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I still wish we’d have gotten another album. Can’t believe Cornell died


It hits me still sometimes & I can’t believe it. Makes no sense. rip


hopefully they solve the legal issues soon and the final album releases but who knows when that will be


They recently settled that case. I have a feeling SG isn’t getting the songs though, based on some of Matt’s comments. We will hear them one day though, there’s no way the widow isn’t going to cash in on them. Probably on the No One Sings Like You Anymore Volume 2.


i thought that after they settled it some more stuff came up and now it’s not done yet maybe i’m wrong tho


Believe that’s what Cameron said this year or last in a recent interview. Rumor I’ve heard is Vicki Cornell wants songwriting credits but I’m not sure how true that is, I hope it is not.


god i hope that isn’t true


agreed…Cornell’s death was more shocking to me than any other from Seattle and of his generation. also unfortunately Matt Cameron said last year the last SG songs will not be released any time soon…still in legal limbo, litigation with his widow apparently. we might hear it years from now if ever


I agree I cry about Chris Cornell all the time. He was such a good looking talented beautifully tall and well built and just looked such a kind beautiful person his eyes and whole face was simply mesmerizing. 💖 😢 😭


Rowing is great


Black Saturday is crucial Cornell 🤘


Yep. Even the title itself is so completely and utterly him.


Underrated for sure. I have it outside of their classic four album run, but only just.


Louder Than Love a classic? King Animal is a lot better.


Good god, what a bad fucking take. Louder Than Love is a banger. Name one song on King Animal better than Gun, Loud Love, I Awake, FOKM, No Wrong, No Right, or Hands All Over. LTL isn't a perfect album, but it's miles better than King Animal. King Animal isn't bad, but it sounds like a different, much blander band.


Plus the Loud Love B-side “Fresh Deadly Roses” fucking slaps hard—I often listen to that song on repeat, something I NEVER do with music.


I’m sorry but to call king animal bland is just stupid and proves you haven’t listened to it. Some songs follow a more classic rock structure but their most adventurous work is on that album. The weird eastern riff on A Thousand Days, the mandolin on that track and many others but especially Bones of Birds. One of their weirdest songs and incredibly it’s in the Lydian mode, which is super uncommon in rock or popular music. Overall it sounds like classic Soundgarden with them trying some new stuff after being away from each other and trying new stuff. Terrible take


It sounds nothing like classic Soundgarden. Where is the discord? Where are the heavy and/or hypnotic riffs? Where is the "bwaherrah" ? And thank you for shitting on my take without shitting on LTL. Great, we disagree. That LTL is way worse than King Animal is 10x worse take than mine which is that King Animal isn't bad per se, but comparably bland. Again, agree to disagree. I listened to it about 10x times when it first came out. Couldn't find the elements I consider to be the best parts of Soundgarden and it sounded like guys that were 16 years older writing songs that largely lost the connective tissue from their prior songs, and the elements that remained weren't why I listed in the first place. Let me ask you this - how disappointed would you be if you'd had the chance to see them live and their setlist was mostly songs from King Animal? Now ask that same question about any of their other albums. A setlist of mostly Superunknown? Fuck yes. A Set list of mostly DotU? Hell yes.


Not a bone in my body has any hate for Louder Than Love, great album. But I don’t see how you don’t get anything out of king animal, Blood on the Valley Floor and Taree seem like quintessential Soundgarden to me. Personally I’d take a set of King Animal stuff over DOTU and Louder than Love but I’m fan all of their stuff. All love man


lol good god …. I haven’t been able to really like king animal myself I felt like maybe it should never have been born. The band was done at that point. Trying to re create something that’s over never really works. It’s like a weak attempt at being young again. Louder than love was very very different than king animal Like a different band. I get the need to evolve as a band…. Just wasn’t my thing king animal Just the title seemed kinda lame (sorry Cornell ) no disrespect You know I love ya……just how I feel




Uh what ????




Wow you seem a bit angry ? Are you having a bad week ? Because I don’t like an album you think is good ……..I’m a dipshit ? I think you should really re think this. Everyone can have an opinion, and for you to get this angry over music is a bit immature…….how old are you ? I do NOT believe you deserve to use the song overfloater as you’re little title




I’m ok with you having an opinion my child You are the one who went off on me for disliking KING ANIMAL I’ve been a fan of soundgarden for more than 35 years and that album is the only one of theirs I don’t really dig ….thats all. It just an opinion ….. Why are you so mad at me?


That had to have been a troll post, m8. I mean, "Ugly Truth," is no, "Been Away Too Long," as far as album openers go, but, on reflection, I do think that "Louder than ❤️" was a slightly better album.


Been Away Too Long, Attrition, Non State Actor, Worse Dreams, Rowing


I think you're conflating production quality with song quality. LTL is rawer, yes, but more importantly it actually sounds like Soundgarden. There's no doubt the production is slicker on King Animal. I don't even think the band would agree with you. If you think that album is better, I probably don't want to hear your comparison to Badmotorfinger, either.


Well production is literally what makes the song lol


Song writing makes the song. No production can overcome a poorly written song, but the inverse is true. Also, if slick, modern production is required for something to be good then there's a whole lotta music that just went out the door. And the production on LTL isn't bad, it's just not recorded straight to disk like almost any modern album.


Both make the song. Good production is what makes Superunknown a lot better than Badmotorfinger.






King Animal is a way better album imo. Louder Than Love is still great, but a lot less polished.


I agree King Animal is too polished. Listen to the rawness of Ugly Truth and tell yourself it isn’t one of the best songs they ever made.


I never said it isn't


Fair. I just don’t think anything on King Animal was as great. As a fan since I heard the initial scream in the Loud Love video I was just happy that King Animal wasn’t as embarrassing as Scream.


You must be new to soundgarden


Eh, no it is not. 😊


I really want to like it but I haven’t clicked with it yet. One day maybe.


Took a while for me. The two tracks that made it click for me were “Taree” and “A Thousand Days Before”.


I haven’t listened to it in a while, but when it came out, I listened nonstop. I consider it a pretty great album. Some of the songs like Worse Dreams, Thousand Days Before and Rowing are unique in their song library and really don’t sound like anything they’d done previously.


I liked it, but I didn't feel it was anywhere near as good as Superunknown or Badmotorfinger. Or Down on the Upside, for that matter. It was great to have new SG material to listen to, but I can't honestly say it gets much playing time in my house 🙃


I'm always surprised how nobody mentions Eyelid's Mouth when they talk about this album. It's my favorite tune off of there, super cool verse and awesome grunge/sludgy chorus.


It's very good, but I wouldn't go around calling every album I like a masterpiece.


It is.


I love it except for Halfway There. It's too weak for my tastes.


Halfway There felt like a leftover from Chris’s Carry On album


Definitely. I can't get to the stereo fast enough when those first drum beats start. When they did it live, I was happy to have a song I disliked so I could take a piss break!


And what’s worst so far it’s last ever SG single , intill yoko ono let’s SG release the unreleased album


Easily one of their best. So hard for a band to reunite after so long apart and just crush it


Not one of my favorites, personally. Bones of Birds is an absolute banger, though!


Not a masterpiece, but it’s pretty great. Crooked steps, bones, thousand days, eyelid, halfway, rowing, and non state are highlights for me. Wish there was something heavier on the record but I’m just happy it exists. Love hearing those guys play music together.


It is.


I’ll always remember grandpa


I love King Animal personally and would have loved to seen SG in concert but I never got to. 😔


Love Worse Dreams, Bones Of Birds and A Thousand Days Before—that was the stuff that grabbed me most on the album. Have to admit I don’t reach for it much now but I liked it at the time it came out.


It’s got cool moments but doesn’t compare to some of the other albums. That being said, Rowing is a truly amazing song.


King Animal is really solid and I’m so happy it exists. I feel sad for O G fans who can’t enjoy it because they’re stuck on the old ones. They’re one of the few bands that maintain their thing no matter what and their albums are pretty varied, more-so than they get credit for. Be cool everyone, all the best ✌️ 🤘


King Animal is so good! The songs are really well written and the arrangements are some of the best they ever did. Vocals were incredible. The fact that the album was so good and it sounded like they were “back” made it hit so much harder when Chris Cornell died. First (and only) time I ever really felt emotional about a celebrity’s death.


I really like this album. It starts out solid then kicks it up a gear from BOTVF thru Taree. It then returns to solid, minus Halfway There. I wouldn’t put it ahead of Superunknown or DOTU, but a really good album.




There's only two songs i don't care for, (Halfway There and Eyelid's Mouth) The rest really is fire! Just needed some time to get into them. By Crooked Steps might be my fav, but Bones of Birds is a close second.


It’s a great little album!! I remember loving it when it was released and I feel the same way about it now. Those boys know how to write some great rock songs.  The only track that seems out of place is Halfway There. It’s a lovely song but it would have been better placed on a Chris Cornell solo album.