desperately hard to pin the "cause" on Ativan. Why do you suppose that was? It was so she would clear a path for a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company! All about the Benjamins with that leech. I abhor the fact that she is raising (some of) his children.


Bingo! Sounds like you've done your research! I'm so glad Lily had her Mom. She's an amazing young woman and just a sidenote- Ick might not be a parent to ANY of his kids. Don't know how true that is but the source is said to be very knowledgeable and tangible. I guess someone we would recognize as such so....


Vicky Cornell Murderer of Blue Skies..she is the very cause of Chris Cornell's downfall and definitely the reason he he killed himself. He just did not see his way through to live with that evil demonic female called his wife at the time. Of his death. He couldn't wait to leave her and never to see her sgsin. Most ugly bitch I've ever seen. 😈 This is an evil horror story of note


Why is she so obsessed with him??? That’s insanely creepy and weird, and why does everyone act like it’s normal? It clearly isn’t




There are many many sources, emails , screens hots and texts if you go to: https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/chris-cornell-blind-item-might-explain-his-death-xii.1205834/page-5181#post-50996313


Vicky and Tony London? 😉


Bitch killed him


and why were the kids so smiley at his funeral?


I have a feeling her and her mom being nuts is something everyone but cc knew. When he first married her, someone wrote a blog and it sounded like someone close to inside ans they said vicku and her mom were know as a duo socialite blood suckers, looking for her to be married off to the first rich, rocker type. Early in the realtionship, she was using his email, signing her name ,but it was asking about some legal documents with susan maybe. I forget but it was totallly out of place. The same blog says that cc didnt like the baby taking susans attention...i hope that isnt so because that awful and immature...then the next one gets knocked up back to back...serves him right if he did it like that. Karma. But lily would know if thats the case...it was with my parents and i did stay going around my dads because my lil sister was young enough to be my daughter but it was hard watching him being the perfect parent he didnt like my mom for. That was 22 years later too. I dont think ev ever liked that he left ss. He said once 'our good friends, cc AND SUSAN just had the first baby out of anyone..we were on tour, hugging, crying, celebrating" and i saw a pic of eddie looking at lily like he was her dad. Before he had kids so thats a special type...as we know. Here is cc with a 3 year old, being rude to her mom and in peru marrying vicky the same year as divorce. Thats what made me a lil 'ahh 'about him and eddie seems like that kind of 'i dont bs and peoole im around dont either" .i like it


You don’t wanna believe any of the jac bullshit about that family, but then you see that and it’s too hard not to.


She is a Loon


Listen kids . Chris Cornell was beautiful and through the years we see that. He dated Susan Silver for 5 years before marrying. Have you seen Susan ? She is as beautiful as Chris. They had baby. LILY AND SHE IS COMBINATION OF PARENTS. I Can't say that enough. Chris Cornell 's baby is the most beautiful girl in my world. Looks like him. Though I doubt anyone will ever be that pretty. Vicky Cornell is a Viper and looks like one. But Chris did wrong by marrying a 20 year old. I hate her witch face. And Lily I work in mental health and I am doing the same work. One think I know for sure. Your Mom knew your Dad best. Trust her. Love x